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Leadership: view from CILEx


Leadership: view from CILEx

The Quick Read

Good interpersonal skills and patience have always been important leadership skills but this came to the fore during the pandemic. ‘Hearing ‘I’m ok’ does not mean they’re ok’. Working digitally brought about changes and enabled some leaders to emerge, a digital presence brought about greater self-confidence for some and the process of ‘raising a hand’ means people’s contributions are not overlooked in the way that sometimes happens in a board room.

Working collaboratively gives everyone a voice, enhances motivation, delivers effective change and will develop a whole business ‘ownership’ approach.

Millicent Grant QC (Hon) FCILEx Former president of CILEx

Millicent Grant QC (Hon) FCILEx

What do partners in law firms value as leadership skills?

The ability to recognise and nurture potential in those who are managed, to work as part of a team and set an example in the way they manage themselves and work with others. Good interpersonal skills and patience are also essential as managing individuals and getting the best out of team members can be challenging.

How are these skills nurtured / developed in staff?

Leadership style within an organisation reflects the leadership at the very senior levels of an organisation and should therefore be replicated at department/ team leader level. I have worked in an organisation where management expectations were embodied in the organisation's policies and procedures and relevant job descriptions. This included the duty to ensure that team members are actively developed. It was encouraged in the appraisal and supervision processes with staff being given personal development plans and performance indicators that support this.

Do you think that the leadership skills valued by senior and junior staff are aligned?

They can be aligned at levels appropriate for the organisational structure, personal aspirations and are relevant to the work and demands of the team. Opportunities to develop leadership skills and experience can often be created. Managers can look for appropriate opportunities to delegate work and signpost opportunities. However, those wanting to gain leadership skills and experience can take responsibility for finding it themselves, this can be outside the workplace as well as within the workplace and can include gaining relevant qualifications.

Has the perception of leadership changed due to the pandemic (or during the recent past even if not related to the pandemic)?

One of the greatest challenges for a manager has been managing remotely. This includes managing the workload, encouraging teamwork and ensuring that individuals are given adequate support. There is an added demand for flexibility. It has also become even more essential to ensure that a manager's wellbeing is taken care of – adequate breaks, good time management, sufficient social interaction – with work colleagues and others. The pandemic has highlighted the need to develop new and different skills which may serve leaders well as we return to working face to face and being office based.

The following answers represent a collection of views from CILEx members:

What do partners in law firms value as leadership skills?

■ Strong communication skills, the ability to articulate messages and share information (verbally, but also via non-verbal methods) alongside the ability to listen and often interpret what is being said by others.

■ Influencers that can inspire and motivate, using their own credibility and trustworthiness to encourage others to collaborate.

■ Great change management processes and the ability to implement change in collaboration with those around them. It could be argued that legal professionals are not always keen to embrace change, therefore someone who is able to implement and manage change, in the fast-paced world that the legal sector has become, is vital for business success.

■ These skills link closely with a positive approach to innovation and the ability and desire to think, and plan for the future.

■ Integrity and sound judgement. Valued by colleagues, clients, and the public alike, leading by example and allowing others to grow and achieve.

How are these skills nurtured / developed in staff?

■ By involving colleagues in the decision-making process wherever possible.

■ Working collaboratively gives everyone a voice, enhances motivation, delivers effective change and a will develop a whole business ‘ownership’ approach.

■ By nurturing these skills from the outset, thought processes will be different, and individuals will be more likely to engage in the business differently and more proactively, compared to simply being told what to do.

Do you think that the leadership skills valued by senior and junior staff are aligned?

■ Possibly not in terms of commerciality but would be more aligned in terms of both wanting to be listened to.

■ Leadership values are closely aligned and understood. Leadership skills are not linked to seniority, (formally) leadership responsibility is another thing altogether.

■ Junior staff are often unaware of the leadership skills that they are demonstrating and may confuse leadership with management. Senior leaders that publicly recognise and nurture those skills, are serving their colleagues, organisation, and clients well.

They are building an inclusive culture that can recognise the contribution that everyone makes, which may not be linked (directly) to commercial income, but certainly helps to deliver commercial success.

Has the perception of leadership changed due to the pandemic (or during the recent past even if not related to the pandemic)?

■ It definitely has changed in order to lead a team without physical presence and keeping a team motivated. For some, with remote working teams this was perhaps an easier transition. Many, who were already, remote workers were called upon to mentor and guide others on how to deal with the transition and the complexities of working in what can often feel like isolated conditions.

■ In addition to needing to remain focused on the organisation objectives, client needs and welfare, the impact of being in the midst of a pandemic and resulting change to working practices meant that everyone, but leaders in particular, became increasingly aware of the importance of placing physical and mental health well-being at the top of their, and their colleagues’, priorities. Other skills were required in leading and softer skills in providing assurance and keeping up morale was equally as important as commercial skills.

■ Providing a balance between delivery of objective and maintenance of good health and well-being can be a challenge. This links back to communication skills: listening, reading between the lines and regular contact. Hearing ‘I’m ok’ does not mean they’re ok.

■ Different communications channels allowed for leaders to emerge, perhaps a digital presence brought about greater self-confidence and encouraged greater contribution, more regularly. ■

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