1 minute read
What do you think of our plans for Lewisham town centre?
After successfully bidding for money from the Government’s Levelling Up Fund, Lewisham Council is investing £24m in Lewisham town centre.
This is an exciting project that makes major improvements and provides a space for everybody to enjoy –increasing footfall, boosting the local economy and creating new jobs.
Specifically, we are using the funding to:
Transform Lewisham Library into a Library, Culture and Business Hub
· Revamp Lewisham Market with a new layout and iconic canopy design
Revitalise the high street so it’s cleaner, greener and safer to get around
Our plans are now ready and we’re very keen to hear what you, our local business community, think. Have your say through the public consultation we are running from Monday 29 January to Friday 8 March 2024.
There are various ways to get involved. Complete the survey online, fill in a paper survey, or drop-in to see us at Unit 25 in Lewisham Shopping Centre which we are taking over for February. The drop-ins are a great opportunity to see the plans and models in person, as well as to have your questions answered by Council officers.
Visit lewisham.gov.uk/lewishamtc for more information and to have your say