2 minute read


What will the world of work look like in 2050 and how do we educate a workforce for jobs that have not been invented yet.

I have two children born in 1999 and 2001 respectively. They laugh at me when I tell them that ‘when I was young’ we didn’t have mobile phones, we couldn’t google everything and there were only 2 channels on the television.

But the truth is, they were born into the ‘digital age’ where we have seen incredible advancements in technology and are about to take another leap forward with the growing introduction of AI.

So how do we prepare the workforce of the future when change is so rapid, and with the best will in the world, our traditional education system is not keeping pace.

As a children’s charity we are passionate about young people and preparing them for success in life. Education is a key building block, but so too is resilience, confidence, critical thinking and creativity. Knowledge is now freely available but young people need to be equipped to find, unlock and identify what they need and not get swept away in the relentless sea of information.

Key skills for the workforce of the future is teaching young people to think for themselves, ask questions and have the confidence to think out of the box and challenge the status quo, creative thinkers and risk takers who will dream the impossible and make it happen. Allowing the next generation to stand on your shoulders will inevitably mean you get the occasional kick in the face – (we surely inadvertently kicked a few people on our way up!)

As employers, perhaps we need to take a chance and give opportunities and safe places to challenge the status quo, building resilient young people who will navigate our businesses, charities and public sector through the unknown post 2050 world into something much better, if we dare to let them.

Claire Morgans CEO Ykids / Kingsley & Co

As a children’s charity we are passionate about young people and preparing them for success in life. Education is a key building block, but so too is resilience, confidence, critical thinking and creativity.

Claire Morgans is CEO of Ykids, the Liverpool Chamber’s Charity Partner of the Year 2024-25. Ykids provide infinite opportunities and a safe space, supporting children and young people, making sure they get the best start in life and reach their full potential. Businesses can support the charity in ways such as donating or sponsoring and becoming a ‘World Changer’. Ultimately, this support changes the lives of young people across Merseyside.

4Wings Northwest CIC www.4wings.co.uk

An Hour For Others www.anhourforothers.co.uk

Big Condo Training Academy CIC www.bigcondoacademycic.co.uk

Big Help Project www.bighelpproject.com

Blackburne House www.blackburnehouse.co.uk

Claire House www.clairehouse.org.uk

Crisis Skylight www.crisis.org.uk

Diversity Role Models www.diversityrolemodels.org

Elevate www.elevate-ebp.co.uk

Everton in the Community www.evertonfc.com/community

Expect Limited www.expect-excellence.org

Freshfields Animal Rescue www.freshfields.org.uk

Inspire Train Grow CIC www.inspiretraingrow.co.uk

International Cotton Association Ltd (ICA) www.ica-ltd.org

Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art www.biennial.com

Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital Charity www.lhchcharity.org.uk

Liverpool Law Society www.liverpoollawsociety.org.uk

Liverpool Sunflowers www.liverpoolsunflowers.com

Liverpool University Hospitals Charity www.facebook.com/ LpoolUniHospsCharity/

Liverpool Women’s Hospital Charity www.liverpoolwomens.nhs.uk/ fundraising


LTSB www.ltsb.charity

Lydiate Learning Trust www.lydiatelearningtrust.co.uk

Mary’s Meals www.marysmeals.org.uk

Merseyside Expanding Horizons www.expandinghorizons.co.uk

Merseyside Youth Association Ltd www.mya.org.uk

Natural Breaks Ltd www.naturalbreaks.co.uk

NDNA Liverpool Network www.ndna.org.uk

Nugent www.wearenugent.org

RASA Merseyside www.rasamerseyside.org

Ronald McDonald House Charities UK www.rmhc.org.uk

Royal College of Physicians www.rcplondon.ac.uk

Salvation Army www.salvationarmy.org.uk/ liverpool-walton

Sean’s Place www.seansplace.org.uk

Sefton Women’s and Children’s Aid www.swaca.com

Shakespeare North www.shakespearenorth playhouse.co.uk

South Liverpool Homes www.southliverpoolhomes.co.uk

Southport Flower Show and Victoria Park Events www.southportflowershow.co.uk

Sports Alive North West Charity www.sports-alive.org

Street League www.streetleague.co.uk

Team Oasis www.teamoasis.co.uk

The Brain Charity www.thebraincharity.org.uk

The Chartered Institute of Building www.ciob.org

The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts www.lipa.ac.uk

The Whitechapel Centre www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk

Tom Harrison House www.tomharrisonhouse.org.uk

Tom’s Trust www.tomstrust.org.uk

Vibe UK www.vibeuk.org

Wirral Hospice St John’s www.wirralhospice.org

Woodlands Hospice www.woodlandshospice.org

Young Persons Advisory Service www.ypas.org.uk

Youth Federation Ykids www.Ykids.co.uk

Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice www.zoes-place.org.uk/ locations/liverpool-hospice

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