Big-Foot Thinking & BSSP
A look into the ideas and personality of a modern day Sasquatch...without all that hair! Benjamin Alter: Brand Strategist
Big-Foot Thinking Ugly, flat, big, and goofy all exceptional words to characterize those pontoon boats I call my feet. No it’s not a fetish thing! And yes they are as big as they look. Size 15. For most of my cognizant life I’ve always skewed to the taller side of things. I was wearing a size 13 when I was in eigth grade, I was taller than my dad when I was in seventh grade, and for as long as I can remember I’ve been accidentally scuffing the backs of people’s shoes everywhere I go. However, being a modern day “big-foot” has given me a unique perspective on how I live my life, and how I approach solving problems and creating strategies for brands to keep afloat. Acouple of weeks ago one of my professors here at the Brandcenter was talking to my group about the core of what we do as communication marketers, “ We help brands with their constant struggle to figure out who they are.” This blew my mind. What a simple yet powerful answer. It was almost as if brands were a tribe of misunderstood people. A few minutes after the group discussion I walked away in awe, was this idea of figuring out who we are the thing that had attracted me to the field of advertising in the first place? It made sense, as a person who has always been identified by my freakish height I have shared the same struggle for most of my life. Who am I? What defines me? And what do I believe in? Like Big Foot and most brands I’ve always valued being a little different than everybody else. It has allowed me to filter my thinking through a unique perspective. So I guess you could call advertising a form of therapy for me; identifying the unique features in a brand and giving it a voice that demands to be heard because its different, and just like all people, trying to find its way. Being a modern day big foot has its ups and downs. I haven’t boughten shoes at a retail store in probably seven years, and finding socks is a nightmare. However, being a “bigger” person has given me a unique voice in how I speak to the world. I like to call it Big-Foot Thinking.
Objective: To execute big idea thinking that will help breathe life into the brands at BSSP.
Career-Related Experience Graduate School Brand Campaign Geico
Old Spice
Garner Family Scholarship
Technical Skills: Simmons Data Analysis, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Final Cut, Excel (Pivot Tables).
I love getting lost in new places. I have an affinity for painting and drawing and I’m an aficianado of baseball, basketball, and tennis.
Laws Hall & Associates Burger King U.K. Summer 2006
The Grooves of my Character Being a modern day Big Foot has definitely contributed to how I view myself and the world around me, but I was curious, “Is my physical stature one of the main characteristics that my friends and family categorized me as?” I asked these people to jot down ten words that they thought most adequately described me, and what I found was pretty interesting. Out of over 100 words listed, the word “tall” or anything related to my size only came up once. I realized that I represent different things to different people. Kind of like someone’s foot, there are different grooves and lines that give it character, but they are all apart of the same piece of skin.
ful, passionate h g u o h t , h o-eart t n w Passion’ititus o d entle, g , d e x a le, rel b m u h der, n e t , g carin
Trust’eydra trustworthy, l oyal, proud , respons ible, gen uine, p rotec tive, p rinci pled smart, aspiring, ambitious, inquisi cr
tive, confident, talent ed, influent
ea tiv
, tic tis ar
dly, funny n, frien u f , back
st ati ul im
athlet ic, sp orty, darin g, c omp et i t ive
Discussion Guide Client: Domino’s
Scenario: Conducted a focus group in which my group and I were searching to find where Domino’s brand equity lies amongst consumers. After a hour of talking we found that Domino’s has carved out a profitable brand space based upon their insanely quick pizza delivery service.
Discussion Guide
Objective: Position Dominos as the answer for life’s unexpected hunger situations. Hypothesis: Domino’s should amplify their brand equity in being the “rough-on-the-edges” greasy yet quick and easy alternative. Introduction (5 minutes) Moderator: Nerissa Marbury
Stimuli: Background music playing softly as respondents enter
Disclaimer / set up • Notify respondents of taping • Ask if this is a first time for anyone • Tell respondents of others behind the glass • Announce the use of multiple moderators Group introductions • Moderator • Respondents • Name, household composition, what did you eat last night for dinner …
I. Warm up (5 minutes) Moderator: Nerissa Marbury Purpose: To position respondents in the mindset of discussing the restaurant industry, specifically qsr. Stimuli: Not applicable
General questions • What type of restaurants have you eaten at in the last month and why? o Who was with you? • Under what circumstance do you order in? Carryout? o How often do you order in or carry out?
Domino’s Discussion Guide – Team #4
ii. Initial Probe (5 Minutes) Moderator: Nerissa Marbury • Purpose: To develop an understanding of their attitude towards food and the language used to describe them.
Projective technique: Ask participants to think of movie, book, or situation to compare to the time they had the best meal of their lives.
What emotions or feelings come to mind when you think of food? Think back to the best meal you ever had. Describe the feelings or emotions you had at that time. Think back to the worst meal you ever had. Describe the feelings or emotions you had at that time.
Stimuli: Not applicable iii. Category Probe (10 minutes) Moderator: Ben Alter Purpose: To understand what motivates people when purchasing pizza.
• Stimuli: Not applicable
• •
We talked about emotions and food earlier. Tell us if the same apply emotions and feelings to pizza. Why or why not? Describe situations when you would eat pizza. o Do you have a certain pizza for a certain mood? Where do you get your pizza and why? (e.g., grocery store, delivery, carryout, restaurant) What is important to you when ordering a pizza? (e.g., price, health, selection, time, etc.) When you think of pizza delivery what brands come to mind?
Moderator writes down responses on flipchart to allow the respondents to shout out the thoughts. Moderator must make certain the last question on pizza delivery brands are available for the branding section of the guide.
Domino’s Discussion Guide – Team #4 iv. Category Personality (15 minutes) Moderator: Ben Alter / Jessica Barrera Purpose: to understand perceptions of the players in the pizza segment.
Stimuli: Not applicable
It’s party time (whole group) • If [brand] were throwing a party what kind of party would it be? Who would be there? What are people wearing? What music is playing? Where is the party? What kind of food would be there? Describe the party location (i.e., venue, decoration)? o Pizza hut o Domino’s o Papa john’s o If time permits - Subway
vi. Competitive products (5 minutes) Moderator: Jessica Barrera Purpose: To understand perceptions of Domino’s in relation to competitors.
On a sheet of paper draw or write the first thing that comes to mind when you think of… o Papa John’s o Pizza Hut o Little Caesar’s o Frozen pizza o Local pizza joints
When you purchase pizza, how important is brand name? Why? How loyal are you to the brand? Why? When might you try a new brand?
If this was a marathon of pizzas and each brand name is a runner, which runner do you think is in first place (by gut feel)? Why? Second place? Why? Which runners are
Stimuli: A sheet of paper with various options that the participants can underline with explanation.
vii. Branding (10 minutes) Moderator: Jim Gay Purpose: To determine any connections between the brand, it’s products or its influence on perceptions of the products. Stimuli: Not applicable
Domino’s Discussion Guide – Team #4 gaining momentum? Moving ahead? Which runner seems to be getting tired? Falling behind? •
(if time permits) Sentence completion o People who order from domino’s are… o Domino’s commercials are… o Domino’s pizza taste like… o Domino’s service is… o I eat domino’s when…
• Wrap up (5 minutes) Moderator: Jim Gay
Note card take away • What final advice do you have for domino’s pizza? please be as descriptive as possible. • (If time permits) ask respondents if anyone would like to share.
Stimuli: Provide Domino’s pizza prior to asking the questions. Thank respondents for their participation and offer a slice as our token of thanks. Provide note-cards for respondents to write parting thoughts.
Effective Reach and Frequency Case Study
Client: Tofu Wizard Category: Healthy Alternative Fast Food
Scenario: Tofu Wizard is a fast food chain that started in the Pacific Northwest but is undergoing astronomical growth. They hired your agency to launch their first national advertising campaign. Tofu Wizard is differentiated from other fast food brands by the fact that it uses all-natural ingredients and cooking processes. The advertising creative has a large task at hand, because not only will it have to introduce the Tofu Wizard brand but it will have to educate the average American on the exact benefits of its products vs. regular fast food. Although it has a much healthier premise, Tofu Wizard is still a fast food company. Their core consumer tends to be young adults and on-the-go families. While Tofu Wizard does not have the resources to match media budgets with McDonalds and Burger King, they do want to attack those customer bases and gain share.
Marketing Variables: Average Frequency 7 Tofu Wizard is an innovative company within the fast food category. Because of their regional exclusivity and their relatively small influence in a category dominated by the McDonald’s of the world I would recommend an aggressive average frequency. A few extra variables that were needed in looking at a new product in a national market was “knowledge of the product” and “brand recognition.” It’s important to keep these two variables in consideration as they will dramatically effect the first two stages of the purchase funnel (awareness and familiarity).
Share of market
Brand position
Knowledge of product
Brand Recognition
Creative Variables: Average Frequency 5 Developing a creative strategy for Tofu Wizard I would recommend a lower average frequency hovering right around five. Because we are a company that is new to most of the nation, and because we want to carve out a space in the category for healthy fast food I recommend the creative be simple but innovative, educational but entertaining. The most important aspect for the creative is to understand is that we need to generate interest about Tofu Wizard in a way that is different from the rest of the category yet keeping it simple.
Wear-out potential (low v high)
Educating process Production Quality (low v high)
Campaign life stage (old v new) Message complexity (low v high)
Media Variables: Average Frequency 6 In coming up with recommendations for young adults and families on-the-go the idea of engagement seemed paramount in effectively starting a conversation. Both of these targets gravitate around their mobile technologies (cell phones, GPS, laptops). Luckily for Tofu Wizard this also means these targets utilize technology to make themselves more readily available, perfect for a company based on convenience. Because of this I considered taking into account media variables that revolve around the rules of engagement (involvement, interaction, intimacy, and influence). With this in mind I recommend a somewhat aggressive average frequency of six. By aiming high Tofu Turkey can establish itself as a thought leader in a category dominated by traditional promotions.
9 X
Involvement Interaction
Marketing Average Frequency: 7
Creative Average Frequency: 5
Media Average Frequency: 6
Net Average Frequency: 6
Finding an Effective Reach Effective Reach Percent 65-70%
Passive Media Weight (TV, Radio, Print) Low
Assuming we have a smaller media budget than our competitors (Burger King) I believe we can effectively reach this goal with a combination of both regular media (TV, Radio) as well as pro-active mediums like Internet and cell phones.
Because of the cost involved in producing and distributing passive media messages like radio and TV, Tofu Wizard’s media weight will be fairly low. However, a combination of broadcast/cable as well as more pro-active mediums, like online, will boost the weight of the campaign, and will offer a more diversified experience for the consumer.
Flight Tofu Wizard commercials I recommend take a flight schedule on broadcast television. The main reason for this motivation is the potential reach we can get from airing a commercial during a show Passive Media Scheduling
Passive Media Implications
Pro-Active Media Weight (Mobile Technologies) HIGH
Pro-Active Implications
Always On I recommend Tofu Wizard make itself a staple to one of two cable television stations that most aptly describe the target demographics (TLC, Discovery). Utilizing this strategy Tofu Wizard can stretch its media budget while honing in on a more niche/tribal community that is more likely to try the product.
Based around creating brand recognition, interest, and familiarity with the brand name and product offering. Because passive media tends to have a broad reach this can be a very efficient means of getting the name of Tofu Wizard out there.
There is huge potential to make a big splash with up and coming interactive mediums. The target we are speaking to are highly mobile and engaging in pro-active mediums that are less expensive than traditional media. I recommend high media weight through these channels with emphasis on the company’s commitment to convenient innovation. Possible Suggestions:
Based around creating favorability, inquiries and hopefully increased intent to try a Tofu Wizard. The payoff with pro-active mediums are threefold: 1) They generate intimacy and experience with the consumer consumer and the brand 2) If done correctly, Tofu Wizard can become a thought leader in its category for 3) If the media plan is efficient it has the possibilities to be far reaching and fairly inexpensive.
Overall Strategy: A diverse strategy that will tackle both traditional mediums and more innovative mediums that will, together, make up the upper half of the purchase funnel. These strategies will not only put Tofu Wizard on the national map but will generate a genuine interest in the company and its products.
Road ID Creative brief
Ben Alter Communications Strategist
Painting the Picture “The ambulance report says “Male found unconscious on road near bicycle.” Something apparently hit me from the right, fracturing my right arm and right leg into several pieces. I only remember looking at the ceiling of an ambulance, then being prepared for surgery in the trauma center.”
Why do we need to advertise?
Athletic wearable identification is an untouched marketplace. Road ID has tremendous potential to create awareness by influencing consumer interest in their products.
What’s the advertising going to accomplish?
Road ID will become a tribal brand by distinguishing itself as a trusted consumer-driven company.
Who are we going to connect with?
Outdoor endurance athletes (Marathoners, Triathletes, Bicyclists)
What do we know about these people? Athletic Endurance Die-Hards:
Their Mantra:
“It’s not the will to win that matters—everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.” These are the guys and gals you see exercising with fifteen layers of clothing in the dead of winter at six in the morning. We’re not talking to someone who goes out for a jog every once and awhile to burn off the been and cheese burrito they ate for lunch. These endurance die-hards take to heart the phrase “my body is my temple” and exhibit that attitude in almost everything they do. So if their body is their temple training is their religion. Preparing for the next big event isn’t based around few weeks or a few months, rather it’s their everyday lifestyle. From waking up in the early hours of the morning for a jog, to the cereal they eat, to the equipment they buy, endurance die-hards are constantly practicing what they preach. One of the biggest reasons why they implement such a rigorous lifestyle is they understand what the human body can do when perfectly tuned. However they also realize their training isn’t void of third party passer-bys; cars, semi-trucks, and motorcycles all contribute to the increased risk of their passion.
The Single Most Important Takeaway:
Road ID allows Athletic Endurance Die-Hards to prepare smarter.
Reason to believe
For the Endurance Die-Hard’s Road ID will give them that last boost of confidence they need when they are out preparing for their next event. These people take their passion of athletic endurance and incorporate it into everything they do. Road Id is the perfect accessory to their lives, and it can help people identify the amatuers from the professionals.
Brand Tonality and Attitude Recommendations
Visuals should represent an energetic, and earthy vibe. Maybe an undertone of scholarly dedication in the copy, as if you have to be apart of the tribe of Endurance Die-Hards to understand. The tone should reflect the feeling of confidence and membership.
Media Recommendations 1) Promote Road id through enriched online media as athletes research new events to participate in. 2) Promotions during events 3) Traditional media
Simmons Target Analysis Product: Cross Training Atheletic Shoes
Scenario: Using Simmons Data Analysis my group pealed through layers and numerical data to find out not only who wears cross-trainers, but how they live their lives and how that affects their decision to buy a particular pair of shoes. Once we came to our conclusions we had the tougher job of transforming raw numbers into insightful well presented findings. Page One: Logic Flow Chart Page Two: Slides from the presentation
Step One:
Identify a broad range of people we want to talk to
People Who Buy Athletic Shoes
Step Two:
In order for this brand to be most effective we needed to figure out what sports these people participate in.
Activities They Participate In
Step Three
What we realized was that there were two distinct groups of people that participate in athletics.
Traditional Sports Participants These people love to play team sports and therefore not only have more time on their hands to put together a team, but are more inclined to buy a specialty shoe (basketball, tennis). Becausse they play team sports that require specialty shoes these people don’t buy cross trainers. We don’t care about starting a conversation with them!
Individual Exercise Participants These people enjoy sports and exercises they can do on their own time (running, biking). They don’t have as much time as the traditional sports paticpants, and are more inclined to engage in a wide range of activities, because of this they are more inclined to buy a multi-purpose shoe.
Older demographic (25-44) Surprisingly we found that gender was not a significant determinate on who buys cross trainers
ow Bl
the target out
Step Four:
Come to a holistic undestanding in regards to the behaviors and lifestyles of people who wear cross trainers, and from there come up with effective recommendations.
Assignment: Come up with a superhero that describes your character. What are your strengths? Weaknesses? What is your mission? If I were a superhero I would be The INCREDIBLE HUggy BEar
Why a TEDDY BEAR you ask? I started thinking about all the superhero’s of my childhood. I’m not as fierce as Wolverine, neither do I have a titanium alloy bone structure. I loved Gambit, but it just didn’t seem appropriate to throw flaming decks of cards at people. I wanted to represent something that was inheritently Ben, something that I could own. I started to think about how everyone sees me and it lead me in the direction of a real life teddy bear. It was perfect, I’m considerably tall and I’m a fairly nice guy. From there I started to think about what superhero powers would a walking, talking teddy bear have? I decided I would have the ability to hug people and relieve them of all their stress, particularly in within the setting of the adcenter. My name would be
The Incredible Cuddly Huggy Bear.
From there it was an obvious decision, in order to fully embrace my superhero personality I had to rent a life-size teddy bear costume. Coincidentally on the day of presentations one of the girls in my class collapsed to the ground. She was taken to the hospital, and we latter found that she had a severe anxiety attack. after about an hour of talking with the paramedics and calming everybody down I was the next person up to present. I introduced my character to the class and within ten seconds everybody, including my professor, ran up to give me a hug. I guess my super powers were needed that day.
Soundtrack to my Life
In our creative thinking class we were assigned the project to come up with a mini-soundtrack to our lives. Along with picking songs that represented ourselves we were also given the task to design our own album cover. The title of my album was called Layer. Take a look to see what it’s all about.
I was eight years old and running with a dime in my hand/ Into the bus stop to pick up a paper for my old man/ I’d sit on his lap in that old Buick and steer as we drove through town/ He’d tousle my hair and say son take a good look around this is your hometown/ This is your hometown/ This is your hometown/ This is your hometown/ In 65’ tension was running high at high school/ There was a lot of fights between the black and white/ There was nothing you could do/ Two cars at a light on a Saturday night in the back seat there was a gun/ Wirds were passed in a shotgun blast/ Troubled times had come to my hometown/ My hometown/ My hometown/ My hometown/ Now Main Street’s whitewashed windows and vacant stores/ Seems like there ain’t nobody wants to come down here no more/ They’re closing down the textile mill across the tailroad tracks/ Foreman says there jobs are going boys and they ain’t coming back to your/ hometown/ Your hometown/ Your hometown/Your hometown/ Last night me and Kate we laid in bed/ talking about getting out/ Packing up our bags maybe heading south/ I’m thirty five we a boy of our own now/ Last night I sat him up behind the wheel and said take a good look around/ this is your hometown. On my way/ On my way/ On my way/ On my way/ On my way/ On my way/On my way/ On my way/ On my way/ On my way/ On my way/ O n my way/ I would like to reach out my hand/ I may see you, I may tell you to run/ You know what they say about the young/ Well pick me up with golden hands/ I may see you, I may tell you to run/ You know what they say about the young/ Well I would like to hold my little, hand/ we will run we will crawl/ we willrun we will crawl/ Send me on my way, on my way/ Well I would like to hold my little, hand/ we will run we wil crwal/ Send me on my way/ Send me on my way/ Send me on my way/ Send me on my way/ I would like to reach out my hand/ I may see you, I may tell you to run/ You know what they say about the young. Dont hold back/ Cause you woke up in the mornin, with the initiative to move, so why make it harder/ dont hold back/ it you think about it, so many people do, be cool man, look smarter/ dont hold back/ and ou shouldn’t even care, bout those losers in the air, and their crooked stares/ don’t hold back/ cause there’s a party over here, so you might as well be here, whre people care/ dont hold back/ the world is, holdin back/ the time has come to/ the world, is holdin back/ the has come to/ the world, is holdin back/ the time has come/ galvanize/ cmon/cmon/cmon/ dont hold back/ if you think about it too much, you msay stumble, trip up, fall on your face/ dont hold back/ you think its time you get up, crunch time, like a sit up, come on keep pace/ dont hold back/ put apprehension on the back burner, et it sit, dont even get it lit/ dont hold back/ get involved with the jam, dont be a prick, hot chick, be a dick/ dont hold back/ the world, is holdin back/ the time has come to/ the world, is holdin back/ the time has come to/ galvinize/ cmon/ cmon/cmon/ world, the time has come to/ push the button/ world, the time has come to/ push the button/ world the time has come to/ push the button/ world, my finger, is on the button/ my finger, is on the button/ my finger, is on the button/ push the button/ the time has come to/ galvanize/ the toime has come to/ galvanize/ galvanize/galvanize Wake up kids/ We’ve got the dramers disease/ Age 14 we got youn down on your knees/ So polite, you’re busy still saying please/ Fri-enemies, who when you’re down aint your friends/ Every night we smash their Mercedes-Benz/ First we run and then we laugh till we cry/ But when the night is falling / And you cannot find the light/ If you feel your dream is dying/ Hold tight/ You’ve got the music in you/ Dont let go/ You’ve got the music in you/ One dance left/ The world is gonna pull through/ Dont give up/ You’ve got a reason to live/ Can’t forget you only get what you give/ Four a.m. we rain a miracle mile Were flat broke but hey we do it in style/ The bad rich/ God’s flying in for your trial/ The whole damn world can fall apart/ You’ll be ok follow your heart/ You’re in harms way/ I’m right behind/ Now say you’re mine/ Fly high/ What’s real can’t die/ You only get what you give/ Just dont be afriad to leave/ Health insurance ripp off lying FDA big bankers buying/ Fake computer crashes dining/ Cloning while they’re multiplying/ Fashion mag shoots/ With the aid of eight dust brothers Beck, Hanson, Courtney Love, and Marilyn Manson/ You’re all fakes/ Run to your mansions/ Com around/ We’ll kick your ass in/ Dont let go/ One dance left Dave MAtthews Band, Crash into Me- You’ve got your ball/ You’ve got your chain/ Tied to me tight tie me up again/ Whose got their claws/ in you my friend/ Into your heart Ill beat again/ Sweet like candy to my soul/ Sweet you rock/ And sweet you roll/ Lost for you Im so so lost for you/ You come crash into me/ And I come into/ I com into you/ IN a boys dream/ In a boys dream/ Touch your lips just so I know/ In your eyes, love, it glows so/ Im bare boned and crazy for you/ When you come crash/ Into me baby/ And I com into you/ In a boys dream/ In a boys dream/ If Ive gone overboard/ Then Im begging you/ To forgive me/In my haste/ When Im holding you so girl/ Close to me/ Oh and you come crash/ Into me, baby/ And I come into you/ Hike up your skirt a little more/And show the world to me/ Hikeup your skirt a little more/ And show your world to me/ In a boys a boys dream/ Oh I watch you there/ Through the window/ And I stare at you/ You wear nothing but you/ Wear it so well/ Tied up and twisted/ The way Id like to be/ For you, for me, come crash/ Into me John Mayer, The Heart of Life- I hate to see you cry ling there in that thatposition/ There’s things to hear/ So turn off your tears and listen/ Pain throws your heart to the ground/ Love turns the whole thing around/ No it wonmt all go the way it should/ But I know the heart of life is good/ You know its nothing new/ Bad news never had good timing/ Then the circle of your friends/ WIll defend the silver lining/ Pain throws your heart to the ground/ Love turns the whole things around/ No it wont all gothe way it should/ But I know the heart of life is good/ Pain throws your heart to the ground/ Love turns the whole thing around/ Fear is a friend who’s misunderstood/ But I now the heart of life is good/ I know it;s good. Tom Cochran, Life is a Highway- Life’s like a road that you travel on/ When there’s one day here and the next day gone/ Sometimes you bend and sometimes you stand/ Sometimes you turn your head to the wind/ There’s a world outside every darkened door/ Where blues wont haunt you anymore/ Where brave and free and lovers soar/ Come ride with me to the distant shore/ We wont hesitate/ Break down the garden’s gate/ there’s not much time left today/ Life is a highway/ I wanna ride it all night long/ If you’re going my way/ I wanna drive it al night long/ Through all these cities and all these towns/ it’s in my blood and it’s all around/ I love you now like I loved you then/ This is the roadand these are the hands/ From Mozambique to those Memphis nights/ the khyber Pass to Vancouver’s lights/ Knock me down get back up again / You’re in my blood/ I’m not a lonely man/ There’s no load I can’t hold/ Road so rough this I know/ I’ll be there when the lights comes in/ Just tell ‘em we’re survivors/ Gimme gimme gimme gimme yeah/ If you’re goingmy way/ I wanna drive it all night long/ There was a distance between you
Justification for the album title: I decided to create the album of my life as chapters of the most pivotal events that I have directly experienced, or that have indirectly impacted my perception of myself and/or my reality. The title layer means “the depth of a level”, and as I tried to come to grips with my twenty-two years of life one over arching word came to the forefront, complexities. My life has been a string of complexities that have, in a weird way, layered over each other to build the person I am today. I liked the duality of the word “layer” in that it can represent both the action of forming things together to create a greater more complete whole, or conversely it can be used to dismantle an object or experience. This dichotomy intrigued me and is what eventually led me to using the word for the title of the album.
I lived in New York City for the first twelve years of my life. As a child growing up in the urban environment playing in the backyard
wasn’t much of an option. Trees, grass, tire swings were all a figment of my imagination. I embraced New York City as my backyard using the subway, taxi’s, endless miles of pavement, and the best backyard a kid can have, Central Park as my personal kingdom. Within the realm of a few city blocks I could fight off the confederates at the Great Lawn, or be a conductor while riding the A Train to midtown. I chose the song My Hometown by Bruce Springsteen because of the powerful vocal crescendo that’s carried throughout . Told through the eyes of an eight year old boy I immediately fell in love with the deep sense of pride and personal possession, as if the town was like the beloved family dog. Removing the layers of my youth it has become easy to see that the person I am today has been greatly affected by the environment and rituals of my hometown, New York City.
I was sitting in my grandma’s bedroom when I first heard it. I sat their and listened. Up and down, high and low, quiet and soft, a controled chaos. I asked my grandma what it was and she replied “that’s John Coltrane.” I wouldn’t know it until years later but that sound of the tenor sax resonated into the core of my being. At the age of ten I started playing the saxophone and continued throughout most of high school. The song I picked is John Coltrane’s Impressions, I thought this would be appropriate for several reasons. To begin, the song’s title literary tells the story of how music affected my life. The impression John Coltrane gave me through his music made me not only want to learn how to play the sax, but was a continual motivator to be the best I could. In eleventh grade I took on the challenge of playing Impressions and recieved a “one” at states, the best score a musician can get. Along with my entrance into the musical world, playing the sax gave me focus and a direct dedication to strive for perfection at a very young age. It eventually became a manifestation of my personality, and gave me an appreciation for not only listening to music but the skill and mastery it takes to create it.
artist: rusted root / title: send me on my way At this point in my life I’m in sixth grade, and the biggest transition in my life is about to be underway...moving from the booming metropolis of New York City to the corn infested fields of Ohio.This was a monumental shift for me, not only did I have to abandon my beloved New York City, but I had to essentially start my life all over again; new friends, new environment, new school, and a new house. Looking in retrospect the most pivotal moment was not the news we were moving, but the unseen opportunities of living to Ohio: forcing myself to be sociable, meeting new and different people, and redefining myself. For this pivotal change in scenery I chose the song Send Me On My Way by Rusted Root. The rythme and beat of the song contain a vibrant score of wind instruments that portray emotions of excitement, surprise, fear, and nervousness all while telling the tale of an epic adventure.
Politics and Hopeless Romantics I’m twenty-three years old and I am desensitized to change. What is it? Where does it come from and how do I get my hands on it? For most of my adult life I have been bombarded with this idea and have yet to see results. Is change a function of race and gender or is it just a buzz word thats roles around every four years to jump start a nations irregular pulse? To all these questions I have one answer, I don’t know. Over the course of the past several months I’ve been fascinated with the word, movement, and philosophy of “change.” I’ve scoured through websites, analyzed blogs, and asked friends, relatives, and peers their perspective on a stance that seems to carry a bi-partisan tone and asked the question “Do you buy into it?” “Eh it’s a major turning point in history.” The overwhelming majority of people I talked to and read about couldn’t argue against it, but we’re hesitant to believe that the rally cry of “change” was believable. Think about the word change, could anything be more diplomatic? More unassuming? More safe? What I’ve realized is that the word carries tremendous initial weight, but when asking people of the likelihood that they will witness change on a personal level they quickly replied “probably not.” An interesting insight. It seems that the idea of change, of being apart of a collective entity excites a majority of the population, even enough to get them off of their couches and into the voting booths. However, after the honeymoon months have dissipated most people go back to thinking things will probably stay the same. Why is this? What about American culture has conditioned us to buy into the ideal and throw away the execution? There are many potential answers but I think one valid reason is as Americans we are hopeless romantics to our brands and in our lives. We are brought up to think that even in todays society everyone deserves a great story. We buy into the rose-colored sunglass period in relationships, always want that happy ending in movies, and believe in the ability for brands to change our lives. What’s more fascinating than all of this is that even after our hopes and wants are crushed we still maintain that feeling, that inherently American ideal that an attitude or belief will always prevail. We as Americans are constantly jaded but constantly forget, and it is for these behaviors why we believe in the idea of change every four years. It’s this idea of a nation of absent-minded hopeless romantics that almost every presidential candidate latches on to, creating a national voice that will hopefully lead them to the steps of the White House.