So, two nights before my SAT in August, I was at the Howley’s house for a loomis gathering, and I was standing outside...
I was eaten alive
I slept okay the first night, but I woke up itchy.
But the night of my SAT I literally didn’t sleep at all. I was so, so nervous, and my bug bites were terrible. I ended up going to bed at 4AM.
The whole time I had a song stuck in my head, just playing over and over.
In the end, at~2AM, I decided to write one of my college essays because at that point, I was like. Screw it! Can’t do anything else.
But I got to Loomis and I was in an awful mood, I was pissed. I was thinking...
How am I going to do this?
I couldn’t even go to bed later because I was itching so much.
At least you only had to do it once, I took the SAT 12 times.
The SAT was exhausting
Despite my whole athletic career, not hitting a certain score could hold me back from going to the school I wanted to go to.
Especially when you’re submitting apps in September or early October!
Right? After all the work you put into everything else, everything was still hanging on one score! It felt like that and the supplements were hanging over my head the whole time.
It feels both late and early!
Essays were by far the hardest part of the apps. Not just because I rewrote them 20 times, but because that is your last chance to self-advertise. For you to craft your own story.
It makes you become so self-aware, because the whole process is about you.
So true, you really have to reflect and challenge yourself.
Exactly! It really makes you think about what kind of person you are holistically. Not just what you feel, but why. A huge part of the college process is self-definition.
It’s so strange when you finish too. I was feeling oh my god that’s it. I had somehow fit everything that I had ever done, all of my work in highschool, onto ten pages. It is both sad and wonderful
But getting to submit everything is the best feeling in the world. You have this moment of conclusion, you’re finally done, and you get to hit the “celebrate” button a million times to spam confetti onto your screen.
Honestly, I think the best part is celebrating with your friends.
I remember the night Eleanor was waiting on her decision. She didn’t text me at all that night. The next morning, we had English first period together, and we both got to class early, but there were a bunch of other people around.
We were both thinking about it, but there were too many people to ask so we sat down next to each other in our usual seats.
After class we kind of mutually drifted to a spot alone.
I just turned to her, and we didn’t say anything
And she smiled.
It was amazing.