Portfolio 2019

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Sublime, Contemplation & Repose

Hillside Brewery

2 4 5 7 10 15

24 25 27 29


01.1 01.2 01.3 01.4 01.5 01.6

Introduction Abstract Sublime Catalogue Site Seven Architectural Expressions Model & Presentation

Design Studio 03.1 03.2 03.3 03.4

Introduction Artifact Exploration Hand Drafts Model



Breaking Work

Hillside Brewery 2

Future Research Studio

Design Studio

18 02.1 Introduction 19 02.2 Modes of Work 21 02.3 Site & Habitation

32 33 35 36 37

Cover & Table of Contents Background Collage 2019


04.1 04.2 04.3 04.4 04.5

Introduction Museum Taproom Brewery Tower Bay Model



Prairie Well Shed

Misc. Architectural Explorations

Design Build Seminar 40 05.1 Introduction 41 05.2 Process & Fabrication 42 05.3 Build Photography

50 51 52 53 54

07.1 07.2 07.3 07.4 07.5

Introduction Fabricated Cathedral Arm Armature Stasis of Deterioration Modular Pyramid




Misc. Design Explorations

Design Build Studio 44 06.1 Introduction 45 06.2 Script & Output 47 06.3 Fabrication & Photography

56 57 58 59 60


08.1 08.2 08.3 08.4 08.5

Introduction Double Shoulder Chair Two-Tone Dress Leather Duffle Bag Mirror Object

01 Sublime, Contemplation & Repose Thesis Fall & Spring 2018-2019 Committee Chair Aarati Kanekar Committee Member Michael McInturf Committee Member Vincent Sansalone Awarded: Distinguished Design for the Masters of Architecture Thesis Class of 2019

Sublime, Contemplation and Repose is an exploratory study into the potential for emotive architecture to expand contextual understanding of a given site. Research into the sublime and related discourse provides a foundational understanding of the powerful potential for the physical environment to instill lasting impact on an individual. The objective for architectural expression lies in the enhancement of existing context and the uncovering of hidden elements within a site.

having been re-stabilized by the park service on-site. In addition, multiple foundations of structures which once stood within the town may be found hidden within the landscape. Architectural interventions are established to support and enhance existing sublime within the gorge while providing otherwise absent emotive understanding of the context. The bridge is examined for its magnitude in relation to context and the potential for further enhancement of experiential understanding. The town as an entity is re-discovered through nearby architectural expressions, while the industrial coal context is partially excavated to reveal the subterranean conditions. New ways in which to traverse and explore site are developed through alternative entry opportunities, comprehensive trail pathing and elevation circumventing infrastructure.

New River Gorge is chosen for site-specific investigation. The region hosts a multitude of contextual opportunities within notions of nature, history, industry and ruin. The New River Gorge Bridge sits at the western boundary of site, a massive bridge crossing the gorge which has become an icon for the state. Nuttallburg, an abandoned coal mining town, sits at the eastern boundary of site. The town has mining facilities which are still standing,

Graphite & Charcoal Drawing 2019


Abstract Sublime causes transcendence beyond individual understanding, prompting a mental feeling of smallness as a response to the environment. Contemplation follows the emotion-based response of the sublime, testing preconceived perceptions and initiating internal reflection and external dialogue. Repose is the comforting resultant condition, the calm that allows the sublime encounter to develop into memory, charged with the influence of an emotive architecture and environment.

The region of New River Gorge near the New River Gorge Bridge and the abandoned coal mining town, Nuttallburg, will act as a prototypical catalyst for architectural exploration and implementation through the sublime. Park service efforts have re-stabilized the existing coal facility structures within Nuttallburg, however have not provided further incentive for visitation and fall short in contextual comprehension.

Sublime, contemplation and repose can be utilized as tools The site possesses inherent sublime elements within the to formulate new respectful understandings of a site with surrounding nature, historical structures, coal production hidden contextual opportunities. and hints of coal consumption. In proposing architectural interventions and expressions of site, aspects of the existing West Virginia has a rich industrial history which has sublime will be enhanced, in addition to the creation of new helped to shape America in past centuries. This history complimentary moments of sublime. The unity between has largely become dilapidated and confined to closed and new architecture and existing context seeks to improve the abandoned facilities which are inaccessible and forgotten. perceived image of West Virginia and its vast contribution to The benefits that these facilities held within the country’s nationwide industry. history is incomprehensibly great and West Virginia lacks the celebratory nature that the state deserves.

Thesis Book Photography 2019





































Object & Field

Sublime Catalogue Terminology 2018


Sublime Catalogue Diagrams 2018


Design Site Plan 2019

Site Overview The search for site became motivated with considerations of sublime theory and the subsequent terminology developed within the sublime catalogue. Two adverse ways of going about choosing site based on the sublime were considered; finding a site with inherent pre-existing sublime characteristics, or finding a site which is entirely ordinary, a blank slate from which the sublime could be generated. The site chosen is peculiar in its inherent qualities of sublime as well as its opportunistic potential.

New River Gorge has distinctive geological characteristics which lend themselves to producing the sublime. Hundreds of vertical feet can be measured from the top of the gorge to the river at bottom, producing both expansive views and topographical challenge. The obscurity of the forested terrain hides many artifacts of history, particularly those associated with coal industry. Around fifty coal mining towns emerged within the gorge in the late 1800’s during the country’s demand


for coal. Nuttallburg is one such town, now abandoned, which hosts one of the most intact historical coal mining facilities in West Virginia. Nuttallburg is a few miles around a bend in the gorge from the New River Gorge Bridge.

accommodations for viewing the bridge are limited to an elevated wood pathway, descending slightly into the gorge and ending at a single perspective viewpoint. Nuttallburg and New River Gorge Bridge will act as the primary contextual focal regions for site, with three miles of gorge between. Both regions, as well as a brief understanding of West Virginia’s coal, are examined in greater detail to provide the contextual analysis necessary to initiate design.

New River Gorge Bridge is an immense corten steel bridge which spans the width and depth of the gorge. The bridge is an engineering feat which, like Nuttallburg, has yet to be fully discovered and appreciated. Current


Drone Photography 2019 Richard Hardman

Seven Architectural Expressions Seven architectural expressions are generated to strengthen, and add to, the sublime aspects within the context of New River Gorge. The first of seven expressions, Nuttallburg Sanctuary, is primary. The remaining six are secondary, considering specific context to respond to and reinforce the intentions of the first. Digital Collages 2019





Nuttallburg Sanctuary

Amtrak Stations

Nuttallburg Bridge

The town of Nuttallburg was focused on, and dependent on, coal. The collapse of New River Gorge’s coal industry went hand-in-hand with the fall of the town. Nuttallburg Sanctuary is introduced as the dominant element within the set of architectural proposals, designed as the new focal point for Nuttallburg’s resurrection.

Entry into New River Gorge, and to gain access to its historic and natural elements, currently requires descent into the gorge, by foot or by car.

Suspension bridge piers lie dormant on either side of the New River, remnants of a demolished bridge that once was. With the resurrection of Nuttallburg, the desire for cross-river Sublime causes transcendence of the regular and provides The Amtrak Cardinal actively connection at the town the mental feeling of smallness used to comprehend the runs along the New River becomes once again a combined vastness of the natural gorge, industrial history and with the creation of necessity. and human potential. new Amtrak Stations at both ends of the defined Design intentions for the Contemplation follows the emotion-based response site, allows for an alternative new bridge are to provide generated by the sublime, mentally testing how to entry opportunity, one tribute to the original bridge properly perceive the environment, initiating both internal which places the visitor at by utilizing a diagonal reflection and external dialogue. the bottom the gorge. The relationship to the historic visitor is no longer confined axis and to establish a Repose is the comforting resultant condition, the calm to vehicular transit and is platform at the center of that allows for prior moments to develop into memories free to explore the site on the river to allow for a full charged with the influence of an emotive, sublime foot. panoramic view of the architecture and environment. gorge.

Expression Diagram & Rendering 2019

Expression Diagram & Rendering 2019


Expression Diagram & Rendering 2019





Gorge Trails

Nine Beacons

Soil Horizons

Steel Frame

Nuttallburg mine is enormous in scale and importance and like many mines of its kind, is now abandoned and closed due to safety concerns.

In taking a structural crossbraced column element from the New River Gorge Bridge and utilizing the element as a portal, one can see the bridge from an alternative angle as well as appreciate the single incongruous element in respect to its part of a whole.

The journey from New River Gorge Bridge to Nuttallburg is approximately three miles. To suggest multiple new elements along the gorge while disregarding the circulation pathways between them would be shortsighted. Three different treatments are defined, varied by response to the contextual conditions of nearby structures and historical locations.

Expression Diagram & Rendering 2019

The three-mile expanse covered in the scope of the defined site suggests the need for small moments of rest within the landscape. Nine Beacons, identical in structural form, are defined as landmarks, incrementally spaced along the Beacon Trail.

The hidden nature of such a sublime space will be uncovered within the Soil Horizons intervention by revealing the geological soil The beacons provide support for the trails through layers of New River Gorge and provide new experiential tent site opportunities, readings of the natural lighting at night, directional intricacies not commonly way-finding, viewing understood. platforms and incremental vertical circulation.

Expression Diagram & Rendering 2019

Expression Diagram & Rendering 2019


The out-of-place steel frame is situated at a bend in the gorge, halfway between New River Gorge Bridge and Nuttallburg, accessible from the Beacon Trail.

Expression Diagram & Rendering 2019




Expression Axon & Drawing Plot 2019

Expression Axon & Drawing Plot 2019

Expression Axon & Drawing Plot 2019






Expression Axon & Drawing Plot 2019

Expression Axon & Drawing Plot 2019

Expression Axon & Drawing Plot 2019

Expression Axon & Drawing Plot 2019


Site Model The model is CNC’d out of a medium density block of foam to create contours, structures and tree placement holes. The foam is then sprayed with matte grey paint. Context buildings are hand painted a slightly darker grey to provide contrast to topography. The seven expressions designed within the site are painted with bronze-infused paint.

River Gorge Bridge and Fayette Station Road Bridge are 3D printed to provide greater detail than the CNC process could allow.

Modeling and programming for the CNC process took approximately one week. The CNC job took three work days to complete the topography shaping and tree hole drilling. Painting, tree insertion, bridge placement and other Wooden dowels, miscellaneous finishing representing trees, are hand- were done within three days placed. Gloss polyurethane of the site leaving the CNC is applied to the river. New bed.

DAAPWorks & Critique Eight months of research and exploration is condensed into twenty feet of print. The site model is displayed for critique and again for DAAPWorks along with four additional design models. The printed thesis document is provided during DAAPWorks.

Post-CNC Quality, Color and Scale 2019

Post-Base Paint & Value Contrast 2019

document as well as further elaboration on the seven architectural expressions. The thesis received the Award for Distinguished Design by the Graduate Faculty of SAID at UC.

The thesis document in its entirety is available at issuu.com/benjaminblake. Background information and research which is too cumbersome to place within a selected works portfolio can be found within this Final Critique Defense 2019

DAAPWorks Presentation 2019


Finished Overview 2019

Final Critique Presentation 2019


02 Breaking Work Future Research Studio Spring 2018 Instructor Udo Greinacher

The development of work methodology and treatment has been increasingly focused on promoting the individual’s productivity. Flexible workplaces, working out of office and the breaking of the defined cubicle have all contributed to a fluid and dynamic work mode in which the topic of this project is centered. Set in 2040 within Singapore, the Breaking Work Facility presents a changing ecological workplace defined by the individual, refined by artificial intelligence and culminated into a thriving habitat for work. ​

Work cube units are placed as templates in which the size is determined by the work method within. The cube’s interior is fitted to suit the means of work. As the humans input information through work, the artificial intelligence sphere on site collects, analyzes, and redistributes feedback to the inhabitants. The information loop of human to AI to human presents the opportunity for alternative mindsets, collective data and work culture trends to be applied efficiently and directly.

Overivew Rendering 2018


Modes of Work How will the work forces of the future be defined and adapted to the future? ​ From different outlooks on the world, four modes of work, defined as Humanist, Innovation, Sustainability and Corporation, are all integral contributors to society. In the current day work force, most individuals or businesses could be categorized amongst these modes of work. The tendency for individuals to conglomerate into groups of like-minded ideologies is common. If the value of the combined mindsets of these ideologies is greater than the singular, artificial intelligence may provide a medium for agreement between groups.

The Humanist considers the natural existence of the human as key to maintaining society, providing a checks and balance system to the organization of the facility.

The Innovator is the most individually driven of the modes of work, consistently thriving for the next shift in future products and design.

The Sustainability patron’s focus is on ensuring the advancements in innovation and production do not compromise the social and planetary domains.

The Corporation’s power is in numbers and information. The ability for the corporation to spread its output to the masses is much greater than any of the other modes of work.


Modes of Work Collage Set 2018


Sectional Habitat What sectional qualities are created within the facility? ​ The work cube is home to development and creativity but also provides initiative for opportunity. The semitransparent facade gives the appearance of a working hive, encouraging workers within the facility as well as the public to engage a connected relationship to the design

and development into the future. The artificial intelligence sphere is enveloped with a spiral walkway of circulation, acting as a monumental node in the landscape to showcase the potential of technological connection and integration.

Inhabited Section Rendering 2018


Reaching Site How is the facility laid out on-site to reach its goals? ​ The sphere of artificial intelligence reaches out to the work cubes and transmits data back and forth continually. The branches of circulation act as corridors into the creative environment, ending in small towers of circulation and larger towers of communal amenity space

to encourage interaction and discussion between workers. The public nature of the facility is ingrained into the vibrant work culture of Singapore and constrains itself to ensure much of the site is occupiable on the ground level.

Site & Floor Plan Rendering 2018


03 Hillside Brewery Design Studio Fall 2016 Instructor Terry Boling

Brewery’s are a staple to the German heritage of Cincinnati and with the return of urban interest in the downtown and Over-the-Rhine areas, empty lots create opportunities for new developments to reflect that history. This site is heavily sloped with an existing retaining wall to the northwest side of the site. In response, the building is condensed under a single roof within which terraced platforms supply the floor space for programming.

The roof structure is made from eight radial steel trusses connected at the center. Skylights line the trusses accentuating structure and providing a controlled amount of natural light. Steel cables span between skylights from which fabric is woven. Spray applied concrete is added to the fabric to seal the structure from the elements. The system meets the ground through custom formed concrete columns.

Most of the site is left for public interaction and a year round beer garden connected to the building via bridge. The sloped site is situated on a hill overlooking the city which gives opportunity for view from the beer garden and building. Administration slices transversely through the site splitting public from private.

This semester was used as a preliminary design development period from which comprehensive systems are revised and expanded upon the following academic semester. Hand drafted drawings were used in the iterative process as well as final design intent pieces to reflect material, assembly, programming and detail.


Site & Building Plan Hand Drawing 2016


Artifact Exploration Prior to researching the site for the semester, a rubber wheel was found on site and examined for its possibilities of material, detail and joinery. Various techniques of hand and machine were used to create a new composition from what was a seemingly unwanted and discarded object. ​ The wheel was found to have 267 notches around the circumference. This number is only divisible by 89 and 3 thus 89 wooden dowels were placed in every third notch attached by rubber bands woven into flanking notches. The wooden dowels fit snugly into a 1 1/2” diameter metal pipe. The foundation is cast concrete with hollow brass tubes embedded within the concrete to allow for the metal mount to slot onto.

In order to synthesize the system; it was decided to introduce an acrylic wheel from which subtractive laser cut pieces allowed for metal cable to loop back up to the wooden dowels and the rubber wheel from which the exploration began. The acrylic wheel is sandwiched between a 3D printed armature, printed to thread onto the pre-existing metal pipe. ​ The accompanying images are representations of the object in both physical and abstract manifestations; portraying transformative opportunity. The site in which the wheel was found as well as the knowledge gained from this exploration became the preliminary foundation for architectural exploration.

Photography 2016


Transformative Collages & Photography 2016


1/16” = 1’-0” Hand Drafts Hand drafting allows for more freedom in the development of conceptual design. Software can stall creative output in the preliminary stage as it requires the user to understand exactly what line, plane and volume parameters are. Drawing by hand is freeing in the allowance of human error to shape and provide feedback to a design. Within the development of these drawings, a general direction of tectonics and material was considered prior to drafting but allowed to refine itself naturally as the drawings manifested. These drawings are intentionally left unedited to showcase the strengths of drafting by hand and the beauty of transparent process.

Brewery Section & Roof Tectonics Hand Drawing 2016


Beer Garden Section & Detailing Hand Drawing 2016


Finished Photography 2016


1/16” = 1’-0” Scale Model Cut and fill is modeled digitally based on hand drafted concepts. Contours are reflected in one-ply chipboard from which hand cut chipboard, basswood, plastics, and dried vegetation are attached to provide tectonics and lived world context.

Finished Photography 2016


Progress Photography 2016

04 Hillside Brewery 2 Design Studio Summer 2017 Instructor Terry Boling

In returning to the site and program from last semester, my partner and I, Caleb Lang explored the possibilities of separating programs in independent buildings and utilizing light, both artificial and natural, to secure and reinforce the spatial relationships we were interested in for those specific spaces. Designing a space through detail and construction instead of massing and form ensures that joinery and connection are resolved. My partner and I were interested in the possibilities of material finishes and precision in material choices rather than layered construction to create a system of construction that has a higher impact on experience. ​ Our findings are represented in half scale sections, large scale section models and renderings which simulate accurate lighting conditions produced by specific facade and artificial light detailing.

Bay Model Finished Photography 2017


Brewing Museum The design process began in a museum for brewing. The museum is constructed using concrete as the primary material. The exhibit space on the interior has stucco applied to the surface to allow for a neutral background from which exhibit material can be displayed. The slab system consists of a concrete coffer grid with aluminum

sections for lighting integration attached. The circulation space surrounding the exhibit space has the concrete polished to allow the orange onyx facade to wash the space and create reflections. The concrete in the interstitial space is left raw to enhance the intent of the programmed space treatments.

Half-Scale Wall Section Drawing 2017

Exhibit Renderings 2017


1/2” Model ​In model form this material palette translated to homasote representation, with the exhibit space being liberally spray painted allowing clumps of paint to gather to resemble stucco. The circulation space was rigorously sanded to make the homasote as smooth as possible while the onyx facade is made from 1/8th inch mosaic

glass, the closest representation we could find to the desired appearance and translucent effect. Chipboard and acrylic were used within the exhibit space to represent smaller details within the coffer system such as lighting channels and glass gaskets. The model accurately portrays the quality of natural light offered in both spaces.

1/2” Scale Model Photography 2017

1/2” Scale Model Detail Photography 2017


Taproom The taproom space is designed to be warmer than the museum; articulating the intention of users staying in one place for a longer period of time to enjoy the beer brewed on site. The arched concrete structure divides the long space into more human scaled subdivisions. Lighting strips accentuate the arches and allows the lighting condition to be closer to the person rather than

situated on the ceiling. The taproom holds the street edge at a massing scale similar to the existing housing on the McMillan side of the site. Storefront windows facing the street enhance this connection and entice passing pedestrians to enter. Windows on the south side of the taproom offer views out into the site, showcasing the brewery and museum as well as city views beyond.

Interior Taproom Rendering 2017

Bay Model Photography 2017


Brewery Tower As a result of a large portion of the program being about the historical nature of brewing in Cincinnati, including a brewing museum, the on-site brewery adapts the traditional vertical tower brewing process. Steel and infill concrete are the primary materials used with a translucent glass block facade to the south. This was included to allow soft light to emanate throughout the tower and

keep the focus on the brewing process and not the view. The circulation tower attached via bridge is accessible to the public and is intended to fulfill the viewing experience. Steel grate flooring is implemented to allow a user to see all levels of the brewing process and how it correlates to the floor they are currently occupying. Beer brewed here is served within the taproom on-site.

Exterior & Interior Brewery Renderings 2017

Half-Scale Wall Section Excerpts 2017


Finished Photography 2017


Bay Model This model cuts through both Brewing Tower and Taproom, showcasing circulation and systematic relationships between the two architectural programs. Topographical integration is more easily examined in model form. Homasote, chipboard and basswood are the primary model materials.

Process Photography 2017

Finished Photography 2017


05 Prairie Well Shed Design Build Seminar Fall 2016 Instructor Whitney Hamacker In collaboration with Luis Musa, Caleb Lang, Sanjay Sridhar, Dilip Muralidharan, Chi Zhang & Qisheng Zhu Designed for a writer, the existing tiny house on the site within a prairie was designed and built by University of Cincinnati Architecture students in the spring of 2016. The water for the house comes from a well which was predicted to have potential freezing problems during the winter. Our goals were to insulate the well and provide storage for her tools and unused furniture before the first freeze. We chose to make the shed reserved in form yet have a unique presence within the landscape. During the day, the shed resembles a tobacco barn with charred wood spaced incrementally. At night, the shed’s interior shines and gives light to an otherwise starlit space between

parking lot and house. The existing tiny house also uses reclaimed lumber and the well shed reflects this material palette. ​Utilizing reclaimed lumber taken from an old barn on site helped accommodate our limited budget. Special attention was paid to the joining and detailing as the material itself could not be expensive. Design and fabrication completed at a workshop in Cincinnati and assembled on site in two days. Special thanks to Whitney Hamacker and Vincent Sansalone for providing the necessary resources and facilities needed to make this project possible.

Finished Photography 2016


Assembly Axonometric Drawing 2017

Charred Lumber Process Photography 2016


Installation Day Photography 2017

Lighting Integration Photography 2017


06 Comatose Design Build Studio Spring 2016 Instructor Christoph Klemmt In collaboration with Michael Ferguson, Laura Kennedy & Caleb Lang Awarded: DAAPWorks 2016 Director’s Choice: Architectural Group Project Parametricism’s advantage is in its ever-changing form influenced by controlled variables. Predictable randomness in multiple runs of the same script allows for variations of the same idea. Parametricism’s disadvantage is in its inability to have a predefined finality. Thus the challenge becomes when and why the operator stops the scripting process to output a final form which is able to be manifested into an architectural reality. ​ Comatose. Constraints were valuable in our exploration of script making. We found that with enough desirable constraints; the script would slow down or even stop producing new geometries at a certain frame. The final script used in the form produced below was selected from a series of sixteen. It was chosen for its representational qualities of the forces written in the script.

The script itself is based on two species of points which interact with each other. They are drawn together but stay at a consistent distance from each other. Two resisting agents are also present; producing a sphere of vacant space best seen in plan. New points are divided from existing points at predetermined times with a higher potential of growing in the Z-Axis. A gravity force is used to ensure that the ground plane is defined and translatable to a physical construction. ​ For manifestation purposes: two nearby points are joined by line, three closed lines form plane. The separate species are differentiated by color with higher opacities as the system moves upward in the Z-Axis.

Finished Installation Photography 2016


Installation Plan View Rendering 2016

Fabrication & Assembly Point is manifested as 3/8” ball bearings, line as 1/8” steel rod and plane as painted acetate. Lines are welded to points and planes are plastic loop attached to lines. Planes which touch the ground plane are made of steel rather than acetate to allow the installation to remain bottom heavy. These steel panels are metal zip tied to the frame. The blue and red species are each constructed of 5 - 8 separate welded frames attached with metal zip ties. This

allows for quick assembly and disassembly. The frames were welded in 4 weeks with paneling taking an additional 3 days. The installation can be assembled in 45 minutes and disassembled in 20 minutes within any given flat site. ​ The Installation received the award for DAAPWorks 2016 Director’s Choice: Architectural Group Project

Assembly Time-lapse Photography 2016


import peasy.*; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; import toxi.geom.*; import toxi.geom.mesh.*; import toxi.processing.ToxiclibsSupport; ToxiclibsSupport gfx; TriangleMesh mesh1; TriangleMesh mesh2; PeasyCam cam; ArrayList<Cell> cl = new ArrayList<Cell>(); //list of cells ArrayList<Cell> cal = new ArrayList<Cell>(); //list of a cells ArrayList<Cell> cbl = new ArrayList<Cell>(); //list of b cells ArrayList<Vec3D> al = new ArrayList<Vec3D>(); //list of attractors ArrayList<Grid> gl = new ArrayList<Grid>(); //flat list of all grid boxes ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Grid>>> gm = new ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Grid>>>();//3d matrix of grid boxes float box = 14.0;//size of the simulation float gridLength = 2.0;//length of a grid box. needs to be set to 1 or function Cell.move() needs to be adjusted float gridLengthSq = gridLength * gridLength;//square of gridLength for faster calculation Float gridStart[]={-box,-box,-1.0}; Float gridEnd[]={box,box,2*box};//define the size of the grid, now set to the box dimensions boolean grow = true; void setup(){ frameRate(60); size(800,800,P3D); cam = new PeasyCam(this, 0, 0, 0, 27); perspective(PI/3.0, width/height, 0.001,100000); hint(DISABLE_DEPTH_TEST); //text PFont font = createFont("Arial", 20.0); textFont(font); textSize(0.1); //smooth(); //attractors al.add(new Vec3D(3.0, 3.0, 0.0)); al.add(new Vec3D(-3.0, -3.0, 0.0)); //set up grid to contain points int cx = int((gridEnd[0]-gridStart[0]) / gridLength);//amount of grid cells in x direction int cy = int((gridEnd[1]-gridStart[1]) / gridLength);//amount of grid cells in y direction int cz = int((gridEnd[2]-gridStart[2]) / gridLength);//amount of grid cells in z direction for(int x=0;x<cx;x++){ ArrayList<ArrayList<Grid>> gy = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Grid>>(); for(int y=0;y<cy;y++){ ArrayList<Grid> gz = new ArrayList<Grid>(); for(int z=0;z<cz;z++){ Grid g = new Grid(x,y,z,cx,cy,cz); gz.add(g); } gy.add(gz); } gm.add(gy); } for(Grid g : gl) g.findNeighbours(); //create initial cells cal.add(new Cell(new Vec3D(-box/5, -box/5, 0), 0)); cbl.add(new Cell(new Vec3D(box/5, box/5, 0), 1)); cl.addAll(cal); cl.addAll(cbl);


/* //import meshes gfx = new ToxiclibsSupport(this); mesh1 = (TriangleMesh) new STLReader().loadBinary( sketchPath("input1.stl"), STLReader.TRIANGLEMESH); mesh1.scale(0.0035); mesh1.translate(new Vec3D(-2.0, 7.0, 0.0)); mesh2 = (TriangleMesh) new STLReader().loadBinary( sketchPath("input2.stl"), STLReader.TRIANGLEMESH); mesh2.scale(0.0035); mesh2.rotateZ(radians(180)); mesh2.translate(new Vec3D(4.0, -5.0, 0.0)); */

//actions for pressing keys: p: pause; g: grow; i: save image; s: save geometry void keyPressed(){ //pause growth if (key == 'p'){ grow = false; println("paused"); } if (key == 'g'){ grow = true; println("growing"); } //save image if (key=='i'){ saveFrame("Image/Cells-f####.jpg"); println("frame",frameCount,"image saved"); } //save geometry if (key == 's') export(); } //export geometry void export(){ //cells PrintWriter outputa = createWriter("Export/Cells-f" + str(frameCount) + "-acells.txt"); for(Cell c : cal){ outputa.println(c.x + ";" + c.y + ";" + c.z); } outputa.flush(); outputa.close(); //cells PrintWriter outputb = createWriter("Export/Cells-f" + str(frameCount) + "-bcells.txt"); for(Cell c : cbl){ outputb.println(c.x + ";" + c.y + ";" + c.z); } outputb.flush(); outputb.close();


//lines PrintWriter output2 = createWriter("Export/Cells-f" + str(frameCount) + "-lines.txt"); for(Cell c : cl){ for (Cell n : c.nol){ if(cl.indexOf(c)<cl.indexOf(n)){ output2.println(c.x + ";" + c.y + ";" + c.z + "_" + n.x + ";" + n.y + ";" + n.z); } } } output2.flush(); output2.close();

void calculate(){ for(Cell c : cl) c.findNeighbours(2.0 - map(c.z, 0, box, 0, 0.5), 6, 1.0 - map(c.z, 0, box, 0, 0.5));//find the cell's closest neighbours //for(Cell c : cl) c.findNeighbours(2.0, 6, 1.0); for(Cell c : cl) c.findNN(); //calculate new positions for the cells for(Cell c : cl){ c.accelerate(c.springN(1.0, 0.015, 0.01, 1, 0.03));//spring force between neighbours for(Vec3D a : al){ c.accelerate(c.springRotate(a, 2.5, 0.1, -0.1, 2, 0.01*map(c.z, 0, box, 0.1, 5), 90));//attractor rotate force c.accelerate(c.spring(new Vec3D(a.x,a.y,c.z), 2.5, 0.03, 0.03, 2, 0.015*map(c.z, 0, box, 0.1, 5)));//attractor spring force }


c.accelerate(new Vec3D(0, 0, -0.0002));//gravity for(Cell n : c.nol) c.accelerate(c.spring(n, 1.8, 0.001, 0.01, 1, 0.015));//reaction towards the other mesh for(Cell nn : c.nnl) c.accelerate(c.spring(nn, 0.0, -0.0001, -0.0001, 1,0.001)); c.xyz(0.3, 0.3, 0.3); c.accelerate(c.planarize(0.5, 0.01*(1+c.nol.size())));//pull each cell onto a plane

float container = box/2; for(Cell c : cl) c.move(-container, container, -container, container, 0, 2*container-1);//move the cells } //class for cell objects public class Cell extends Vec3D{ //variables public int type; public int frameCreation;//creation frame of the cell public int frameChange;//frame of the cell's last division public int[] rgb = new int[3]; public Vec3D vel; public ArrayList<Cell> ngl = new ArrayList<Cell>();//list of cells in the surrounding grid boxes public ArrayList<Cell> ndl = new ArrayList<Cell>();//list of cells within a given distance public ArrayList<Cell> nl = new ArrayList<Cell>();//neighbour list with a given amount of neighbours public ArrayList<Cell> nnl = new ArrayList<Cell>();//neighbours of neighbours public ArrayList<Cell> cnl = new ArrayList<Cell>();//close neighbour list, for calculation of cell division public ArrayList<Float> dsl = new ArrayList<Float>();//list of square distances to the cells in nl public ArrayList<Cell> ngol = new ArrayList<Cell>();//list of cells in the surrounding grid boxes public ArrayList<Cell> ndol = new ArrayList<Cell>();//list of cells within a given distance public ArrayList<Cell> nol = new ArrayList<Cell>();//neighbour list with a given amount of neighbours public ArrayList<Cell> nnol = new ArrayList<Cell>();//neighbours of neighbours public ArrayList<Cell> cnol = new ArrayList<Cell>();//close neighbour list, for calculation of cell division public ArrayList<Float> dsol = new ArrayList<Float>();//list of square distances to the cells in nl public Grid g;//grid box which contains the cell //constructor public Cell(Vec3D _pos, int _type){ super(_pos); vel = new Vec3D(0,0,0); type = _type; if(type==0){rgb[0] = 178; rgb[1] = 48; rgb[2] = 104;} else {rgb[0] = 77; rgb[1] = 108; rgb[2] = 155;} findGridBox(); frameCreation = frameCount; frameChange = frameCount; } //find containing grid box public void findGridBox(){ int gridX = int((x-gridStart[0])/gridLength); int gridY = int((y-gridStart[1])/gridLength); int gridZ = int((z-gridStart[2])/gridLength); g=gm.get(gridX).get(gridY).get(gridZ); if(type==0) g.cal.add(this); else g.cbl.add(this);


//find the midpoint between the cell and another cell public Vec3D mid(Object c2){ Vec3D pos2 = new Vec3D(); if(c2 instanceof Vec3D) pos2 = (Vec3D) c2; else if(c2 instanceof Cell){ Cell cx = (Cell) c2; pos2 = (Vec3D) cx; } else println("ERROR Cell.mid()"); return new Vec3D(pos2.x+(0.5*(x-pos2.x)),pos2.y+(0.5*(y-pos2.y)),pos2.z+(0.5*(z-pos2.z))); } //move public void move(float xLow, float xHigh, float yLow, float yHigh, float zLow, float zHigh){ Vec3D posNew = this.add(vel); //stop at boundaries if(posNew.x < xLow){ posNew.x = xLow; vel.x = 0; }else if(posNew.x > xHigh){ posNew.x = xHigh; vel.x = 0; } if(posNew.y < yLow){ posNew.y = yLow; vel.y = 0; }else if(posNew.y > yHigh){ posNew.y = yHigh; vel.y = 0; } if(posNew.z < zLow){ posNew.z = zLow; vel.z = 0; }else if(posNew.z > zHigh){ posNew.z = zHigh; vel.z = 0; } //check if the cell moves to a different gridbox if((int((x-gridStart[0])/gridLength)!=int((posNew.x-gridStart[0])/gridLength)) (int((y-gridStart[1])/gridLength)!=int((posNew.y-gridStart[1])/gridLength)) (int((z-gridStart[2])/gridLength)!=int((posNew.z-gridStart[2])/gridLength))){ //the cell moved to a new grid box if(type==0) g.cal.remove(this);//remove the cell from its curent grid box else g.cbl.remove(this); findGridBox();//place the cell in the new grid box } x= posNew.x; y= posNew.y; z= posNew.z; } //accelerate public void accelerate(Vec3D vec){ vel.addSelf(vec); }

//drag public void drag(float strength){ vel = vel.scaleSelf(strength); }

//xyz public void xyz(float strengthX, float strengthY, float strengthZ){ vel.x *= strengthX; vel.y *= strengthY; vel.z *= strengthZ; } //spring force public Vec3D spring(Vec3D hook, float restlength, float strengthPull, float strengthPush, float exponent, float accmax){ Vec3D vec = this.sub(hook);//vector from the hook to the cell float dist = vec.magnitude();//distance between the cell and the hook Vec3D vecmove = vec.scaleSelf((restlength-dist)/pow(dist,exponent));//spring force formula if(dist>restlength) vecmove.scaleSelf(strengthPull);//adjust the strength for cells which are further away than the restlength else vecmove.scaleSelf(strengthPush);//adjust the strength for cells which are closer than the restlength if(vecmove.magSquared()>accmax*accmax) vecmove.normalizeTo(accmax); return vecmove; } //spring force to neighbors public Vec3D springN(float restlength, float strengthPull, float strengthPush, float exponent, float accmax){ Vec3D vecmove = new Vec3D(); for(Cell n : nl){ Vec3D vec = this.sub(n);//vector from the neighbor to the cell float dist = vec.magnitude();//distance between the cell and the neighbor vec.scaleSelf((restlength-dist)/pow(dist,exponent));//spring force formula if(dist>restlength) vec.scaleSelf(strengthPull);//adjust the strength for cells which are further away than the restlength else vec.scaleSelf(strengthPush);//adjust the strength for cells which are closer than the restlength if(vec.magSquared()>accmax*accmax) vec.normalizeTo(accmax); vecmove.addSelf(vec); } return vecmove; } //rotation force public Vec3D springRotate(Vec3D hook, float restlength, float strengthPull, float strengthPush, float exponent, float accmax, float rotation){ Vec3D vec = this.sub(hook);//vector from the hook to the cell vec.z=0;//make vector horizontal float dist = vec.magnitude();//distance between the cell and the hook Vec3D vecmove = vec.scaleSelf((restlength-dist)/pow(dist,exponent));//spring force formula if(dist>restlength) vecmove.scaleSelf(strengthPull);//adjust the strength for cells which are further away than the restlength else vecmove.scaleSelf(strengthPush);//adjust the strength for cells which are closer than the restlength vecmove.rotateZ(rotation); if(vecmove.magSquared()>accmax*accmax) vecmove.normalizeTo(accmax); return vecmove; } //planarize: pulls a point towards the plane through its 3 closest neighbours public Vec3D planarize(float strength, float accmax){ Vec3D vec = new Vec3D(); if (this.ndl.size() > 2){ Vec3D e1 = ndl.get(1).sub(ndl.get(0));//edge 1 in the plane Vec3D e2 = ndl.get(2).sub(ndl.get(0));//edge 2 in the plane Vec3D normal = e1.cross(e2).normalize();//normal of the plane Vec3D v3 = this.sub(ndl.get(0)); float dot = v3.dot(normal);//distance of this from the plane if(dot==0) return vec; float factor = -1 * dot; // exp; factor = factor * strength; vec = normal.scale(factor); if(vec.magSquared()>accmax*accmax) vec.normalizeTo(accmax); }else{ if(frameCount>1) println("not planarized",frameCount,cl.indexOf(this)); } return vec; } //z adjust: found by accident, not sure what it does //public void adjustZ(){ //if(this.z>-envSize+dist) this.setVel(new Vec3D(vel.x,vel.y,-0.8*vel.z));//-0.8 also works // if(this.z>-envSize+(2*dist)) this.setVel(new Vec3D(1*vel.x,1*vel.y,-0.5*vel.z));//-0.8 also works //}

public void findNeighbours(float distmax,int nmax, float distmaxcn){ //add all points in the current and neighbouring grid boxes to ngl ngl.clear();//cells in neighbouring grid boxes ndl.clear();//neighbouring cells within a given distance nl.clear();//given amount of neighbouring cells within a distance cnl.clear();//closest cells for calculation of cell division dsl.clear();//square distances to the neighbours if(type==0) ngl.addAll(g.cal); else ngl.addAll(g.cbl); ngl.remove(this); for(Grid ng : g.nl){//add all cells in the neighboring grid boxes to ngl if(type==0) ngl.addAll(ng.cal); else ngl.addAll(ng.cbl); } //add neighbours within gridLength distance to ndl for(Cell cn : ngl){ float distsquare = this.distanceToSquared(cn); if(distsquare<distmax*distmax){ ndl.add(cn); dsl.add(distsquare); if(distsquare<distmaxcn*distmaxcn){ cnl.add(cn); } } } //sort ndl and dsl by distance final ArrayList<Cell> ndfl = new ArrayList<Cell>(ndl); final ArrayList<Float> dsfl = new ArrayList<Float>(dsl); Collections.sort(ndl, new Comparator<Cell>(){ @Override public int compare(Cell c1, Cell c2){return ((Float) dsfl.get(ndfl.indexOf(c1))).compareTo((Float) dsfl.get(ndfl.indexOf(c2)));} }); Collections.sort(dsl); //keep the size of the list smaller than nmax if(ndl.size()>nmax) nl = new ArrayList<Cell>(ndl.subList(0,nmax)); else nl = new ArrayList<Cell>(ndl); //other neighbours ngol.clear();//cells in neighbouring grid boxes ndol.clear();//neighbouring cells within a given distance nol.clear();//given amount of neighbouring cells within a distance cnol.clear();//closest cells for calculation of cell division dsol.clear();//square distances to the neighbours if(type==0) ngol.addAll(g.cbl); else ngol.addAll(g.cal); for(Grid ng : g.nl){//add all cells in the neighboring grid boxes to ngl if(type==0) ngol.addAll(ng.cbl); else ngol.addAll(ng.cal); } //add neighbours within gridLength distance to ndl for(Cell cn : ngol){ float distsquare = this.distanceToSquared(cn); if(distsquare<distmax*distmax){ ndol.add(cn); dsol.add(distsquare); if(distsquare<distmaxcn*distmaxcn){ cnol.add(cn); } } } //sort ndol and dsol by distance final ArrayList<Cell> ndfol = new ArrayList<Cell>(ndol); final ArrayList<Float> dsfol = new ArrayList<Float>(dsol); Collections.sort(ndol, new Comparator<Cell>(){ @Override public int compare(Cell c1, Cell c2){return ((Float) dsfol.get(ndfol.indexOf(c1))).compareTo((Float) dsfol.get(ndfol.indexOf(c2)));} }); Collections.sort(dsol); //keep the size of the list smaller than nmax if(ndol.size()>nmax) nol = new ArrayList<Cell>(ndol.subList(0,nmax)); else nol = new ArrayList<Cell>(ndol); } public void findNN(){ nnl.clear(); for(Cell n : nl){ for(Cell nn : n.nl){ if(nn!=this && nl.contains(nn)==false && nnl.contains(nn)==false) nnl.add(nn); } } } } void draw(){ if(cl.size() > 1000) grow = false; if(grow) divide(); calculate(); background(255); lights(); rotateX(radians(60)); rotateZ(radians(frameCount*0.1)); /* //grid noFill(); for(Grid g : gl){ noStroke(); if(g.cal.size()>0 g.cbl.size()>0){ strokeWeight(0.5); stroke(100, 30); } pushMatrix(); translate(g.px+(gridLength/2), g.py+(gridLength/2), g.pz+(gridLength/2)); box(gridLength); popMatrix(); } */ if(frameCount%100==0){ println(frameCount,cl.size(),"cells"); }

//plane noStroke(); fill(30, 5); beginShape(); vertex(-box*0.66, -box*0.66, 0); vertex(-box*0.66, box*0.66, 0); vertex(box*0.66, box*0.66, 0); vertex(box*0.66, -box*0.66, 0); vertex(-box*0.66, -box*0.66, 0); endShape(); /* //mesh noStroke(); fill(255,200); gfx.mesh(mesh1, false); gfx.mesh(mesh2, false); */ //draw attractors stroke(0); strokeWeight(4); for(Vec3D a : al){ point(a.x,a.y,a.z); } for(Cell c : cl){ //draw cells stroke(90, 90, 90, 30); strokeWeight(2); point(c.x,c.y,c.z); //draw springs strokeWeight(1); stroke(90, 90, 90, 30); for (Cell n : c.nl){ line(c.x, c.y, c.z, n.x, n.y, n.z); } //draw springs to other cells strokeWeight(0.5); stroke(187, 157, 64, 10); for (Cell n : c.nol){ line(c.x, c.y, c.z, n.x, n.y, n.z); } //draw faces noStroke(); //fill(c.rgb[0], c.rgb[1], c.rgb[2], 20 + 4*(c.nol.size())); fill(c.rgb[0], c.rgb[1], c.rgb[2], 20); for(Cell n1 : c.nl){ for(Cell n2 : c.nl){ if(n2 != c && cl.indexOf(c)<cl.indexOf(n1) && cl.indexOf(n1)<cl.indexOf(n2)){ if(n1.nl.contains(n2) n2.nl.contains(n1)){ beginShape(); vertex(c.x,c.y,c.z); vertex(n1.x,n1.y,n1.z); vertex(n2.x,n2.y,n2.z); vertex(c.x,c.y,c.z); endShape(); } } } } } /* if(frameCount<2160){ saveFrame("Image/Cells-f####.png"); println("frame",frameCount,"image saved"); } if(frameCount==2160) export(); */ } //class for a grid subdivision of the space //to increase calculation speed for neighbour searches public class Grid{ //variables public ArrayList<Grid> nl = new ArrayList<Grid>();//neighbouring grid boxes public ArrayList<Cell> cal = new ArrayList<Cell>();//cells inside this grid box public ArrayList<Cell> cbl = new ArrayList<Cell>();//cells inside this grid box public int ix;//x number of grid box in the array public int iy;//y number of grid box in the array public int iz;//z number of grid box in the array public float px;//x start position of grid box in space public float py;//y start position of grid box in space public float pz;//z start position of grid box in space public ArrayList<Integer> nxl = new ArrayList<Integer>();//indices in x/y/z direction of neighbouring grid boxes public ArrayList<Integer> nyl = new ArrayList<Integer>(); public ArrayList<Integer> nzl = new ArrayList<Integer>(); //constructor public Grid(int _x,int _y,int _z,int _cx,int _cy,int _cz){// x/y/z number, x/y/z count of grid boxes ix = _x; iy = _y; iz = _z;A px=gridStart[0]+(float(ix)*gridLength); py=gridStart[1]+(float(iy)*gridLength); pz=gridStart[2]+(float(iz)*gridLength); gl.add(this);


//prepare to add neighbouring grid boxes nxl.add(ix); nyl.add(iy); nzl.add(iz);//indices in x/y/z direction of neighbouring grid boxes if (ix > 0) nxl.add(ix-1); if (ix < _cx-1) nxl.add(ix+1); if (iy > 0) nyl.add(iy-1); if (iy < _cy-1) nyl.add(iy+1); if (iz > 0) nzl.add(iz-1); if (iz < _cz-1) nzl.add(iz+1);

public void findNeighbours(){ //find the neighbouring grid boxes for(int nx : nxl){ for(int ny : nyl){ for(int nz : nzl){ if( !(nx==ix && ny==iy && nz==iz)){ nl.add(gm.get(nx).get(ny).get(nz)); } } } } }

} //divide cells void divide(){

if (frameCount%2==0) { float nx = noise(frameCount*0.01); float ny = noise((frameCount+5000)*0.01); float nz = noise((frameCount*10000)*0.01); ArrayList<Cell> cnewl = new ArrayList<Cell>(); for(Cell c : cl){ if( c.cnl.size()<4 && c.ndl.size()<12 && frameCount-c.frameChange>4){ //Vec3D posnew = c.add(new Vec3D(random(-0.05,0.05),random(-0.05,0.05),random(-0.05,0.05))); //Vec3D posnew = c.add(new Vec3D(randomGaussian()*0.01,randomGaussian()*0.01,randomGaussian()*0.01)); Vec3D posnew = c.add(new Vec3D(map(nx,0,1,-0.01,0.01),map(ny,0,1,-0.01,0.01),map(nz,0,1,-0.01,0.01))); //posnew.add(new Vec3D(randomGaussian()*0.01,randomGaussian()*0.01,randomGaussian()*0.01)); Cell cnew = new Cell(posnew,c.type); cnewl.add(cnew); c.frameChange = frameCount; } if( c.nol.size()>0 && c.nol.size()<4 && frameCount-c.frameChange>random(50,100)){ //Vec3D posnew = c.add(new Vec3D(random(-0.05,0.05),random(-0.05,0.05),random(-0.05,0.05))); //Vec3D posnew = c.add(new Vec3D(randomGaussian()*0.01,randomGaussian()*0.01,randomGaussian()*0.01)); //Vec3D posnew = c.add(new Vec3D(map(nx,0,1,-0.01,0.01),map(ny,0,1,-0.01,0.01),map(nz,0,1,-0.01,0.01))); Vec3D posnew = c.add(c.vel.scale(0.1)); //posnew.add(new Vec3D(randomGaussian()*0.01,randomGaussian()*0.01,randomGaussian()*0.01)); Cell cnew = new Cell(posnew,c.type); cnewl.add(cnew); c.frameChange = frameCount; } } for(Cell cnew : cnewl){ cl.add(cnew); if(cnew.type==0) cal.add(cnew); else cbl.add(cnew); } } }

Script Collage Poster 2016


Fabrication Photography 2016

Finished Installation Photography 2016


07 Misc. Architectural Explorations The following architectural explorations were done during university and represent smaller noteworthy projects based upon primary architectural work.

Fabricated Cathedral

Stasis of Deterioration

Arm Armature

Modular Pyramid

Design Build Studio Spring 2016 Instructor Christoph Klemmt

Robotics Seminar Summer 2017 Instructor Mara Marcu

Robotics Seminar Summer 2017 Instructor Mara Marcu

Digital Media Skills Spring 2015 Instructor Ming Tang In collaboration with Jake Anderson & Caleb Lang

Misc. Collage 2018


Fabricated Cathedral A proposal for the re-purposing of the system developed in Comatose into an interior order for a cathedral. The script used to create the column wrapping technique started as an alteration from the script developed in Comatose. Each column on one side of the cathedral is created from a separate run of the script and mirrored to create symmetry down the main aisle of the cathedral. The script starts on the ground plane and develops along

the Z-axis until it nears its vertical limit and branches out. This was done to call back to the traditional vault typology of the cathedral. The inspiration for the piece came from the awe and wonder of historical religious interiors, which is found less in contemporary religious work in favor of ease of construction and budget. The system of fabrication used in Comatose was both budget friendly and accessible for amateur welders (ourselves).

Final Rendering 2017


Arm Armature Inputting an arm as a base for scripting allows form to develop around the body. This script triangulates geometry in a spiral around the arm in flat shapes which can be easily flat packed and assembled through surface material. The rendered image below displays the geometry’s interaction with the arm. Slight alterations were made post-scripting in Rhino3D in order to refine the geometry to organically fit to the arm. The geometry was then rendered in V-Ray.

Final Rendering 2017


Scripting Process Frames 2017

Stasis of Deterioration Chemical reactions have complex side effects to the form of a material. This exploration details the result of acetone reacting to foam. The parameters relevant to the research involve shaping the foam’s geometry prior to the chemical reaction and determining how the acetone is applied and in what quantity. The below images display multiple tests of varying techniques and applications to help accurately predict the random outcomes which may result upon chemical change. Further

development may involve full scale applications in texture, light and space as a potential replacement for expensive manufacturing processes by allowing the randomness in chemical change to provide architectural complexity. The permanence of form was tested in subsequent semesters by utilizing the lost wax bronze casting technique on the objects, converting the brittle foam into durable metal.

Finished Photography 2017

Sample Test Photography 2017 Alteration Diagrams 2017


Modular Pyramid This digital media support studio exercise involved designing a joint to allow mailing tubes to connect to one another and become an installation. Multiple teams were assembled within each studio to compete for a winning design. Our team decided to utilize the already refined mailing tube ‘caps’ to allow for the first connection. The second connection involved screwing the caps onto a wooden joint. The wooden joint’s dimensioning and

allowance for angled This design won the competition and was built with the assistance of the rest of the studio. The pyramid was re-used and re-assembled in subsequent years as a frame for an infill project. DAAPSaid Instagram documentation of this subsequent exercise can be seen below.

Finished Installation Photography 2015


Infill Exercise Instagram Photography 2016 @DAAPSaid

08 Misc. Design Explorations The following design explorations were done during university and represent projects done outside of the architectural realm which have acted as creative catalysts for research and inspiration.

Double Shoulder Chair Furniture Seminar Spring 2016 Instructor Jim Postell

Two-Tone Dress

Fashion Seminar Spring 2016 Instructor Stephen Slaughter & Zachary Hoh

Leather Duffle Bag Individual Project Summer 2015

Self-Instructed & Fabricated

Mirror Object

Foundry Sculpture Studio Fall 2015 Instructor Farron Allen

Misc. Collage 2019


Double-Shoulder Chair Working with leather is an exercise in pattern creation and refinement. Leather, unlike fabric, is unforgiving in its material alteration and assembly. The double shoulder leather sheet is dyed a British tan on the front face, creating a contrast between the front and back faces. This emphasizes the twisting transitions in the back straps. The leather is finished with beeswax, adding a matte finish to the leather, granting longlasting protection from wear. The steel tube is three quarter

inch with walls thick enough to provide structural support for the body and thin enough to maintain lightness to the chair. The tube is heated, bent and heated again to create a blackened-blue appearance, contrasting the warm leather and allowing for the leather to be the dominant visible element. The tubing is then welded and finished with boiled linseed oil, ready to host the leather sheet.

Finished Photography 2019

Finished Detail Photography 2019 Tool Set & Detail Mock-up Photography 2019


Two-Tone Dress Zachary Hoh was a Master of Design thesis student interested in multi-disciplinary collaboration. With Stephen Slaughter as the professor affiliated with architecture, the group of twelve students used material exploration and layering as the concept to explore between the two fields. The dress shown is my take on the concept and was part of the collection shown at the DAAP Fashion Show 2016.

The base layer is a clean black base on top of which a red velvet texture is wrapped; highlighting the subtleties balanced between both materials. Muslin mock-ups were used to test fabric fitting and form prior to the cutting and sewing of the final material.

Finished Photography 2016 Modeled by Leah Eliopulos


Process Photography 2016

Leather Duffle Bag Inspired by leather as a material and the need for a medium sized travel bag, the top-loaded duffle bag was chosen as a useful but exploratory prototype. The bag is hand stitched with straps attached by Chicago screw to allow for further changes at a later date. All patterns and dimensioning used were developed from scratch; cut from two double-shoulder full grain hides. The vegetable tanned leather is coated with wax and left natural to allow for darkening and character to develop

overtime. Due to the sheer size of the main body cut, imperfections on the full double-shoulder piece are included in the bag, catered to and treated with care. The closing loop mechanism at the top of the bag allows for a standard lock to be attached to keep belongings safe during public transit and flight. The bag has held up through time and continues to serve as a useful weekend carry piece.

Finished Photography 2015

Process Photography 2015


Mirror Object The process of lost wax bronze casting is intensive and rewarding. The act of sculpting wax with the hand is emphasized in the curvatures created in this piece. The object was rigorously sanded to reflect light and encourage human interaction with the small five inch sculpture. As the hand moves about the piece, natural oils present in the skin are drawn into the sculpture and darken the object; living and changing.

Finished Photography 2015


Process Photography 2015


Thank You

brblakearchitecture@gmail.com brblake.com +01.513.846.3425


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