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London Legal Walk Breaks Records, Raises Over £1 Million
London Legal Walk Breaks Records, Raises Over £1 Million
The London Legal Support Trust (LLST) is thrilled to announce that the 2024 London Legal Walk has shattered all previous records, successfully raising over £1 million to support free legal advice agencies across London and the South East. This remarkable achievement in our 20th anniversary year underscores the commitment and generosity of the legal community and their dedication to ensuring access to justice for everyone.
The London Legal Walk, held on 18th June 2024, saw an unprecedented turnout with over 18,000 participants – including lawyers, judges, law students, and other legal professionals – walking the 10k route through central London. Their collective efforts have made an incredible impact, ensuring that vital services can continue to support those most in need.
“I am delighted that the London Legal Walk has reached its target of £1m this year. The funds raised will help specialist legal advice agencies continue providing free legal advice to people who cannot afford to pay for it.” Lady Chief Justice, THE RT HON THE BARONESS CARR OF WALTON-ON-THE-HILL
About the London Legal Walk
The London Legal Walk is an annual event organised by the LLST. It raises funds to support a network of free legal advice agencies, which provide essential services to those who are
unable to afford legal representation. The funds raised enable these organisations to continue offering help in various areas, including housing, immigration, debt, employment issues, and more.
About the London Legal Support Trust
The LLST is an independent charity that provides financial and practical support to over 100 free legal advice organisations in London and the South East. Its mission is to ensure that not-forprofit advice agencies can continue to provide access to justice for those who need it most.
For media inquiries or further information about the recordbreaking London Legal Walk, please contact: info@llst.org.uk www.londonlegalsupporttrust.org.uk
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