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Focus on Bromley
BROMLEY COUNCIL looks to local
community to help shape Orpington’s future
New planning guidance for development in Orpington town centre has received input from over 1,000 residents and businesses who have provided their views to ensure local priorities are reflected.
Views were sought on the Orpington Town
Centre Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), which once adopted will guide future development in the town centre. A 16-week consultation was held by Bromley Council about the SPD, running up to early July. This consultation sought residents’ and businesses’ views on the proposed planning guidance and their priorities for development in Orpington.
Bromley Council’s Executive Councillor responsible for Renewal, Recreation and Housing, Councillor Yvonne Bear, said: "Orpington is an important town centre for our borough and beyond, so it is essential that we consider very carefully how we shape future development in the town. It is crucial that we represent local views, so I am delighted by the level of interest we saw around this extensive consultation. It is clear from the feedback that there is plenty of passion about Orpington and its future. I would like to thank everyone who contributed their views for taking the time to make sure our guidance reflects the priorities of those who live, work, and spend their leisure time in Orpington.”
SPD seeks to protect and enhance character of the town centre
Orpington town centre has a wide range of shopping and leisure facilities, while also hosting a good number of local businesses. The town centre lies to the Southern end of the Cray Valley and has a major influence over a large part of the London Borough of Bromley. The SPD supports existing planning policy set out in the Local Plan and the London Plan and will help to protect and enhance the vibrancy and character of the town centre to enable it to adapt and thrive.