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How communication and performance go hand-in-hand
No amount of planning, strategy, execution or management can effectively compensate for an organisation’s cultural weakness in communication, partnership and integrity.
No matter how well-intended, or serious and committed people are, they must also have the ability to be extraordinary communicators and be 100 per cent accountable to produce extraordinary results, says Mark Kamin & Associates, professional development and education service provider.
The company states that the ability to listen well is key to communication, and while organisations “often talk about the results they want”, they neglect to examine the actions that can lead to such results.
The team says that when clients tell them that communication is their biggest obstacle, they often find that “listening is lacking”.
Mark Kamin & Associates states that the average Brit spends approximately 58 per cent of their waking time at work, and if self-employed, this increases to 66 per cent. Reports indicate that only 45 per cent of Brits are satisfied with their jobs. Given these percentages, the company’s commitment is to provide new opportunities for employers and their organisations to create fulfilling and high-performing work environments.
The company offers programs and coaching for better leadership, effective communication, integrity and teamwork, all of which contribute to a greater and more satisfying work environment. The company says it aims to “re-engineer” how people lead, manage and coach, resulting in significant improvements in critical performance measures such as increased revenues, cost savings, quality assurance, service levels, efficiency, and employee engagement.
For information, see www.mka-world.com