The purchase process is the starting point of the manufacturing and trading process of a company. Manufacturing companies have to purchase raw materials to manufacture the finished products. A company engaged in trade purchases goods for resale. The companies also need to buy office supplies to carry out their business smoothly. The price of a product spends heavily on the rates of the goods purchased. The purchase of administrative support should ensure that the company buys raw materials at competitive prices. If the purchase administrative support is burdened with everyday paperwork, he will not be able to concentrate on making the procurement process better. The paperwork involved in the purchasing department is humongous. It is possible to digitize the administration process to a certain extent. Monotonous Administrative Jobs Digitalized With Benjamin Nessim Choukroun.
The advantages of digitalizing the administrative process: Maintain stock levels: The purchase administration support is required to keep track of the stock levels in the company. A minimum quantity of raw material stock is to be maintained to avoid any emergency purchase. Emergency purchases are expensive for the company and lead to additional expenses. The stock levels need not be monitored manually. The digital administrative system keeps track of the incoming and outgoing data, thus providing the level of stock at any given time. The digital administration system can be programmed to automatically send out alerts when the stock level falls below the minimum level.
Market and Vendor research: Digital administrative support has access to w world full of data. It can collect relevant market and vendor data. It can look up potential vendors for the company. The company need not hire a specialized person to carry out the research. Automatic Tracking of Orders: When orders are dispatched from the vendor’s factory, it needs to be constantly monitored to ensure timely delivery. The digital administration support system can automatically track the consignment with the consignment number. Timely delivery of the orders is vital for the smooth running of the manufacturing process.
Update Databases: Since the process of purchase is digitalized. The databases are automatically updated in real-time. There is no time lag between the happening and recording of the event. Digital databases are accessible remotely by the management. The access to data allows the top management to make timely decisions. Prepare Cost analysis: The cost analysis reports are automatically generated by the digital administrative support system. There is no need for somebody to sit down and do the complicated calculations. The cost analysis report tells us the different costs involved in manufacturing a product. The cost of labor, equipment, etc. is shown separately. The proposed profit is also shown in the cost analysis report.
Records of invoices and contracts: In the previous years, the invoices had to be manually filed. The contracts had to be drawn manually. In the digital administration system, the invoices are received digitally and automatically entered into the book of accounts. Saving time: Digitalization of the purchase process saves a lot of time on paperwork. The time saved can be used for more vital jobs.
Digitalization is the future. If a company does not follow the trend, it will be left behind. It needs to be on par with the competitors. Digitalization can be carried out with the help of experts like Benjamin Choukroun Electronic Check. SOURCE CREDIT: benjaminchoukrounCEO/digitalization-of-the-purchase-admin istration-system-by-benjamin-choukroun-fba0d741b289