3 minute read
Surrey Junior Lawyers Division
Surrey Junior Lawyers Division
I’m Alex Watson-Lee, the current Chair of the Surrey Junior Lawyers Division!
For those who don’t know, the Surrey Junior Lawyers Division (‘SJLD’) is a Law Society-affiliated organisation focused on supporting aspiring and junior lawyers in and around Surrey. As a committee, we organise exciting networking and educational events, fundraisers for charities and support sessions for our members.
We have recently held our annual elections and had to say goodbye to last term’s committee who put on some fantastic events throughout the year. Membership is higher than ever and our events continue to grow in size and popularity.
The events that we host are not possible without the assistance of our sponsors and the hard work and time that our committee members dedicate to putting on the events. I must thank Bethany Walker, the committee’s outgoing chair, who worked diligently to lead the committee through another successful term. Whilst Bethany retains a role as Immediate Past-Chair, special thanks and recognition must also be given to Martin Whitehorn, our outgoing National JLD Representative, for his 5 years’ service as a committee member to the SJLD. Both Bethany and Martin have now been successfully elected to represent junior lawyers on the Law Society Council and we wish them both the very best of luck!
Looking forward, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our incoming committee members, (listed here) some who are new to the committee and some who will be familiar faces. We had many great applications this year and (unlike some
2024 elections) the results were very close! So, thank you to all those who applied and congratulations to our members who now form part of the committee.
We’ve got so much planned for the upcoming term (including our annual gala) and I’m excited to work alongside the committee to put on some great events. Keep an eye out on your emails and on our LinkedIn page for our next event (details to be confirmed very soon!).
If you are not yet a member of the SJLD and would be interested in becoming one (it is free!) then head over to our website: www.surreyjld.org.uk and click on the ‘Join us’ tab. You’ll join our mailing list (we won’t bombard you, promise) and you’ll be kept up to date with all our upcoming events for this year.
We look forward to seeing you at our events throughout the year and don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our committee members if you would like to find out more.
By Alex Watson-Lee,
Chair, Surrey Junior Lawyers Division
“ We’ve got so much planned for the upcoming term (including our annual gala) and I’m excited to work alongside the committee to put on some great events.”
SJLD Committee
Alex Watson-Lee
Vice Chair
Bisma Hussain
Immediate Past Chair
Bethany Walker
Seema Gill
Daisy Welland
Digital Marketing
Bethany Catchpole
Astor Chan & Kali Phelan
Diversity & Inclusion
Bethany Catchpole
National JLD
Daisy Daynes
University & Colleges
Akarsshaa Bhargava
Ellie Sullivan
Surrey Law Society
Katie Foulds
Joanna Earl