Generating Controlled Methodologies To Reduce PM2.5 Air Pollutants In Western Beijing
Benjamin Horne
Report 6 Group Information 16 Conditions & Phenomena 18 Pollutants In Beijing 24 Parklands In Western Beijing 30 Waterways In Western Beijing 40 Mapping Western Beijing 44 Site Simulations 48 How To Combat Air Pollution 56 Applied Methods & Model Simulation 68 Conclusion 76 References 78
Report//Generating Controlled Methodologies to Reduce PM2.5 Air Pollutants in Western Beijing This research report identifies problems with PM2.5 air pollutants specifically in western Beijing, China that is currently rated ‘extremely vulnerable’ suggesting everyone to avoid any outdoor exertion whilst people with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly and children are advised to remain indoors. PM2.5 is particles found in the air including dust, dirt, soot, smoke and liquid droplets that are defined as fine particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micrometres in diameter, which are believed to pose great risk to human health. Government propaganda (no car day 2015, Pg27) has installed a misconception into the minds of the Chinese people that passenger vehicles are the leading cause of air pollutants in China, which is only 6% of the problem whilst coal fire power plants are the foundational source, emitting 94% of PM2.5 in China. Primarily this is a government policy problem which is unlikely to change allowing landscape architects to provide small scale methods to combat and cleanse air pollutants such as phytoremediation, active green walls, kinetic wind movement, controlled rainfall and photocatalytic building production. This report studies these methods to create an ongoing small scale system in western Beijing to lower air pollution whilst acting as an exhibition to educate people.
Air pollution is dependent on five major factors; temperature, solar radiation, wind speed, humidity & rainfall which are natural, yet can be manipulated through human intervention. High temperatures/solar radiation/humidity together with low rainfall and wind speed create smog, polluting the air fabricating phenomena known as temperature inversion, which can occur in cities that lie in valleys trapping the cooler air at the bottom and top while having a horizontal layer of warm air in the middle, disrupting and slowing the dissipation rate of smog in particular territories, destabilizing the surrounding ephemeral environment and primary pedestrian sensation.
cold air
cooler air
warmer air
Normal Conditions
cold air
warmest air - inversion layer
cooler air
Temperature Inversion
On the opposite end of the spectrum when combined 20 knot winds (average in Beijing winter 2015/2016) together with low lying topography, low temperatures and rainfall on or near a river create a system to clean air pollutants, which generated a specific 500m x 500m experimental site in western Beijing.
500x500m Site Axonometric
Plan Zoomed
Ground Zoomed
Air Zoomed
There is a common misconception that passenger vehicles are the major air polluters in China which is a false statement as coal fire power plants are the major polluter contributing to 94% of PM2.5. On August 20th, Beijing put restriction on car usage to particular days, where five million cars were forced to drive on alternate days dependent on region leading up to the 70th anniversary of Japan’s world war two defeat on September 3rd to create picture perfect views of Beijing. However one day after the parade Beijing’s air quality index hit 160, a level at which “everyone may begin to experience some adverse health effects,” according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
coal fired power plants = 94%
passenger vehicles = 6%
Percentage of pollutants in China
This did show a 73.2% drop in PM2.5 levels when compared to 2014’s average while there was also 40,000 factories closed around Beijing which wasn’t as advertised as much as car usage, factories which contribute to 94% of China’s air pollutants that supply 73% of power throughout China, lowering the air quality in Beijing which changes rapidly dependent on the time of the year.
Location of coal fire power plants in China
Winter can cause great areas of air pollution stagnation due to PM2.5 particles attaching themself to frozen H2O particles in low lying topographical territories, such as our experimental site located south of Yuyuantan Park which has hilled topography that can reach four storeys high, this can cause strong temperature inversion, frequently enhanced by the presence of snow cover. Stagnant snow is potentially dangerous with concentrated chemicals such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene & xylenes that are airborne from nearby factories, which can attach themselves to PM2.5 particles creating pollutants that, can substantially be worse for the average pedestrian and children that frequently come in contact with snow. (Pg34) This report addresses the air pollution in western Beijing and doesn’t suggest a government policy change although it does attempt to lower PM2.5 levels on a small scale (one city block) through the act of phytoremediation active green walls, controlled rainfall, photocatalytic building materials and air purification.
Spring Sunlight Simulation
Summer Sunlight Simulation
Autunm Sunlight Simulation
Winter Sunlight Simulation
Phytoremediation is the direct use of living green plants for in situ, or in place, removal, degradation, or containment of contaminants in soils, sludge’s, sediments, surface water and groundwater, which is a low cost solar energy clean up technique. This method is Cheaper than most other ways of prevention treatments against pollution, less destructive to the environment then other treatments while further reducing the risk of contamination. The top five plants used for phytoremediation (Pg59) are Sunflowers, Willow Trees, Poplar Trees, Indian grass and Indian Mustard which can all clean heavy metals however these aren’t winter plants, while the Festuca Arundinace (Pg61) is a grass that is found in China that has high phytoremediation properties which likes cold, wet and warm climate; growing well in the fertile, moist, rich in organic matter with a pH value of between 4.6 and 8.5 fine loam.
Transpiration through water vapour
Plants and endophytes breakdown contaminents
Roots absorb water and contaniments Water Table Contaminated Ground Water Phytoremediation Diagram
Natural Rain can collect on the roofs of buildings, then used in a controlled rainfall (Pg65) machine together with custom software and 3D tracking cameras to create monsoon rain to effectively cleanse air pollutants whilst allowing pedestrians to pass through the computerized environment without being drenched in the process. Creating a carefully choreographed downfall that responds to your movements and presence as rainfall can wash particle matter out from the atmosphere while dissolving PM2.5 particles. RAIN WATER COLLECTION//CONCEPT
Controlled Monsoon Machine
Photocatalytics Diagram
Photocatalysis is the natural phenomenon, whereby a photocatalyst substance through the action of natural or artificial light triggers a strong oxidation process converting noxious organic and inorganic substances into absolutely harmless compounds. These properties can be found in Photocatalytic products such as TX Active (Pg66) paint that can promote faster decomposition of pollutants which can be applied to any building surface. Air purification is currently being tested (Pg67) in seven metre high towers that suck in PM2.5 particles using patented ion technology to produce smog free public spaces, taking in nearby air pollutants, using the remaining particles to produce jewelry.
Smog Free Tower Diagram
Together these elements can be combined into a system that incorporates an active phytoremediation wall planted heavily with Festuca Arundinace, which is formed by photocatalytic building materials, along with the use of photocatalytic paint to absorb and cleanse airborne pollutants. A controlled monsoon that collects rainwater in multiple tanks on rooftops, to then be distributed out of a larger tank that is powered by the use of hydroelectricity to lower further pollutant emissions, together creating a carefully choreographed downfall that responds to your movements and presence to wash airborne pollutants, when the space isn’t being used in high numbers between 8pm-4am daily. A PM2.5 air purification tower located in the centre of the site together with forced wind movement through surrounding buildings, potentially providing wind 18-24 hours a day for cleansing of air pollutants, as wind movement in western Beijing is particularly north to south most of the day (21 hours a day), yet has been found to switch direction from 2pm5pm on a daily basis.
Forced Wind Movement
Phytoremediation Active Wall & Photocatalytic Materials
Controlled Monsoon Machine
Flow through the tunnell and around central filter structure Wind Speed: 10m/s Direction: North Location: Latt - 39°54’14.97”N Long - 116°19’14.47”E - Model showing good air movement through the hole cut in the front building
This methodology has been tested on a small scale site to allow accuracy, yet is an experiment that can be applied to larger areas of built space. The use of a small site allows this research project to be an exhibition of landscape architecture, an ongoing project that educates the general public in order to change the preconceived perception that the Chinese public has in their own country. With potential to be a growing project that over time can latch onto surrounding structures metaphorically, prompting a change to government policy to encourage future building principles to incorporate this particular methodology.
Autodesk Flow Simulation Final Model
group information
Developing Political Lens & Research Question//Define a political lens (interest) and research question through which your team will approach the pilot study For the first week of our group project we went through the RMIT website and organised ourself into section so we could research various aspects of the project. The spreadsheet below was our first week of work scheduele where we split our interests into the main environmental issues in Beijing, current government restrictions and how they work, our personal design interest and oppourtunities we personally thought could be applied to the city of Beijing to combat air pollutants. This graph was just a base that our team worked with for the first week which dramatically changed after resarch that was collected after two weeks of work. (b). developing political lens & research question Define a political lens (interest) and research question through which your team will approach the pilot study What are the main environmental issues that Beijing is dealing with ? ( if you have been to Beijing what made you feel discomfort , upset)
What are the current system / authorities in Beijing are doing to tackle these issues ? Is it effective?
1. High levels of pollution in a very high density urban landscape. 2. Not enough green spaces. 3. Quick changing wind speed. 4.Urban heat island effect.
The authorities are trying to control The effects of vegetation and surfaces with and moderate the amount of different properties (form and material) on pollutants that are created by cars and environmental and social conditions. factories. It is effective for periods of high atmospheric pollution but not as a long term solution.
Can we reduce air pollution and increase thermal comfort in Beijing by introducing green spaces. What kind of Green spaces will suite Beijing the most?
1. Air pollution in areas of high density 2. Emissions from factories & automobiles 3. Air pollution that attaches to water molecules
The government currently has restrictions in place that limit people from using their personal cars, while banning the use of cars before big events to take away the atmospheric pollution which is effective in the short term but not in the long term.
How could the use of better transportation systems and the use of certain roads by cars determine and control air pollution in specific parts of the city where vegetation spread across various surfaces to contain these particular pollutants
Can pollution be controlled on a small scale through vegetation, while changing the program of certain roads to predict future pollution in an attempt to control and slowly decrease air pollutants spreading throughout the city.
1. Air pollution 2.Industrial pollution from surrounded cities ( mainly from central BJ) and Hebei Province) Shandong 4. mainly affect 3. Sandstorm Automobile( emission (the main central southwestinarea) cause ofarea badand air pollution
1. Banning coal combustion in Beijing 2. Limitation of vehicle use (odd and double number )
The effects of greening areas in the central area and greenbelt on the edges of Beijing
Can the planning of greenbelt decrease the air pollution from surrounded cities? Can greening areas in the central area in Beijing have a positive effect on air quality?
1. Air pollution 2. Water pollution (Rivers, groundwater and acidic rainfall)
Legislation is in place to control the pollution but enforcement is weak, remediation measures need to be put in place alongside legislation
Biofilters and Phytoremediation species of plants used in urban design
Can the use of Phytoremediation plants have a measureable effect on air quality and is it possible to grow these species in Beijing's climate.
1. HAZE (mostly Particulate matter 2.5 ) 2. Sandstorm (10 years ago, solved by planting a large area of protection forest)
1. Greenhouse gas (GHG) 2. Highly population 3. Duststorm
1. Limitation of the vehicle use (for example, vehicles whose plate number is odd number just can be drove on the city road on Mon. Wed. and Fri. ; even numbers vehicle can be used on Tue. Thur. and Sat. 2. Every time before big event, the government will stop these factories around beijing, and the haze will disappear immediately. Beijing’s comprehensive motor Vehicle Emission Control Programs.
What are your personal / Design interests? (could be anything !)
What do you see as opportunities in the developments? ( General research question for this assignment,)
1. Beijing is now surrounded by thousands of irregular landfills, which is a hot issue of beijing recently and do brought a lot of pollution, I have did some brief research on that, and really interested in the reconstruction of its. 2. Maybe some temperature inversion stuffs
Installations which can reduce or just measure the level of heze (I don’t know whether it is too specific, but I do saw a installation of glasses in beijing, which has lights inside, and the color of the light can changed with the different level of the air pollution.
1.Beijing’s vehicle emission control regime has delivered significant environmental and health benefits, but only Beijing 6/VI can help Beijing prevent longterm emission growth. 2. Accelerating the pace of emission control in the areas surrounding Beijing will maximize the regional environmental impact. Like Tianjin-Hebei… 3. Beijing’s vehicle emission control experience can be an inspiration for other cities.
Can we propose to use the natural power in the city like: sun energy roofs, the wind trees…
conditions and phenomena
Research Method:
Exploration into how wind speed, humidity & tempreture affect air pollutants in the air around the world and in china. While also looking at precedents that relate to these explorations.
This process looked at how air pollutants can change depedent on varibles which are wind speed, temperature, solar radiation, humidity & rainfall. The data was interpreted from a website that explains how different local areas use instruments to caluculate air pollutants.
From this process and research all these variables can either add to or subtract the amount of air pollutants in the air. The wind speed in a certain area can move air pollutants away if the wind speed i fast enough, where if it is calm the pollutants will stay in the air. Temperature and solar radiation work together and can create photochemical smog if the they are both high, where if low wont create this chemical reaction. Humimdity works together rainfall and can be bad when looking at air pollutants due to water vapour that is created by humidity can merge together with pollutants in the air and carry them, potentially harming vegetables and vegetation.
This research was critical in learning the first stage of how air pollutants work, which is simple knowledge, yet can help further in our data collection and research.
The data that i have collected is broad, yet it does show the simple factors of the conditions and phenomena that cause air pollution, also looking into how air pollutants can be lowered in certain temperatures, which is what we as a group can test in our future process.
Air Pollution//Meteorology Air pollution is incredibly dependent on multiple factors which are;
1. wind speed 2. temperature 3. humidity 4. rainfall 5. solar radiation
If a study is air pollution is conducted it must also contain a study on local wheather patterns as these data sets when viewed alone are completely different when assessed together. Meterology data can show where the air pollution is gathering and predict high pollutant concentrated days using computer models. While this data can predict future polluted area’s, the general consenses is if the air is calm the pollutants cannot disperse, allowing them to build up in these calm spaces. However is the air is not calm due to the factors spoken about above, the dispersal of air pollutants will occur a lot faster.
Air Pollution//Wind Speed An anemoneter is used to measure wind speed while A sonic anemometer operates on the principle that the speed of wind affects the time it takes for sound to travel from one point to another. Sound travelling with the wind will take less time than sound travelling into the wind. By measuring sound wave speeds in 2 different directions at the same time, sonic anemometers can measure both wind speed and direction. Both of the spoken devices above are used to record wind speed which can help track where the source of local air pollutants is occuring. By gathering the data of wind speed and wind direction, you can see where the pollution is starting and where it shall end up, this can be done more precise using 3d computer modelling .
Air Pollution//Temperature & Solar Radiation Measuring tempreture can be used in forcasting activities whilst supporting air quallity assesments and models. Temperature & solar radiation together can create a chemical reaction in the atmosphere to form photochemical smog (higher temperatures & solar radiation will lead to a higher concentration of smog). This is important in why solar radiation data should be kept to predict photochemical smog events in the future, which can so close but will change dependent on cloudiness in the sky, time of day and geographical location. An instrument called a pyranometer measures solar radiation from the output of a type of silicon cell sensor.
Air Pollution//Humidity Like temperature and solar radiation, vapours from water play and important part in photochemical smog in the atmosphere. Water molecules can bind to many substances which if attached to corrosive gases such as sulfur dioxide can create an acid solution that can damage ones health. The amount of water vapour in the air is hard to measure as it is depedent on geographical location, wind direction and air temperature, yet humidity is generally higher during summer when temperature and rainfall are at there highest. Meaning that if the humidty is higher, it will increase the pollutants in the air through water vapours.
Air Pollution//Rainfall Rainfall can be helpful when dicussing air pollutants as rain can wash particulate matter out from the atmosphere while dissolving pollutants. Removing these air particles will create a better air quality which can be experienced in area’s of frequent high rainfall. While rainfall can be good in terms of lowering air pollutants it can also be caught in multiple pockets of sulfur dioxide in the air, which will then create acid rain resulting in damage to materials and vegetation in the area. Rainfall in a local area is generally calucated using and instrument called a ‘tipping bucket rain guage’, which the quantity and intensity of rainfall in a particular area. The study below conducted by Wei Ouyang, Et Al (2015) shows a study done in the northern sector of Beijing where rainfall and pm2.5 data was collected in the summer of 2014 to determine wether rainfall could cleanse pollutants in the air. From the graphs below you can see on June 7th & July 1st (the longest period of rainfall) PM2.5 levels decreased to 34.30 μg m− 3 and 24.08 μg m− 3, respectively. While on June 28th the rainfall was a lot shorter yet this still cause allowed the water to clean the pollutants in the air. This experiment shows us that rainfall (over a short or long period of time) can cleanse air pollutants significantly, which could potentially be a critical part of our project using the rainfall in the city of Beijing to clean the air.
Ouyang , W. Et Al, (2015). The washing effect of precipitation on particulate matter and the pollution dynamics of rainwater in downtown Beijing. Science of The Total Environment, 505(1), 306-314. Retrieved 15 May, 2016, from 22
Air Pollution//Temperature Inversion Temperature in the air is generally warmest when closer to the ground, allowing people to assume that at a lower elevation it will be warmer then it is at a higher elevation, due to the earth absorbing energy from the sun and heating the ground surface, therefore heating the air surface close to the ground. Temperature inversion can occur in cities that lie in valleys trapping the cooler air at the bottom and top while having a horizontal layer of warm air in the middle. This can cause air pollution problems in cities such as Beijing due to smog not being able to dissapate normally, raising the pollution level therefore changing how people feel in particular areas that are air polluted higher then average. The below image on the left shows normally temperature that is warmer on the ground surface and cooler as elevation rises. While the image on the right shows temperature inversion, cool air that is trapped under a layer of warm air which changes the quality of the air.
normal conditions
temperature inversion
Under story weather . (2016). Understory captures evidence of temperature inversion in Kansas City. Retrieved 15 May, 2016, from
pollutants in beijing
Research Method:
Exploration into how pollutants in Beijing act, decifering wether cars or factories are the main polluters in China on a larger scale, with research done through investigations done on both of these above factors.
This process looked at how bad air pollutants are from both cars and factories. Gathering information from various websites, blogs and articles that has collected raw data to create graphical images to depict a story.
From this process and research from both car and factories, it is very clear that the main polluters in China are coal fired power plants that almost account for 80% of China’s PM2.5 air pollutants. Even though days such as, ‘no car day’ showed that China can lower there air pollutants, this was also due to over 40,000 factories closing down which are the main polluters.
This research was critical in finding out who the main polluters are in China. As it is almost impossible using the internet and books to gather data on which factory is the main polluter, the information is seen as a whole, so we can clearly conclude that factories are the main polluter
The data that i have collected on pollution is Beijing, China clearly shows who the major polluters are, which is almost unstoppable. Looking into the future maybe there is a way a presenting a project that isn’t a solution to cleansing all of China’s air pollution, yet an example on a small scale that could work as an educational project to teach other Chinese people that there is a way to live in area’s pollution free.
Pollutants in Beijing//Car Pollution Data The graph below shows that vehicle pm2.5 pollutions is only 6% of the problem in China’s current air pollution problem. There is a wide missconception that everything think that vehicles are the major polluter which in fact is wrong, as coal fired power plants are the major emitter of PM2.5 in China.
www.wordpresscom. (2015). Wordpress. Retrieved 20 April, 2016, from https://qzprod.files.wordpress. com/2014/07/greenpeace-pollution-sources-beijing.png?w=640
The secondary graph on the right shows that the usage of passenger cars when compaired to trucks in China is incredibly low. Which is rapidly growing that could suggest that the use of trucks is growing due to the amount needed to transport coal through-out the country, from the thousands of coal fired power plants located in China.
Sherpa, G. (2013). Wwwglobalsherpaorg. Retrieved 20 April, 2016, from uploads/2013/01/china-car-truck-ownership-graph-chart-bystuart-staniford-via-good.is_.jpg
Pollutants in Beijing//No Car Day 2015 On August 20th, Beijing put restrictions on factory production and car use. Five million cars were forced to drive on alternating days leading up to the 70th anniversary of Japan’s WWII defeat on September 3rd so that the city’s usually smoggy skies would be a picture-perfect blue. The day after the parade, with the restrictions lifted, Beijing’s air quality index hit 160, a level at which “everyone may begin to experience some adverse health effects,” according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 5 Million cars were forced to drive on alternating days in Beijing which showed a 73.2% drop in PM2.5 levels when compaired to 2014’s average. 40,000 construction sites in and around Beijing were also shut down for the duration, yet this wasn’t as advertised comapred to car usage, giving people a false conception that cars were the major pollutant in China. While there is a lot of cars that do emit air pollutants into the air in China, the main polluters are coal fired power plants.
Dainius. (2015). Beijing Bans 25 Million Cars, Residents See Blue Skies For First Time In Ages. Retrieved 20 April, 2016, from
Dainius. (2015). Beijing Bans 25 Million Cars, Residents See Blue Skies For First Time In Ages. Retrieved 20 April, 2016, from
Pollutants in Beijing//Factory Pollutants The mapping below shows total MW capacity of propsed coal fired plants with China almost acountable for half the worlds coal fired power plants. Secondly the water shortage that is occuring due to the amount of coal fired power plants.
Guimcouk. (2016). Guimcouk. Retrieved 12 May, 2016, from
Wriorg. (2012). Wriorg. Retrieved 12 May, 2016, from
Pollutants in Beijing//Factory Pollutants China Experienced 257,000 premature deaths last year from air pollution widely beleived to be from the overusage of coal mining. China’s life expectancy for a heathly human is 5.5 shorter then the average person, with the lift expectancy even shorter for those living in the north of China. This mapping below shows areas in china that are occupied with coal mining plants (undefined number) with 80% of the countries power usage coming from coal mines, that need water to survive, which is lowering China’s avaliable water country wide. Each bubble stands for a coal plant, of which China has more than 2,300 in operation. Each bubble is semi-transparent and the darker areas are where the bubbles have layered up because there is another plant – or several – nearby. The map shows the regional concentration of health impacts (indicated by premature deaths) from coal plant emissions.
Treehuggercom. (2015). TreeHugger. Retrieved 12 May, 2016, from
parklands in western beijing
Research Method:
Exploration into parklands that are located in western Beijing close to our small scale site, how these parks cope with large amounts of air pollutants.
This process looked at how parklands change over seasons, the parklands that are close to our propossed intervention site, while also looking into how these parks site in the landscape of Beijing when talking about elevation.
From this process and research there are two main parks located south (Lianhuaichi Park) and north (Yuyuantang Park) of our site which are both connected to the Beijing moat system and have high hills, which is abnormal for Beijing as it is a generally flat elevated city. From the research the discovery of how air pollutants work in winter was suprising, looking in how snow can hold air pollutants which could almost say that parks could be more dangerous in winter due to the stagment pollution in the air.
This research was critical in learning how the parklands act with the surrounding landscape, also discovering how winter can potentially be worse for air pollution in western Beijing
The data that i have collected about parklands in western Beijing is almost a bit to far then what we needed for this research project, yet i do beleive that it was critical to analysis the park conditions that are located around our site. As these parklands are typically the high points in the western landscape of Beijing, which could potentially be a way to move wind in our future intervention.
Parks//Yuyuantan Park Yuyuantan Park is located in the Haidian district close to the CCTV tower west of the Beijing CBD. The park is 1820 metres wideand 1106 metres long occupying 137 hectares, with 61 hectares being water bodies. The main draw of this particular park is the cherry blossems that can be seen from April to early May, to note the admission of the park is normally 2 yuan, yet during cherry blossom season the price changes to 10 yuan (roughly $2 AU). The lake is popular for boating during the summer months, there is also a swimming area and cafe’s that are located through the park. The pollution in Yuyuantan Park can be noticed most in the winter months, while the snow can hold the pollution molecules, which do eventually be realeased when the snow melts.
Absolutechinatourscomau. (2016). Absolutechinatourscomau. Retrieved 27 April, 2016, from
Absolutechinatourscomau. (2016). Absolutechinatourscomau. Retrieved 27 April, 2016, from
Parks//Lianhuachi Park Lianhuachi park, also known as Lotus Park is located next to Beijing West Train Station, covering an area of 446,000 square metres. The Lotus Pool is surrounded by four hills. Seen from afar, the East Hill is narrow and lofty. Stone trails wind through green pines and verdant cypresses into the Lotus Wind Pavilion at the top of the hill. The West Hill slopes gently, where locust and ash trees grow. The South Hill and the North Hill are both artificially constructed, and abundant with plants. Through the park there is around 250 species of plants from Chinese pines, cedars, ginkgos, locust trees, white waxes and magnolia trees, there is also 80,000 lotus’s that are from 250 different species that have been so far.
Peoplecn. (2016). Peoplecn. Retrieved 27 April, 2016, from
Visitbeijingcomcn. (2016). Visitbeijingcomcn. file/2013/0816/20130816022910901.jpg
Parks//Snows Affect on Air Pollution
Nazarenko et al.. (2016). Environ Sci: Processes, 2016, 18, 190. Role of snow and cold environment in the fate and effects of nanoparticles and select organic pollutants from gasoline engine exhaust, 18(2), 153 - 296. Retrieved 27 April, 2016, from content/articlepdf/2016/em/c5em00616c
Exposure to vehicle exhaust can drive up to 70 % of excess lifetime cancer incidences due to air pollution in urban environments. When exhaust leaves a car in cold weather it can attach to snow particles that by touch and melting can be potentially hazardess to people. A study by Royal Society of Chemistry has written an article titled, ‘Role of snow and cold environments in the fate and effects of nanoparticles and select organic pollutants from gasoline engine exhaust’. Researchers noticed after interations between snow and exhaust fumes after one hour can be potentially dangerous with concentrated chemicals such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene & xylenes attaching themselves to snow particles. This articles even suggests that snow attached to air pollutants may even have potential to combind and create pollutants that are worse then current air pollutants that are in the air. To conclude (Parisa) states, “Without considering snow and ice, one will not be able to properly evaluate the effect of exhaust emission, and subsequently health and climate impacts, for the cities which receive snow,” whilst also stating, “Further research — lab, field and model — is recommended to address various aspects of such experiments under various environmental conditions, for adequate implementation in future modeling. Further advisory policy will also be required.”
Nazarenko et al.. (2016). Environ Sci: Processes, 2016, 18, 190. Role of snow and cold environment in the fate and effects of nanoparticles and select organic pollutants from gasoline engine exhaust, 18(2), 153 - 296. Retrieved 27 April, 2016, from
Parks//Beijing Botanical Garden
Kinabaloocom. (2016). Kinabaloocom. Retrieved 27 April, 2016, from
The Beijing Botanical Gardens is a large park (approx. 400,000 square metres) close to the Xiangshan park at the foot of the western fragrant hills, which was established in 1955. The botanical gardens is 15km from central Beijing that includes a lake, the Perennial Garden, Peony Garden, Ornamental Peach Garden, a magnificent 10,000 square metre Conservatory housing Rain Forest House, Orchid House, Desert Garden House, Exhibition Flower House and numerous other gardens featuring camellias, bamboo, tree peonies, ornamental cherries and many others.
Kinabaloocom. (2016). Kinabaloocom. Retrieved 27 April, 2016, from
Kinabaloocom. (2016). Kinabaloocom. Retrieved 27 April, 2016, from
Parks//Jinshan Park
Peter danford. (2016). Thechinaguidecom. Retrieved 27 April, 2016, from
Jinshan Park was park of the forbidden city in Beijing until the early 1900s when the walls were pulled down, destroying several gates and placing a road through thye centre. The hills in Jinshan Park were created by pulling land from the outside of the park to create a moat, even though walls were pulled down from the forbidden city, a moat surrounded this park from the early 1900’s. The middle peak used the be the highest point in the city until infastructure took over in the mid 1900’s. According to the dictates of Feng Shui, it is favorable to site a residence to the south of a hill (gaining protection from cold northerly winds). This was seen as particularly important for the new capital’s imperial palace. Hence the hill is popularly known as ‘Feng Shui Hill’. It is also known as ‘Coal Hill’, a direct translation of its old Chinese name (MeiShan) from a time when some say that coal was stored here. In 1655, during the Qing Dynasty, the name was changed to JingShan. ‘Shan’ means hill or mountain in Chinese. Jinshan park is 230,000 square metres in area that is filled with fruit trees, pines and cypress trees.
Drbennet. (2016). Drbennet. Retrieved 27 April, 2016, from
Parks//Zhongshan Park
Travelchinaguidecom. (2016). Travelchinaguidecom. Retrieved 27 April, 2016, from zhongshan-park.htm
Named after Sun Zhongshan (Sun Yatsen), the father of modern China, this peaceful park sits at the southwest corner of the Forbidden City and partly looks out onto the palace’s moat (you can rent pedal-boats here) and towering walls. A refreshing prologue or conclusion to the magnificence of the Forbidden City, the park was formerly the sacred Ming-style Altar to the God of the Land and the God of Grain (Shèjìtán), where the emperor offered sacrifices Zhongshan park covers and area of 218,000 square metres that has a hothouse (greenhouse) inside that park, which from our studies is shown to be very bad for ones health when mixed with air pollutants.
Kinabaloocom. (2016). Kinabaloocom. Retrieved 27 April, 2016, from
Parks//Beijing Zoo Beijing zoo is located in the downtown area of Xicheng district within and area of 900,000 square metres of dense vegetation surounded by 600 different species of animals. It is the earliest and biggest zoo in China due to a relationship with over 50 countries to display animals such as pandas and golden monkeys that are specific to china, while also being able to display many animals from Africa, America & Australia. There are many man made hills that have been built throughout the Beijing zoo for different species of animals, which could potentially be used as a wind break/wind movement when related to the movement of pollutants through the air.
Drbennet. (2016). Drbennet. Retrieved 27 April, 2016, from Haidian_District/Beijing_Zoo/Zoo-Map/Folder-BeijingZoo-MapBBQT.jpg
Wordpresscom. (2016). Wordpresscom. Retrieved 27 April, 2016, from
Parks//Zizhuyuan Park (Purple Bamboo Park) The Zizhuyuan Park or Purple Bamboo Park is located west of the Haidian District and known for its bamboo scenery. Three lakes, filled with lotus blossoms, occupy one third of the area. They are connected with two islets by five arch bridges. Pavilions, corridors and bridges hide in the tall bamboo all across the park, which cover an area of 473,500 square metres. Constructed around canals and large lakes, it is renowned for its bamboo scenery. Entering the garden, you will find yourself in a bamboo world. The garden has more than 50 species of bamboos on display. Among the diverse bamboo stock, such as mottled bamboos, purple bamboos, fishpole bamboos, the most common by far is the purple bamboo.
Tumblrcom. (2016). Tumblrcom. Retrieved 27 April, 2016, from
waterways in western beijing
Research Method:
Explorations into the main waterways that are close to our designated site in western Beijing. Researching if urban development has any affect in the major waterways that pass through Beijing.
This process looked at how big the waterways are in the western Beijing, looking at the distance, depth and change in water. Specifically at how the water quality changes at different sides of the water channel depending on the air/ water quality from nearby pollutants.
From this process and research it us showed us that air pollutant concentration showed greater increase after light rainfall events then moderate or heavy events, while a sufficient amout of monthly rainfall (> 100mm) induced a dilution effect. Relating this to how the rainfall can change the air quality, it will also change the quality of the water in the Yongdighe Connection that rans along the eastern and northern boundary of our specific site, connecting to the Yuyuang Pond Park.
This research was critical in learning how exterior air quality and rainfall can change water qualities in major water systems that are in western Beijing.
The data that i have collected showed us vital information about rainfall that wasn’t intended in the process of learning about waterways, yet will be useful when looking at a future intervention that uses rainfall to cleanse air pollutants.
Waterway//The Yongdinghe Connection The Yongding river is the largest river in Beijing, which is a man made channel that was built int 1956 spanning a total length of 21km long. The channel originates at the Sanjiadian Reservoir and flows from west to east toward downtown and finally into Yuyuantan Lake. Limitations of water from the resevour keep portions of the channel dry, especially in the middle above the Dinghui Bridge, yet there is a floodgate at the Dinghui Bridge allowing water to always be present between the bridge and the Yuyuantan Lake. The below graph show’s site investigation areas, where rainfall, pH, CODmm (mg/L) & TP (mg/L) levels where measured for a five month period in 2004, which showed the water quality in the Yongding Diversion Channel and rainfall characteristics revealed a significant correlation between rainfall and urban river quality. This showed that air pollutant concentration showed greater increase after light rainfall events then moderate or heavy events, while a sufficient amout of monthly rainfall (> 100mm) induced a dilution effect. The graph below shows a close representation of the above text close to our site which is site 4
Wang et al.. (2013). Is Urban development an urban river killer?. Is urban development an urban river killer? A case study of Yongding Diversion Channel in Beijing, China, 1(1), 1-12. Retrieved 1 May, 2016, from http:// id=jesc_cnimshang3/9691wYuYuan.jpg
Waterway//Yuyuan Pond Park Yuyuan Pond Park, also named Diaoyutai. Diaoyutai was a famous tourism resort in the northwest suburb of the capital of the Emperor as far back as the Jin, and a favorite fishing spot of a few. Later, during the Ming, it became the personal villa of a nobleman.
Maineedu. (2016). Maineedu. Retrieved 1 May, 2016, from
Jrncom. (2016). Jrncom. Retrieved 1 May, 2016, from
mapping western beijing
Research Method:
Explorations into new programs and plug ins in order to create an exact mapping of western Beijing.
This process looked at how grasshopper plug ins (specifically ELK 0.6.1) can be used to generate mappings through data that is provided by open street maps.
From this process it was quite simple to generate an accurate mapping of western Beijing by using Elk 0.6.1 through grasshopper. Although there was data that seemed to be missing which could be due to government restrictions, yet the reason is unknown. If there was more data the program Processing could easily be used to generate an exact mapping from raw data, yet due to the amount of unavaliable data in China it is very hard to get exact information on geo-locations.
This mapping was critical in being able to draw propossed wind flow, helping me connect previous information about parklands and waterways to our site on a 2D plane.
The mapping was good when related close to looking into connecting parklands, waterway to our proposed site, yet isnt very usefull when used in Ladybug or Autodesk Flow Design as both of these programs work on showing simulations against three dimensional models.
Mapping Western Beijing//Grasshopper (Elk 0.6.1) The mapping image below was created in grasshopper, using the plug in ELK, which takes data from open street maps to create a precise representation of your chosen location. Using multiple components i was able to locate waterways (which are labelled in blue) and areas that are designated as parks (which are hatched). The black square located on the map is a 500x500m block that is our designated site, located between Yuyuantang and Lianuaichu parks with Beijing’s moat system running around the eastern and northern boundaries of the site.
Mapping Western Beijing//Site Specific The mapping below used rhino to create a 3D representation of our site that was labelled in black on the previous page, the buildings that are colour coded green is the site specific buildings that we are using for our future propossal.
500x500m Site Axonometric
Plan Zoomed
Ground Zoomed
Air Zoomed
site simulations
Research Method:
Exploring tempreature over different seasons and how wind flows through the site using newly learnt programs such as ladybug through grasshopper and autodesk flow design.
This process looked at how temperature changed over different seasons and how this changed the amount of sunlight houses, while looking at how wind moved through the site.
From this process and research through the uses of data programed into three dimensional computer programs we were able to see how in winter the sunlight hours were dramatically lower, due to the angle of the sun and height of the buildings. The wind flowed showed us how wind can be trapped in certain areas of the site, allowing air pollutants to be stagnent in particular areas of the site, dependent on the wind speed. The EVI report showed us that China is extremely vulnerable to air pollutants due to the data gathered inrelation to economical, environmental social and politcal data.
This research was critical in learning how the site changed in different seasons, temperature and speeds of wind. which will help us futher in our design research process in placement of particular programs that can help cleanse air pollutants
The data that we collected as a team will be incredibly useful when we look into the last process of the research project, which will be proposing certain elements that will directly relate to information gathered in this process.
Site Simulations//Sunlight Simulations Credit: Li Zixuan
Below is wind simulations that where generated in grasshopper (ladybug) by Li Zixuan
spring ladybug simulation (sunlight hours analysis)
summer ladybug simulation (sunlight hours analysis)
Site Simulations//Sunlight Simulations
Credit: Li Zixuan
Below is wind simulations that where generated in grasshopper (ladybug) by Li Zixuan
autumn ladybug simulation (sunlight hours analysis)
winter ladybug simulation (sunlight hours analysis)
Site Simulations//Wind Simulations Credit: Liam Mullen
Below is wind simulations that where generated in autodesk flow desk by Liam Mullen Autodesk Flow Wind analysis Location: Latt - 39°54’14.97”N long - 116°19’14.47”E Wind Direction: NORTH Wind Speed: 10m/s Indicates an area of possible pollution accumulation
Autodesk Flow Wind analysis Location: Latt - 39°54’14.97”N long - 116°19’14.47”E Wind Direction: NORTH/EAST Wind Speed: 10m/s
Autodesk Flow Wind analysis Location: Latt - 39°54’14.97”N long - 116°19’14.47”E Wind Direction: EAST Wind Speed: 10m/s Indicates an area of possible pollution accumulation
Autodesk Flow Wind analysis Location: Latt - 39°54’14.97”N long - 116°19’14.47”E Wind Direction: SOUTH/ EAST Wind Speed: 10m/s Indicates an area of possible pollution accumulation
Site Simulations//Wind Simulations
Credit: Liam Mullen
Below is wind simulations that where generated in autodesk flow desk by Liam Mullen Autodesk Flow Wind analysis Location: Latt - 39°54’14.97”N long - 116°19’14.47”E Wind Direction: SOUTH Wind Speed: 10m/s Indicates an area of possible pollution accumulation
Autodesk Flow Wind analysis Location: Latt - 39°54’14.97”N long - 116°19’14.47”E Wind Direction: SOUTH/ WEST Wind Speed: 10m/s Indicates an area of possible pollution accumulation
Autodesk Flow Wind analysis Location: Latt - 39°54’14.97”N long - 116°19’14.47”E Wind Direction: WEST Wind Speed: 10m/s
Autodesk Flow Wind analysis Location: Latt - 39°54’14.97”N long - 116°19’14.47”E Wind Direction: NORTH/ WEST Wind Speed: 10m/s
Site Simulations//Wind Simulations (Temperature Inversion) Credit: Li Zixuan
Below is wind simulations that where generated in autodesk flow desk by Li Zixuan Level One: sdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgs
Level Two: sdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgs
Level Three: sdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgs
Site Simulations//EVI Report
Vulnerability index. (2016). Environmental Vulnerability Index. Retrieved 1 May, 2016, from
An EVI Report is an environmental vulnerability index that takes multiple data sets together and uses that information to generate environmental information based on policies , economical, social and cutural behavour. The information collected below shows that Beijing is ‘extremely vulnerable’ in terms of environmental resistance, while also taking into consideration that some information was unable to access due to it being blocked on english websites.
Your country 0
Wind 1 Dry 2 Wet 3 Hot 4 Cold 5 SST 6 Volcano 7 Earthquake 8 Tsunami 9 Slides 10 Land 11 Dispersion 12 Isolation 13 Relief 14 Lowlands 15 Borders 16 Imbalance 17 Openness 18 Migratory 19 Endemics 20 Introductions 21 Endangered 22 Extinctions 23 Vegetation 24 Loss Veg 25 Fragment 26 Degradation 27 Reserves 28 MPAs 29 Farming 30 Fertilisers 31 Pesticides 32 Biotech 33 Fisheries 34 Fish Effort 35 Water 36 Air 37 Waste 38 Treatment 39 Industry 40 Spills 41 Mining 42 Sanitation 43 Vehicles 44 Density 45 Growth 46 Tourists 47 Coastal 48 Agreements 49 Conflicts 50
Hazards Resistance Damage
385 94 Extremely vulnerable 3.31 4.50 4.90
91 100 100
3.62 2.73 4.63 3.64 4.73 3.83 4.25
100 100 100 100 85 95 67
Weather & Climate Geology Geography Resources & Services Human Populations
Climate Change Exposure to Natural Disasters Biodiversity Desertification Water Agriculture / Fisheries Human Health Aspects
None, this is first assessment
Resilient Vulnerable Blanks = No data or Not applicable; EVI scores are 1-7
how to combat air pollution
Research Method:
Exploration into methods through research that can be used to combat air pollution in western Beijing.
This process looked at how multiple methods on a small scale can be produced on a large scale, combinded together to create an air pollutants cleansing system. Through the use of phytoremediation, smog cleaning machines, monsoon machines and green walling technology.
From this process and research all these variables can be combinded together to create a system that can combat air pollution in western Beijing on a small scale. Taking methods from the concept of phytoremediation that is generally a process that is used in small cleansing process, using a smog free tower on a larger scale to cleanse air pollution that can be directed into the site and the re-use of rainfall, which can be used in a monsoon machine to cleanse air pollution, creating a methodology and system to cleanse air pollution.
This research was critical in learning ways that can cleanse air pollution at small and large scales, using these different methods to create an entirely new methodology in an attempt to cleanse air pollutants in western Beijing.
The data that we have collected as a team has allowed us to create a methodology that we can apply to our small site, using previous simulations to create a system to cleanse air pollution in western Beijing.
Phytoremediation//About Phytoremediation is the direct use of living green plants for in situ, or in place, removal, degradation, or containment of contaminants in soils, sludges, sediments, surface water and groundwater. Phytoremediation is: • A low cost, solar energy driven cleanup technique. • Most useful at sites with shallow, low levels of contamination. • Useful for treating a wide variety of environmental contaminants. • Effective with, or in some cases, in place of mechanical cleanup methods. The uptake of contaminants in plants occurs primarily through the root system, in which the principal mechanisms for preventing contaminant toxicity are found. The root system provides an enormous surface area that absorbs and accumulates the water and nutrients essential for growth, as well as other non-essential contaminants. Researchers are finding that the use of trees (rather than smaller plants) is effective in treating deeper contamination because tree roots penetrate more deeply into the ground. In addition, deep-lying contaminated ground water can be treated by pumping the water out of the ground and using plants to treat the contamination.
Chapter 17. (n.d.). Retrieved May 08, 2016, from
Phytoremediation//Advantages & Disadvantages Phytoremediation Advantages:
1. Cheaper then most other ways of prevention treatments against pollution 2. Its less destructive to the environment then other treatments 3. The risk of further contamination is reduced 4. Plants can treat more then one pollutant (in our case they are treating PM2.5) 5. Asthetically pleasing Phytoremediation Disadvantages: 1. Usually limited to sites with lower concetration of pollution 2. The affectiveness is dependent upon the depth of the plants roots 3. It is dependent on the plants tolerance to the comtaminent 4. Contaminents may be released back into the environment through natural plant life and death cycles, or by burning the contaminant filled plants 5.The clean up of a site through the method of phytoremediation can take a lot longer then other methods.
Peoplecn. (2016). Peoplecn. Retrieved 27 April, 2016, from
Phytoremediation//Best Plants
5 Best Plants For Phytoremediation. (2015). Retrieved May 08, 2016, from http://landarchs com/5-best-plants-for-phytoremediation/
1. Indian Mustard (Brassica Juncea L.) 2. Willow (Salix Species) 3. Poplar Tree (Populus Deltoides). 4. Indian Grass (Sorghastrum Nutans) 5. Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.) The best plant to use due to the amount of various heavy metals is can take in is the sunflower which can clean heavy metals such as Pb, Zn (Heavy Metals Extraction Potential of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and Canola (Brassica napus)), N, P, K, Cd, Cu or Mn (Capability Of Heavy Metals Absorption By Corn, Alfalfa And Sunflower Intercropping Date Palm), seem to be its food, which is great news because sunflowers have a quick growth to start working soon.
Turenscape . (2013). Quzhou Luming Park . Retrieved 5 May, 2016, from
Phytoremediation//Local Plant Species For Phytoremediation Credit: Yuki Yip
The following investigation into plant species was conducted by Yuki Yip 2.3 Grasses for native plants in Beijing
3. Vertical Greeni
Vertical greening is hort
(1) Poa L.(早熟禾) (1) Poaannua annua L.Habits: annual or winter grasses, light-requiring, strong ered as free-standing or Habits: tolerance. annual or winter strong shadetemperature in winter and vegetation coverage. shade Itgrasses, can light-requiring, live - 20 degrees tolerance. It can live - 20 degrees temperature in winter and remain green in9 the 9 degrees temperature. Poor heat resistance, no strict remain green in the degrees temperature. Poor heat resistance, The following part was no strict requirements towards thesoil, soil, barren tolerance, but fearbut fear of waterlogging requirements towards the barren tolerance, of waterlogging
Species names and
(2) Festuca arundinace Chinese names (2) Festuca arundinace(高羊茅) Habits: liking cold, wet and warm climate; growing well in the fertile, moist, 马兜铃 Habits: liking cold, wet and warm climate; growing well in the Aristolochia debilis rich in organic matter, and pH value of between 4.6 and 8.5 fine loam. fertile, moist, rich in organic matter, and pH value of between 4.6 and 8.5 fine loam.
(3) Lolium perenne L.. mandshurica Habits: liking warm and humid climate; suitable for the area which is not (3) Lolium perenne L.. (黑麦草) 五味子 too cool inwarm summer andclimate; not suitable too cold inarea winter. Requiring strong light Habits: liking and humid for the Schisandra chinensis which is not too cool in summer and not too cold in winter. intensity, short duration of sunlight and low temperature for tillering. 大瓣铁线莲 Requiring strong light intensity, short duration of sunlight and C. macropetala Not droughtfortolerance, heatespecially and drought in summer. Strict low temperature tillering. Not especially drought tolerance, 两色乌头 requirements towards the soil, liking towards fertilethe soil heat and drought in summer. Strict requirements soil,and not barren tolerance, Aconitum albovilaceum liking fertile soil and not barren tolerance, slightly acid resistant. slightly acid resistant. 木通 Akebia quinata 大血藤
(4) Cynodon Cynodon dactylon(Linn.)Pers.(狗牙根) (4) dactylon(Linn.)Pers. Sargentodoxa cuneata Habits: perennial lawn plants, growth, with a growth, root like with a root like stem or Habits: perennial lawn strong plants, strong 蝙蝠葛 stem or slender creeping; spreading rapidly in summer and auMenispermum dauricum slender spreading in green summer tumn. Thecreeping; root of the ground can be rapidly rooted. Dark leaves,and autumn. The root of 斑叶律草 flowering between July. Dark green leaves, flowering between May and the ground canMay beand rooted. Humulus japonica var. July. variegatus (5) Buchloe dactyloides (野牛草)
落葵 Basella rubra
(6) Zoysia japonica Steud.(结缕草)
刺山柑 Capparis spinosa
Habit: low perennial herb, rapid growth, strong drought resis(5) Buchloe dactyloides 何首乌 tance and strong weed competitiveness; having performance of Polygonum multiflorum Habit: low perennial herb, rapid growth, strong drought resistance anti-sulfur dioxide and hydrogen fluoride gas 猕猴桃 and strong weed competitiveness; having performance of anti-sulfur Used in low maintenance places, such as the highway, the airport Actinidia chinensis runway, golf and other sub highgas grassUsed area. in low maintenance places, such as dioxide andcourses hydrogen fluoride 软枣猕猴桃 A.arguta the highway, the airport runway, golf courses and other sub high grass area. Habit: perennial herb, liking warm and humid climate, grow(6) Zoysia japonica Steud. 野蔷薇及变种 ing well in the the coastal areas affected by the ocean climate. Rosa multiflora Habit: perennial herb, and humid climate, growing well Light-requiring, strong growth inliking the area warm of good ventilation, 木香及变种 inshade theresistance, the coastal affected by the drought areas resistance, alkali resistance, pestocean resis- climate. Light-requiring, R. banksiae tance, barren tolerance, trampling resistance to certain shade resistance, drought strong growth in the areatolerance, of good ventilation, 多腺悬钩子 waterlogging. R. phoeenicolasius resistance, alkali resistance, pest resistance, barren tolerance, trampling 紫藤 tolerance, resistance to certain waterlogging.
Wisteria sinensis 红花菜豆 Phaseolus coccineus
Phytoremediation//Active Phytoremediation Wall System
Som + rensselaer polytechnic institute. (2012). Arch2O. Retrieved 8 May, 2016, from
The Active Phytoremediation Wall System is a modular based green wall planting system with specifically choosen plants that can replicate the act of phytoremediation in a green wall, using exposed root systems to suck in air pollutants cleaning them 200-300% faster then your typical green wall system. Four modueles of this system in an apartment can do the same as 800-1200 plants, showing how productive this system is in an indoor environment. This project was designed and created by SOM + Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute which has led to bio-mechanical hybrid walls that arnt a forrest green wall, yet do the exact same and more by in terms of air purification. Applications from this precedent could easily be applied to the exterior of our proposed research project as a way of cleanising air pollutants through a green walling system.
Som + rensselaer polytechnic institute. (2012). Arch2O. Retrieved 8 May, 2016, from
Phytoremediation//Heart of Suzhou Creek
Lafargeholcim foundation for sustainable construction. (2008). Heart of Suzhou Creek ecosystem revitalization. Retrieved 8 May, 2016, from
Heart of Suzhou Creek is a phytoremediation ecosystem revitalization project based in Shanghai, analyzing the impact of flooding on and island that is surrounded by an over polluted tidal river. The project looks at the idea of phytoremedation and how plants can clean pollutants, that also uses lightpost like senses that show people in surrounding areas what level the pollution is currently achieving. From this project i liked the idea of using senses to show people how phytoremediation can clean air pollutants, almost an education project that could potentially teach people how plants could and can clean air pollutants. Boon Ting Teo (2008) lead designer of the project goes on to state, “The cleaned water will seep away and nourish the ground water reservoir of Shanghai and therefore reduce the frequency of ground resettlement due to variance in the water table under the city. The river flow as well as the contaminants of the water will be controlled by computational fluid dynamics simulation. The jury commended this proposal because its smart concept is unique and uses the most natural way to reform the hydrological system of Shanghai.”
Lafargeholcim foundation for sustainable construction. (2008). Heart of Suzhou Creek ecosystem revitalization. Retrieved 8 May, 2016, from https://www.
Water Cleansing//AMD & ART Park T. Allan Comp, Robert Deason, Stacy Levy & Julie Bargmann were tasked to create a large scale ‘artful space’ that address’s the problem of AMD and much more. The EPA had designated it as the biggest environmental problem in the eastern mountains. The designers behind this project used multiple rock and plant systems together to create a system that allowed water to be filtered as it moved down stream, cleaning pollutants from local coal mines in the area. The projects gave us the idea behind gathering and cleaning water in Beijing that could be distributed at a later date cleaner in the environment. This system works well as it isn’t high tech, energy demanding and not cutting edge, it is simply using existing natural features that can be found in Beijing and using them to there ability to clean water at a larger scale.
Amd & art park. (2012). Greenmuseumorg. Retrieved 4 May, 2016, from
Rain Machine//The Curve, Barbican
Rain Room 2012. (2012). Retrieved May 12, 2016, from
Water, injection moulded tiles, solenoid valves, pressure regulators, custom software, 3D tracking cameras, steel beams, water management system, grated floor from 100sqrm. Barbican Centre, London 2012/2013, courtesy of the Maxine and Stuart Frankel Foundation for Art. Museum of Modern Art, New York 2013, courtesy of RH Contemporary Art. Yuz Musuem, Shanghai 2015. Courtesy of Yuz Foundation and made possible by a partnership with Volkswagen Group China. Rain Room is an environment of falling water through which it is possible to walk, trusting that a path can be navigated, without being drenched in the process. As you progress through the space the sound of water and a suggestion of moisture fill the air, before you are confronted by this carefully choreographed downpour that responds to your movements and presence.
Rain Room 2012. (2012). Retrieved May 12, 2016, from
PM2.5 Cleaning//The Photocatalytic Active Principle ], I. G. (2016). TX Active® ; The Photocatalytic Active Principle ;Italcementi ; TECHNICAL REPORT. Retrieved from TX+Active/ Credit: Shim Regan
TX Active is an environmental friendly product for mortars, paints, precast elements and pavements plasters. These products have photocatalytic properties which able to decrease air harmful organic and inorganic substances and preserve the aesthetic quality of the materials that contains it. Photocatalysis is the natural phenomenon, whereby a photocatalyst substance through the action of natural or artificial light triggers a strong oxidation process converting noxious organic and inorganic substances into absolutely harmless compounds. Photocatalysis is an accelerator of oxidation processes already existing in nature. It promotes a faster decomposition of pollutants, preventing them from accumulating. photocatalytic principle is the basis of the photoactive cements and binders, it does no consume during the reaction, so that its effects are not limited in time. Effectiveness against atmospheric Pollution: • NOx: reduction rates of up to 91%. • PM10: When PM10 particles come into contact with the built element’s surface, the portion of organic pollutant is decomposed. • VOCs (Volatile Organic Carbons): effective against VOCs – Volatile Organic Carbons. Applications
Horizontal enti ; TECHNICAL REPORT. structures: • Concrete floors nnovation/Innovative+Products/
• Self-locking paving blocks • Pavement and road surfacing • Paints • Cement based tiles , precast elements and pavements • Concrete roof tiles o decrease air harmful organic and s that contains it. Vertical structures: bstance through•the action of Concrete fillsnatuous organic and inorganic • Claddingsubstancelements tor of oxidation• Cement processes already based paints reventing them from accumulating. • Noise barriers for road and highways binders, it does no consumemedian duringbarriers • Concrete
Tunnels: • Concrete panels • Concrete roads nt’s surface, the •portion of repaving organic for asphalt roads Concrete Organic Carbons. 66
Cl2; 1,2-C2H4Cl2; 1,2-C2H2Cl2;
6, C3H8; C2H4; C3H6;
Project: Dives in Misericordia Church ,Rome, Italy Architect: Richard Meier Owner: Vicariate of Rome Year: 2003 Highly strong and durable concrete, time-enduring white due to self-cleaning properties of the concrete surfaces.
Project: Air Fr Gaulle Interna Architects: De Owner: Air Fr Year: 2006
Located amid from aircraft e was selected fo façades over ti
n and
, PM2.5 and
remove pare been meaade between the analysis
PM2.5 Cleaning//The Smog Free Tower Smog Free Projects ROOSEGAARDE [ Group ] Smog Free Projects. Retrieved from Credit: Shim Regan STUDIO ROOSEGAARDE
ROOSEGAARDE [ Group ] Smog Free Projects. Retrieved from project/smog-free-project/
The Smog Free Tower uses patented ion technology to produce smog-free public spaces and aims to be a final solution for atmospheric pollution. A seven-meter-high of modular system tower will be situated in public parks and pull and filter the polluted air. The Smog Free Tower uses patented ion technology to produce smog-free public spaces and aims to be a The particles will be used for the creation of jewelry. towerin is final remaining solution for atmospheric pollution. A seven-meter-high of modular systemThe towercity. will The be situated described thepull largest air purifier in the world, the technology used indoors public parksasand and filter the polluted air. The remaining particles willisbecurrently used for the creation of The city. Theimply tower isthat described the largest air to purifier in the world, the technology is currently injewelry. hospitals which it hasasbeen tested be safe. used indoors in hospitals which imply that it has been tested to be safe.
d during the lashing into e concentra, particulate particulate
e in Beijing. bination of rticles from
ROOSEGAARDE [ Group ] Smog Free Projects. Retrieved from
applied methods & model simulations
Research Method:
Applying methods to our proposed methodology that we have created over the last four weeks through our research.
This process looked at how we can combine our propossed systems in three dimensions, rendering our methods in Rhino 5 (V-ray render plug in) to provide and graphic image.
From this process we were finally allowed to see our previous research applied to our site. Which showed us that our site could be considered and ‘eye-sore’ in a city that has typically straight skyscrappers, yet it could also be percieved as an educational project that could potentially teach people nearby the structure that air pollutants can be cleansed.
These graphical images were nessesary in showing our ‘finished’ research methodology.
The images that we have created by stringing together many systems in order to inform our methodology almost makes our project easier to explain, by splitting apart a three dimensional model to show different componts of our system.
Applied Methods//Phytoremediation The models below show the phytoremediation system applied to the exterior of our zoomed in site model. The outer shells takes inspiration from previous phytoremediation methods shown, acting as an exterior that can suck air pollutants for cleansing through the phytoremediation process.
500x500m Site Axonometric
Access Zoomed
Exterior Zoomed
Applied Methods//Monsoon Night System This model represents the created monsoon machine that can gather water from rainfalls and simulate monsoon at nights to clean air pollutants. The system stores waters in two tanks and discharges from one large tank that is lower, which is powered through hydroelectricity to prevent emitting more pollution. The system also uses 3D cameras and senses to track movement in the space, allowing people to pass through without getting wet.
500x500m Site Axonometric
System Zoomed
Applied Methods//PM2.5 Cleansing The PM2.5 cleansing machine takes inspiration from ‘the smog free tower’, sucking in air pollutants to provide the act of cleaning through-out the day.
500x500m Site Axonometric
PM2.5 Sucking Machine 72
Applied Methods//Forced Wind Movement After multiple tests in autodesk flow design the program wasnt able to be exact and show wind particles moving through designed tubes, which is why there a mousetrap cut has been used through a building to the north, providing wind 18-24 hours a day into the site to be cleaned by the proposed smog free tower.
500x500m Site Axonometric
Wind Movement System
Applied Methods//Wind Simulations Credit: Liam Mullen
Below is wind simulations that where generated in autodesk flow desk by Liam Mullen Flow through the tunnell and around central filter structure Wind Speed: 10m/s Direction: North Location: Latt - 39°54’14.97”N Long - 116°19’14.47”E
Flow through the tunnell Wind Speed: 10m/s Direction: North Location: Latt - 39°54’14.97”N Long - 116°19’14.47”E
- Model showing good air movement through the hole cut in the front building
- Model showing good air m
front building
Applied Methods//Wind Simulations
Credit: Liam Mullen
Below is wind simulations that where generated in autodesk flow desk by Liam Mullen Flow through the tunnell and around central filter structure Wind Speed: 10m/s Direction: North Location: Latt - 39°54’14.97”N Long - 116°19’14.47”E - Model showing good air movement through the hole cut in the front building
Air Pollution is and always seems like it will be a major problem in Beijing, yet it is these small research projects that will slowly exhibit landscape architecture to a wider population and hopefully one day be able to solve problems on a much larger scale...
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