Written Opinions of Annual Debate, HKUSU Council Session 2014

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The following members of the Council failed to submit their written opinion by the deadline: 以下評議員並未按時繳交書面意見: Representative of Hornell Hall Students’ Association NG Ka Ho 康寧堂學生會代表 吳家豪 1

Preface 序 The Hong Kong University Students’ Union Council is the standing body holding the highest authority in the Students’ Union. The duties of the Council include supervising the Union Executives and sub-organizations and formulating Policies of the Union. Various parts of campus life are represented in the Council, like the Union Executives, Halls, Faculty Societies, Clubs and Campus Media. Moreover, standing committees are set up under the structure of the Council to facilitate the administrative work of the Union. According to Article II, Section Three of The By-laws of Union Council, There shall be one Union Council Meeting serving the function of Annual Debate in every Union Council Session. As an ideal platform for the exchange of opinions, this Union Council meeting would facilitate a mutual understanding between members and different Union or University officials.

Annual Debate is usually held in October or November, taking place at the centre of campus. In previous sessions, the motion covers a wide range of University affairs and students’ issues, for example the reform of Hall education and the GPA system of HKU. At the same time, social issues, like the law enacting protecting the rights of minorities in sexual orientation are discussed on the occasion as well. This year, the motion to be debated is “Simplified Chinese characters should be taught in the Practical Chinese Courses of HKU.” The issue is closely related to academic life of all students. It would be a great opportunity for all members to express their ideas. 評議會為學生會最高常設機關,職責包含監察學生會幹事及屬會,制定學生 會之政策和作為大學與學生之間的溝通橋樑。評議會內有不少來自幹事會,舍 堂,院會,三聯會及校園傳媒的代表,確保校園生活的各個組成部分均能得到 充分反映。而評議會轄下亦有數個常設委員會,以作學生會行政及代表學生會 對外溝通之用。 根據評議會附例,每屆的評議會任期內應有一次會議作周年辯論。同學可就 不同議題直接向學生會幹事及校方表達意見,亦能藉會議更了解評議會之運作。 週年辯論於每年秋季在中山廣場或黃克競平台舉行,歡迎任何同學參與討論, 近年討論題目包括大學事務如港大上莊文化、舍堂教育改革、港大生 GPA 偏低 問題,甚或社會事務如立法保障不同性傾向人士的基本權利等 本年度周年辯論議題為「香港大學應在必修的增補課程教授簡體字」,與 會員學習生活息息相關。因此,評議會誠邀同學積極參與會議,發表意見。 SHAM Kwan Ho,Benny 沈君浩 Chairperson of the Council 評議會主席 HKUSU Council Session 2014 二零一四年度香港大學學生會評議會 2

President 會長

LEUNG Lai Kwok Yvonne 梁麗幗

在討論此議題之際,香港大學中文學院提供予各專業之課程均包含簡體字 教學部份。此刻研判其應然性,當可以素來成效為依歸。而衡量應否使簡化字 教學成為必修課程一部分,準則在於其是否配合大學教育理念,亦即在實用性 及文化傳承價值之間取一平衡。 在中文增補課程中,教授相關知識,與香港大學中文課程重視實用程度不 無關係。各個學院現時涵蓋之簡體字課程,實已考量該學科之日常學習需要, 作出輔助,是為相體裁衣。現今大學教育重視對國情之研究及批判,親到大陸 實習考察以取得第一手資料、閱讀簡化字文本以擷取第二手資料的機會俯拾皆 是,兼讀方能知己知彼,在政治經濟多方角力中知所進退。因此,將簡化字學 習納入必修課程,不論比例,以相輔本科,實為大勢所趨。 固然簡化字冉來並非漢字正體,這是毋容置疑的,因此擔心其損害正統不 無道理。在政策細節上,我校不妨參考其他大專院校,在實用性以外,於課程 設計上納入其他考量,以策多元。其中香港中文大學的中文課程以文學作品為 主軸,因正體字在古代文學中廣為所用,平衡簡化字學習與文學鑑賞正好能確 保有效文化傳承保存正體字在我城的地位。 When we are discussing on this issue, the courses provided by the School of Chinese to various disciplines generally included the teaching of simplified Chinese. To judge on its suitability, sufficient data is attainable and could be the basis for analysis. Striking a balance in between the practical necessity and cultural heritage will vital in giving an answer to the motion, as compliance to the virtue of tertiary education. In the compulsory Chinese courses, teaching simplified Chinese is correlated to the emphasis on practicality. Various schools covered simplified Chinese in their syllabus only as a supplementary to the disciplines, which reaffirms the design as an act according to real circumstances. Tertiary education values research and critical comments on the China trend, as a supplement to the initial profession. Means to reach such ends include first-hand information received through exchange opportunities and second-hand information received through printed sources written in simplified Chinese. Only when we could receive well-balanced sources of information, we could understand both ourselves and our opponents well, and make wise decision in the all-rounded struggles. Therefore, including simplified Chinese in the compulsory syllabus, regardless of the proportion, is definitely needed. It is undoubted that simplified Chinese is not orthodox Chinese, consequently the worries of it damaging the orthodoxy is predictable. In terms of policy details, HKU could make reference to other institutions, and include more considerations to diversify the syllabus. For instance, the syllabus adopted by CUHK included quite some literature pieces as pillar, since orthodox Chinese was popularly used in some historic pieces. By this we could strike a balance between 3

the learning of simplified Chinese and appreciation of literature, to ensure the cultural heritage of orthodox Chinese.

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Vice-President (Internal) 內務副會長

YAM Ka Yi 任嘉兒

香港大學一直所提供的必修中文增補課程是根據不同學院、不同學系的實 際需要而設定的。在上述基礎下,本人並不認為香港大學應在必修的中文增補 課程教授簡體字,但可提供簡體字課程予同學們選修。 不論是在回歸前抑或回歸後,香港一直以來所使用的主流中文字都是繁體 字。繁體字有其藝術性和科學性,能夠體現從前漢字的造字工程,每一個字都 有其獨有意義和故事。故此,這值得同學花更多時間去研究繁體字!繁體字的 學習時間還稍有不足,哪又何來強制同學學習簡體字之理?中國大部分其他城 市都使用簡體字,而香港使用繁體字,這是香港在一國兩制之下所體現的其中 一種獨特性。這香港大學、以至香港不同的學府都值得去守護的! 但在現實社會上,香港與不同大陸城市都有更密切的來往。或者會有同學 在工作上、交流上需要使用簡體字。綜觀以上,香港大學不應在必修的中文增 補課程教授簡體字,但可提供簡體字課程予同學們選修。 The designs of the compulsory Chinese courses offered by the University of Hong Kong are based on the actual needs of different faculties, different curriculums. Under the above basis, I do not think simplified Chinese must be taught in the Chinese supplemental courses offered by the University of Hong Kong but some elective courses of simplified Chinese can be provided for students. The mainstream Chinese used in Hong Kong, whenever before or after the handover of Hong Kong, has long been traditional Chinese. Traditional Chinese has its own artistic and scientific. It reflects the word-making method in the past. Every word has its own unique meaning and story. Therefore, it deserves students’ time spending on studying traditional Chinese. The learning time of studying Traditional Chinese is not enough, how could ones force students to learn simplified Chinese? Many other cities in China use simplified Chinese while Hong Kong people use traditional Chinese. This embodies the uniqueness in Hong Kong under the “One Country, Two Systems”. The University of Hong Kong, as well as various universities or colleges in Hong Kong should take the responsibility to guard it! But in the real world, the relationship between Hong Kong and the mainland cities is being closer and closer. Students may have the needs to use the simplified Chinese. In conclusion, Simplified Chinese must not be taught in the Chinese supplemental courses offered by the University of Hong Kong but some elective courses of simplified Chinese could be provided for students.


General Secretary 常務秘書

YIU Hoi Ling 姚凱翎

現時中文增補課程的內容主要為漢字(繁簡轉換)、漢語知識、溝通技巧 和實用文,每學系略有不同,內容設定著重實用性。 中文為人與人溝通的媒介,學習目的是為了促進溝通。因此,以實用原則 去設定課程的內容並無不妥,但於教授簡體字一事卻非必要。 漢字分為正體字和簡體字兩個體系,而香港通用前者。現時香港大學中文 增補課程的框架下,課時只有廿多小時,教授內容十分有限,理應以正體字為 優先。現時有說法指北上工作為大勢所趨,學習簡體字可能職場可切合需要, 但並非所有工種均有北移之勢,亦非每位同學有於大中華發展的打算。故此, 置簡體字學習於課程內,並不如想像中般切合每位同學所需。 更重要的是,大學畢業後上課學習中文的機會不多,故此必修的中文增補 課程中教授有助往後自學的基礎知識或技巧,相對於一紙漢字簡化總表就能一 目瞭然的繁簡轉換,似乎對同學日後的學習更實用、更可取。以正體字的構造 原理以至其變化為例,除了解漢字由來外,亦能為認識不同漢字打好基礎,是 現時未涵蓋但值得學習的範疇。 以上兩點可見,香港大學不應於現時中文增補課程的框架下教授簡體字, 建議正體字學習優先,及著眼教授學習漢字以至中文的基礎和方法。 The practical Chinese course is a compulsory course for HKU undergraduates and the intention is very obvious. With China's rising power on the world stage, usage of simplified Chinese become more frequent. Many Hong Kong people are also proficient in reading simplified Chinese, students in high school exams began using Simplified Chinese. These signs seem to make people feel that teaching simplified Chinese is the trend. However, as a Chinese course, should the university consider the future availability, or knowledge of Chinese heritage? As far as it is concerned, teaching knowledge of Chinese heritage should be the primary goal. In the past, 22% for the assessment of the course is the exchange of simplified and traditional Chinese, but this year, written comments on simplified Chinese is also needed ,but this is indeed unwise. CChinese knowledge include a lot of different parts, such as learning and cultural knowledge: benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and other Chinese traditional thinking. This is also a very important part. Students will not only make them to enhance their cultural and moral cultivation, even on their own can also have self-examination of the role. Verse literature, writing skills in the Chinese study are also indispensable. Secondary School Students' Chinese level has decreased recently due to the changing education system in Hong Kong, compulsory Chinese course in universities should be made up for these deficiencies, rather than dwell too much to teach simplified Chinese. Simplified Chinese is easy to learn through everyday life, and belong to more technical level. Therefore, it is unnecessary to teach simplified Chinese in the course. 6

In conclusion, Simplified Chinese characters should be taught in the practical Chinese course of HKU.

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Financial Secretary 財務秘書

NG Wing Yip Brenton 吳永業

自增補中文課程於港大實行以來,同學一直對於課程中教授簡體中文字的 意義和需要存疑。 從實用角度來看,我認為學習辨認簡體字是無可厚非。學習上,同學難免 遇上來自內地學者的研究論文,尤其是中國文學歷史等學科。因此,學習辨認 簡體字似乎可讓同學接觸更多不同知識。另外,不同行業與內地的合作愈趨頻 繁,同學工作時有接觸以簡體字書寫的文件。我們當然可以把文件翻譯成繁體 字,但學懂辨認簡體字便可省卻這些麻煩。 然而,學習層面應止於辨認而已。可是,在現行課程中同學更要學習書寫 簡體字,我卻不見有此需要。書寫是我們表達自己想法的途徑,何以要規範同 學學懂以簡體字抒發意見?我認為同學應自主決定以繁或簡書寫,就如書寫英 文時我們也可自行選擇正楷或繚草一樣。書寫的重點應為內容而非字體。 Since the implementation of the Practical Chinese courses at HKU, students have had doubts on the significance and necessity to learn simplified Chinese characters. I seek to assert that it is desirable to learn to read simplified Chinese as a matter of practicality. On study, it is unavoidable that students may come across theses written by mainland academics. It seems that learning to read simplified Chinese can expand students’ knowledge by making more literature or reference accessible to them. Besides, with the growing collaboration with mainland among local industries, students indubitably will read documents written in simplified Chinese. If we are able to read it, we can save a lot of time from translating the documents to traditional Chinese. Yet, it is sufficient as long as we can understand simplified Chinese without learning to write with it. Writing is a channel through which we can express our own opinions, I cannot see the necessity to limit how we are illustrating our own viewpoints. It should be up to fellow students to write in traditional or simplified Chinese, whichever they deem fit. We should focus on the substance of the writing instead of in what form it is presented.


Student Welfare Secretary 學生福利秘書

CHENG Ngo Hin 鄭傲軒

二零零零年十二月,中共通過了一部「國家通用語言及文字法」,藉此確 定普通話和規範漢字(亦即簡化字)在國家內的語言文字地位。文字法通過之 時雖然對其他方言及繁體字作為文化遺產加以保護,但亦同時造成了不少的制 肘,限制其發展。 一國兩制之下,香港未需跟從中共的文字法,得以保留寫繁體字及說粵語 的習慣。作為其中一個少數仍然使用繁體字的地區,這珍貴的文化更需要被傳 承。更重要的是香港現時大部份文件,溝通,甚至形象都是以繁體字為基礎, 在今天這一刻,並未有教授簡化字的需要。 In December of 2000, the Chinese Government adopted “the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Standard Spoken and Written Chinese Language” in order to reassure the position of simplified Chinese characters and Mandarin in mainland. Although the Law has also protected other dialects and traditional Chinese characters as cultural heritage, it has also imposed a lot of restrictions to them, limiting the development of them. With “One Country, Two Systems”, Hong Kong do not have to obey the Law, thus able to keep the practice of writing traditional Chinese characters and speaking Cantonese. As one of the few places that are still using the traditional characters, this precious and valuable culture should be passed to the next generations. The most important thing is, currently traditional Chinese characters are still the foundations of most documents, communications, or even images. Therefore, up till this moment, there is not an obvious need for the University to include the teaching of simplified Chinese characters in Practical Chinese Courses.


Publications and Publicity Secretary 出版及宣傳秘書

MAK Tsz Chung 麥梓聰

香港大學十個學院,同學都必修實用中文課程,其中簡體字是課程中的一 個必修部分,同學都必需學習簡體字。有需要學習簡體字嗎?這個問題都經常 出現,但卻沒有一個標準的答案。在我而言,我認為中文課程內需要教授簡體 字。首先,簡體字是中文其中一種常用文字。現今中國社會中的文字絕大部份 是以簡體字為主,儘管香港主要是用繁體字,但是學習和認識中國主要文字簡 體字以中國語文這課程作為根基都是理所當然的。其次,學習簡體字並不是太 困難。大部份簡體字與繁體字都十分相似,因此我們都可以容易明白那一個字 在簡體的寫法。 The practical Chinese course is compulsory for all students studying in the University of Hong Kong. The simplified Chinese character is a compulsory session in this course, as a result, the student must learn it. Is it a must for learning simplified Chinese character? We can often hear this question without any model answer but I think it is a must to learn the simplified Chinese character. First of all, one of the reasons is that the simplified Chinese character is a commonly used character in China. Although the traditional Chinese character is the main Chinese character used in Hong Kong, the learning of simplified Chinese character as the major character in China is also the fundamental outcome for studying Chinese language. Another reason is that learning simplified Chinese character is not too difficult for students. The simplified Chinese character has lots of similarities with the same character in traditional Chinese character. So it is easy for us to understand how to convert those wordings in simplified Chinese character’s form.


Administrative Secretary 行政秘書

NG Kwok Wai 伍國威

立場:反對 先撇開現時香港與內地的政治因素,我們必先弄清楚必修中文於大學教育 下的必要性。 大學的教學重點應以學生如何歸納不同專科的知識為大前題,從而令學生 可從不同情況應用既有知識,學生應學習如何從被動接收知識轉化為主動學習 及分析不同情況。語文在其中的角色應是促進有關知識的應用或傳遞,簡而言 之,語文在大學教育的角色是輔助學習及應用,所以我們仍需必修的中文增補 課程以達輔助之用。 雖然語文的必要性主要在於輔助學習,但大學提供的課程仍應維持大學教 育的獨特性。以香港中文大學的「大學中文」為例,雖然它亦強調實用性,但 教學內容圍繞的是訓練學生於中文的自覺、自學、組織、思辨及表達等能力。 比起「授之以魚」,「授之以漁」在大學更為重要。學習簡體字本身重點在於 強記筆劃,並無任何技巧可言。甚至從實際角度出發,學生只需能看懂簡體字 的文章就已經達到學習簡體字的目的,即使在文章中有未能辨識的簡體字,大 學生亦有能力從前文後理推斷。另外,從香港大學現有的必修中文增補課程中 ,也不難發現教授內容本質之異。如實用文寫作、病句等學習內容本質皆為如 何實踐理論,但學習簡體字並未有包括任何應用理論的範籌。由大學教育的獨 特性以至實際角度,甚至教學內容本質的差異也顯示出教授簡體字與必修的中 文增補課程性質大相徑庭。換言之,必修的中文增補課程不應教授簡體字。 但在於香港大學仍然堅持於中文增補課程加入教授簡體字,學生可持開 放態度,雖然從大學的教學目的而言教授簡體字於此類課程並不恰當,但學習 簡體字本身可當為學習另一套文字,對學習語文並無負面影響。 Stance: Disagree Excluding the political factors between Mainland China and Hong Kong, we need to make clear that the necessity of Practical Chinese Courses in tertiary education. Generalization of the specialized knowledge would be the main goal of tertiary education so that students could apply their knowledge in different situation. Students should learn to acquire knowledge and analyze cases actively instead of passively receiving knowledge. Language is a kind of tools to assist learning in terms of communication and interpretation. Simply speaking, we still need Practical Chinese Courses for that usage. Uniqueness of tertiary education should be kept for the courses provided by the University though the necessity of language is to assist learning. Such as the “University Chinese” provided by CUHK, the contents are to train ability of students although it emphasizes practicality. However, learning simplified Chinese 11

does not involve any skills and techniques to learn. In practical point of view, the main goal for learning simplified Chinese is to let students smoothly read articles in simplified Chinese. Even some simplified Chinese characters could not be recognized, undergraduates are still able to deduce those characters from the meaning of whole passage. On the other hand, the nature of learning simplified Chinese is different from the other contents taught in those Practical Chinese Courses. All in all, simplified Chinese should not be taught in Practical Chinese Courses. Nonetheless, students could keep open-minded if the University still thinks it is a must to teach simplified Chinese in the courses. Learning simplified Chinese can be treated as learning a new language and it would not give any negative impact to learning language even though it would not be appropriate to teach it in terms of the teaching goal.

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President of Sports Association 體育聯會會長

LEE Ying Hang Jefferey 李彥衡

Personally, I do agree that simplified Chinese characters should be taught in in practical Chinese courses in HKU. To commence with, China’s influence on both Hong Kong and other countries has been increasing due to her rising economic power. Due to the low cost of production, cooperation with China becomes inevitable if a company wants to make good profit. Given the massive interaction and cooperation required, it is certainly an advantage for HKU students to be equipped with the knowledge of simplified Chinese characters, which can facilitate the communication with Chinese people and allow easier transactions and decision making. Some might think that we should not learn simplified Chinese characters as they hinder the process to pass on the precious Chinese culture to future generations. A multitude of simplified characters do cause the words to lose the meaning how they are constructed. For instance, the character “愛 ” is transformed to “爱 ”, omitting the part “心 ”. Another example is the character “親 ” being transformed to “亲 ”, omitting the part “見 ”. Both examples illustrate the problem that if simplified Chinese characters become so popular that they completely replace the traditional characters, the Chinese culture of how characters are constructed according to their meanings might be lost. Yet, I believe that HKU is a place for intellectual communication and exchange. Students should not make an absolute stance before they have actually gained the relevant knowledge. Even if students do find simplified Chinese characters ridiculous after having the courses, it does not do any harm on them to have taken the courses. Instead, they can form a stronger argument on what they think about the application of simplified Chinese characters, which is what university students should be able to achieve. All in all, given the frequent application and the intellectual exchange opportunity, I hold the view that simplified Chinese characters should be taught in practical Chinese courses in HKU.


President of Cultural Association 文化聯會會長

WONG Wai, Emily 王慧

本人不認同香港大學應在必修的中文增補課程教授簡體字或於課程中進行 簡繁轉換的考核。 根據港大中文學院一位講師所指:港大的必修中文課程以”實用為主” 。 而本人認為,將教授簡體字納入課程不能彰顯以上這點。 只有與內地廠家有業務往來,因公事需要奔波兩地或移居內地的港人,才 會接觸到大量簡體字。留港就業安家的大部分畢業生,若不懂辨識簡體字, 在 工作和生活上皆不成問題。 就以醫生為例,大部分處方藥物和手術程序使用英 文或英文代號,法律界慣用英語作為主要語言,即使理科生日後亦以英語匯報 和探討科研成果。因此, 對大部份學生而言, 學習簡體字並不必須,亦不實 用。 在實用為先的考量下,建議必修的中文課程宜著重教授漢語語法、修辭、 修正錯別字和病句以及各類實用文寫作方式。課程亦可以按各學系及專業增設 教授該學科的中文詞彙。簡體字課程宜作選修課程提供給有意學習簡體字的學 生。 I oppose the statement that simplified Chinese characters (SCC) should be taught in the Practical Chinese courses of HKU. According to a lecturer from the School of Chinese, HKU, the compulsory Chinese courses teach the practical usages of Chinese Language. And I consider that adding the SCC into the syllabus is not appropriated. Only for those who have partnerships with Mainland’s co-operator, work and immigrate to Mainland will encounter fair amount of SCC in their daily life. Most graduates, who earn their living in HK, would not found much inconvenience in their life for not knowing the SCC. E.g. English words or codes were used by doctors to prescribe medicine and assist the surgery operation; English language has been used as practical language within the legal profession as well as within the science communities. As a result, it is neither necessary nor practical to learn SCC. With the above considerations, it is suggest that the Practical Chinese course should emphasized more on educations of grammar, rhetoric, corrections of mistaken character & sentence, as well as the practical writings. In addition, special Chinese terms of the related subjects & professions should be included in the compulsory courses. SCC should be provided as elective courses for those who are interest to study SCC.


President of Independent Clubs Association 學社聯會會長

TSOI Shun On 蔡順安

所謂中文增補課程,意指由中文學院提供予各學院之實用中文課程。本人 認為,在這些課程教授簡體字實無傷大雅。 實用中文課程從課程目標而言本已跟中文系課程大相逕庭。前者著重中文 之淺層應用;後者著重對中國語言文化之賞析和深入探討。有人批評簡體字為 愚民所用,文化底蘊低劣,不過它至今作為內地星馬地區超過十三億華人書寫 文字,簡體字在中文文字應用的地位經已超然,所以在一個正使用小數文字(繁 體字)的地方教授大多數人的文字(簡體字)是普通合理不過,何況在實用課程中 真正講授繁簡轉換最多只有寥寥兩三節,甚至部分學院之中文課程以課外練習 代替,何足懼焉? 坦白說,繁簡之爭實源於共殖之恐。二戰後,內地、台灣、新加坡為鞏固 政權,以「國語運動」統一語言,借此消弭華人多元族群意識。香港「回歸」 中共爪牙十七載,中共為免香港成反共基地而殖化香港,簡體字和普教中彷如 昔日「國語運動」,統戰人民,反方視教授簡體字作洪水猛獸,實屬合理。 近年本土思潮掘起,對他們而言,若繁體粵語滅絕,港人族群意識即亡。 本人同意港人有著獨特身份意識地位,故香港大學教育不應過份強調全球化, 而忘卻顧及學生對其所在地的認知。由是觀之,與其斟酌數節簡體字課堂,大 家不如把思維擴闊至 Common Core 課程,重組現有四大核心,增設有關香港之 必修單元,培養本地意識,方為上策。 I do agree with the motion. The teaching outcomes of the enrichment Chinese courses and the courses of the Chinese Language and Culture Major are entirely different. The former focuses on the application of Chinese, while the latter lays emphasis on the appreciation and the in-depth analysis of Chinese Language and Culture. Some may criticize simplified Chinese as a mediocre writing with no cultural value, yet this writing is now being used by over 1.3 billion Chinese in the Mainland China, Singapore and Malaysia, the applicative status of simplified Chinese is in no doubt unshaken. Therefore it is reasonable for the inclusion of simplified Chinese in the Chinese enrichment courses. Franking speaking, the motion is induced by the fear of the colonization of the Communist China. Consolidating their autocratic regimes by destroying people’s local identities, the mainland China, Taiwan and Singapore after WWII unified the language in Mandarin as the official dialect. The opponents of this motion may consider the teaching of simplified Chinese as the tactics of the Communist China to homogenize Hong Kong, their concerns are valid indeed. With the rise of localism, traditional Chinese is regarded as the symbol of “Hongkongers”. As Hongkongers have their unique identity, HKU should not merely stress largely on globalization but ignore the building of our intrinsic knowledge to Hong Kong. It is suggested the Common Core Courses can be restructured to five modules in which a new Hong Kong module is added to nourish local identity. 15

Representative of Sports Association I 體育聯會代表一

YU Kwok Wing Olivia 于國穎

在維護香港獨特的文化和語言的前題下,我認為香港大學應在必修的中文 增補課程教授簡體字。 首先,內地來港投資或合資企業的人數愈來愈多,導致我們在工作環境裏 接觸到內地人或北上工幹的機會大增,認識簡體字無疑能讓我們在溝通上和適 應工作環境有所幫助。 另外,在香港大學的中文增補課程大多在於自己所修讀的專業範圍下,因 此更專注在不同學科所需要的中文認識。在現時所有本科生必修的中文增補 課程中,會因應個別學科需要,如中醫藥、工程、商學等課程,於課堂教 授更多專業詞彙,加強學生在內地市場的競爭力;再者,在香港大學也有必 修英文的課程,讓香港大學學生在語言上佔有優勢和幫助將來工作上的需要, 而此作用在於學習簡體字同樣。 總括而言,只要能夠保持香港獨特的文化及語言,並且不受影響的情況下, 在香港大學的必修中文增補課程教授簡體字對學生更有利。


Representative of Sports Association II 體育聯會代表二

CHEUNG Amy 張艾薇

Simplified Chinese should not be taught in the compulsory Chinese courses because it cannot be used to replace traditional Chinese. First, Chinese characters have a history of two thousand years, dating back from about 1400 BC, with the first characters being pictographs representing people, animals and objects. The modern shapes of traditional Chinese characters first appeared with the emergence of the clerical script during the Han Dynasty, being stable since the 5th century. On the other hand, simplified Chinese was promoted by the PRC government in 1958 in an attempt to increase literacy. With only a history of 58 years, there are only a little over two thousand simplified Chinese characters; compared with the total number of thirteen thousand traditional Chinese characters, it is very obvious simplified Chinese cannot represent the Chinese culture nor can it make significant influence on the learning of Chinese—how can one abandon their own history and adopt another just because it is easier to learn? Second, many of the pictographs clearly depict the objects they represent. The character for “horse”, for example, shows the mane, head, torso and legs of the animal. Many simplified characters, however, are very dissimilar to and unpredictably different from traditional characters, especially in those where a component is replaced by an arbitrary simple symbol. Learning Chinese does not only mean to learn how to write it, but also what the characters mean. With the little correspondence between the character and the meaning in simplified Chinese, how can one learn it properly? Finally, being a student in Hong Kong, where the majority use traditional Chinese characters and where it is the legal written form, what use can simplified Chinese characters make? One cannot use it in legal documents, nor could one use it in any official communication channels, why waste time to teach it to students when we can spent time to teach them about the real Chinese—traditional Chinese—and how important all the history behind it meant to us Chinese? Doesn’t this make a better advertisement for the Chinese history? Isn’t this a better way to increase Chinese’s influence around the world?


Representative of Cultural Association I 文化聯會代表一

WONG Ho Yeung 黃浩揚

Simplified Chinese characters have been increasingly used as China takes a much more important role than before in both global politics and economy. Therefore, it is far from uncommon for universities to offer courses concerning simplified Chinese characters (SCC), including The University of Hong Kong. In HKU, SCC is generally taught in the Practical Chinese courses. However, practicality is not the sole determinant in whether SCC should be taught in these courses, it is because all these courses are compulsory. We should consider further the fundamental reason why SCC should be taught in a compulsory language course. No doubt, the rate of using SCC has been increasing. It is commonly used in communication with Chinese clients in business world or colleagues in workplace. Its practicality is far from deniable. With respect to the necessity of being compulsory, we can look at the general characteristic of the compulsory courses offered in HKU. For example, every Economics and Finance student is required to learn basic economic knowledge and tools in some compulsory economic courses before studying advanced elective economic courses. Similarly, every Science student is required to learn fundamental concepts of physics, chemistry, biology and so on before choosing his/her major for advanced studies. English presentation and writing skills are included in the compulsory CAES because they are indispensable to studying in HKU. In other words, being taught in a compulsory course, the syllabus should be important for advanced studies, or the basics of learning. In fact, It is difficult to imagine SCC is commonly used in all faculties except some Chinese courses. It is crucial in your future workplace, rather than your present school. To conclude, SCC is practical without doubt, but this is not the reason why it should be included in the teaching of a compulsory Chinese language course. It should have been included in an elective course because SCC is not a necessary tool for learning in HKU. Whether to study it should depend on students' ability and preference, similar to the elective foreign language courses such as Spanish and French, which are also commonly used globally compared with SCC.


Representative of Cultural Association II 文化聯會代表二

LUI Ka On 呂家安

香港大學的必修中文課程相比於其他大學,更著重提供實用性的教學。課 程以簡化字學習為其中一個主要部份,大約佔考試分數百份之二十。雖然簡化 字對香港與內地的交流有其實用性,但香港政府機關及其他機構的慣用語言均 是繁體中文和英文,因此在以香港本地學生為對象的必修中文課程加入簡化字 教學和評核並非必要。學校應把簡化字教學加入選修中文增補課程,予有興趣 或需要的學生修讀。 Compare to other universities in Hong Kong, the Chinese courses of HKU stress on the practical usage of the language. In the course, simplifies Chinese characters study is one of the major components and contains 20% of the marks in the final examination. Despite the needs of simplified Chinese characters for communication between Hong Kong and Mainland, traditional Chinese characters are widely used in Hong Kong governmental institutions and other organizations. The simplified characters study and assessments is not necessary to be included in the Practical Chinese courses that are designed for local undergraduates. Alternatively, it is suggested to include the study in an elective Chinese course.


Representative of Independent Clubs Association I 學社聯會代表一

HONG Wai Shan 康慧珊

繁簡之辯源由已久, 大眾對簡體字的恐懼和反感反映於近年不少事件上. 即便是學界的中文課程教授簡體字一事, 亦引起一番討論. 就個人而言, 在必 修的增補課程中加入教授簡體字一事,實屬無防. 有別於其他中文課程所著重的文學剖析或語文研究, 增潤課程則強調語文 學習的實用性, 尤以配合學術及專業需要. 客觀而言, 簡體字日漸普及是有目 共睹的, 相信將此加入課程亦是有鑑於其國際化的趨勢, 也算是增進漢語知識 的一部分. 有人認為把簡體字放入必修課程無疑有潛移默化的作用, 加上不少對簡體 字於外觀及認知上的批評, 如此爭論難免牽涉到錯綜複雜的政治糾葛和中華傳 統文化的棄收漩渦中. 所以, 與其把對簡體字及對其底含的憂慮僵化, 何不把 它看作一個相較的好機會? 香港大學推祟對多元文化持開放態度, 個人認為文 化上的差異並不致於對其文字的抵制. 當然, 校方於制定課程時也需考慮此課 題及其他語文技巧所佔的比重, 以逹致其增補效果.


Representative of Independent Clubs Association II 學社聯會代表二

WONG Leung Sit 黃良燮

香港大學中文增補課程設計者之一 ─ 李家樹博士,曾於 1996 年討論此課 程的理念,表示課程須盡可能配合各個專業需求,他強調課程應以「實用」為 主。 觀乎香港大學十大學系,增補課程內的簡體字教材能否配合各個專業需求, 達到博士所談及的「實用性」呢?本人只就讀於其中一個學系,不敢一概而論, 只以個人淺見談論教授簡體字的效用。自九七回歸,內地民眾來到香港投資、 旅行及購物,在刺激經濟活動途中衍生出大量只適用於內地的簡體字文件及詞 語。作為商學院學生,本人認為輕量的簡體字教材確實能配合商業上與內地合 作的需求;對其他學系的學生而言,將來的工作不乏來自內地的文件,在確保 大學生不懂「寫」也懂「看」的前提下,簡體字教材對初步認識內地文字有一 定的幫助。 有人會批評簡體字的出現破壞文字原意,漠視中國三千年的歷史文化。繁 簡之爭的局面乃因有有心人士嘗試騎劫繁體字,使本土市民出現仇恨之偏激情 緒所致。本人認為一種文字的出現或演變反映了民族的歷史文化,正如意大利 文保留了拉丁文的語法,日文保留了漢字的基礎。現在的增補課程中簡體字教 材只佔數個小時的學習時間,對繁體字的使用實在無傷大雅,我們何不把其視 為擁有六十年歷史的外國新文字,一盡大學生「擴闊視野」之責? 在全球化的氣氛下,簡體字的出現無可避免,我們無須拘泥於學習簡體字 的必要性。1998 年,李家樹博士指出中文課程除了教授語文外,亦應訓練學生 獨立思考。課程如何訓練學生獨立思考,鞏固本土理念,才是語文教學的精粹 所在。 Dr. Lee Kar Shui, one of the planners of the Practical Chinese course in HKU, has discussed about the rationale of the course in 1996. He explained that the course shall be designed to cater different professional needs. Practicability shall prevail. Nowadays, should students be required to study simplified Chinese for professional needs? Since 1997, many mainlanders came to Hong Kong to boost the economy and a lot of documents written in simplified Chinese appeared. As a business student, I think learning simplified Chinese helps a lot in the business field. For students from other faculties, documents in simplified Chinese shall frequently appear in their work. Learning simplified Chinese at least helps them understand the meaning of the characters. There may be controversies between supporters of simplified Chinese characters and those of traditional Chinese characters. This situation may be due to the hatred caused by some politicians who suggested to abolish traditional Chinese characters. In my opinion, characters represent the history and culture of a place. In our Chinese course, learning simplified Chinese only occupies a few hours of study, which will not affect the use of traditional Chinese. Therefore, we shall respect simplified Chinese in the course. 21

In 1998, Dr. Lee Kar Shui once said that Practical Chinese course shall not only focus on teaching a language, but also training students’ critical thinking skills. Rather than simplified Chinese, critical thinking skills should be our main topic of discussion.


Representative of Hornell Hall Students’ Association 康寧堂學生會代表

NG Ka Ho 吳家豪


Representative of Lee Chi Hung Hall Students’ Association 李志雄紀念堂學生會代表

CHENG Pui Chung 程沛聰

港大應否於本科生必修的中文增補課程教授簡化字,一直為同學多所討論 的議題。本人認為教授簡化字能達致課程整體目標,也對學生有利,理應繼續 實行。 港大的中文增補課程以「實用」為目的。課程包括簡化字、病句修改、實 用書信、電子溝通等,期望讓不同學系的同學於投入社會前,學到基本的實用 語文知識。簡化字不僅在中國內地流行,也被使用中文的外地人廣為採用。中 國作為人口最多的國家及全球第二大經濟體,內地、本港、以至世界各地間的 交流勢將更為密切;除經貿往來外,其他課題的溝通也將會增多──如醫療、 法律、以至政治等。認識簡化字可有效促進相關溝通,對同學發展有利:香港 學生能較快明白透過簡化字傳遞的信息、也更容易以簡化字讓人了解欲表達的 內容。 課程設計方面,大學現行的安排大致合適:簡化字的教學和考試內容均聚 焦於社會常見的文字,並只佔全科分數較少百分比,能鼓勵同學學習,卻不致 將分數比重過分傾斜。必修的安排亦屬必要:一,簡化字的學習內容不足獨立 成科供同學選修;二,學校須確保學生擁有足夠的語文及專業知識,方可頒授 學位。跟其他必修科和實用英語課程一樣,必修安排能讓學生水平符合學位質 素要求。 漢字簡化,源於國人識字率低,也牽涉改革或廢除漢字的政治考量。不論 從中港歷史、教育水平差異,以至本地文化及身分認同的角度,港大同學均不 應被鼓勵使用簡化字作日常本地交流。但從簡化字作為與中外的溝通工具而言 ,港大應繼續推行簡化字課程,以協助同學滿足踏入社會、多地交流的實際需 要。 Whether Simplified Chinese characters should be taught in compulsory Practical Chinese courses offered to undergraduates has long been a controversial topic among schoolmates. In my view, including Simplified Chinese characters in the syllabus can achieve the overall objective of the courses and is beneficial to students; therefore, the practice should be continued. The Chinese courses concerned treat ‘practicability’ as its main objective. The syllabus includes Simplified Chinese characters, correction of ungrammatical sentences, practical correspondences, and e-communication. It is aimed at equipping students from different programmes with basic practical Chinese knowledge before they enter the society. Simplified Chinese characters are mainly employed by the people of the mainland China as means for daily communication, and are widely adopted by Chinese users around the world. The exchanges, whether in monetary terms or on issues such as medicine, law and politics, among Mainland China, Hong Kong, and other places are growing rapidly, as China stands as the most populous country and second largest economy in the world. The capability of using Simplified Chinese characters would effectively facilitate such communications and give students an edge, in the sense that they can compose and understand contents written with Simplified Chinese more quickly. 24

The current arrangement in course design is generally appropriate: the teaching material and exam content on Simplified Chinese focus on commonly used characters, and only constitute a small proportion of total marks. Such arrangements encourage students to learn but do not place undue weight on Simplified Chinese. The compulsory element in this course is also necessary: first, Simplified Chinese characters on their own are not contentious enough to become an independent elective; second, the University must ensure that students have reached a proficient level in terms of language and professional knowledge before granting them a degree. The compulsory arrangement, similar to those seen in disciplinary courses and Practical English, helps to ensure that students meet the programme’s quality requirements. The simplification of Chinese characters originated from the low literacy rate of Chinese people, and political considerations in reforming or abolishing Chinese characters. From the perspectives of the history of Hong Kong and China, educational level differences, local culture, and sense of ethnic identity, HKU students should not be encouraged to use Simplified Chinese in the context of daily local communication. However, as Simplified characters are increasingly being used as a tool for communication among Chinese and foreigners, the University should continue to teach simplified characters in order to satisfy students’ practical needs to communicate in different places and with different people after entering the society.


Representative of Lee Hysan Hall Students’ Association 利希慎堂宿生會代表

LEE Yee 李儀

作為國際經濟金融中心,特別是九七回歸中國後,香港需要在培訓中、英 文人才方面保持優勢,以免被亞洲其他地區趕上。有鑑於此,香港大學增設中 文增補課程,量體裁衣地為不同學院、學系的學生設計課程,目的是爲了提高 學生的中文水平,配合各個不同專業的需求。其中,鑒於某些專業與中國大陸 接軌,接觸日增,增補課程因此加插普通話及簡體字教學。 本人認為以學生利益出發,學習簡體字的確讓學生多一技傍身。有不少 學系的同學要經常接觸內地學術文章及刊物,少不免要閱讀及理解簡體 字。事實上,用簡體字寫的中文已是全世界最多人用的文字,學生能讀 懂它,用之與人溝通,也是有助提高其競爭力。 簡 體 字 與 繁 體 字 相 比 的 確 太粗糙,有些字甚至失去了原來的意思,不利 文化傳承。然而,在中文增補課程教授簡體字並不等同以簡體字完全取締繁體 字。繁體字依然是香港學生學習中文所使用的主要文字。同樣,本校的中文增 補課程亦會以繁體字教授文法及句子結構等,讓學生理解傳統文化。 不過,香港大學應否在必修的中文增補課程教授簡體字是有待商確的。要 知道中文增補課程是必修課程,因此每個香港大學學生均需強制性學習簡體字。 本人認同校方教授簡體字對學生而言是有利學生學習及日後發展,但我對於其 是否納入必修的中文課程有所保留。中文學院大可提供簡體字選修課程或參考 大學語文中心的不計學分普通話課程,讓有興趣和需要的同學自行選擇學習簡 體字。 As an international financial center, especially after the handover to China, Hong Kong needs to maintain its advantage in training professionals with proficient language ability. Thus, the University of Hong Kong provides tailormade Chinese enhancement courses for students from different faculties. These specially designed courses aim to improve students' Chinese language ability and accommodate with various professional needs. In face of more frequent connections with mainland China, the enhancement course therefore includes introduction to Mandarin and simplified Chinese. With regard to students’ interests, learning simplified Chinese indeed allows students to acquire a practical skill. Some university courses may require students to read mainland academic articles and publications. Inevitably, students are expected to read and understand simplified Chinese. In fact, simplified Chinese is the world's most commonly used written form of language. Thus, students are able to enhance their competitiveness with the ability of reading simplified Chinese and communicating with it. Comparatively, simplified Chinese is not as structural and elegant as traditional Chinese. Some Chinese characters even lost their original meanings in the simplified version and this is unfavorable to the inheritance of Chinese language as a cultural heritage. However, teaching simplified Chinese in Chinese enhancement course is not equivalent to completely abolishing traditional Chinese. 26

Traditional Chinese is still the major written form for students studying Chinese. Correspondingly, the university's Chinese enhancement course also includes teaching of grammar and sentence structure in traditional Chinese and thus, enables students to understand the traditional language culture. Nevertheless, it is questionable that whether learning simplified Chinese should be a compulsory component in the university’s Chinese enhancement course. It is mandatory for HKU students to learn simplified Chinese in the current curriculum. Personally, I do agree that offering learning opportunity of simplified Chinese is beneficial to students’ learning and future development. However, I take a reserved attitude on whether to include this component in the compulsory Chinese enhancement courses. Indeed, for interested students who find leaning simplified Chinese necessary, the Chinese Academy could alternatively offer elective courses or the language centre could introduce non credit-bearing courses with reference to the current Putonghua supplementary courses.


Representative of Lady Ho Tung Hall Students’ Association 何東夫人紀念堂宿生會代表

MOK Nga Wai 莫雅為

對於「香港大學應在必修的中文增補課程教授簡體字」這議題上,我的立 場是支持的。 很多推崇簡體字的人的論述不外於「簡體字筆劃少、容易學、能加快書寫 速度,有利普及教育」,但假若把這個論述套進我們這次的討論框架就恐怕不 太適用了。大學生已是社會上精英的一羣,我想他們學習簡體字的原因總不是 為了解決文盲問題。那麼,強制要他們學習簡體字定必有其他的理由。 首先,對我而言,要大學生學會簡體字,不是單純的為了要他們認字,而 是令他們能夠認得簡體字繼而擴闊他們閱讀的層面。現時仍使用繁體字的地區 包括香港、澳門、台灣三個地方,我當然不會否認三地人才輩出,但比起中國 內地十三億的人口確實是滄海一粟。隨著內地知識水平提高,有水平的學術作 品相信會愈來愈多,假若大家仍然夜郎自大只看繁體字作品只會淪為井底之蛙 之輩,因此我相信教授簡體字乃是有備無患之舉,對於大學生將來的學習有益 無害。 其次,中港兩地的交流日益頻繁,大家在日常生活當中少不免會接觸到簡 體字。大學生學習簡體字不但能夠裝備他們日後在內地工作或與內地同事合作, 亦能令他們更易於了解內地的訊息,無疑是一舉兩得。 I support that Simplified Chinese characters should be taught in the Practical Chinese courses of HKU. Many people supporting Simplified Chinese characters think that simplified version is easy to read and write, so it can help alleviate the illiteracy problem. However, being a university student, we indeed do not need to learn Simplified Chinese characters to help solve this problem. Then why do we still need to learn that? First of all, the purpose of learning Simplified Chinese characters are to extend our reading level. At present, regions still using Traditional Chinese characters include Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Yet, the population using the simplified version in the Mainland is much more than that in these three places. Because of the improvement of knowledge level in the Mainland, it is indeed beneficial to have knowledge exchange with students there. Thus, it is important for students in Hong Kong to recognize Simplified Chinese characters. On the other hand, all sorts of exchange between China and Hong Kong become more frequent nowadays. Everyone are inevitably exposed to Simplified Chinese characters. Therefore, learning these can help equip students if they work in China or work with mainland colleagues after graduation. To conclude, teaching Simplified Chinese characters in the Practical Chinese courses in HKU is beneficial to students. 28

Representative of Lee Shau Kee Hall Students’ Association 李兆基堂宿生會代表

TANG Hiu Yan 鄧曉恩

近年來,校內各人對於應否在我校的中文增補課程中教授簡體字一事意見 不一,有人認為若學生習慣了使用簡體字,便會摒棄繁體字,繁體字所蘊含的 文化智慧便會蕩然無存。但基於以下兩個原因,我個人偏向支持把簡體字列入 中文增補課程的教程中。 首先,中港兩地接觸愈來愈緊密。隨著中國經濟起飛,國內對於專才的需 求有增無減,有不少本地大學生視北上發展爲畢業後的其中一條出路。根據香 港青聯學生交流網絡在本年度所做的訪問,有逾五成的受訪大學生表示願意於 畢業後到內地工作。由於大部分內地城市,包括北京和上海,都使用簡體字, 於大學課程中教授簡體字能幫助本校學生於畢業後北上工作及生活,增強本校 學生於內地的競爭力。 此外,香港大學向來是一所國際化的大學,學生來自五湖四海。對於一些 從來沒有接觸過中文的學生,簡體字也許會更便於辨認及書寫。以「書」,「 晝」 及「畫」三字為例,繁體字字形相近,對初學者來說難以辨認。而這三字 的簡體,「书」,「昼」及「画」, 則相對容易被人分辨。簡體字筆劃亦都比 較少,有利於初學者記熟寫法。 我認同繁體字當中承繼著中國五千多年來的歷史文化,必須加以保存以流 傳於後世。所以,我希望中文增補課程的教師能鼓勵學生先學先寫繁體字,以 及引導學生多了解繁體字背後所蘊含的歷史文化。於同時間,把教授簡體字列 入教程內,提升學生閱讀簡體字的能力,以備日後之需,這對於本校學生而言 將會有更大裨益。 The teaching of simplified Chinese characters in our Pratical Chinese Course has been an ongoing debate throughout recent years. Some people insist no simplified characters should be taught as they are worried that students may forget the glorious Chinese culture and history embedded in traditional characters gradually. However, in my opinion, simplified Chinese characters should become part of our Practical Chinese Courses syllabus because of the following reasons: To commence with, simplified characters should be taught reagrding its practical application. It is undeniable that mainland China has achieved vivid economic growth in the recent decade. There is a thirst of professionals in various fields and numerous business opportunities can be found in China. According to a survey done by Student Exchange Network in 2014, over 50% of the university students who replied to the survey said they are willing to go to mainland China after graduation and develop their future career. As Simplified Chinese Characters are prevailing in most of the cities in China, including Shanghai and Beijing, learning Simplified Chinese Characters can help students to be better prepared for working and living in these cities. Another reason of why the teaching of simplified characters should be included in the course is that simplified characters may appear to be more user29

friendly, especially to the students who do not have any prior knowledge about Chinese Language. For instance, some traditional characters are too similar in appearance, such as 書 (book), 晝 (daytime) and 畫 (drawing). Their simplified forms 书 (book), 昼 (daytime) and 画 (drawing) may be more distinguishable. Also, simplified characters usually have fewer strokes and simplier structures, beginners can remember the complex Chinese words more easily. Yet, I agree that traditional Chinese characters contain our precious history and culture that should be well conserved. I thereby suggest that when students are learning simplified Chinese characters, the teachers should remind students about the traditional forms of those characters as well. Most importantly, teachers should put emphasis on the interesting connotative meaning and cultural traits carried by traditional characters, so that students can be equipped with the ability to read simplified characters and at the same time, their knowlegde about traditional characters can be enhanced.


Representative of Morrison Hall Students’ Association 馬禮遜堂宿生會代表

LAU Chun Wai 劉晉維

先放下政治的眼鏡,要回答這個問題,先要弄清,在只有繁體字的知識下 ,能否有效的使用簡體字 ,如果可以的話那麼在必修課中學習簡體字,會是多 此一舉。 儘管沒有研究報告可以回答,在只懂繁體字的情況下,能否有效的書寫簡 體字,但回歸自身經驗,只懂繁體字的我們,的確可以看得懂,寫得出基本的 簡體字,最起碼我們都能在簡體字的百度,土豆和優酷網上找到我們想要的視 頻。這證明,其實我們都可以有效的運用簡體字。退一步,港府頒布的官方文 件中所採用的都是繁體字,簡體字既非官方認何,而我們又能有效的運用,為 甚麼要多此一舉地硬性規定我們要去學習呢? 帶回政治的眼鏡去看, 過去在陸佑堂上,飄揚的是綠色的校旗,97 後, 校旗不見了,陸佑堂也改變了很多,有毅然抗拒不應有之變的勇氣,也許才是 回答這條問題的真正答案。 To answer this question, lets first examine how necessary it would be for learning Simplified Chinese Character from a non-political perspective. It is true that we could not provide any causal relationship on how well a person could read and write simplified Chinese character if what he knows is only traditional Chinese Character. But take reference of our own experience, despite we have only been taught to read and write in traditional ones, we could still understand well enough and find out what we want from those website who are in Simplified Chinese Character, like baidu, tudou and youku. This shows that we could effectively use simplified Chinese character in daily life, even though we have not been taught before. Looking back to the issue from a political perspective, to hit the hidden question, the answer perhaps would be as follow: we should have the courage to refuse what is not beneficial to our alma mater no mater it is political or nonpolitical issue.


Representative of R.C. Lee Hall Students’ Association 利銘澤堂宿生會代表

LIU Chi Sing 廖志誠

制度教育把社會資源再分配到知識品性的傳承上,所以學生學習不單是向 個人負責,更是在向社會教育制度及其教育機構的宗旨負責。 港大百年,初時雖開宗明義「為中國而立」,其實卻是西方教育精神在中國政 權下的妥協︰一方面希望把西方求真精神傳至中國,另一面又不希望令中國對 設立大學反感。 時至今日,香港作為中國難得有言論自由思想自由的地方,我認為港大仍 可堅守「為中國而立」為其中一環,唯我們不為中國政權而立,而為中國進步 而立。 學習簡體字是打破中港溝通障礙第一步,假設我們明白其潛在的力量,我 們便可把握香港作為中國的對外窗口,把更多的普世價值傳至中國,建設民主 中國。 Education requires social capital being invested to individual students, therefore students are not merely responsible to themselves, but also the society. It has already been 100 years since the establishment of HKU. At first, it was claimed to be established for China very explicitly. But in fact, it was indeed a compromise made by British government when introducing western education to China. Nowadays, with Hong Kong still being the most liberal city in China, I believe it is still worthy for HKU to uphold its claim of “established for China”. However, what we are serving ought not to be the government of China, but the advancement of it. Learning simplified Chinese is the first step for overcoming the communication obstacle between Hong Kong and China. If we can understand the potential significance of it, we might be able to utilize it as a means to convey more universal values to China, thus achieving the goal “building a democratic China”.


Representative of Ricci Hall Students’ Association 利馬竇宿舍宿生會代表

CHUNG Yuk Hei 鍾煜㬢

香港大學的中文增補課程提供全校必修的實用中文課程。內容包括漢語知 識、溝通技巧和各類寫作方法。課程設計以學習效果為本,強調學生主動探索 及研習。教學上加強專業寫作訓練, 以提高、鞏固教學對象的語文能力為首要 的教學目標。 香港大學不應在中文增補課程教授簡體字的原因有二: 第一,與課程設立原意不相符。中文增補課程旨在提高學生中文應用能力 ,強調語文的實用性,然而教授簡體字則與以上課程原意毫無關係。 第二,沒有必要性,有礙達致課程原定教學目標。在大學時期學習簡體字 的必要性成疑,加入簡體字會令阻礙學生學習更有需要實用語文知識。 The Chinese Language Enhancement Programme is a compulsory course of practical Chinese for all HKU students. It enables students to learn about the knowledge of use of Chinese, communication skills and different types of writing skills. The course design focus on students’ learning effectiveness that emphasizes active learning. Increasing the language ability of students is the primary aim of the course. The motion should be banned based on two reasons: First, it is not matching with the initial aims of the course. The programme aims at enhancing students’ ability in Chinese application that amplifies the practicality of Chinese. However, teaching Simplified Chinese is totally not related to the above aims. Second, it is unnecessary for students to learn Simplified Chinese in tertiary education that hinders their efficiency in learning other practical language knowledge.


Representative of Suen Chi Sun Hall Students’ Association 孫志新堂宿生會代表

CHAN Sze Lam 陳思霖

香港大學學生修讀的必修的中文增補課程內容主要包括學習簡體字以及其 他以實用為主的中文技巧。就課程目的和內容而言,本人認為香港大學應在必 修的中文增補課程教授簡體字。 對比起友校香港中文大學以文學為重點、香港城市大學以歷史為重點,本 校中文增補課程之最大目的,是賦予本地或非本地生於日後就業時運用中文的 實際技巧和能力。現時香港大學亦已一直實行簡體字教習,如商學院和醫學院 的 CBBA9002、CBBA9004、CEMD9007 等課程。教授簡體字,好比讓學生學習多一 種實用的語言,亦切合必修中文增補課程之特點-實用。中國內地經濟發展日 益蓬勃,無論投身中資公司抑或加入國際大機構,甚至走進堀起的中國內地市 場發,中國內地都會是理所當然地出現的合作夥伴。透過裝備同學於中國內地 工作或與內地機構合作時必需的讀寫能力,能夠有效提升同學入職的競爭力, 因此教授簡體字的實用價值無可置疑。 縱使就使用簡體字或正體字或有文化上的衝突,亦常有因簡體字破壞中文 正體字的歷史文化意義而拒絕使用簡體字一說。不過當十四億云云中國內地人 民都視簡體字為唯一文字工具的時候,獨個兒杯葛簡體字,卻不就推廣正體字 作出一分力,利用兩邊的知識使更多人接觸到正體字,又有何意義呢? 學習簡體字並不代表文化流失。相反,同學日後更多了機會因為互通而推 廣到正體字的歷史意義,又能提升就職技能,一石二鳥,何樂而不為? I agree that the University of Hong Kong should teach Simplified Chinese in the compulsory Chinese courses. This suits the aim of the course that equipping students the basic reading and writing skills of working in China or Mainland firms. Although some may oppose the use of Simplified Chinese as it destroys the historical meaning of each Chinese character, learning one more language tool facilitates students to promote the original culture of Chinese characters by possible information flow. Moreover, after all those years spending on learning Chinese History and culture in the secondary school, turning into a way of learning Chinese practically is what a University student needs now.


Representative of St. John’s College Students’ Association 聖約翰學院學生會代表

CHU Jonathan Lok Ting 朱樂庭

I agree with the motion that simplified Chinese characters should be taught in the Practical Chinese Courses of the University of Hong Kong (“HKU”). HKU has long been nurturing professionals in various fields. HKU’s curriculum concerns mainly with practicality, aiming at equipping students with the skills necessary for their future career pursuit. This aim is in line with the goal of the Practical Chinese Courses of HKU – to enhance students’ Chinese competency so that they are skilled to communicate effectively in Chinese. It is a sad but undeniable truth that the world has been trending to the use of simplified Chinese characters. To start with, simplified Chinese characters are officially used in China. They have widespread usage in Malaysia and Singapore. Also, many foreigners learn simplified Chinese characters rather than the traditional ones. With the ever-more intimate interaction between Hong Kong and China, more university graduates choose to develop their career in the Mainland. Even for those who stay in Hong Kong, it is possible that they might, in their profession, come across documents written in simplified Chinese. As such, there is a practical need for HKU students to know how to read and write with simplified Chinese characters. While maintaining the use of traditional Chinese in Hong Kong, we should appreciate the practical advantage of learning simplified Chinese characters.


Representative of Simon K. Y. Lee Hall Students’ Association Henry 李國賢堂宿生會代表

SU Hum Wai 蘇鴻葦

個人認為此論題應成立。首先, 論題的重點並非討論簡體字的優劣, 而是 應否教授簡體字。評議員可以認為簡體字為禍中國文化所以連教授簡體字都應 予拒絕。雖然本人亦同意簡體字並非中文之褔, 然而本人認為於必修的中文增 補課程教授簡體字有其作用。 香港大學的中文增補課程其中一大目標在於為學生日後的職業作出準備。 教授簡體字有其必要性, 學生於將來遇到簡體字的文件的機會與日俱增, 故此 教授簡體字符合課程目的而且符合同學將來的就業需要。 評議員可能會就港大中文增補課程的目的有所討論。其他大學例如城大及 中大的類似課程更偏向教授中國文學及歷史。評議員或認為港大的中文增補課 程應減少其職業導向而轉向教授更多文學或歷史, 因此簡體字的教授可以省卻 。我並不反對港大中文增補課程可以有更大的人文色彩, 然而考慮增補課程一 項特質是希望為學生提供基本的知識, 而簡體字正正是一項較多學生缺乏的基 本知識, 所以教授簡體字。再者, 港大本身亦有 COMMON CORE 課程, 而中國正 正是其中一個主要範圍, 因此於中文增補課程教授其他文學或歷史的需要並不 大。 My personal stance is that the motion should stand. First and foremost, the gist of the motion is not about the blessing and cursing of simplified Chinese but about whether Simplified Chinese should be taught. Fellow councilors may take a radical view that Simplified Chinese is so evil that it ruins Chinese culture and thus should not be taught at all. However, even I personally agree that simplified Chinese is not a treasure, I still consider simplified Chinese should be taught in the mandatory Chinese courses for the following reasons. Compulsory Chinese courses for HKU students have a major purpose of facilitating future career life. Teaching Simplified Chinese serves this purpose particularly. It is very probable that we may face document written by simplified Chinese in future career. Ability to read and write Simplified Chinese is increasingly important and is necessary for future career in this day and age. . Councilor may further challenge the purpose of HKU compulsory Chinese course. Some universities like CUHK and City U teach Chinese literature and history in their corresponding compulsory Chinese courses. One may think that the purpose of the course should not be career oriented and thus Simplified Chinese should not be taught to serve that purpose. I do not oppose the idea that the mandatory Chinese course can teach more about Chinese literature and history, but this does not mean Simplified Chinese should not be taught. Also, 36

considering the nature of mandatory courses is to equip students with rudimentary ability, there are relatively more students lacking this rudimentary ability to read and write Simplified Chinese. Moreover, the course structure of other universities’ Chinese course may not be applicable to HKU as we already have Common Core courses and one major area is China, thus it may not be necessary to teach Chinese literature and history in the mandatory courses.

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Representative of Starr Hall Students’ Association 施德堂宿生會代表

HO Ka Yin 何珈彥

簡體字教學出現在香港的意義,不難想像是因為這彈珠之地正式回歸祖國 的懷抱,不再是英轄殖民地,而基於文化共融、經濟接軌,大學生學習如何書 寫簡化字和分辨繁簡字將便利他們的生活,為將來自身前途或與內地人的文化 充流作準備。然而,其實用性大是否代表我校將它加入至學生必修的項目嗎? 單單從教學意義已可證明香港大學的中文增補課程未有教授簡體字的必要。 在意義層面,簡化字為必修並不符合香港大學以至轄下中文學院的教學理 念。香港大學多年堅持營造國際化的學習環境,塑造港大人成為「明德格物」 的國際公民,學習簡體字與提倡以上理念毫無幫助。而中文學院的宗旨為傳承 國粹、貫通中西文化,致力提升港大生的中國語文水準。若最終是為了提升語 文水平,簡化字更不應出現在必修行目上,而繁體字才是真正漢字文化的結晶。 中文字組成講求的「音」、「形」、「義」,簡化字未能呈現箇中意義,如 「愛」是用心感受的,繁體字中的「愛」包含「心」作砌字元素,但簡化版本 卻毫無「心」可言。漢字演變背後有著無數故事,傳承著中國文化,但簡體字 薄弱的文化底蘊難以令人信服其可列入必修,以傳承我國文化。 作為本港中國語文及文化的重要教研機構之一,將簡體字定為必修實令人 費解,理應分類至選修部分,課程可為「繁簡體字概論和應用」,讓未來有意 到內地工作,或覺得有需要了解簡體字的同學報讀,才真正達到以學生為本, 量體裁衣的意義。 Regardless of the current program design, all based on contradiction to the purpose of learning Chinese in HKU, I object that Simplified Chinese characters should be taught in the Practical Chinese courses of HKU. After the return of HKSAR to the Chinese government, learning how to write and to distinguish the Traditional and Simplified form are believed to benefit the university students in finding jobs in mainland China and getting along with the mainlanders. However, its seemingly great advantages are not enough to justify HKU should include Simplified Chinese characters teaching in its Practical Chinese courses, but more importantly as aforementioned, the significance like purpose of learning Chinese and necessity should be outweighed, thus proving that Simplified Chinese characters should not be taught in the Practical Chinese courses of HKU. From the perspective of significance, listing Simplified Chinese as compulsory in the course is contradicted with the teaching ideology of HKU and its subordinate School of Chinese. Learning Simplified Chinese characters is not linked much with our principle of internationalization and global citizenship, as well as being a man with ‘Sapienta et Virtus’. And for the School of Chinese, which always upholds principles of promoting the quintessence of Chinese culture, and inclusion between Chinese and West culture, as well as enriching our students’ understandings in Chinese language and culture, learning Simplified Chinese characters might inversely detriment our understandings to Chinese language. The spatial arrangement of Chinese characters is often shown in Traditional version 38

but not the Simplified one, where the long history of our Chinese culture is embedded in. Therefore, it is hardly to include the teaching of Simplified Chinese characters in Practical Chinese courses, saying that it is of rich historical value. Being one of the important Chinese language and culture institutions in Hong Kong, and also being more student-orientated institution, it would be unwise to mark Simplified Chinese characters learning as compulsion, how about making it to be an elective? So for those who would like to work in mainland later or really interested in learning Simplified, the elective course does matter.

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Representative of Swire Hall Students’ Association 太古堂宿生會代表

LAM Chu Ching 林姝婧

中文增補課程是每個香港本科大專生的必修課程,其原意昭然若揭。隨著 中國在世界的舞台上日益崛起,簡體字的使用率亦愈趨頻繁。不少香港人相信 亦通曉閱讀簡體字,學生在中學考試中也開始夾雜簡體字,種種跡象似乎令人 覺得教授簡體字是大勢所趨。然而,在大學中文課程的制定,應該考慮將來可 用性,還是中文知識的傳承? 依愚之見,在大學實應以中文知識的教授為首要 的目標。 往昔,中文增補課程期末考試中有 22%為考核同學繁簡互換,今年更要學 生以簡體字書寫對漢字簡化的意見,此舉實為不智。中文知識博大精深,學習 文化知識,例如仁、義、禮、智等中國傳統思想,亦是非常重要的一環。其不 單能令大學生提升其文化道德修養,甚或對自己也能有一種自省的作用,如在 課程中教授何謂均出於「四書」中的《大學》的「明德」、「格物」二語。文 學詩詞賞析、書寫技巧等等在中文學習中亦不可或缺。中學改制令中學生中文 水平內涵大不如前,大學的必修中文增補課程理應先彌補以上不足,而非著墨 太多於教授簡體字。簡體字容易從日常生活中透過多看多寫學習,而且屬於較 為技術層面上的學習,筆者認為無需在大學的中文課程教授。 總括而言,香港大學不應在必修的中文增補課程教授簡體字。 The practical Chinese course is a compulsory course for HKU undergraduates and the intention is very obvious. With China's rising power on the world stage, usage of simplified Chinese become more frequent. Many Hong Kong people are also proficient in reading simplified Chinese, students in high school exams began using Simplified Chinese. These signs seem to make people feel that teaching simplified Chinese is the trend. However, as a Chinese course, should the university consider the future availability, or knowledge of Chinese heritage? As far as it is concerned, teaching knowledge of Chinese heritage should be the primary goal. In the past, 22% for the assessment of the course is the exchange of simplified and traditional Chinese, but this year, written comments on simplified Chinese is also needed ,but this is indeed unwise. Chinese knowledge include a lot of different parts, such as learning and cultural knowledge: benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and other Chinese traditional thinking. This is also a very important part. Students will not only make them to enhance their cultural and moral cultivation, even on their own can also have a self-examination of the role. Verse literature, writing skills in the Chinese study are also indispensable. Secondary School Students' Chinese level has decreased recently due to the changing education system in Hong Kong, compulsory Chinese course in universities should be made up for these deficiencies, rather than dwell too much to teach simplified Chinese. Simplified Chinese is easy to learn through everyday life, and belong to more technical level. Therefore, it is unnecessary to teach simplified Chinese in the course.


In conclusion, Simplified Chinese characters should be taught in the practical Chinese course of HKU.

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Representative of University Hall Students’ Association 大學堂宿生會代表

CHAN Nok Hang Vincent 陳諾衡

量體裁衣 本議題影響對象有二,本地生,陸台學生或具一定中文學習時數學生及一 般非本地生,而因背景各異,無法一概而論,所以下文將分開談及。 對於本地及陸台生,現行課程顧及學生日後工作需要,令教案較著重實用 性,故内容重於談及如何運用語文,如集中訓練基本漢語知識,實用文寫作, 包括教授簡體字及會話技巧。言雖如此,大學貴為思想搖籃,大學教育更應看 重提升思辨能力,語文涵養,令學生能語言與文學兼備。且據中大教授萬波的 統計港生認讀簡化字率百分之六十五,比例相當高,加上現時校方限制致只能 安排六學分教必修中文,所以鑑於教授簡體字并無必要性,學習簡體字不必以 必修形式存在,或會向課外方向發展,而必修中文亦應重訂教案,宜多思辯, 育涵養,後實用。 最後,針對一般非本地生,大學有責任介紹中國文化,唯同學未能有基本 或系統之中文知識,首要教學目的應為盡快掌握了解中國文化,亦要教授生活 用語,特別為本土會話,顧此於相對短時間內教授中文,簡體字有其優勢,引 星加坡學者經驗之談指出,75 小時內用簡體字可比繁體字教多一百五十漢字, 達四百五十字,能加快教學進度,作中文入門,唯口述語言應為廣東話,以便 生活。 Tailored-Made Target groups of today’s topic are local, Mainlanders, Taiwanese or Chinese learners with certain leaning hours ,and non-local students. Due to their different backgrounds, comments would be drawn separately as follow. Concerning the former group, current courses aim at future career needs of students, so direction of the course is pointing at practical use, use of language,which consist of basic Chinese knowledge trainings, drills on constructing practical essay included teaching simplified Chinese, and oral practices. However, vision of tertiary education should be initial students to think more and deeper ,and raise awareness on philosophy and art. According to a study from The Chinese University of Hong Kong Prof. Wan Bo, recognition rate of simplified Chinese character is 65%, which is particularly high. In addition, under the current arrangement, our school authority constrains the syllabus to only 6 credit of compulsory Chinese course. With the foundation that it is not necessary to learn simplified Chinese character, it should not be compulsory to learn simplified Chinese character. Meanwhile, the syllabus of the compulsory Chinese course should be refined so that reflection and its inner virtue can be emphasized more with its practical purpose being secondary. Finally, concerning non-local students, school authority should help them equipped with the foundation of our Chinese culture and even our local “slangs”, 42

in order to achieve its purpose of promoting Chinese culture. Therefore, it is more advantageous for them to learn simplified Chinese character as it takes far least time to master it. Experience from a Singapore Collegue, 150 words more, that is total 450 words could be taught by using simplified Chinese rather than traditional Chinese, which supports speeding up the teaching progress, as a good median to introduce Chinese. Nevertheless, Cantonese shall be used for oral part, as common in Hong Kong.

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Representative of Wei Lun Hall Student’s Association 偉倫堂宿生會代表

LAM Chun Ting 林進庭

中港矛盾問題在香港一直亦是極具爭議性的議題。在中港矛盾的討論當中 ,使用繁體或簡體字亦成為其中一個主要討論的角度。而就着香港大學應在必 修中文課程中教援簡體字的問題上,本人在此表示反對,以下將會在其必要性 ,文化和實用性的角度出發,略抒己見。 首先,香港大學並無教援簡體字的必要性。現時本港主流使用的文字是繁 體字,大部份本地的學生不論是閱讀還是寫作亦是以繁體字作為基礎。而且在 中小學的課程中亦包括了基本對簡體字的認識,如簡單的繁簡轉換,因此學生 並沒有必要在大學課程中學習簡體字。而對於非本地生而言,外國學生要學習 繁體字已經足夠,要再學習簡體字反而有可能出現混淆的情況,可見增設簡體 教育並無必要性。 其次,在學習角度而言,繁體字的文化價值遠比簡體高。由於繁體字的歷 史較長,每個字的產生和意義亦不同,當中所包涵的文化背景和可以學習到的 知識亦比簡體深遠。相反,簡體字在約簡後很多時失去了創造字型的原意,令 到不少人在學習時變得不求甚解,把字型死記硬背。可見如若要學習中文,繁 體字的學習價值較高。 雖然如今社會的趨勢慢慢開始接受簡體字,而簡體字的實用價值亦慢慢上 升,因此增設簡體字課程讓學生學習基礎的課程亦有其意義。然而,本人相信 若把課程設為必修課程的話卻未必能有效全面地增加學生的中文能力,反而應 該把簡體字課程設為選修,而必修部份則增加更多以繁體字作基礎的課程。 Hong Kong is also a contradiction issue has been highly controversial issue in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong contradictory discussions, using traditional or simplified Chinese characters have become one of the main discussion points of view. And the Chinese University of Hong Kong should be compulsory courses taught aid simplified the problem, I hereby express opposition, the following will be in its necessity, cultural and practical point of view, slightly express their views. First, there is no necessity of aid-simplified Chinese University of Hong Kong to teach. At present, the main character is traditional Chinese character used in Hong Kong, most local students either reading or writing are also in traditional Chinese characters as a basis. And in the course of primary and secondary schools also includes a basic understanding of the simplified characters, such as a simple character conversion, so students do not need to learn simplified characters in university curricula. For non-local students, the foreign students to learn traditional Chinese characters have enough to go on studying simplified but may appear confusing situation, we can see no necessity of additional English education. Secondly, in the learning perspective, the cultural value of complex characters than English is high. Due to a long history of traditional Chinese characters, the production and the meaning of each word is also different, which are covered in cultural background and knowledge also can learn far more than English. On the 44

contrary, a lot of time lost in the simplified reduction of the original intent of creating fonts, so many people to become superficial understanding in learning, the font rote. To be seen as teach Chinese, the higher the value of learning traditional characters. Although the trend is now slowly beginning to accept simplified Chinese society, but also simplified practical value rise slowly, so the addition of simplified courses allow students to learn basic curriculum has its significance. However, I believe that if the course is set, then the required courses may not be able to effectively increase the overall capacity of Chinese students, but should be simplified set of elective courses, and compulsory part of the traditional Chinese characters as a basis to add more courses.

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Representative of Architectural Society 建築學會代表

YIP Tsz Fung 葉梓峰

談「香港大學應在必修的中文增補課程教授簡體字」,必先了解這課程的 設計原意。根據中文學院的黃博士之言,課程以實用為主,相比起中文大學以 文學,城市大學則以中國歷史文化為主要教學內容,香港大學中文學院提供實 用性較強的教學內容,例如簡化字學習。而且他還表示課程會量體裁衣地為每 一學院、學系設計課程,供不同專業的同學修讀,當中包括漢語基礎知識(錯 字、錯句)、漢字(簡化字學習)和實用文(書信或通告寫作)三個主要部份 。若遵循此課程設計原則,這次討論的關鍵應在於簡體字「實用」與否。 論實用,「增補課程」應旨在提升同學的語文能力,透過練習把課堂掌握 的知識轉化為實際的語文能力,從而應付學習上、甚至以後升學就業上的語文 需求。簡體字的存在不容忽視。學習上難免遇到以簡體字撰寫的文獻,於課堂 中透過繁簡互換、辨析簡體字的練習,有助同學閱讀以簡體字撰寫的文獻,對 日後升學亦有幫助。就業上,不同專業的同學或會遇到以簡體字撰寫的文件、 合同,甚至到內地公幹,所以學習簡體字確有其利處。 然而,課程範圈的空間有限,簡體字是否有資格納入教授內容之列?若效 法其它大學,加入文學、中國歷史文化元素,恐怕達不到實用之餘,在短短一 個學期的修讀中又顯得膚淺。不教簡體字,有人說是因為簡體字顛覆文字用以 傳意的本質,乃至提倡增加教授語文知識的篇幅以針對大學生詞不達意、詞語 貧乏等問題。可是事實上,簡體字於課程中所佔篇幅不大,著重的亦只是簡單 的繁簡互換、辨析簡體字等,根本談不上使同學轉簡棄繁,而且與簡體字相關 的問題於考試中只佔兩成的分數,其影響不足以超越對同學於學習、升學就業 上的裨益。 Before discussing “Simplified Chinese characters should be taught in Practical Chinese courses in HKU”, we should first understand the intention of designing these courses. According to Dr. Wong from the School of Chinese, compared to which CUHK and CityU choose literature and culture of Chinese history as the teaching core respectively, HKU emphasizes on practicability of the courses and provides education such as Simplified Chinese characters. Besides, he also said that contents of the courses are designed for each faculty or department with regard to different professions of students, including three parts which are basic knowledge of Chinese language, Chinese characters and practical writings. If the intention of designing these courses is followed, the crux of this discussion will be whether simplified Chinese characters are practical. Regarding practicability, the courses aim at raising language ability of students through exercises in classes in order to help students to cope with the need in language of their learning or even their future study and career. The presence of simplified Chinese characters is undeniable. It is common for students to encounter literature written in simplified Chinese characters. Exercises of translation between traditional and simplified Chinese characters and identification of simplified Chinese characters in classes can help students to read literature written in simplified Chinese characters which is also beneficial to their future study. In future career, students of different professions may encounter documents and contracts 46

written in simplified Chinese characters, or even go for business in Mainland China. As a result, learning simplified Chinese characters definitely have its advantage. Nevertheless, are simplified Chinese characters qualified to be included in syllabus regarding its limited space? If elements of literature, culture of Chinese history are supplemented which is similar to other universities, it will probably fail to achieve practicability and become superficial in only one semester of study. Critics claim that teaching of simplified Chinese characters would undermine the nature of Chinese characters that is to express meaning, and even suggest raising the extent of language knowledge in teaching so as to tackle problems of poor expression of language and lack of vocabularies of students. However, simplified Chinese characters do not actually occupy a large part in syllabus and also exam with marks lower than 20% allocated, thus failing to undermine the nature of Chinese characters with just translation between traditional and simplified Chinese characters and identification of them. Therefore, the impact fails to outweigh the benefits to students.

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Representative of Arts Students’ Association 文學院學生會代表

FUNG Jing En 馮敬恩

立場:反對 將其列為必修變相鼓勵並認同其存在 撇除政治考量,單單從文化的義理來說,有異於正體字,規範漢字在某種 意義上與「六書」的造字原則相違背。事實上,中文字本身並非單純的符號和 線條,它同時帶有表意的功能。於是,把「鬍鬚」寫成「胡须」,把「頭髮」 寫成「头发」等不但從根本違反「六書」的造字原則,更打破中文字本身具有 表意功能的意涵。 規範的豈止是文字本身 文字是承載文化的載體,故此文字和文化兩者不能割裂。意即學習文字時 ,連文字所承載的文化也同時被吸收。於是,學習規範漢字,學生會順道把「 飯盒」寫成「盒飯」,「非常重要」寫成「重中之重」;把「努力實現理想」 寫成「為達成理想創造條件」。 這是從根本顛覆文字用以傳意的本質,也無助 我們學習中文,無疑是本末倒置,顧此失彼。 除了規範漢字,還有很多值得我們學習的東西。 現在大學生的錯別字,詞語窮乏等的問題也在社會上引起過一番討論。於 是,相對規範漢字,現在的大學生是否有其他更逼切的語文需要,是課程設計 者和學生都必須反思的。 Simplified Chinese characters are violating the rules which derive Chinese characters, ranging from pictographs to ideograph, etc. In fact, Chinese characters should be more than symbols and graphics. Simplified Chinese characters imply improper usage of Chinese Language which will greatly affect the effectiveness of communication among people. Apart from simplified Chinese characters, students should have other queries in learning Chinese Language. Therefore, the course planner should reconsider whether to include simplified Chinese characters in the syllabus of Practical Chinese courses in HKU carefully.


Representative of Business and Economics Association 工商管理及經濟學會代表

YU Man Hei 余文熹

至 1922 年錢玄同提出《減省現行漢字的筆畫》為簡體字的形成𥕛下根基, 其廣泛性亦逐漸擴大, 引起簡體字應否納入本大學中文増補課程之考量。筆者 認為此舉於實際和本質上有其需要。

根據李家樹的《香港大學中文増補課程的設計和實踐》, 中文增補課程是 按照各院系不同專業的需求去設計,以提升學生在其專業範疇上粵語的實際應 用。 以商科為例,自 2003 年於內地簽定《更緊密經貿關係協議》, 中港經貿 往來漸逐頻繁, 內地遊客亦佔本港旅遊人士近七成; 簡體字在商業文件上的重 要性不言而喻。就課程本質而言, 教授簡體字有其必要性。 有意見指出教授簡體字等同鼓吹其使用, 對本土文化造成沖撃。然而, 繁 體簡體並非二元對立, 其中各有千秋, 能互補不足; 而認識和使用亦能分割, 識簡亦能書繁。改變文化並非一朝一夕之事, 僅一學期的課程, 恐怕未達此效 。另一方面, 朱熹曰︰「無一事而不學,無一時而不學,無一處而不學」, 大 學的意義在於對知識的探求。追求知識過程應保留批判性思考, 但同時持開放 態度, 欣賞及尊重不同文化。 鄭板橋的書法, 清代的線裝紅樓夢和三國, 民國的人人文庫皆爬滿繁體字 的足跡; 來到二十一世紀的香港, 時移世逆, 時代變遷帶來實際需求, 大學教 育應以開放態度接受多元文化, 秉持大學之本質。 The coverage of Simplified Chinese has been gradually rising after a proposal raised by Qian Xuantong, a Chinese linguist, in 1922, leading to the discussion of whether Simplified Chinese Characters should be introduced in the Practical Chinese courses in HKU. I believe this practice should be supported with regards to practical concerns and nature of the course and the University. According to Professor Lee Ka Shue from the Chinese Department in Hong Kong University, the Practical Chinese courses are designed to cater to the needs or requirement of different fields, in an attempt to enhance students’ Chinese proficiency in one’s profession in terms of application. For an example, from the Business field, after the launch of CEPA in 2003, Hong Kong – Mainland crossboundary cooperation in economics and finance greatly increased, while tourists from the Mainland also accounts for approximately 70% of the tourists. The importance of Simplified Chinese in documents is thus beyond doubt. Therefore, to fulfil the aim or to match with the nature of the course, introduction of Simplified Chinese Characters is necessary. Some suggest teaching of Simplified Chinese Characters is equivalent to encouraging the use of it, causing an overwhelming effect to local culture. However, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese are not in binary opposition. Possessing different strengths, they complement each other. Learning and using can also be separated. Knowing Simplified Chinese Characters does not necessarily mean one need to write in Simplified Chinese. While changing in culture is not 49

done overnight and requires time, it is questionable that if the one-semester course could achieve such effect either. Zhu Xi once said “Learn regardless of the matter, the time and the place”. The meaning of University lies in the pursuit of knowledge. Critical thinking together with an open mind to embrace different cultures should be kept when acquiring knowledge. The calligraphy of Zheng Banqiao, Dreams of the Red Chamber and Romanic of the Three Kingdoms in the Qing Dynasty, the text in the archives of Minguo etc. are filled with Traditional Chinese Characters; while in the 21st century Hong Kong, practical needs of Simplified Chinese are brouht by changes over time. University education should embrace multi-culture and uphold the nature of the University.


Representative of Dental Society 牙醫學會代表

LEUNG Tsun Sun 梁浚鋅

有別於其他大學,香港大學的必修中文課程之目的是實用為主,意指課程 內容及教材皆因應不同學科或學院而度身訂造,務求讓學生應付其專業上的中 文需要。 雖說從商業上的考量,基於實用性的原則,於課程中教授簡體字,絕對有 助增加學生在中國內地這龐大市場中的競爭力。可是,若問簡體字應否取代繁 體字成為香港的官方書寫漢字,相信回響會是一面倒的反對。因為無論是文化 傳承、美觀角度、歷史背景等方面,繁體字都有更值得保留的原因。同樣地, 課程只應教授繁體字。從原則角度出發,教授簡體字某程度上已反映校方承認 這是一套正規的官方書寫系統,更遑論將簡體字納入必修的課程當中。 Unlike other universities in Hong Kong, the Practical Chinese Course in the University of Hong Kong is profession-oriented. Tailor-made courses materials are provided for students from different faculties or departments, which aims at equipping them with practical Chinese knowledge in the pursuit of their profession. From the commercial point of view, teaching Simplified Chinese characters is beneficial to students in terms of raising their competitiveness in the Mainland China market. However, if asked whether Traditional Chinese Characters should be replaced by Simplified Chinese Characters to become to official Chinese writing system of Hong Kong, I am convinced that only negative response will be heard. In consideration of cultural heritage, aesthetics or historical background, Traditional Chinese Characters deserve preservation rather than abandonment. Likewise, only Traditional Chinese Characters should be taught in the Practical Chinese Course. In principle, teaching Simplified Chinese Characters somehow conveys the message that the University acknowledges the Simplified Chinese Characters as the formal writing system, let alone having them taught in a compulsory course.


Representative of Education Society 教育學會代表

SHAO Shuet Yiu Shirley 邵雪瑤

教育,不但是知識的傳授,還是文化的傳承。在現今競爭愈趨激烈的社會 中,教育的實用性,亦開始備受重視。在中文增補課程中增加簡化字課程,不 但無礙漢語文化的傳承,亦能增加學生未來競爭力。對學生來說,這無疑是有 利的。 對於文化的傳承,簡化字的確不及繁體字。然而,簡化字的實用性卻不能 被否認。隨著愈來愈多國家提倡繁簡並存,簡化字亦日趨普遍。同學現在所讀 的論文、甚至未來所接觸的商業書信、文件,都有機會以簡化字撰寫,學生對 學習簡化字的需要亦日漸增加。 教授簡化字,並不等於棄用繁體字。為提高學生的漢語知識,在現時的 中文增潤課程中,除了會教授簡化字外,亦會就教授漢語知識,以承傳漢語文 字的意涵。大學,作為培養未來社會棟樑的地方,理應同樣重視教育中的文化 傳承,以及對學生的實用性。因此,大學應在以繁體字為主的課程中加入教授 簡化字的元素,讓學生在學習漢語文化的同時,增強學生未來的競爭力。 Education is never only about the transmission of knowledge. What more important is that it enables the inheritance of culture. Given the competitive society nowadays, another aim of education shifts to its practical value. Although Simplified Chinese characters do not substantially help inheriting Chinese culture as Traditional Chinese characters do, the practical value of Simplified Chinese characters cannot be denied. With the increasing acceptance of Simplified Chinese characters in different countries, it is becoming more prevalent. Not only do the articles and journals that student read in University are published with Simplified Chinese characters, but the commercial letters and documents that they are going to encounter in the future may also be written in Simplified Chinese characters, resulting the necessity of acquiring Simplified Chinese characters for University students. Teaching Simplified Chinese Characters doesn't mean abolishment of Traditional Chinese characters. Adding the element of Simplified Chinese characters learning will not impede the inheritance of culture, but can increase the competitiveness of students, thus benefits the students.


Representative of Engineering Society 工程學會代表

CHEUNG Wai Ying Vanne 張蔚瑩

在香港這個國際化的大都會,社會自回歸後便一直提倡「兩文三語」的教 育目標,籍增強學生的語文能力以保持香港的競爭力。中文增補課程的設立, 為本地的大學生鞏固其中文的教育,加強他們於漢語知識、溝通及寫作等方面 的能力,而我個人認為今次辯題所提及的簡體字教授,也理應被納入課程之一。 簡體字的出現是為了促進當時中國人民的學習效率,避免那個時期大多文 盲或半文盲的人民因學習筆畫繁重的字體而延誤國家的建設和發展。字體的簡 化無疑令到學習和閱讀的時間大大減少,也是其字體成為中國最受歡迎及被認 可的文字書寫方法的原因之一。 對比今時今日的香港,一個長久以來使用傳統繁體字的城市, 香港市民 對繁體字的堅守、執著是難以被磨滅。但在這繁體字通行的社會中,我們是不 能拒絕去學習簡體字。原因並不是以上所提及簡體字較簡易的優勢,而是現實、 社會現狀促使你去認識。 我們不能否認中國現今的發展是具一定的影響力,香港大多的製造業工廠 已續漸搬遷往中國大陸的情況便是其中一個例子。因此,學生若能提早對簡體 字有認識,可說是有一技旁身,以備未來應對之需。再者,我認為學習簡體字 並不是要將其取代繁體字的使用。學生可以只將簡體字看代成一個新學習的語 言,如英語、法語等,這樣的學習不代表你把簡體字當作你以後常用的字體, 而學生可繼續如常使用繁體字作為你的主要書寫語言。


Representative of Law Association 法律學會代表

KWOK Sin Ling 郭善靈

自 1998 年起,香港大學十個學院的同學都必修為其本科量體裁衣設計的 中文增補課程。增補課程的內容以實用為主,務求確保同學的中文水平,尤其 漢語知識、溝通技巧和寫作訓練三部分,達其學科所需。我認同課程採取實用 的方向,並認為在顆程旨在輔助同學於本科範疇內投身社會的前提下,教學內 容應包括簡體字。 現今香港各行各業都與中國內地有一定接觸,是無可否認的事實。從工程 合約到法律條文,基本簡體字認知都有助與內地合作和溝通。此外,課程教材 似乎只覆蓋常用及學科字詞,如醫學用詞對譯,只為達到信息交流和就業要求, 而非促成敗壞傳統漢字及文化的威脅。 我認為簡體字於各學系所需的應用中文裏都有實用價值,負面顧慮則微乎 其微。因此,香港大學應在必修的中文增補課程教授簡體字。 Practical Chinese Courses in the University of Hong Kong are compulsory in all ten faculties and serve the apparent purpose of raising students’ level of proficiency in the specialized usage of Chinese in their field of study. I personally agree with the pragmatic approach in teaching and shall move on to why I support the inclusion of the simplified Chinese characters element. It ought be undeniable that simplified Chinese is essential to communication when it comes to our students’ studies and more so in future practice, be it reading sources from Mainland China, or contracts with Chinese clients of aspiring lawyers, surveyors and businessmen, or cases of patients and students transferred from the Mainland to our doctors and teachers in training. Given Hong Kong’s current socio-economic standing, cooperation with Mainland China is inevitable in all walks of life, and simplified Chinese would definitely be involved in communications. Referring to samples of teaching material used in the simplified Chinese unit of these courses, it involves very elementary learning of characters, for example those of special medical terms. This emphasizes the objective of simplified Chinese units in Practical Chinese Courses as mere practical concerns, to equip students with necessary knowledge for their future careers and no more than that. It seems to me that learning simplified Chinese in such capacity only scarcely facilitates communication and does not seek to replace the use of traditional Chinese, thus posing minimal cultural threat, which always appear to be the concern when it comes to the use of simplified Chinese in Hong Kong. Due to the practical benefits of students’ learning simplified Chinese, the motion should stand.


Representative of Medical Society 醫學會代表

CHAN Tsoi Yan 陳采欣

誠如校訓「明德格物」所言,大學是一個鼓勵學生培養品行德性、探索真 理本末的地方。除此以外,大學還肩負著一個培養社會未來棟樑的責任。觀此 ,大學語文課程應與時並進,以配合學生學術及專業需要。 靈活運用繁體字及簡體字,可以提升學生的社會競爭力。放眼國際,馬來 西亞及新加坡等東南亞國家繁簡並存,而其他國家學習中文的亦主要以簡體字 為書寫語言。繁體字於香港、澳門及台灣以外的地區於日常生活之重要性已見 下滑。香港大學從來都是一所強調國際視野、開放思維的大學。加入簡體字教 程,除了使學生在中國內地提升競爭力外,亦可令其於世界不同地方活用中文 ,對學生是為有利。 對部分學生而言,能閱讀、書寫簡體字對其學習有一定幫助。以本人就讀 之醫學院為例,中醫全科學士課程中為數大部分教科書均以簡體中文為主,於 課程最後一年更須於國內著名中醫藥大學附屬教學醫院進行為期四十周的畢業 實習。不善於閱讀簡體字可能會為中醫藥學生帶來不便。而論到內外全科醫學 課程,今學年起所有六年制三年級學生須赴香港大學深圳醫院實習四星期。本 院院長梁卓偉曾於報章專訪中指出港大醫學生能於港深醫院累積更多不同的臨 床經驗。港深醫院主要溝通語言為中文,除了熟讀內地與香港醫學用詞對譯外 ,學會讀寫簡體字亦有助醫學生於該醫院學習。觀此段各點,可見隨院內學生 於在學期間接觸簡體字的機會日益增加,於課程中加插相關課程有其實用性。 語言除了是思想的載體,更是傳承文化的容器。雖則本人認同香港大學應 在必修的中文增補課程中教授簡體字,繁體字之重要性亦不能被抹殺。每個繁 體單字都有著自己的歷史及內涵,是中華文化的結晶。繁體字若被簡體字完全 取代,字體所含之人文思想、歷史文化恐怕會被一併消弭。香港大學學生於學 習簡體字提升自身競爭力之同時,絕不能忘卻活用繁體字之重要性。


Representative of Science Society 理學會代表

CHENG Pok Man 鄭博文

不能否認簡體字對世界的影響力,已隨著中國的發展變得愈來愈大,甚至 連一些國際組織也會採用,地位不容置疑。然而,我作為一向使用正體字的香 港大學學生,對必修簡體字,仍存有保留。 首先,我認為校方不應強迫學生學習另一種文字。不能否認地,中國急速 的發展令我們於大學生活中,甚至是未來職場中,都不能避免與中國人溝通。 但不懂簡體字實無阻與他們的溝通。坦白說,只要懂得普通話,與中國各地的 人溝通已不是問題,而且使用正體字或簡體字均不會影響該字的普通話發音, 亦不會做成文法錯誤,產生歧意。另一方面,香港大學的必修增補課程以實用 性為重點,例如演講等,對簡體字的需求實在不大。故我實看不出必修簡體字 的需要。除此之外,課程的另一重點著重在電子溝通上,這的確可能需要使用 到簡體字,但不忘記,現今科技發達兼普及,以電腦將正體字翻譯成簡體其實 相當簡單,而且翻譯不涉及文法的改變,故翻譯後不會改變文章意思,故此我 確實看不到必修簡體字的需要。雖然我對於多學一種文字,增廣知識,實不抗 拒,但對必修簡體字這決定則仍存有相當大的疑問。 Undoubtedly, the influence of the simplified Chinese is growing with the development of PRC that even some international organisations will adopt it. However, I, as a student of the University of Hong Kong who use to using traditional Chinese characters, disagree with the decision that to include simplified Chinese characters as content of the core Chinese course. First and foremost, it is believed that the University should not require the students to learn another character without a strong reason. There is no impact on communication even if we do not know simplified Chinese characters because once you could speak Putonghua, you are already able to communicate with almost all Chinese people. Besides, both traditional and simplified Chinese characters carries the same pronunciation in Putonghua and the meaning will not be changed when we just simply converting them. On the other hand, the focus of the core Chinese course is practicality, such as practicing a speech, which is by no means related to simplified Chinese. Another focus of the course is the electronic communication. Yet, the technology level of nowadays can definitely help to convert the two Chinese characters easily. There is no mean to learn the simplified Chinese characters independently. Although I do not resist learning a new character, I could not see the necessity of learning simplified Chinese characters.


Representative of Social Sciences Society 社會科學學會代表

SHUM Wan Yu 岑韵瑜

追查於 1993 年時, 設立中文增補課程的主要目的為提高及鞏固學生的語文 能力,內容集中於漢語知識、溝通技巧和寫作訓練三部分。惟時至今日, 學習簡 體字竟成為課程內容一部份, 而且更佔課程一定的比重。對於將教授簡體字納 入中文增補課程的教學內容中, 我認為教授簡體字並未能提高學生中文水平及 我對其必要性表示懷疑。 學習文字時, 必然會學習到此文字背後的文化。無論從閱讀古埃及的象形 文字, 或到現時學習韓國方方正正的韓字, 當中必然汲及學習文字的演變, 歷 史, 文化等。從象形、指事、會意、形聲等造字之法中, 中國長久而來所用的 漢字, 即是繁體字, 能全面將中國文化傳揚開去, 達至學習繁體字同時能領略 固中中國文化。但簡體字出現目的單純為方便交流, 卻忽視文字當中的涵意, 如「举」字無手在下抬高, 整個字的形象在簡體字中已經不能表現出來。所以 於中文增補課程中,學習簡體字無助學生提高中文水平, 學習簡體字並不能讓學 生學習到文字背後的文化; 而且當學生只為了應付教師, 獲得分數而學習,對自 身中文修養未有關注的簡體字, 只會磨滅同學對中文的興趣, 使中文只淪為一 科強制的「必修科」。 另外, 在中文增補課程中確實沒有必要去教授簡體字, 因為課程以提高及 鞏固學生的語文能力為主, 課程內容圍繞漢語知識、溝通技巧和各類文章的寫 作方法。對於在本港就讀中學的本地生, 中學時期主要接受繁體中文教學, 教 授簡體字只圖添額外負擔予學生, 亦未能切合課程設立的主因。雖然簡體字有 其用途, 在中國大陸, 甚至遠至東南亞的新加坡、馬來西亞等地均會使用簡體 字, 但學生可從日常途徑及因應自身需要而去學習, 而非強迫學生學習簡體字 。 總括而言, 在香港大學中文增補課程中確實不必教授簡體字。 Back to 1993, the aims of setting up the Practical Chinese courses were to enhance and maintain the students’ language ability, the courses mainly focus on three domains, which are Chinese language knowledge, communication skills and writing skills. However, learning simplified Chinese has become part of the courses and consist of certain weighting of this course. In the case that Simplified Chinese characters should be taught in the Practical Chinese courses of HKU, I doubt the effectiveness of learning on students and the necessity of teaching. While we are learning a language, we will also learn the history of that language and the culture of that place. However, only traditional Chinese, which is a hieroglyphics, can learn Chinese culture at the same time. While introducing simplified Chinese words was only for the sake of facilitate communication but neglect the learning of Chinese culture. Besides, If students feeling bored and reluctant to go the Practical Chinese Course, continuously teaching simplified Chinese will only deter students’ interest on learning Chinese. I also believe it is not necessary to teach simplified Chinese in course because the aims of the course are enhancing and maintaining the students’ 57

language ability. The course mainly focus on the Chinese language knowledge, communication skills and writhing skills. As for students who received traditional Chinese teaching during secondary school, learning simplified Chinese will only impose extra burden on them and hinder their learning, so I suggest students not to learn simplified Chinese in ordinary courses but learn in daily life. To conclude, it is not necessary to include the teaching of simplified Chinese in Practical Chinese courses of HKU.

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Past President 去屆會長

TANG Laurence Yat Long 鄧日朗

I am against to the above motion of teaching simplified Chinese characters compulsorily in the Practical Chinese courses in HKU. The major justification of compulsory learning of simplified Chinese characters is a necessity. Yet, I do not see there is a genuine necessity for learning simplified Chinese characters as most of the students in HKU are able to write in both traditional Chinese and English. In modern society like Hong Kong, the communication methods in written form are mainly English and traditional Chinese, rather than simplified Chinese characters. Also, there are many ways to convert traditional Chinese into simplified Chinese if the receivers can only read simplified Chinese characters. From my personal experience, I cannot write in simplified Chinese now after I took the course two years ago. There is no necessity for us to write simplified Chinese in our daily life. Thus, we will easily forget what we have learnt in a very short time, like two to three lectures, which is not a proper time to learn a written language. Some people may claim that there are many books from China which are written in simplified Chinese characters. In order to read this stuff, we need to learn simplified Chinese characters. Yet, I guess most of the students who know traditional Chinese are able to read simplified Chinese as well. This is because the latter one was evolved from the former one. They have a similar appearance. Thus, even we cannot write simplified Chinese, we are still able to read it due to the education of traditional Chinese characters. True, HKU should not deprive the opportunity of learning simplified Chinese characters. Thus, like other language courses, such as Mandarin, French, Spanish etc., provided by HKU, HKU can provide an elective course to let the students who want to learn enroll in simplified Chinese characters. In short, I would not deny any benefits of writing simplified Chinese characters such as simple to write, time saving etc. Yet, I do not find a very strong justification to make it in a compulsory course where the university is supposed to be a place of freedom to learn. Simplified Chinese characters is not so practical that we need to include in Practical Chinese courses in HKU.


Editor-in-chief of Undergrad 學苑總編輯

YUEN Yuen Lung 袁源隆

香港大學不應在必修的中文增補課程教授簡體字。首先在必修課程教授簡 體字,暗指學習簡體字乃必須,實則不然,因香港的日常生活以繁體字為主。 在香港接觸簡體字不難,閱讀網上的大陸新聞、查看簡體字刊物已能認識簡體 字的寫法。 另外,我們應考慮學習簡體字的目的。有言學習簡體字是為了解中國的政 治社會發展,有助到大陸開拓商機。這看似有理,但普通話溝通才是中港交流 的基石,簡體字僅為次要。 The University of Hong Kong should not teach simplified Chinese characters in the compulsory Chinese Language Enhancement Programme (a.k.a. CLEP). First and foremost, teaching simplified characters in compulsory course implies that learning them is a must. However, it is not, since traditional Chinese characters are commonly used in Hong Kong. Moreover, simplified Chinese characters are quite accessible locally. For example, we can acquire simplified Chinese characters from reading online Mainland news and simplified character publications. Apart from that, we shall further consider the aim of learning simplified Chinese characters. Some said the purpose of learning them is to better understand China’s political and societal development, which benefits us to seek business opportunities in mainland. This may be convincing, but actually oral communication is more important than learning simplified Chinese. Fluent Putonghua is the foundation of communication exchanges between Hong Kong and China.


Chairperson of Campus TV 校園電視主席

WONG Yin Lok 王彥樂

簡體字非傳統中文,無容置疑。對比起源於秦的小篆、及後發展於唐代並 沿用至今的楷體,民國初年提出的簡體字,年資相去甚遠。而楷體乃由中國原 始文字,經象形指事,至形聲會意,再歷形體的演變而成,即便沿用之今,從 中仍能細會中國文字發源的蛛絲馬跡。魯迅曾道︰「漢字不滅,中國必亡。」 簡體字的出現,就是為了提高識字率。然而,字體的簡化、合併,令簡體字於 一定程度上,失卻了中國文字象形指事、形聲會意的特點。要討論香港大學應 否在必修的中文課程中教授簡體字,歸根究底,問題著眼於簡體字是否具有足 夠的認受性,而得以在此於香港教育界中具舉足輕重地位的學府的課程中佔一 必要席位。認受性足夠?簡體字不傳統,但不代表其地位、價值比繁體字低。 縱觀歷史,字形的演變無非受影響於政治、社會因素︰為書寫的便捷,西周漢 字的象形程度開始降低;為統一各自演化中的異體字,秦始皇制定一套標準字 體。為提高識字率,簡體字的出現,無不合理。必要?現時世上華人聚居地, 除香港、台灣等,大抵用上簡體字。簡體字使用之廣,即便身處香港,也不能 否認其實用及認受性。學習一國家認可的官方字形,非不必要。因此,我同意 香港大學應在必修的中文增補課程教授簡體字。 Simplified Chinese is not traditional, without a doubt. Comparing with Small Seal Script originated from the Qin Dynasty, and Regular Script developed during the Tang Dynasty that we are using nowadays, Simplified Chinese originated from the early Republic Era is indeed too young. Regular Script inherited the features of pictographs and phono-semantic ideographs. From it, one can still see historical traces of the origin of Chinese characters. Lu Xun once said, “If Chinese characters do not disappear, China will.” The sole reason for the birth of Simplified Chinese was to make education easier. But with the simplified structures, historical values of the characters have diminished. To answer the question whether or not Simplified Chinese should be taught in the Practical Chinese courses in HKU, it is to figure whether Simplified Chinese is well recognized, so that it becomes a necessity in the curriculum of this university so significant in Hong Kong education. Is it recognized? Simplified Chinese is not traditional, but its status and value are not to be overlooked. We learn from history, that political and social concerns always attribute to the development of characters – to facilitate writing, pictographs were refined during the Western Zhou period; to unify culture and words, Qin Shihuang standardized a set of characters. To make education easier, Simplified Chinese was invented. This is not nonsense at all. Is it necessary? In most habitats of Chinese around the world, Simplified Chinese is used. The broadness and influence of Simplified Chinese is not to be questioned, despite the opposite in Hong Kong. Learning an authorized, official type of characters, is indeed not unnecessary. To conclude, I stand for the motion that Simplified Chinese characters should be taught in the Practical Chinese courses of HKU.


Undergraduate Student Senator 教務委員會本科生代表 摒棄政治產物 秉持華夏道統

YIP Kwan Kit 葉坤杰 堅守正體漢字 無負先賢之志

五十年代,中共頒布簡體字,稱之為「規範漢字」,既有採用自然演化的 俗字,亦有自製新字,漠視約定俗成的自然演化。現時簡體字為本科生必修的 中文增補課程內容之一,「繁簡互換」被列為考核項目,學生亦要以簡體字闡 述意見,學界莫不對此爭議紛紛。 文字乃語言載體,體現文化之內涵。語文教育,非獨促進溝通,其要在塑 造國民道德品格。簡體字有違漢字造字原理、窒礙義理傳承,學界已有公論, 毋須在此重覆。歸根究底,毛澤東主政時一面倒向蘇俄,力主廢除漢字,企圖 轉用拼音文字,而簡體字即為過渡期政治產物。本意不在促進中文學習,遑論 精神傳承。故此,置簡體字於必修課程,無助提升學子中文水平,絕非必要。 慮及中共政權劣跡斑斑,毀壞華夏文化,賤待人民山河,教習簡體字可謂背棄 道統,有違「漢賊不兩立,王業不偏安」之志向風骨。 再者,現今科技發達,要了解簡體字方便之至。必修課程時間珍貴,實可 大有作為,不容浪費。中文之美,在於言簡意賅的寫作精神,亦在四六駢句等 文言技巧。開埠以來,香港從中國歷史變動區隔勾出,文化風俗獨自嬗變,與 大陸雙軌並進。本港中文使用正體漢字及廣東話,保留大量古典詞彙及句法, 婦孺皆可隨口唸出,無意間保存文化精粹。今時今日,洋化句式及大陸用語大 行其道,劣幣驅逐良幣,當下中文條理不清,鮮有文采。保育中文,實乃當務 之急。倘若課程將教授簡體字的時間,改為誦讀名家經典、教授粵語入文,亦 未嘗不可。 港大中文教育秉持華夏正統源遠流長,吾輩當應堅守正體漢字,無負先賢 草創之志。故總督金文泰雅好中文,致力推動保存國粹,與當時流行新文化運 動的中國大相徑庭。香港大學遂於一九二七年設立中文系,邀得前清翰林賴際 熙、區大典以書塾形式教授經典。當時,金文泰總督在督轅茶會用廣東話演講 :「如果在呢間大學,徒然側重外國科學文字,對于中國歷代相傳慨大道宏經 ,反轉當作等閒,視為無足輕重慨學業,豈唔係一件大憾事嗎?」言盡港大弘 文昌道之旨。 「言之無文,行之不遠」時局蜩螗,空負「明德格物」校訓之師兄師姐身 居司局長高位,卻玩弄語言偽術,或在廟堂尸位素餐,或惟京官之命是從,視 我城福祉如草芥。當此形格勢禁之時,港大人理應挺身而出,捍衛代代珍而重 之的理念價值。百年學府華洋合璧,今人豈可數典忘祖?


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