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Hammersmith & Fulhama safer place to live and work
As part of our commitment to tackling crime and safety in the Discover Fulham BID area, we are pleased to announce that we have extended our trial of Street Wardens in partnership with Lodge Security for at least the first year of our BID period.
There has been a nationwide increase in crime and anti-social behaviour which affects our residents, workers and business owners. Although there are plans being put in place by the Met Police, the Mayor’s Office and national stores, we cannot wait until that filters down to affect our businesses.
To further demonstrate our commitment to proactively working to reduce crime and increase safety, we are beginning to work in partnership with Hammersmith BID and the Safer Business Network to develop an innovative Business Crime Reduction Partnership covering both BID areas in a joint effort to make our areas a safer place to live and work.
This partnership will enable us to deliver joint initiatives that similarly affect businesses across both BIDs, such as Welfare And Vulnerability Engagement (WAVE) and Ask For Angela training as well as sharing a crime reporting network with our businesses that can provide intelligence on transient criminals.
Visit www.discoverfulham.co.uk for more information