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Why cleaning matters – for reputation and staff wellbeing

The cleanliness of a business says a lot –and if it’s not being done properly, people will notice. Staff working in unclean or unhygienic premises are more exposed to germs and bacteria, which can bring an increased chance of being sick – a challenge to businesses, impacting staff, production and finances if temps are needed. Visitors will also notice if things are unclean – and it can affect reputation.

Your Cleaning Solutions was founded in 2021 by Hayley Wallis and Beki Robinson, with the aim of providing a premium cleaning service in and around Ashford for both commercial and domestic customers.

Hayley said: “From the start, we decided to address the low wages paid to cleaners and do something about it, by paying above the Living Wage (accreditation pending) offering an employee assistance programme and a comprehensive training programme. All to make sure our clients have exceptional, competent and confident cleaners and that our staff are looked after in what can be a fairly strenuous job.

“The environment is important to us, so we researched, tested, and chose professional grade cleaning solutions with reduced toxins – better for everyone’s health plus the environment.

“Our fees are higher than some other cleaning companies, but it’s to reflect the premium, reliable service from cleaners who care very much about the job they do and the clients they work for.”

For more information, visit: www.yourcleaningsolutions.co.uk

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