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Surrey Junior Lawyers Division

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Surrey Junior Lawyers Division

By way of introduction, my name is Bethany Walker and I am the new Chair of the Surrey Junior Lawyers Division. Having been on the committee for two years now, I am also remaining in my role as Universities & Colleges Representative.

In August, we held our annual elections and said goodbye to the 2022/23 committee and hello to our new committee, with the new term having started on Monday 4th September 2023. Our 2022/23 committee did a truly fantastic job making it Surrey JLD’s biggest year yet, including by organising and hosting our first charity gala back in February, which was a huge success, and, for that, I would like to say a huge thank you to the previous committee. I would also like to say thank you to both Kim Wintle (our outgoing Chair) and Martin Whitehorn (our outgoing Vice Chair), who worked so hard to lead our previous committee and ensure that the term was as successful as I describe.

Now that the new term is in full swing, I would like to say a very warm welcome to our new committee, listed here, bringing our total number of committee members to 19. We have some committee members returning from last year and, for others, this is their first year on the committee. We were delighted to have so many applicants this year and are ever more delighted about those who are joining us for the next year. We have even created and filled positions that were not originally advertised for due to the sheer number of applications and the amount of talent and enthusiasm that we had from our applicants, so I feel very optimistic about this committee being a strong team already. We are due to meet in person as a committee very soon and I look forward to getting together with everyone and making this an even bigger year for SJLD than last year.

We already have so much planned for the 2023/24 term, including our annual charity gala (of which we will announce details soon!) and I am really excited to get started! If you are not yet a member of SJLD and would like to become one (for free), then please visit our website at https://surreyjld.org.uk/joinus to sign up to our mailing list and hear about our upcoming events. We look forward to seeing you all at our events throughout the year! ■

2023/24 Committee

Chair and Universities & Colleges Representative
Bethany Walker 

Vice Chair
Alex Watson-Lee

Vice Chair and Sponsorship Representative
Bisma Hussain

National JLD Representative
Martin Whitehorn

Daisy Welland

Treasurer and SQE Representative
Seema Gill

Surrey Law Society Representative
Katie Foulds

Digital Marketing Representative
Kabina Suyal

Charity Representative
Joanna Earl

Events Representative
Hannah Gibbons

Events Representative
Daniel Hart

Events Representative
Ellie Sullivan

Bethany Walker
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