10 Briefs Fast Draft

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Ben McKean



The Brief Design and propose a new brand identity including an imrpoved system of web navigation and print layout in order to gain readers of The Morning Star.

consistant use of visual language. -Grid layout system to be used when setting out text in the printed format of the paper. -User friendly website so multimedia content and articles can be viewed digitally.

Concept/Proposition Recent issues such as the collapse of newspaper News of the World has left a negative view of how some newspapers manage themselves, the idea is to improve sincerity of which the Morning Star in percieved.

Deliverables -A3 presentation boards with appropraite content to communicate ideas.

With a lot of left and right wing politics taking more neutral standpoints this is also an oppurtunity for the newspaper to shift slightly away from what can be viewed as a dated idea of a social structure.

-To scale newspaper mock up adhering to proposed specifications such a stock, size and use of layout. Bibliography Exsisting web acess and print editions: http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/

An update of its dated brand identity and hierarchy as Political and ethical standpoint of the newspaper: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morning_Star_(UK_newspaper) an effort to improve readabilty and popularity as an easy to navigate tabloid. Other successful newspapers: http://www.guardian.co.uk/ http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/ Target Audience http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html Daily tabloid readers with left wing political views. http://www.independent.co.uk/ Labour voters and similar with grounded left wing http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/ views and a realistic socialist agenda. Background Founded in 1930 as ‘The Daily Worker’, The Morning Star is a left wing paper released daily, it focuses on trade and union issues. Its ethos is based on Britains road to Socialism and has a heavy communist bias. Considerations -How modern newspapers show their social agendas and target audiences with their visual aethetics. Research Practical Development Editorial skills involving heavy use of hierarchy, newpaper layout and branding skills with a heavy emphasis on political and social agendas within a visual identity. Mandatory Requirements -New branding including colour schemes, logo and





Ben McKean

The Brief Develop an identity for the British Film Institute to be used as branding for the London film festival and to promote ‘an understanding and appreciation of film and television heritage and culture.’ Concept/Proposition Create a solution which reflects the history of British film culture and accomodates for modern trends. The identity should work across a range of film genres and audiences whilst being coherant and reflecting the BFI. Target Audience From film fanatic to family audience, British film has something for everyone so the identity should reflect this and let the film do the talking. Engaging and Informative tone of voice. Background Established in 1933:



Research Exsisting film organisations and succesful film festival designs. Investigate how the identity reflects the region and films being shown. Practical Development Branding and identiy design skills working across a range of media to promote an organistion. Use of hierarchy and type skills will be vital to effectively communicate large amounts of information, whilst creative ideas for an exciting brand identity with be equally as important. Mandatory Requirements -Logo and brand identity -Syle guide or appropriate specification of new formats. Deliverables -Relevent printed promotional material such as billboards, flyers, posters and mailouts. -Official documents including as tickets and invites. -Website and appropriate considered interactive media such as apps and video.

“BFI Southbank (previously the National Film Theatre) screens over 1,000 films a year. The BFI IMAX on Bibliography London’s South Bank has the largest cinema screen in Current Website and Media: http://www.bfi.org.uk/ the UK. The BFI runs the annual London Film Festival as well as the London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival.

Edinborough Film Festival

The BFI releases films in cinemas across the UK, bringing classic titles to a new generation of filmlovers.”

Pula Film Festival

http://www.edfilmfest.org.uk/ http://www.pulafilmfestival.hr/en/index.php

Los Angeles Film Festival http://www.lafilmfest.com/

Considerations -Where will promotional media be distributed? -How will the history of the BFI be reflected within the new identity? -How will the identity work with existing designs such as film posters, trailers and event sponsors.

Deadline TBC





Ben McKean

The Brief To develop and design an interactive mobile application for english speaking travelers in Croatia in order to help them with the difficult array of pronouciations. Concept/Proposition A pocket guide to aid travelers as the croation language features about 9 letters which are pronounced completley differently to how they are in the english language. Target Audience English speaking/ reading travellers who are not fluent in Croatian in an educational and informative way. Background With electronic releases such as the iPhone and iPad travel is becoming more and more in the palm of your hand literally. How can this be used as a translation aid for a language which relys heavily on unfamilar pronounciations of unique letterforms. Considerations Who will be using it and where? How will it be distributed (downloaded)? Will it be English>Croatian only? What electronic platforms should be considered? How will it be advertised? Research Practical Development Develops practical and theoretical skills of design for interactive media and design for digital. It will also exercise a clear typographic language communicating complex information as digestable as possible. Mandatory Requirements Completed app designs with size guides, type specifications and technical framework. Deliverables Design boards or similar appropraite display showing how the product would be presented and used. Bibliography







Ben McKean

The Brief Recipe booklet newspaper supplement offering winter recipe ideas to readers. Concept/Proposition Considering creative layouts, I will design and develop a system for laying out recipes in a clear and practical manner. This will be presented as a newspaper supplement with the consideration into other suitable formats to dechiper what would best follow up the original booket. Target Audience Guardian sunday newspaper readers who enjoy cooking. Background With summer on the way out its not exactly the ideal weather to be eating salad and barbequed chicken anymore, this newspaper supplement would offer some homeley winter recipes. Considerations What recipes will be included in the supplement? What form will the supplement be in, will it be bound, single leaves or something different? Research Research into other cookbooks and recipe sources to understand the visual language used and how it varies depending on the food, chef and audience. Practical Development Working with layout of information in a method format, showing clearing the chronological step by step of how to cook dishes. Mandatory Requirements Sunday supplement for the Guardian newspaper. Deliverables Bibliography







Ben McKean

The Brief To commemorate the 200th Birthday of Charles Dickens special edition aand electronic editions of a selection of his works will be released. Develop and apply an appropriate visual identity for the set of books, they should work together as a set and individually with a consideration of electronic distribution.

Target Audience Collectors and keen readers who grew up with Charles Dickens, the print edition books should have an appealing collectable element to them. The books should also appeal to first time Charles Dickens readers encouraging them that these books are a must read before you die. Background Charles Dickens was born in 1812 and died in 1870, his novels have still survived today and it is coming up to his 200th Birthday, the perfect time to celebrate his lierary brilliance. Notable works include such as Oliver Twist, Great Expectations and David Copperfield. Considerations How many novels will be included in the set? What other reading devices do the electronic files need to be made available for? What age group are the books most suitable for and how does this affect the visual language. Research


Research into his books, their intended audiences and how to best market them for this group. Research should be done into the educational system to see where if at all his books are still studied. Practical Development Mandatory Requirements Deliverables Set of limited edition books Distribution

Concept/Proposition With large numbers of writers and a growing market of films and multimedia based storytelling, we want to celebrate the timelessness of Charles Dickens classics Bibliography by releasing a contempory set of books both in print and electronic editions. This should also encourage people to continue reading novels such as these from an older period.






Ben McKean

The Brief Develop and produce a set of typefaces each based on different buildings to celebrate Londons archetecture. Concept/Proposition Select and develop a typeface for a range of buildings reflecting the building in the typeface. Without making the letters looks literally like they are the building use characteristics of the building and what typographic forms the building reflects to form a typeface. Target Audience Tourists and London residents. Background

Considerations Will the typefaces be used to promote the buildings? What typographic techniques will be used to characterise the typeface without making using image. Research How each letterform relates to each other in terms of form, size, legibility, readability and measurments. Practical Development Working with type characters by hand will develop my skills of font production with fontographer final production something new to learn. Mandatory Requirements Working digital font files. Deliverables Font files with supporting promotional posters. Bibliography







Ben McKean

The Brief Design and develop a system to bring the visual identities of the company ‘Autonomy’ closer with its software called ‘Aurasma’. The correlation between the current logos is poor and with doesn’t communicate well what the company does. Concept/Proposition Target Audience The football audience of their main advertising strategy through THFC, be it the fans or specifically the businessmen and women that get entertained at the games. Research into why Autonomy have targeted a football club could be neccerssary. Background Autonomy are the main shirt sponsors of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club and last season they has Autonomy on the shirts. This season they have opted to promote their growing technology ‘Aurasma’ on the shirts. Considerations What does their products do and who is it really aimed at? Research Practical Development Mandatory Requirements Deliverables 2 Finalised logo’s working with each other and working on the football shirts. Bibliography







Ben McKean

The Brief Design and produce a set of posters explainaing to students the idea of the equation F=G Mm/r2.

Background “every object in the universe exerts a tug on every other. It may not seem like it, but as you sit here now you are pulling everything around you- walls, ceiling, lamp, pet cat- towards you with your own little (indeed, very little) gravitational field...... if you double the distance between two objects, the attraction between them becomes four times weaker. This can be expressed with the formula: F=G Mm/r2”” Bill Bryson, A short history of nearly everything Considerations How much text will be needed on the poster to explain the concept or will a visual representation be enough? Am i trying to fully explain the concept or am I giving someone who already knows about it something to keep? Research Thorough research into the meaning and examples of the equation Practical Development Working on strong concepts to explain a scientific problem will require a great understanding of the topic area.


Mandatory Requirements A set of a minimum of 5 A1 Posters.

Deliverables Concept/Proposition Simplfy into a playful way the idea of the equation F=G Mm/r2 into something slick looking which also Bibliography conveys the idea of the equation in a visual concept. The posters should be something that enthusiastic students may put on the wall of their room, a bit like the cosmologists equivelant to pantone mugs for graphic designers. Target Audience Science students of A-level or high studying physics and specifically the idea of cosmology and gravity.






Ben McKean

The Brief Creative collaborativeley a lookbook catolouge promoting a range of cloths. Concept/Proposition Use type and layout skills to work with a fashion line (BA [hons] Fashion Department) developing an appropriate visual language and identity for the line of clothing. Target Audience Fashion labels and stores Background Considerations Research Practical Development Mandatory Requirements Deliverables Bibliography







Ben McKean

The Brief Design and develop a brand redesign for the Record Label 4AD. Concept/Proposition Target Audience Background Considerations Research Practical Development Mandatory Requirements Deliverables Bibliography



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