BEN MCKEAN PPD Presentation
1. Improve my photography skills. 2. Continue blogging and researching contemporary design as a habit. 3. Finish reading “How to be a Graphic Designer without loosing your soul� By Adrian Shaughnessy. 4. Cycle from Bordeaux to Barcelona. 5. Earn some money. 6. Gain a deeper knowledge into industry organisations. 7. Greater underdstanding of typography and layout. 8. Play around with Dreamweaver and start constructing a website so i can get to grips with it. 9. Produce portfolio pieces of work.
GOALS Last summer and second year goals.
PRINT WORK Print based work for OUGD201 & OUGD203
WIM CROUWEL EXHIBITION Design museum exhibition: Wim Crouwel, A Graphic Odyssey
MOVING IMAGE [DIGITAL] Title sequence produced for OUGD202, subject matter was ‘Top Ten Causes of Space Debris
Information Design
Print /Branding
DAN COLLIER London Based Graphic Designer who works for Syzygy as a senior designer
Digital/ Web
Applied Information Group
Zip Design
COMPANIES Design agencies that interest my design practice
Type Design
Information Design
More Advanced Web
GOALS: Personal Website Information Design Reading (Generally) Dissertation Reading Dissertation Research Send PDF’s out Approach Bedford Graphics Company
“ It all begins with an idea (ideas make money: money doesn’t make ideas) and you respond to that idea, using your knowledge to present it in the most seductive, engaging manner possible.” FERNANDO GUTIERREZ