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Have your say on future of Croydon
Croydon needs to partially review the existing Croydon Local Plan 2018 to rise to the challenges facing the borough and its communities over the next 20 years and beyond. The plan sets out how the housing needs of the borough will be met, while protecting character and creating vibrant places for people to live, work and visit.
Residents, businesses and community groups in Croydon are invited to take part in a six-week statutory consultation, which closes at 5pm on August 12. To take part, visit the council website.
The latest proposed changes to the local plan emphasise character over density in new development, as set out in the Mayor’s Business Plan 2022-26.
All intensification areas have been removed in the latest review, while supporting sustainable development, meeting London Plan housing targets and respecting and protecting local character and green spaces.
It has also been updated to address Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) by adding a new policy which would ensure that planned accommodation is of a high standard of living and would not negatively impact surrounding neighbourhoods or lead to an overconcentration of HMOs.
A previous version of the local plan was consulted on in early 2022 which resulted in responses from local communities opposed to areas proposed for suburban intensification.
As a result, the local plan review has been revised – taking on board the views of communities in the consultation and, more recently, through workshops with residents’ associations and councillors.
All consultation responses will be summarised and sent alongside the revised local plan to the Secretary of State for independent examination.