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A healthy workforce is a happy workforce

Being in ‘good work’ – i.e. a safe, secure job with good working hours and conditions, supportive management and opportunities for training and development – is better for your health than being out of work.

However, health issues – both physically and mentally – can have a huge impact on people’s abilities to work, which affects sickness levels, productivity and staffing. What can employers do to help their employees enjoy ‘good work’ and a healthy work/life balance?

From an employer perspective, the benefits of a healthy workforce are individuals who are more productive and take less time off sick.

Mental ill health and musculoskeletal conditions remain two of the leading causes of sickness absence.

Having a healthy, happy team boosts staff morale, productivity and loyalty.

An effective workplace wellbeing programme can mutually benefit both employees and the organisations they work for. Healthy workplaces help people to flourish and achieve their potential.

Of course, there is also the economic argument – sickness absence and staff turnover adds up to billions of pounds annually across the UK.

As adults in employment spend a large proportion of their time in work, our jobs and workplaces can have a huge impact, both directly and indirectly, on the individual and heir families.

‘Good work’ is identified by www.gov.uk as a safe work environment, security, autonomy, good working hours and conditions, a supportive management, good communication and opportunities for training and development. It provides income, a role in society, identity and purpose, and social interaction.

A health-needs assessment is a simple way to gather anonymous information about the health of a company’s workforce and provides a baseline of data to track progress against. It helps employers understand the areas to invest in within staff health and wellbeing, beyond the legal health and safety requirements.

There are some measures, outlined on www.gov.uk, that employers can take to ensure the health and wellbeing of their workforce is looked after, including:

1. Ensure strategic level support to workplace health and that this is communicated to staff.

2. Encourage healthy behaviours in the workplace, including taking regular breaks, eating well and increasing physical activity.

3. Promote uptake of health risk reduction and promotion programmes, such as NHS Health Check and NHS Stop Smoking services.

4. Provide fast access to occupational health services and physiotherapy.

5. Provide training for managers, including how to speak to staff about physical and mental health issues.

6. Consider reasonable adjustments such as flexible working.

7. Measure and monitor sickness absence levels and use data to target action.

8. Conduct an annual Workplace Health Needs Assessment.

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) advises employers to take a holistic approach to employees’ health and wellbeing. Sources of support such as occupational health, counselling and an employee assistance programme (EAP) should all be offered. Line managers need ongoing training on supporting their teams so they can hold sensitive conversations with individuals and signpost to expert help where needed.

The CIPD’s 2023 Health and Wellbeing at Work survey identified the top three benefits of employers increasing their focus on employee wellbeing: better employee morale and engagement, a healthier and more inclusive culture, and a better work-life balance.

In addition, adults aged 40 to 74 can access an NHS Health Check to spot early signs of diseases and health conditions such as heart disease, kidney disease and type 2 diabetes, and how to lower the risk. More than 16 million people are eligible for an NHS Health Check, but current data shows that only around 40 per cent of those invited went on to complete one. This is especially true for men, who are less likely to get early help but are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease at an earlier age than women.

In August the Government announced plans to pilot the programme to workplaces across the country. Digital pilots will run across local authorities in Medway, Lambeth and Norfolk in early 2025. Employers from a range of professions will take part in the programme including those from the building, hospitality and transport sectors, and social care.

For more information, visit www.gov.uk and www.cipd.org.uk. CIPD has several factsheets relating to health and wellbeing in the workplace.

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