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RSMSSB LDC Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2020


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Knowing The Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Service Selection Board or RSMSSB LDC Syllabus and Exam Pattern properly will put aspirants at ease. With the help of the syllabus, aspirants shall get a detailed idea about all the important sub-topics. They can highlight their weak areas and practice those topics specifically. The exam pattern will alert the aspirants about the exam weightage in terms of marks. If aspirants want to obtain their desired post of Lower Division Clerk or LDC, they have to work hard. 2077 vacancies have been released by the RSMSSB recruitment in 2020.Candidates should always keep the syllabus and exam pattern handy. Keeping the same in mind, they can do self-assessment tests to improve their performance.Regular revision & ample amount of practice will also help the aspirants boost their scores.Read this article carefully to know more about the RSMSSB LDC comprehensive syllabus, exam pattern, marking scheme etc. RSMSSB LDC Syllabus 2020 The RSMSSB LDC syllabus is to test the 12th standard knowledge of candidates when it comes to subjects like General Science, General Awareness, Basic Hindi & English. They should identify which subjects they are good at and what are their weak areas. Their plan of study should be planned accordingly by keeping the syllabus in mind. Let us go through a detailed list of the sub-topics in each subject as mentioned below. Syllabus for Stage I- Written examination English Language: Tenses or Sequence of Tenses, Comprehension of a given passage, Adjectives, Connections & words wrongly used, Antonyms & Synonyms, Confusing words, One word Substitution, Direct & Indirect Narration, Error Recognition, Fill in the Blanks, Sentence Structure, Sentence Completion questions, Phrases & Idioms as well as Comprehension Passages. Hindi Language: अलं कार, रस, समास, पर्ा​ा र्वाची, ववलोम, तत्सम एवं तदभव, सन्धिर्ां , वाक्ां शों के वलए शब्द विमा​ा ण, लोकोन्धिर्ा​ाँ एवं मु हावरे , वाक् संशोधि – वलं ग, वचि, कारक, वता िी, त्रु वि से सम्बंवधत अिेकार्थी शब्द.

Mathematics: Averages, Compound Interest, Percentages, Time & Work, Profit & Loss, Decimal and Fractions, Ratio & Proportions, Data Interpretation, Number System, HCF and LCM, Simplification sums, Simple Interest sums, Time & Distance, Age Problems, Computation of whole numbers, Boats & Streams & questions on mixtures and allegations.


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General Science: History of India, Economic issues in India, International issues, Indian Culture, Political Science, National & international current affairs, Music and Literature, sculptures, and also questions on famous places in India. General Knowledge: About India, History – India and World, Cultural Heritage, General Science, Space & Information Technology, Indian Constitution, National news (current), Indian Culture, Economy and Political Science, Indian National Movement, Indian Polity and Governance, Science and Technology, Scientific observations, International issues, Abbreviations, Economic issues, Everyday Science concepts, Sports & Games, Inventions and Discoveries, Knowledge of Important Days, General Knowledge of Karnataka, Important Financial and Economic News, National and International Current Affairs, Indian Constitution, History, General Politics, Awards & Honours, Culture, Books & Authors, Current events, Geography, Current Affairs, Social Science topic, Inventions in the World, Indian Economy, news about Indian Parliament, Botany, Chemistry, Indian Politics, information on Sports as well as Zoology.

Syllabus for Stage II- Typing & Skill Test Computer Knowledge: Basics of computer applications, Computer Networking, Basic IT Applications should be known by the candidate. RSMSSB LDC Exam Pattern 2020 The RSMSSB Exam Pattern comprises two phases. Phase I has two papers. Paper I test candidates on how well-versed they are in General Knowledge, Maths & General Science subjects. Paper II tests the candidate’s efficiency in both the Languages: English & Hindi. Both the papers take place for a duration of 3 hours or 180 minutes. They contain 150 multiple choice questions of 100 marks each. Candidates should try their best to score the maximum number of marks and top the examination. A rock-solid preparation strategy will surely help you succeed! Let the table below help you understand the exam pattern better. Exam Pattern of Phase I

Name of Subjects

Duration of paper

Total Marks

General Knowledge, General Science & Mathematics

3 Hours


General Hindi and English

3 Hours




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Exam Pattern of Phase II This phase is for all those candidates who successfully clear phase I. They shall be further summoned for a typing test as well as efficiency test.Both these tests are a part of the Phase II examination. Both the tests will take place for 10 minutes each. How much knowledge does the candidate possess about computers shall be tested in the efficiency test.How wellequipped is he/she with handling MS Excel while data entry etc. will be tested. The typing speed of words per minute will be checked in the typing test. Both the tests are of 25 marks each & you can refer to the table below to be completely sure about it all!

English & Hindi Typing Skills On A Computer


Speed Test

10 Minutes

25 Marks


Efficiency Test

10 Minutes

25 Marks

Note: In this test, the Rajasthan Government has allowed PWD (Person With Disabilities) Candidates to take part as well.


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