ben marshall portfolio a r c h i t e c t u r e
ben marshall 2 1 4 . 2 3 6 . 9 8 5 8
wichita mountain spa
oklahoma state art museum
hotel dwell
franciscan custody at terra sancta
cohousing community
san juan cruise terminal
oklahoma city assistance center for families 50 san patricio plaza
design builds
table of contents
wichita mountain spa wichita mountain wildlife refuge, oklahoma 6 week project, spring 2010 A spa and full bath facility, this project is devoted to the senses. Placed in an atypical location for spas, it is focused on creating a peaceful and serene experience that is uniquely related to the wildlife reserve. In response to these goals, this spa creates a tranquil retreat that allows it's guests to shed their anxieties and rest in a secluded and natural experience. In order to create privacy and withdrawal, the spa is located on the low bank of a small ravine, and the floor is lowered to right above the water level in order to embrace the lake. The subtle entry, administration, and massage treatment spaces are arranged under a simple rectangular form, while the pool areas break away into a scattered process of separately intimate spaces. Timber construction and stone accents frame the central area where the complex opens itself up, and the outdoor pool merges with the lake to create the focal point of this uniquely serene spa.
conceptual & schematic sketches 6
site & floor plans
pool concept sketch
site cross section
outdoor pool
pool houses & river inlet
indoor pool
oklahoma state art museum stillwater, oklahoma 5 week project, spring 2010 This proposal is a design for the new OSU Museum of Art building. The actual project will be transforming the old Stillwater Post Office building into an Art Gallery and classroom spaces. Most importantly to the University, this museum should serve as a connection between the University and the City of Stillwater by attracting and inviting the surrounding area to the artwork. This project was chosen to be displayed on the official university marketing web site for the project. This design accomplishes those goals by creating opportunities for education and enthusiasm through interaction. Free floor plans, open spaces, and large gathering areas promote conversation on the art. Flexible areas on the lower floor provide a draw for students to study at the museum, and allow for special museum functions. The open exhibit galleries encourage interaction on a smaller level in a comfortable and calmly lit space. To create that relaxed environment, a custom lighting system in the galleries allow soft northern light into the building, and then diffuses it evenly through a translucent ceiling. Light is then brought down to the lower levels through a large staircase opening, and frosted glass flooring outlines around the display walls.
conceptual sketches
ground floor plan
basement plan
gallery cross section
exploded model for overall renovation
hotel dwell downtown tulsa, oklahoma 6 week project, spring 2010 This design is for a boutique hotel in downtown Tulsa, where the client desires a new kind of signature architecture that represents the modern revitalization of downtown Tulsa. However, the proposed architectural language should at the same time respect and compliment the existing historical style of art deco buildings. This project also began with an unorthodox process where we were to design the guest suite experience first, and then let that influence the rest of the building’s design. This design fulfills those goals by breaking down consistent proportions and scales of art deco buildings, and expressing them in simple geometric forms. These basic shapes, constructed of modern materials like glass curtain walls and metal skins, symbolize the new rebirth of downtown. The rhythm of existing elevations is continued onto the new building, while the material changes represent the new movement. The void spaces in the hotel tower allow for views through the hotel from the ground level and from upper floors in surrounding structures. This visually weaves the city together so that old downtown becomes part of the new aesthetic.
conceptual sketches
suite entry level
suite lower level suite bathroom
site plan
building section floor plans 1, 2, & 3
lobby perspective 23
franciscan custody at terra sancta mt. nebo, jordan 5 week project, fall 2009 A monastery complex and visitors center, the project’s main priorities are to embrace the stunning natural site, to improve the friars ability to worship, and to eliminate anything that is inessential. The site is located on Mount Nebo, where a historic church is already located, and the new monastery should enhance the use of that monument. This design fulfills those goals by wrapping the custody along the south side of the mountain, stretching all the way across from the east to the west. By doing this, the journey from the entry at the visitor’s center mimics the solar path across the mountain, and at three points along the path, large stone monuments cast special shadows which represent the three Franciscan virtues of obedience, chastity, and poverty. When one reaches the entrance to the monastery proper, they are greeted with a framed view of the sun setting across the valley. Natural stone is almost exclusively used for a clean and natural expression. Similarly, the simplicity of the spaces allow for the surrounding creation itself to become the ornament.
conceptual sketches presentation board west elevation
chapel courtyard 27
cohousing community stillwater, oklahoma 6 week project, fall 2010 An up and coming living concept, a cohousing community is a collection of families who have individual homes within a shared complex and common area. A group of people in the Stillwater area who were in the process of designing and building their own cohousing community aided the studio class by giving insight for our design proposal of their project. This specific community desired to have a neighborhood focus, create a unique culture of it’s own, and extend their ideals to the Stillwater area. In this design, controlled plans and sidewalks influence members to interact with their cohousing family at every step of their day. Traveling from their private house, the people can meet their neighbors in their unit gathering areas, circular pathways, or open lawn on their way to the common house. Since all of the circulation if funneled through that common house, it becomes the central hub for building their community. Two outdoor terraces, combined gathering spaces, and a small shaded pond with a fire pit all provide opportunities for members to create relationships, support friendships, and enjoy their own unique community culture.
nolli plan
site plan
site model 31
housing unit plan
conceptual sketches
housing unit 33
common house second floor
common house ground floor
common house dining area 35
san juan cruise terminal san juan, puerto rico master plan, 2 week project aquarium & terminal, 7 week project, fall 2011 A six-person group project, this aquarium and cruise terminal is to be an investigation into dynamically interlocking functions. The program calls for and effective combination of the new attraction and tourist hub in a manner that showcases the unique flavor of the island. The project was set where the whole group designed a master plan, then divided into two groups of 3 with a focus on either the aquarium or the cruise terminal. This project was also done in conjunction with the Master’s Program at the University of Puerto Rico. The master plan crosses the two functions together, creating a shared entrance that showcases both the aquarium and terminal where the two forms intersect. The complex is also brought up to the water’s edge which embraces the bay, gives the aquarium unique opportunities with the water, and provides a natural port for the cruise ships. For the cruise terminal, the design builds on the terminal’s purpose of transportation by creating a central atrium where all major circulation occurs. The building is elevated linearly up and along the bay, which provides efficient interior circulation for massive crowds, and reaches up to receive the cruise ships at port.
miniature site model conceptual sketches & site plans
conceptual models 39
site master plans
site perspective
aquarium perspectives
aquarium interior 43
cruise terminal arrivial & departure circulation diagrams
third floor (departure waiting)
second floor (arrivals)
ground floor
terminal cross sections
circulation atrium
departure waiting areas
oklahoma city homeless assistance center for families oklahoma city, oklahoma 16 week project, spring 2011 comprehensive design studio The program for this project is a competition for an Oklahoma City homeless shelter. The competition calls for a temporary home for families who are working towards becoming independent and self-sustaining. It requires living spaces, private recreation, offices, counseling areas, and a clinic, all of which require comfort and security for the guests. This project spanned the entire semester, and consisted of multiple phases and levels of development, including code research, programming, schematic design, design development, construction documents, and cost analysis. Juries occurred throughout the project, and Formal Juries were held with guest Architects and Engineers at the end of the SD & DD phases. The concept of this design is to create a nature-infused refuge from the family’s harsh life on the street. The familiar language of geometric brick structures is enlivened by an undulating and accessible green roof, providing visual and physical relief.
conceptual sketches
okc site plan
schematic design images
design development sketches
schematic plan 54
CD floor plan
west elevation studies
final study
shelter atrium
interior courtyard 58
clerestory elevation
building cross section 59
clerestory detail
dining area axon
dining area
san patricio plaza san patricio, puerto rico master plan competition, 1 week project plaza design, 4 week project, fall 2011 Meant to rejuvenate an aging urban hot spot, San Patricio Plaza is a challenge in urban design that programmatically includes retail, residential, institutional, hospitality, entertainment, public event, specialty, and office spaces. The six-person groups competed for a master plan design that would set the rules for the studio. Three-person teams then focused on the design of a portion of the master plan. The focus of this portion is to create a uniquely Puerto Rican retail and night life scene, engaging shopping, hospitality, and entertainment together. Oriented around a central plaza, the site draws all of the attention inward, and in the evenings the bars, restaurants, shops, and salsa dance club open up to the plaza into a familiar expression of culture on the island. Most of the restaurants are located along the street edges where they line pedestrian traffic from office towers, and a 42 room business hotel sits atop them. An elevated pedestrian walkway on the south side is lined with illuminated green plastic panels, and this path provides double sided access to the high end retail stores, and a connection point between the site and the rest of the urban development.
conceptual masterplan drawings
proportional function diagram
found-object masterplan model
site transportation axes 3D function diagram
site plan 66
2nd floor plan
4th-10th floor plan
ground floor plan
3rd floor plan 67
section perspective
northeast retail 68
north side retail & hotel tower 69
chanel misuraemme furniture
central plaza
bar 71
project model
section model 75
design builds The projects in this section span multiple classes and design focuses. Graphic design, sculpture, furniture construction, lighting, and material connections are all investigated in the following design builds: _plastic bottle sculpture, fall 2011: Empty plastic water bottles are woven together in a twisting spiral of metal mesh, traveling to and from the trash can and water bottle crate. _wine label design, fall 2011: The marketing and development of an original wine. Graphic labels for both standard issue and Reserve bottles are included. _lighting series design, fall 2009: A series of lighting fixtures are designed to complement and express the accompanying architectural manifesto. The floor lamp is built, and a wall sconce, pendant lamp, and desk light are also included in the series. _planter design, spring 2010: This planter is a study in material connections, as a concrete base, metal structure, and wooden frame construct the design. The planter is intended specifically for tall growing vines to weave their way up and through the wooden frame.
plastic bottle sculpture
wine label design
lighting series design 80
planter design
sketches Spanning across several years, most of these sketches were drawn while traveling with the Architecture school to architecturally significant cities in the continental U.S. The sketches in this section are all done in freehand with ink, and selected water coloring. Sketches from two historical precedent analysis studies are also displayed. Locations studied in these sketches include: _washington D.C. _new york city, NY _dallas, TX _guthrie, OK
washington d.c.
nyc, new york
dallas, tx 92
guthrie, ok
classical precedent analysis: roman pantheon & cathedral of christ the light 98
medieval precedent analysis: sagrada familia & chartres cathedral 99
thank you
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b e n m a r s h a l l 2 1 4 . 2 3 6 . 9 8 5 8