Frozen Music

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Frozenby Music Ben Mather

Music is liquid architecture; Architecture is frozen music. -Johann Wolfgang von Geothe

Concertante Overture Forte Mezzo Forte Mezzo Piano Piano Duet Canon Interlude Fugue Harmony Fantasia Symphonie Fantastique Partita Cadenza Finale

Concertante /känCHer’täntē/ A piece for two or more instruments with orchestral accompaniment. Maps, Sheet Music

Overture /d(y)ōō ‘et/ The introductory music for an opera, ballet, or oratorio. A concert overture is an independent work. Charcoal, Conté, on Sheet Music

Forte /fôr tā/ Loud – used as a direction in music. Charcoal, Conté, on Sheet Music As the site for my thesis project, Forte shows the confluence of the many different pieces around O’Donnell Park in Milwaukee. The horizontal axis is defined by the connection of the Milwaukee Art Museum to Wisconsin Avenue. The vertical axis of the site is defined by the two main performance spaces, whose masses protrude at the Wisconsin Avenue level. Lincoln Memorial Drive, which divides the site from the museum, provides elevation change.

Mezzo Forte /metsō ‘fôr tā/ Moderately loud – used as a direction in music. Charcoal, Conté, on Sheet Music Mezzo Forte is located north of Milwaukee’s War Memorial and Art Center. The north end of the massing opens to Veteran’s Park, allowing for an exterior performance space. The main space opens up to Lake Michigan to the east.

Mezzo Piano /metsō ‘pē’anō/ Moderately soft – used as a direction in music. Charcoal, Conté, on Sheet Music Mezzo Piano is located east of North Point Tower in Milwaukee. East Water Tower Road curves down the hill towards Lake Michigan, and runs into Lincoln Memorial Drive. The massing is formed out of the hill and shaped from the curved roadway. Two exterior spaces are carved out of the hill.

Piano /pē’anō/ Soft – used as a direction in music. Charcoal, Conté, on Sheet Music Piano is located along Lake Michigan north of downtown Milwaukee. The coast provides an organic eastern edge of the site that allows expansive views of the lake.

Duet /d(y)ōō ‘et/ A performance by two singers, instrumentalists, or dancers. Charcoal, Conté, on Sheet Music Duet shows in section how two masses that appear to be separate connect to form one system. They respond to the existing art museum as viewed to the east. Although the masses contain sound, they release a certain amount to the surroundings.

Canon /’kanen/ In counterpoint, a melody that is repeated exactly by a different voice, entering a short interval after the original voice. Charcoal, ContÊ, on Sheet Music

Interlude /’in(t)er lōōd/ A short piece that is used to bridge the acts of a play or the verses of a hymn. Charcoal, Conté, Mixed Media, on Sheet Music

Fugue /fyōōg/ A contrapuntal piece, in which two or more parts are built or “layered” on a recurring subject that is introduced alone and followed by an answer, which is the subject (or theme) at a different pitch. Charcoal, Conté, Acrylic, on Sheet Music

Hamony /d(y)ōō ‘et/ The study of the structure, progression and relationships of chords. Charcoal, Conté, Acrylic, on Sheet Music

Fantasia /fan’tāzēe/ A piece in free style and form. Charcoal, Conté, Mixed Media, on Sheet Music

Symphonie Fantastique /’simfenē fãntastik/ Symphony written by Hector Berlioz in 1830 that contains five movements rather than the four typically found in a symphony, written for large orchestra. Charcoal, Conté, Mixed Media, on Sheet Music

Partita /pär’tēde/ A set of variations. Charcoal, Conté, Mixed Media, on Sheet Music

Cadenza /ke’ denze/ A solo passage, often virtuosic, usually near the end of a piece, either written by the composer or improvised by the performer. Charcoal, ContÊ, Acrylic, on Sheet Music

Finale /fe’nalē/ The last movement of a sonata or symphony, or the last section of an opera, especially when particularly dramatic or exciting. Charcoal, Conté, Mixed Media, Sheet Music, on Maps

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