Cisco CCNP Routing and Switching 300-115 SWITCH Exam Practice Test Cisco Network Security 300-115 SWITCH Practice exam, a way to boost your performance and acquiring 100% success in your final Cisco Network Security 300-115 CCNP Routing and Switching exam. Such Cisco Network Security 300-115 exam gives you confidence to pass the Cisco Network Security 300-115 CCNP Routing and Switching exam with only a single attempt. Cisco Network Security 300-115 Windows 7 Practice exams offer you a 100% of guaranteed success and gives you the confidence to be a Cisco Network Security 300-115 Windows 7 certified professional and have the credentials you need to be the outstanding Cisco Network Security 300-115 SWITCH expert with mega skills. The one more plus point of these tests is of full syllabus coverage with hands-onpractice of different questions consist different scenarios. Vendor
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Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks
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Cisco Certified Network Professional Routing and Switching
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Network Security
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416 Questions
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Use authentic preparation material – Pass4Leads 300-115 Practice Questions You can easily pass your Cisco 300-115 CCNP Routing and Switching exam if you prepare for your Cisco 300-115 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks exam from an authentic source. Pass4Leads are highly reputed and can provide you with an authentic and real study material through which you can get success in Cisco Certified Network Professional Routing and Switching certification exam. You just need to get Cisco 300-115 Network Security study Sample output to test PDF Combine only
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Version: 22.0 Question 1 What is the maximum number of switches that can be stacked using Cisco StackWise? A. 4 B. 5 C. 8 D. 9 E. 10 F. 13
Aoswern D Question 2 A network engineer wants to add a new switch to an existng switch stack. Which confguraton must be added to the new switch before it can be added to the switch stack? A. No confguraton must be added. B. stack ID C. IP address D. VLAN informaton E. VTP informaton
Aoswern A Question 3 What percentage of bandwidth is reduced when a stack cable is broken? A. 0 B. 25 C. 50 D. 75 E. 100
Aoswern C Question 4 Refer to the exhibit.
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Which set of confguratons will result in all ports on both switches successfully bundling into an EtherChannel? A. switch1 channel-group 1 mode actie switch2 channel-group 1 mode auto B. switch1 channel-group 1 mode desirable switch2 channel-group 1 mode passiie C. switch1 channel-group 1 mode on switch2 channel-group 1 mode auto D. switch1 channel-group 1 mode desirable switch2 channel-group 1 mode auto
Aoswern D Question 5 Refer to the exhibit.
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How can the trafc that is mirrored out the GigabitEthernet0/48 port be limited to only trafc that is receiied or transmited in VLAN 10 on the GigabitEthernet0/1 port? A. Change the confguraton for GigabitEthernet0/48 so that it is a member of VLAN 10. B. Add an access list to GigabitEthernet0/48 to flter out trafc that is not in VLAN 10. C. Apply the monitor session flter globally to allow only trafc from VLAN 10. D. Change the monitor session source to VLAN 10 instead of the physical interface.
Aoswern C Question 6 Refer to the exhibit.
A network engineer wants to analyze all incoming and outgoing packets for an interface that is connected to an access switch. Which three items must be confgured to mirror trafc to a packet snifer that is connected to the distributon switch? (Choose three.) A. A monitor session on the distributon switch with a physical interface as the source and the remote SPAN VLAN as the destnaton B. A remote SPAN VLAN on the distributon and access layer switch C. A monitor session on the access switch with a physical interface source and the remote SPAN VLAN as the destnaton D. A monitor session on the distributon switch with a remote SPAN VLAN as the source and physical interface as the destnaton E. A monitor session on the access switch with a remote SPAN VLAN source and the physical interface as the destnaton
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F. A monitor session on the distributon switch with a physical interface as the source and a physical interface as the destnaton
Aoswern B, C, D Question 7 Afer an EtherChannel is confgured between two Cisco switches, interface port channel 1 is in the down/down state. Switch A is confgured with channel-group 1 mode actie, while Switch B is confgured with channel-group 1 mode desirable. Why is the EtherChannel bundle not working? A. The switches are using mismatched EtherChannel negotaton modes. B. The switch ports are not confgured in trunking mode. C. LACP priority must be confgured on both switches. D. The channel group identfer must be diferent for Switch A and Switch B.
Aoswern A Question 8 An EtherChannel bundle has been established between a Cisco switch and a corporate web serier. The network administrator notced that only one of the EtherChannel links is being utlized to reach the web serier. What should be done on the Cisco switch to allow for beter EtherChannel utlizaton to the corporate web serier? A. Enable Cisco Express Forwarding to allow for more efectie trafc sharing oier the EtherChannel bundle. B. Adjust the EtherChannel load-balancing method based on destnaton IP addresses. C. Disable spanning tree on all interfaces that are partcipatng in the EtherChannel bundle. D. Use link-state tracking to allow for improied load balancing of trafc upon link failure to the serier. E. Adjust the EtherChannel load-balancing method based on source IP addresses.
Aoswern E Question 9 Interface FastEthernet0/1 is confgured as a trunk interface that allows all VLANs. This command is confgured globally: monitor session 2 flter ilan 1 - 8, 39, 52 What is the result of the implemented command? A. All VLAN trafc is sent to the SPAN destnaton interface. B. Trafc from VLAN 4 is not sent to the SPAN destnaton interface. C. Filtering a trunked SPAN port efectiely disables SPAN operatons for all VLANs.
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D. The trunk's natie VLAN must be changed to something other than VLAN 1. E. Trafc from VLANs 1 to 8, 39, and 52 is replicated to the SPAN destnaton port.
Aoswern E Question 10 A network engineer notces inconsistent Cisco Discoiery Protocol neighbors according to the diagram that is proiided. The engineer notces only a single neighbor that uses Cisco Discoiery Protocol, but it has seieral routng neighbor relatonships. What would cause the output to show only the single neighbor? A. The routers are connected iia a Layer 2 switch. B. IP routng is disabled on neighboring deiices. C. Cisco Express Forwarding is enabled locally. D. Cisco Discoiery Protocol adiertsements are inconsistent between the local and remote deiices.
Aoswern A Question 11 Afer the implementaton of seieral diferent types of switches from diferent iendors, a network engineer notces that directly connected deiices that use Cisco Discoiery Protocol are not iisible. Which iendor-neutral protocol could be used to resolie this issue? A. Local Area Mobility B. Link Layer Discoiery Protocol C. NetFlow D. Directed Response Protocol
Aoswern B Question 12 Seieral new switches haie been added to the existng network as VTP clients. All of the new switches haie been confgured with the same VTP domain, password, and iersion. Howeier, VLANs are not passing from the VTP serier (existng network) to the VTP clients. What must be done to fx this? A. Remoie the VTP domain name from all switches with "null" and then replace it with the new domain name. B. Confgure a diferent natie VLAN on all new switches that are confgured as VTP clients. C. Proiision one of the new switches to be the VTP serier and duplicate informaton from the existng network. D. Ensure that all switch interconnects are confgured as trunks to allow VTP informaton to be transferred.
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Aoswern D Question 13 Afer implementng VTP, the extended VLANs are not being propagated to other VTP switches. What should be confgured for extended VLANs? A. VTP does not support extended VLANs and should be manually added to all switches. B. Enable VTP iersion 3, which supports extended VLAN propagaton. C. VTP authentcaton is required when using extended VLANs because of their ability to cause network instability. D. Ensure that all switches run the same Cisco IOS iersion. Extended VLANs will not propagate to diferent IOS iersions when extended VLANs are in use.
Aoswern B Question 14 Refer to the exhibit.
Switch A, B, and C are trunked together and haie been properly confgured for VTP. Switch C receiies VLAN informaton from the VTP serier Switch A, but Switch B does not receiie any VLAN informaton. What is the most probable cause of this behaiior? A. Switch B is confgured in transparent mode. B. Switch B is confgured with an access port to Switch A, while Switch C is confgured with a trunk port to Switch B. C. The VTP reiision number of the Switch B is higher than that of Switch A. D. The trunk between Switch A and Switch B is misconfgured.
Aoswern A Question 15 Refer to the exhibit.
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Switch A, B, and C are trunked together and haie been properly confgured for VTP. Switch B has all VLANs, but Switch C is not receiiing trafc from certain VLANs. What would cause this issue? A. A VTP authentcaton mismatch occurred between Switch A and Switch B. B. The VTP reiision number of Switch B is higher than that of Switch A. C. VTP pruning is confgured globally on all switches and it remoied VLANs from the trunk interface that is connected to Switch C. D. The trunk between Switch A and Switch B is misconfgured.
Aoswern C Question 16 Afer the recent upgrade of the switching infrastructure, the network engineer notces that the port roles that were once "blocking" are now defned as "alternate" and "backup." What is the reason for this change? A. The new switches are using RSTP instead of legacy IEEE 802.1D STP. B. IEEE 802.1D STP and PortFast haie been confgured by default on all newly implemented Cisco Catalyst switches. C. The administrator has defned the switch as the root in the STP domain. D. The port roles haie been adjusted based on the interface bandwidth and tmers of the new Cisco Catalyst switches.
Aoswern A Question 17 An administrator recently confgured all ports for rapid transiton using PortFast. Afer testng, it has been determined that seieral ports are not transitoning as they should. What is the reason for this? A. RSTP has been enabled per interface and not globally. B. The STP root bridge selecton is forcing key ports to remain in non-rapid transitoning mode. C. STP is unable to achieie rapid transiton for trunk links. D. The switch does not haie the processing power to ensure rapid transiton for all ports.
Aoswern C
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Question 18 Which technique automatcally limits VLAN trafc to only the switches that require it? A. access lists B. DTP in nonegotate C. VTP pruning D. PBR
Aoswern C Question 19 What efect does the mac address-table aging-tme 180 command haie on the MAC address-table? A. This is how long a dynamic MAC address will remain in the CAM table. B. The MAC address-table will be fushed eiery 3 minutes. C. The default tmeout period will be 360 seconds. D. ARP requests will be processed less frequently by the switch. E. The MAC address-table will hold addresses 180 seconds longer than the default of 10 minutes.
Aoswern A Question 20 While working in the core network building, a technician accidently bumps the fber connecton between two core switches and damages one of the pairs of fber. As designed, the link was placed into a nonforwarding state due to a fault with UDLD. Afer the damaged cable was replaced, the link did not recoier. What soluton allows the network switch to automatcally recoier from such an issue? A. macros B. errdisable autorecoiery C. IP Eient Dampening D. command aliases E. Bidirectonal Forwarding Detecton
Aoswern B Question 21 Which two combinatons of Ether Channel modes support the formaton of an EtherChannel? (Choose two.) A. desirable, passiie
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B. desirable, desirable C. actie, passiie D. passiie, passiie E. actie, desirable
Aoswern BC
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