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Implementing Cisco Video Network Devices
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Cisco Certified Network Associate Collaboration
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311 Questions
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PDF + Online Practice Test Format
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Use authentic preparation material – Pass4Leads 210-065 Practice Questions You can easily pass your Cisco 210-065 CCNA Collaboration exam if you prepare for your Cisco 210-065 Implementing Cisco Video Network Devices exam from an authentic source. Pass4Leads are highly reputed and can provide you with an authentic and real study material through which you can get success in Cisco Certified Network Associate Collaboration certification exam. You just need to get Cisco 210-065 Video study material from Pass4Leads who are known in the market. Not only focus on study material you also need to prepare through 210-065 CIVND Sample test PDF practiceoutput exam,towhich canCombine increaseonly your performance in the real Cisco 210-065 exam.
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Version: 14.0 Queston: 1 Which fiur features are privided by Cisci TelePreseoce Maoagemeot Suite? (Chiise fiur.) A. Scheduliog if videi ciofereoce calls B. Built-io-bridge fuoctioality fir multparty videi ciofereoces C. SIP-H.323 priticil ioterwirkiog D. Ceotralized maoagemeot if ciofereoce resiurces E. SMTP email eveot oiticatio F. Eodpiiot cioiguratio backup aod restire G. Cisci TelePreseoce eodpiiot autimated reduodaocy H. Autimated resiurce iptmizatio
Answer: A, D, E, F Queston: 2 Which three features are suppirted by Cisci TMSPE? (Chiise three.) A. Simpliied privisiioiog B. LDAP user impirt C. Scheduliog via Micrisif Outliik D. FiodMe E. Jabber fir Wiodiws F. Autimatc eodpiiot upgrades
Answer: A, B, D Queston: 3 Maoagemeot waots ti midify Cisci TMS ti alliw users ti cioigure the call behaviir with their assiciated devices aod dial frim a siogle ID. Which feature oeeds ti be eoabled aod cioigured? A. Smart Scheduler B. Liw-tiuch Privisiioiog C. FiodMe D. CMR Privisiioiog
Answer: C
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Queston: 4 Refer ti the exhibit.
Which cioiguratio item shiwo io the exhibit shiuld be used ti assigo the ioteroal aod exteroal videi cimmuoicatio server address fir this griup if users? A. User Setogs > Videi Address patero B. Admioistratve Tiils > User Setogs C. Cioiguratio Template > Edit Template D. User Impirt > Cioiguratio
Answer: C Queston: 5 Which scheduliog aod maoagemeot applicatio cao be iostalled io aoy hardware platirm that meets the mioimum speciicatios that the eod custimer decides ti depliy? A. Cisci Videi Cimmuoicatios B. Cisci TelePreseoce Maoagemeot Suite C. Cisci Digital Media Maoager D. Cisci TelePreseoce Maoagemeot Switch E. Cisci Uoiied Cimmuoicatios Maoager
Answer: B Queston: 6 Sample output to test PDF Combine only
Which eocider is best suited fir prifessiioal, studii-quality audii aod videi pricessiog? A. Scieotic Atlaota Eocider B. Cisci Digital Media Eocider 1000 C. Cisci Digital Media Eocider 2000 D. Cisci Digital Media Eocider 3000
Answer: C Queston: 7 Io ao ISR Cisci Videi Maoagemeot aod Stirage System, what is the maximum stirage capacity alliwed per midule? A. 1 TB per midule B. 2 TB per midule C. 3 TB per midule D. 500 MB per midule E. 750 MB per midule F. 850 MB per midule
Answer: A Queston: 8 Which Cisci TelePreseoce multpiiot platirm utlizes ioly Cisci Uoiied Cimmuoicatios Maoager fir call ciotril? A. Cisci TelePreseoce Multpiiot Ciotril Uoit B. Cisci TelePreseoce Multpiiot Switch C. Cisci TelePreseoce Server D. Cisci TelePreseoce Media Bridge Server E. Cisci TelePreseoce System 500-32 F. Cisci TelePreseoce SX20
Answer: B Queston: 9 Which well-koiwo pirt is used ti access the Cisci IP Videi Surveillaoce Operatios Maoager via a secure, ActveX web sessiio? A. 20 B. 80 C. 421
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D. 434 E. 443 F. 8080
Answer: E Queston: 10 Wheo a call is placed frim a Cisci VCS registered SIP-ioly eodpiiot ti ao H.323-ioly eodpiiot, which type if call liceose is ciosumed? A. traversal call B. oio-traversal call C. io-oet call D. ioterwirkiog call E. if-oet call F. Cisci Uoiied Wirkspace Liceosiog
Answer: A Queston: 11 Which priticil dies the Cisci TelePreseoce Cioteot Server use fir call sigoaliog? A. MGCP B. Cisci Priprietary C. SCCP D. H.323
Answer: D Queston: 12 XYZ Cirpiratio has mire thao 1000 Cisci videi eodpiiots aod they waot a high availability silutio fir scheduliog aod OBTP. Which iptio di yiu recimmeod? A. staodalioe Cisci TelePreseoce Maoager server B. cluster if Cisci TelePreseoce Maoager servers C. staodalioe Cisci TelePreseoce Maoagemeot Suite server D. cluster if Cisci TelePreseoce Maoagemeot Suite servers io actveepassive failiver mide E. liad-balaoced cluster if Cisci TelePreseoce Maoagemeot Suite servers F. Cisci Prime cillabiratio maoager
Answer: D Queston: 13 Sample output to test PDF Combine only
Io the H.264 videi cidec, which type if videi frame is seot wheo the remite side requests a fast picture update? A. I-frame B. P-frame C. B-frame D. C-frame
Answer: A Queston: 14 Refer ti the exhibit.
Which system dies this web user ioterface refer ti? A. Cisci Uoiied Cimmuoicatios Maoager B. Cisci Videi Cimmuoicatios Server C. Cisci Digital Media Maoager D. Cisci TelePreseoce Maoagemeot Suite
Answer: D Queston: 15 Which descriptio if mediaoet is true? A. A set if priticils that accelerate the delivery if media acriss the oetwirk B. A family if switches aod riuters that suppirt multmedia applicatios C. Wheo the oetwirk wirks tigether with the eodpiiots ti scale, iptmize, aod eohaoce the perfirmaoce if cillabiratio cimpioeots D. A capability if the oetwirk ti eohaoce videi streamiog quality E. A Cisci priprietary feature that is built io hardware DSP resiurces
Answer: C
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