Journey of the Will: Star Wars Philosophy

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:: Star Wars :: ::: Philosophy ::: “The Journey of the Will”

fan-fiction by: Jonathan Barlow Gee

“The Journey of the Will” collected files from: the Journal of the Whills recovered by deep-space explorers from an abandoned intergalactic craft. Translated by: Jonathan Barlow Gee presented here as a suppliment to the Star Wars universe for entertainment purposes only. -----------------------------------------------------------Star Wars Philosophy 101: pg. 3 A “The Force” = pg. 5 B “Lightsabers” = pg. 17 C “The Jedi” = pg. 25 D “Hyperspace” = pg. 33 E “The Sith” = pg. 47 -----------------------------------------------------------Knowledge From the Great Holocron : pg. 69

incl.:: excerpts from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" recovered by Kam Solusar (JK) and Luke Skywalker (JM); thanks to Ood Bnar (JMotOR) Historical Record Custodian; during the era of "Operation Shadow Hand," Sedriss and Palpatine II on Byss. attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). -----------------------------------------------------------Absolute Power: pg. 97

incl.:: writings of Palpatine II, the Emperor Resurrected. ------------------------------------------------------------

“Star Wars Philosophy” (Star Wars Fan Fiction) by: Jonathan Barlow Gee

“Star Wars Philosophy” (Star Wars Fan Fiction) by: Jonathan Barlow Gee -----------------------------------------------------------Star Wars Philosophy 101: pg. 3 :: A. The Force = pg. 5 / What Is the Will of The Force? = pg. 5 / the Unifying and the Living Force = pg. 7 / Midichlorians: cells of the Living Force = pg. 8 / Force Spirits: Ghosts of the Unifying Force = pg. 9 / the Mind Trick = pg. 10 / Force Lightning = pg. 11 / Telekinesis = pg. 12 / Dark Side Magic = pg. 13 / Birth By Midchlorians = pg. 13 / Balancing the Force = pg. 14 / Resurrection of the Dead = pg. 14 / the Thought Bomb = pg. 15. -----------------------------------------------------------B. Lightsabers = pg. 17:: Construction of a Lightsaber = pg. 17 / History of Lightsabers = pg .17 / How to Build a Lightsaber = pg. 18 /12 Forms of Lightsaber Combat = pg. 19 / Zero = pg. 20 / 1,2,3 = pg. 21 / 4,5,6 = pg. 22 / 7, 8,9, 10 = pg. 24 / 11 = pg. 25. -----------------------------------------------------------C. The Jedi = pg. 25 :: the 8 Trials and 4 Ranks of the Jedi Order = pg. 25 / Force Sensitives = pg. 26 / the 3 Initiate Trials = pg. 27 / The 5 Trials of Knighthood = 29 / the Jedi High Council = 30 / the Jedi Treasury = pg. 31. -----------------------------------------------------------D. Hyperspace = pg. 33 :: the Hyperdrive Engine = pg. 33 / pre-History of the Hyperdrive Engine = pg. 34 / the Physics of Hyperspace = pg. 39 / Technology of the Hyperdrive Engine = pg. 42. -----------------------------------------------------------E. The Sith = pg. 47 :: The Sith Kings' List = pg. 47 / Origin of the Sith = pg. 47 / the 100 Years Darkness & The Great Hyperspace War = pg. 48 / Reformed Sith Empire = pg. 52 / The Old Sith Wars & Sith Triumverate = pg. 53 / New Sith Empire & Brotherhood of Darkness = pg. 58 / The Reformed Order & Rule of Two = 60 / New Galactic Federation & Yuuzhan Vong Wars = pg. 64 / The Rule of One & second Galactic Sith Empire = pg. 65.

Ossus Star Wars Philosophy 101A: The Force What is the Will of the Force?

"Emotion, yet Peace. Ignorance, yet Knowledge. Passion, yet Serenity. Chaos, yet Harmony. Death, yet The Force." This was the original form of the mantra that would, thousands of light years later, become the Jedi Code. We do not know if this mantra originated with the Ashla worshippers of Tython, the Order of Dai Bendu or the Chatos Academy. But we do know when this mantra was first accepted and reworded to become the Code of the Jedi Order of the Galacitc Republic. Because the Keeper of the Chambre of Antiquities in the Great Jedi Library of Ossus, Master Odan-Urr, lived from prior to 5,000 years before the battle of Yavin, and died 3,996 BBY, we date the acceptance of this mantra as the core of the Jedi Code to no sooner than this time. That the Jedi Order itself predates the Great Hyperspace War by almost 20,000 years means that 4 times the span of time passed without a Jedi Code as has elapsed since its initial adoption as the rule of law within the Jedi Order.

"There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force." Master Odan-Urr's revised wording of the original and far more ancient Jedi Mantra was meant to establish the rules, goals and duties of each Jedi in the Order since. It is worded as an affirmation of the positive combined with a denial of the negative, and thus interprets the role of the Jedi to percieve, interpret and enact only the Will of the Force which is good or beneficial, and to reject that which is evil or harmful. This defines the Jedi Order as a Force for "Good" in the Universe. However, prior to the adoption of the Jedi Mantra as the official Code of Conduct for the entire Jedi Order, and rewording it to deny half of those original traits listed as forbidden to them to know, study or do, the adherants of the magico-theocracy of the Sith on Korriban had learned of and interpreted this mantra for themselves. The Sith, even prior to the Jedi, had adopted a similar concept of a Code of Conduct based on this ancient Mantra's tenets, however theirs decomposed the old saying into their own form of logic, that of power-mad tyrants.

"There is no peace, there is anger. There is no fear, there is power. There is no death, there is immortality. There is no weakness, there is the Dark Side. I am the Heart of Darkness. I know no fear, But rather I instill it in my enemies. I am the destoyer of worlds. I know the power of the Dark Side. I am the fire of hate. All the Universe bows before me. I pledge myself to the Darkness. For I have found true life, In the death of the light." The Sith were pitted against the Jedi, with the Galactic Republic caught in between them, due, in large part, to the Jedi's loyalty to the Republic, even when the motives of the Galactic Senators have been corrupt, or the strategy of their demands flawed. (excerpt: Old Republic Timelines - the Great Hyperspace War) Originally, the Sith were not pitted solely agains the Jedi, but against the entire Galactic Republic itself. The Sith were a species of extremely hostile magical tyrants, ruled by a series of petty kings, later Dark Lords, and ultimately an Emperor. They were always opposed not only to the Jedi and what they considered their "narrow, dogmatic views" of the Force, but more importantly, to the format of government the original star systems had formed on Coruscant as the earliest Galactic Republic. The Sith planned originally to simply conquer and replace this form of government using military force. It was only following the Great Hyperspace war, and the purging of the Sith from their homeowrld of Korriban by the Jedi, that the Sith learned how to use their militaries against only the Jedi, but to infiltrate and corrode the Republic's system of government from within.

The crowning achievment of the Sith following the taming of their original species' fury by its extinction at the hands of a Fallen Jedi, was the event called now "Order 66" and the final replacement of the Republic form of government with a dominantly imperial form of political tyranny, which lasted following the Battle of Yavin until at least the generation of Cade Skywalker, some 137 years ABY. The establishment of a strong enough popular support to allow the rise of the Galactic Empire under Emperor Palpatine's "New Order" was only accomplished over a period of several thousand years, during which the Siths' numerous attacks against them had eroded the moral fabric of most of the citizens of the Old Republic. As the will-power of the people and other species of life in the galaxy began to weaken, the moral certitude of the Jedi Order in their defense of the crumbling Republic was increased to a nearly fever pitch. This culminated in the creation, either by Sith alchemy or by the Midichlorians themselves, of the "Chosen One" who would bring balance to the Force. Because Anakin Skywalker died a Jedi, he re-affirmed the good of their Order, however it was because he had adopted the ways of the Sith, and learned about what the Jedi had long called the "Dark Side," that he was able to overthrow Emperor Palpatine and thus defeat the menace of an Empire exclusively and permanently under Sith rule. Anakin Skywalker was both a fallen Jedi redeemed, and a Dark Lord of the Sith. This is how he restored balance to the Force. Although the Chosen One did not do as the Jedi had expected, and fully eradicate their enemies the Sith, he did turn the tide of their conflict in a very important way: by reversing the Order's stance on love and marriage as emotional attachments forbidden all the Jedi, Anakin Skywalker "embraced a larger view of the Force" - one that could accomodate the study and use of methods the Jedi once forbid. Thus, he shed more light for further study on the nature of what the Jedi called the "Dark Side" of the Force. Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader returned balance to the Force by allowing the understanding of it to be expanded to include both good and evil forces, both helpful and harmful. In this sense, he restored the original intention of the Mantra's meaning, that had been lost in the rewording of it by Odan-Urr. The proof of this comes in the form of Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker's entire re-envisioning of the proper Code of Conduct for all members of his New Jedi Order.

"Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy. Jedi use their powers to defend and to protect. Jedi respect all life, in any form. Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy. Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training." The Unifying and the Living Force The Force was originally called the Ashla, and studied by the pre-unified Jedi Order on Tython. It was members fallen from this order that began the earliest galaxy-wide Force Wars. Calling the evil use of their new-found Force abilities "Bogan," as opposed to the Jedi's selfless "Ashla," they would plant the first seeds for the later corruption of Korriban's population of Sith by dark Jedi. By 20 years before the battle of Yavin, at the establishment of Sith Emperor Palpatine's New Order galactic empire, the Jedi and the Sith were alike in several qualities. Over the intervening 25,000 light-years, from the initial Force Wars (between the Ashla and Bogan philosophies) until the Clone Wars (between the Republic's Jedi and the Sith's Separatists), the Jedi and the Sith had come to overlap in both many members, and in many ideas. The two main schools of philosophy on the Force, establishing the beliefs common to both the Jedi and the Sith, at the beginning of the Clone Wars were called the "Living Force" and the "Unifying Force" schools.

The Living Force school's interest was on how the Force works in the present moment. They reasoned anthropically that, because biological sentient beings exist, they must have a function to fulfill in shaping the fate of the galaxy. Thus, it was the free will of individuals to make choices that acted to shape or inhibit any course of historical events, either for right or wrong reasons and with either good or bad outcomes. This school's view of the Force was thus premised on a moral dualism, determined by the choices made by individuals within the present moment. The Unifying Force school's approach was toward understanding the Will of the Force premised on studying patterns of historical cycles. They focused on ancient prophecies for guidance, and studied modern dreams as premonitions. Those who adhered to this philosophical school believed the Force to be sentient in itself, that is to say, it constituted a self-aware mind which possessed its own free will power. They believed, however, this sentient mental entity was indifferent toward the manipulations of its fate made by individual biological beings because it would survive even without any biological life forms. Midichlorians: cells of the Living Force (excerpt: TPM QuiGon/Anakin)




Midichlorians are an autonomous functioning unit within the cell-walls of every living cell. They are outside the cell nucleus, wherein the double-helices of DNA are wound by RNA into chromosomes. They function, within the cellular plasm similarly to the function of Ribosomes in DNA replication. Ribosomes exist outside of chromosomes, and operate upon them like a zipperhead that splits or re-connects their nucleotides like a zipper's teeth. Likewise, midichlorians exist outside of the cell's nucleus, but can influence the development of the DNA inside it. When we stop the electro-chemical cascades of thoughts inside our cerebral organ, we can sense even deeper than our neruons to the level of the DNA processes inside of our cells. By focusing our perception on this level of reality, we can begin to read unused codon sequences in our own cellular composition. By doing this we can re-activate dormant awarenesses and latent abilities within ourselves. When we concentrate our awareness on this scale of our own biological beings, then what RNA is to our DNA is like what midichlorians are to the cell nuclei, and likewise is the relationship between ourselves as biological organisms and the nature and will of the Living Force.

According to the beliefs of the Living Force school of philosophy, the amount of midichlorians present in any biological being's cells does not make one more or less able to hear, know and understand their language and message to us all. However, a biological being's cellular midichlorian count would reflect their ability to adaptatively mutate at a more rapid rate. Because midichlorians are, outside the nucleus, alike ribosomal DNA inside the nucleus, and because RNA is the mechanism by which DNA replicates, then the number of midichlorians outside the nucleus can serve as an indicator of one's potential for more rapid replication and thus of one's importance to the process of evolution itself for all beings. Force Spirits: Ghosts of the Unifying Force (excerpt: TCW: Mortis Father / Anakin) Just as the Force is greater than any one sentient biological individual, it can be said to exist not only as a Living Force (expressed through only biological cellular sentient bodies), but also as an all-permeating field of ethereal energy that simply feeds off life-forms for its ability to express itself into this galaxy. Whether this concept of the Force as an all Unifying energy-field is, itself, sentient, that is, aware of its own existence in whatever form it takes, is a matter of perpetual debate, but largely considered irrelevant to the ability of individual biological sentients to use the Force to accomplish their own goals. Thus, the relationship of Force users to the Force is much like that of characters in a story relative to the story's one prior author and many subsequent readers, where the Unifying Force writes what the Living midichlorians read. The story of the Force users is the present moment. They may seek to be guided by their past, or they may seek to appeal to a popular destiny, or both, or neither. The difference between RNA and the midichlorians influencing it from beyond the nucleus is similar to the difference between the Force users and the Unifying Force. The Unifying Force as an energy-field of esoteric ether, permeating and co-creating all that is, growing and influencing all life within itself, allows the self-aware, sentient minds of other biological beings to be able to survive even after the death of their bodies by becoming more spread out into a larger number of bodies in the form of all of their memories of the deceased. When one's memories of a dead person are strongest is when their remnant Force spirit is closest to us. When one begins to see through the shroud of the present moment deeper into the extra-dimension of time itself, one begins to be able to see, hear and interact with the Force spirits of the dead, even those who have been dead many light-years. In the same way that the mind, by its memories, may manifest a mental apparition by projection of their will over the Force as an inert energy-field, so too are there locations in space at certain times that center around a unique formation of cyclical pattern over time. The former are able to appear or disappear at will, and may move about as the mind summoning them may. However, the latter are stationary, or more accurately, centred around a celestial body, a location, or a person.

Uses of the Force The path to acquiring knowledge about the Force is frought along the way with many mysteries, some the explanations of which remain elusive even now. The 3 Pillars of the Jedi Order - the Force, knowledge and self-discipline, correspond to their understanding of the 3 methods of using the Force - inner-control, external sense, and alter or choose. Self-Control Inner-control means control by one's own mental will-power and loyalty to a code of moral conduct over their own emotions and self-interests. The self is defined here as the biological organism attached to one's mind during the life of their body, as well as all one's accumulated memories of past experiences in their own lifetime. Thus, the first use of the Force is for a Self to Control its Self. Focus Senses Just as one's self-perception is seen as looking outward through a body's senses, so too is the matter-energy continuum outside of our bodies over-full with varieties of sensory temptations. Although many of the paths we can wander will ultimately mislead us in our journey toward our highest possible levels of self-awareness and leave us in a dead-end situation, the Way of the Jedi teaches us that our focus determines not only our entire concept of reality, but our very experience of it in the present moment as well. Alter or Choose Once one makes a commitment to adhere one's entire life to any strict moral code of conduct, one forms memory-bonds of loyalty to others who share the same ways, and these sort of attachments are not easily broken. The Jedi were encouraged to experience their own way through the universe always guided by their knowledge of the will of the Living and Unifying Force. Although this meant, to many Jedi, an experience of compassion as unconditional love, they remained strict adherents of a code of piety in their studies and devout poverty in personal possessions. These three principles or pillars for using the Force all rested upon the foundation of what the Jedi premised to be Form Zero in light-saber combat, summed up well by the saying, "the best weapons are those that remain un-used." the Mind Trick (excerpt: ANH Old Ben Kenobi / TPM Jar Jar Binks) The subliminal manipulation of another conscious being's mind is only called an "old Jedi mind trick" because of the extreme antiquity of its origins. Its use, however, does pre-date the formation of the Jedi Order of Knights on Tython, and was already a finely honed skill among some of the Order's founders. To say this method of mental manipulation, or more directly put, mind-control, works "only on the weak minded" is a bit of a mis-leading slogan of the Jedi Order. In truth, the full factors of its ability to influence any being's mind derives equally as much from their genetic and chemical biology as living beings, which makes the earliest species of life to have evolved in the galaxy the least suseptible to this, long held to be the oldest weapon in the arsenal of anyone sensitive to the ways of the Force. (excerpt: ANH: Old Ben Kenobi and some Imperial Storm-Troopers) Force sensitive children were tested by the Jedi Order for their aptitude in using a form of the same mind-trick. Instead of over-writing another being's mind, the Jedi younglings were encouraged to use the mental points of view of others to enhance their own abilities to make accurate perceptions.

This form of mental telepathic extra-sensory perception in a youngling was, inevitably, tempted toward testing the limitations and full extents of its power to influence one's surrounding present reality. When the cerebral voice was quieted, one's self-awareness could be expanded to include awareness even of other stirrings of the Force within their physical bodies. One of these was what was called by Darth Sidious, the "central torso energy channel." This was the location of most being's heart organ. Expanding one's mind was easy compared to the pain of expanding one's heart to include even painful memories and present experiences. When one expands their consciousness to include the stirrings of Force energy through one's heart or "central channel," immense and often overwhelming emotional feelings can arise to conflict with the rationalising mind. Dreams, although tending to mean nothing and to pass in time before the mind's eye like smoke in the wind, can sometimes also serve as premonitions of future events. When these events are of a more painful nature to our present emotions, we tend to rush toward confronting them, heedless of all precautions. The heart of the Jedi Code is to know and follow the will of the Force, regardless of where fate may find you at any present time. (excerpt: ROTS Anakin Skywalker / Yoda) Force Lightning (excerpt: ROTS: Darth Sidious / Yoda) Ordinary electrical bolts of kinetic ions, such as the lightning one can usually see in most forms of atmospheric storms, orignate with a negative ionisation of electrical charge at the source of the bolt's striking location, only followed, abeit relativistically instantaneously, by a positive conductive charge of thermal heating friction occuring between static particles in a vapourised cloud, resulting in an electrical discharge between the positive and negative poles. The principle of Force Lightning works similarly to this positive to negative electro-magnetic polarity seen in ordinary lightning, however rather than connecting a positive source to a negative strike target, Force Lightning drains the positively charged Living Force from a strike target and feeds it into the source of the Force Lightning's origin. (except: AOTC: Dooku / Obi Wan Kenobi) The original proto-sabers designed on Tython are not throught to have been meant as a foil to counter what has come to be commonly called "Sith Lightning." However the "frozen blaster" technology of lightsabers does serve to conduct into a grounded circuit the electrical discharge of Force (or "Sith") Lightning. When the source of the Lightning does not dissist, a lightsaber can deflect their Lightning back at its source, and form a super-conductive loop, feeding off the lifeforce of the Force Lightning's source. Of course, anyone un-armed with a lightsaber and thus unable to defend against a full frontal attck by Force Lightning discharge can be said to have stepped in deep pudu and will likely end up being turned into a puddle of orange goo. Any Jedi thus caught off balance by Sith Lightning will stare down death in their final moment. The combination with the earliest uses of "Force Lightning" - originally a form of Sith Magic on Korriban - with telekinetic methods - used by fallen Jedi who fled to Korriban to make themselves out as Lords over the Dark Side - resulted in a need for Jedi to better understand how to repell, repulse or redirect Sith Lightning, or, in the utmost extreme cases, have the knowledge and ability to act as a living biological capacitor that simply absorbs the Force Lightning's electrical energies.

Just so, a disarmed Jedi confronted with Sith Lightning who is knowledgeable in the practise of absorbing such an attack can create a Force-field of pressurised energy telekinetically that can expand and break the connection of the Lightning. Force Lightning can summon a Force storm within a planet's atmosphere but, far more dreadfully, can also summon a Force storm in space. When such a catastrophic incident occurs, it rips a worm-hole in the fabric of the space-time continuum and breaks apart the matter-energy bonds of a localised event into a hole punctured between then and there to an unknown (and unpredictable) target destination. Passing through such a wormhole results in time-dilation effects, such as the case recorded on the Holonet News in 22 BBY of Bobsit Matarcher, who time-travelled from the year 212 BBY in a 2-hour trip through a wormhole due to faulty relativistic shielding on his brand new Delemedian star-hopper. Telekinesis (excerpt: ROTS Yoda / Red Guard) The art and science of levitating solid material objects using only one's own mental will-power to control their motions, regardless of their mass, size, gravitic pull or electrical charge, was the essence of telekinesis. By using a combination of the old mind-trick - projection of one's will exterior to one's physical body - and a refined use of Force Lightning - projecting, instead of charged electricity, an emanation outward of wavelengths capable of surrounding and permeating the molecules of any material object. This subtler form of energy than Force Lightning behaved for all intents and purposes alike a mentally malleable form of gravity. Accessing one's own mental capacity for mastery over one's nascent potential for telekinesis involves stilling the mind to such an extent that all electro-chemical activity in the body's nervous-system slows down to a near total halt. Morichro, the practise of Force-hybernation, was attained simultaneously to the ability to manipulate matter mentally and to control any object in one's surrounding environment using only one's own mental will-power alone. Levitation of surrounding objects was thus a frequent occurance near to those dwelling in a state of deep trance meditative calm resembling a waking sleep. Using such a form of telekinetic Force to Push energy using one's own will could more than easily topple a person from across a room, however the real tests of one's knowledge of the Force, and in particular the difference between the telekinesis practised by the Jedi and the use of Sith Lightning as a Dark Side of this same mental over material gravity-like Force, came in applying the art of mentally redirecting the motions of pressurised, invisible, gravitic energy-densities. By controlling how energy is moved about around one's self, one can crush metal easily, but more importantly, one can use one's own will-power and knowledge of this telekinetic method of using the Force to levitate very heavy material objects. Applied on larger and more epic scales of size, scope, grandeur and historical significance, the telekinetic use of the Force can assume massive moral passion plays that paint in stark, contrasting tones the ability of one to redirect even the control by others of objects using telekinesis using only one's own mental will-power over the invisible currents of gravitic Force that are all penetrating and all permeating throughout all matter-energy. Perhaps the most impressive known use of the mind over matter method for using the Force was the downing of an Imperial star-destroyer by Galen Marek, whose clone was the apprentice of Darth Vader dubbed the Dark Assassin Starkiller. However in terms of the most historically significant use of the Force push, the most important use came when Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi confronted Sith apprentice Darth Vader on Mustafar.

The result of this direct application of the full Force of the one Master Jedi against the full Dark Side power of the other apprentice Sith shaped the course of all subsequent history. Just so, the most historically significant use of the Force pull method was when Jedi Grand Master Yoda levitated Jedi apprentice Luke Skywalker's X-Wing fighter star ship out of the murky swamps of Yoda's exile world of Dagobah. This feat so impressed young Luke Skywalker that he would continue to seek to develop his own abilities with the Force following the path of the Jedi Order, and eventually overcome the temptation to join Sith Emperor Palpatine in ruling the New Order galactic empire together as Master and apprentice. Other Uses of The Force Dark Side Magic The primitive herbal use of mind-altering hallucinogenic plants practised by the Night Sisters of the dark-side of tidally-locked Dathomir was largely medicinal. This corrupt coven of Dark Side magic practising witches used not only the strange olfactory powers of perfumes created by wafting the smoke from a burning basin, and not only to induce mental hallucinatory states even capable of inducing apparent invisibility due to Force-blindness. They could also use their combined energy powers to influence the midichlorians in a living being's cells to metastasize any latent or dormant genetic traits they chose. They used this method in cronstructing the Sith Assassin Savage Oppress. Birth by Midichlorians (excerpt: TPM Qui Gon Jinn / Shmi Skywalker) According to the "Sith legend" of Darth Plagueis, "the wise dark lord of the Sith," told by Grand Chancellor Palpatine to Jedi Guardian Knight Anakin Skywalker, it could have actually been this earlier Sith lord, the legendary Dark Lord who mastered Darth Sidious, Palpatine himself, that impregnated Shmi Skywalker by use of long-distance Dark Side Force manipulation of her ovarian midichlorians to create life. Because Darth Plagueis was the Sith Dark Lord and Master over Palpatine, Palpatine's recitation of the "Sith Legend," Darth Plagueis was killed by his sleep, it may prove to be difficult to determine the validity of this claim, due conflicting years of his death (sometime between 52 and 46 BBY), and the Anankin Skywalker's birth (in 41 BBY).

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Although it would be his apprentice, Darth Sidious, who would go into galactic politics to influence the Republic Senate as the Representative from the sovereign system of Naboo, it was Darth Plagueis who instructed Darth Sidious in all the manner of uses of the Force that Darth Sidious would eventually employ himself. Considering that Darth Sidious proved more cunning and devious than his unsuspecting Master comes as no surprise to a student of the schools of philosophy on the nature of the Force at that time. The Living Force school focused on study of the midichlorians in order to channel the will of the Force. The Unifying Force school believed in studying cyclical patterns of events throughout history. Because most of what we know about the Darth honorific and Darth Sidious in particular comes from the secret Wavlund Manuscript describing these, and because almost all of what we currently know about Darth Plagueis, Sidious' Master, comes to us second-hand or from Sidious himself, it is almost impossible at this present time to establish an accurate portrayal of Darth Plagueis.

Of the mathematically gifted Muun species from Muunilist, reknowned already at that time for their "InterGalactic" banking clan, Darth Plagueis would have been born speaking both Muun and galactic basic languages. As a young Muun spacer, Darth Plagueis was attracted toward learnings about midichlorian manipulation to induce spontaneous generation of a foetus inside an unsuspecting woman's womb. Such plans for the creation of a Sith homonculus involved the use of Sith alchemy and Dark Side magic to imbue the conception of a living being by a stranger at a distance. The process may have been based on similar principles to those later experimented with by Darth Sidious and his apprentice Darth Vader, involving bridging the "midichlorian replication sequence" dillema in creating a Force Sensitive clone. The "virgin birth" myth about the Prophecy of the Chosen One implied that, though the Jedi forbade experiments like those pursued by the Sith Darth Plagueis to create a Force-senitive homonculus from a distance, they were open to the idea that even events against astronomical odds, such as the "virgin birth" of the Chosen One in the form of Anakin Skywalker, could yet occur naturally through the Will of the Force alone. However, if Anakin Skywalker was such a Sith homunculus, whether generated by Darth Plagueis or by Darth Sidious himself, would explain very much about why the course taken by the path of his fate led him to betray the Jedi and turn to the Sith. It is known that Darth Sidious' work on "immortality through cloning" continued on long after his first death in the destruction of the second Death Star above the forest moon of Endor in 4 ABY. Balancing the Force Although it would ultimately be erased from the memories of all those involved, during the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tannu were transported to a planet hidden to all external detection called Mortis. There they met a family of three so-called "Anchorites" who belonged to a more evolved life-form called "Force Fielders," combining both biological traits and Force spirit qualities into one form of body. (excerpt: TCW Obi Wan Kenobi) The Anchorites tested Anakin Skywalker to ascertain if he was truly the "Chosen One" sent to bring balance to the Force. After realising how to draw extradordinary amounts of telekinetic Force power from the living Force of the planet Mortis itself, Anakin faced the test placed before him by the Anchorite Father. He summoned monumental amounts of Force strength to telekinetically manipulate the Anchorite Force-fielders, and defeated them in a test of his abilities while freeing his Master and Apprentice. In so doing, although he would never again know he had, Anakin Skywalker proved himself the Chosen One capable of bringing balance to the Force. Anakin Skywalker defeated both the Light and Dark Anchorite children by making them bow before him using only his telekinetic strength in the Force. By doing so, he changed the archetypal course of galactic history, passed the test of the Anchorite father and proved himself the Chosen One, bringer of Balance to the Force. Resurrection of the Dead (excerpt: TCW Anakin Skywalker on Mortis) Once more, before having their memories of these events erased from their minds by the Anchorite father upon their leaving, while still on the planet Mortis, Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One, once more proved his worth in a test of his force of will-power in convincing the Anchorite Father to allow his dying daughter to let her own fading life force enfuse the corpse of Anakin's apprentice Ahsoka. The Anchorite Father consented, and proceeded to watch over a

guided ritual wherein Anakin Skywalker himself served as the Force energy gateway for this circuit to connect Ahsoka's corpse to the dying Anchorite Daughter. The process worked and, although he would never remember it later (so far as is known now), Anakin Skywalker once again proved himself as the Chosen One and "saved the people he cared about from dying," accomplishing his own life-long goal to "cheat death." the Thought Bomb The Fourth Great Schism of the Jedi Order, in 2,000 BBY, this time resulted in fifty fallen Jedi Knights joining Phanius when he fell to the Dark Side to become Darth Ruin and go on to reestablish the New Sith Empire. This New Sith Empire had already been divided due to internal schisms of its own in the form of the second Sith Civil War by the time of the beginning of the Ruusan Campaigns in 1,002 BBY. By the time of the New Sith Wars between the Sith Brotherhood of Darkness led by the Sith Chosen One, Darth Bane, self-proclaimed first Dark Lord of the Sith, the combatants on both sides were beginning to weary of their combats, which had, by then, lasted more or less continuously for the last 1,000 years. By the time of the 7th Battle of Ruusan, the Sith had grown far more impatient and desperate for a way to avoid their continued stale-mate than the Jedi had anticipated. Facing down the Brotherhood of Darkness, then holed up on the Mid Rim planet Ruusan in the Teraab sector, were the Army of Light, assembled under Jedi Master Lord Hoth, Commander of the Republic military. Following a two year series of 6 battles fought in space along hyperspace trade routes near Ruusan and finally culminating in the bloodiest battle in Galactic History on and below the surface of the planet itself, Jedi Lord Hoth eventually cornered Dark Lord of the Sith Empire and founder of the Brotherhood of Darkness, the Sith named Lord Kaan, in the caverns below the surface of Ruusan.

But it was too late. Dark Lord Kaan had long ago gone insane from his quest for power and detonated a mechanism called the Thought Bomb. The Jedi had been decieved that day and allowed their real enemy to escape and live on to reform the Brotherhood of Darkness according to a new Rule of Two. Darth Bane with his apprentice Zannah would take the failed New Sith Empire underground as long-term infiltrators by adhering to the Rule of Two: only ever a single Master and a single Apprentice comprised the entirety of Sith at this time. The Jedi, for their part, tried to rebuild Ruusan's Valley of the Jedi and honor their dead as much as possible, despite the savagery of the method of their killing - which caused their souls to become imprisoned in a Force Nexus in what later came to be called the Cave of the Jedi below Russan's surface. Darth Bane had been absent during the detonation of the Thought Bomb on Ruusan because he had fled to Lehon (originally called Rakata Prime) to transcribe much of the original contents, which included the methods of making the Thought Bomb, from the original Sith Holocron of Darth Revan to the Telos Holocoron. The contents of Sith holocrons often overlapped one another to some extent, however it is known the data of the Telos, containing some of the Revan Holocron, as well as peripheral notes about the Sith Code by Sith Lord Qordis, a contemporary of both Darths Bane and Kaan, was in the possession of Darth Plagueis, the Dark Lord Master of the Sith some 950 light-years following the establishment of the Rule of Two by Darth Bane. Darth Plagueis himself may or may not have known of and studied the technology of the Thought Bomb from the Telos copies borrowed from Darth Revan's original holocron recordings on its designs, and we cannot discount that Darth Sidious, whom the Galaxy knows better by the now odious name Palpatine, himself may have had access to study the information on the Telos copies regarding the creation and use of Thought Bomb technology.

Star Wars Philosophy 101B: Lightsabers The first Initiation Trial of a Force Sensitive youngling being trained by the Jedi Grand Master of the Order was to memorise the Jedi Code. If they could not do this they could not proceed into the Jedi Service Corps and were considered merely a Force Sensitive lay-person. The second Initiation Trial was to test one's ability to apply their knowledge and skills with the Jedi Arts to use of the Force. The second trial was to construct your own lightsaber. If you can never construct your own lightsaber using the Force to align the crystal within it, you can never progress from the Jedi Service Corps to become a Padawan apprentice of a Jedi Knight. Construction of a Lightsaber (excerpt: TCW Unduli Luminara) To construct a lightsaber one must be profficient in wiring and electronic engineering, be able to find or manufacture an appropriate size and shape focusing crystal, connect a power source to an electric arc projector, and, finally, though also most importantly, align all these parts within a handle casing. This cannot be done using only technological construction methods. It requires using the Force to telekinetically manipulate into position all the component parts and to finally align them all within the outer casing. This is why this weapon was originally built by the earliest Jedi Knights who left Tython, as a means of using the Force to create a unique and personal weapon that is easily portable, durable, long-lasting and, for Jedi, as important to them as their very life itself. History of Lightsabers The earliest form of melee weapon used long before the invention of the first lightsaber was the vibroblade, which was an ordinary cutting knife or sword with an ultrasonic vibration transmitter built into the handle. The vibro-weapons developed to augment the cutting or hammering properties of ordinary metals or alloys are crude impliments compared to the refined technology of the Legacy form of lightsaber. Following the invention of the vibroblade came the earliest forms of metallic alloy vibroswords capable of deflecting blaster shots. These were called "dark sabers" and were developed originally using proto-Sith alchemy to alloy the blade's metal to cortosis weave alloy. These were then imbued using Dark Side magic to replicate in principle the later, more technologically advanced, forms of flameswords used on Velmor. The flame-sword used a power-cell in the hilt to project a plasma charge through a pair of velmorite crystals to focus it into a blade. Because the fireblades used on Velmor preceded the invention of the protosabers used during the earliest Force Wars on Tython prior to the formation of the Jedi Order, it is possible the protosaber was invented as a foil to protect against the energy-sword. However the protosabers' technology did begin as a more proto-typical form of technology than even the flame-swords developed on Velmor. In its earliest uses, the protosaber handle was connected by a long wire to a bulky battery pack that had to be strapped to one's upper-thigh. It is known, though, that by the time of the founding of the Jedi Order on Tython some 25,783 years BBY, the Legacy style of lightsaber, based on the Velmorian design and housing a diatium power cell inside the handle's grip, became the weapon of choice for almost all Force users, used ever since throughout the galaxy by both Jedi and Sith alike.

The Legacy lightsaber, the dual-blade lightsaber, and a pair of curved-handle light-sabers were the prefered models of choice for almost 26,000 light-years and resulted in three different schools of lightsaber combat. The dueling sabers developed by the Yovshin Swordsmen of Jar'Kai on Atrisia were designed to be dual-wielded, or with one of a pair in each hand. Thousands of years later, Jedi Master Dooku studied the art of Lus-Ma and would develop the curved-hilt design with the intention of modifying the Jedi Jar'Kai dual-saber fighting style. A modification on the dual-saber style was made by the original Dark Lords of the Sith Empire after studying the zhaboka or Zabrak quarterstaff. By taking the pair of lightsabers used in dualwielded dueling and attaching them together using dual arc-projectors and a single focusing crystal, the Sith Dark Lords created the double-bladed lightsaber or saber-staff. From 22,800 BBY on, the main source of focusing crystals for the Legacy Jedi Legacy lightsaber was the secret planet of Ilum somewhere in the Unknown Regions somewhere one hyper-jump away from the Metellos system in the Coruscant sector. Ilum was an ice covered planet pummeled by snow from a constant and relentless winter on the surface, but with a rich catacomb network of caves below the surface, converted by the Jedi since into an immense Temple. Most of the crystals that grow in these caves are blue or green and that is why, following the 7 Battles of the Ruusan campaign around 1,000 BBY, most Legacy Jedi lightsabers emit a blue or green arclight. From 64 known lightsaber crystal types there are emited a catalogue of no fewer than 48 unique different hues and colours. The Jedi used mainly blue and green natural crystals for their lightsaber construction, but the Sith used red crystals, often synthetic and imbued with Dark Side energy through use of Sith alchemy. When Anankin Skywalker turned to the Dark Side and became Darth Vader, he replaced the blue crystal in his dual phase lightsaber hilt with a red Qixoni crystal formed when a crystal-rich planet was consumed by a super-nova. How to Build a Lightsaber

The technology inside a lightsaber is incredbly simple, even primitive, by the standards of the hyperdrive engine. The premise for its function is to be a "frozen blaster bolt," or rather, an ionised plasma beam that arcs back to its source, forming a fixed or variable length electrically heated energy beam. When it is wielded in the hands of a skilled swordsperson, a lightsaber's beam can deflect a blaster bolt or cut through skin and bone, cauterising the wound and painlessly killing the nerves.

In the earliest Legacy style lightsabers, an activation key connected the circuit to activate an exposed diatium power cell inside the hand-grip to a primary crystal at the opposite end of the handle from the blade emitter, with the focusing crystal in the middle between. This design proved needlessly dangerous and was soon replaced by the basic Legacy model, which placed both crystals in between the emitter end and an insulated diatium power cell at the other. The electrical wiring of a basic Legacy model lightsaber is very complex, but its circuitry is simple. The diatium power cell at one end of the hilt is insulated in a power field conductor that cycles the diatium's power into a vortex ring surrounding the power cell in the lower hilt. This accumulated energy is then passed through a simple on / off circuit switchgate that, when the energy gate is open, allows the activation of a diatium powered energy pulse to pass relativistically simultaneously through a primary crystal as well as via an activator mount a secondary, "focusing" crystal inside the same crystal energy chamber. These act to amplify and direct the pulsed diatium powered energy surge into a blade energy channel guide that culminates at the opposite end from the diatium power source in the magnetic stabilising ring and flange of the blade arc tip and emitter shroud. Around the length of this energy channel guide between the crystal energy chamber and the emitter end are a ring of cycling field energisers controlled by the energy modulation circuits connected to the blade length and power adjustment knobs along the handle casing. By around 30 BBY, the technology of the diatium powercell had improved in two important ways: 1) it had become micro-miniaturised, and took up almost none of the inner volume of the lightsaber handle, thus allowing a lenghtening of the blade energy channel, and 2) it had become easily replaceable, with the powercell reserve cap at the belt-ring end of the hilt, thus making access to the diatium powercell inside the inert power insulator beneath the hand-grip convenient and the process of switching out diatium powercells easier. The elongation of the blade energy channel that accompanied the adaptation in lightsaber technology to smaller diatium power cells also allowed for more room to fit an emitter matrix array rendering the later basic Legacy light-sabers as dual-phase models that were capable of working under water. The emitter matrix was little more than an addtional stabilisation flange, serving to widen the gap in the saber's arc-tip. The traditional Legacy model only had an adjustable magnetic stabilising ring inside the emitter shroud. This had allowed the magnetic stabilising ring tuning flange to adjust the arc tip's diameter much as the power and length adjust knobs did via the energy modulation circuits. Because then Jedi Knight Obi Wan Kenobi's first lightsaber was destroyed dueling Count Dooku during the Battle of Geonosis that began the Clone Wars, his second, replacement lightsaber showed these latest innovations and improvements using the smaller diatium power cells, the longer energy channel and the emitter matrix for dual phase use. When Anakin Skywalker, then still Kenobi's Padawan, had constructed his lightsaber, many of these improvements had not been adopted. It is known, however, that by the time Skywalker turned to the Dark Side and became Darth Vader, replacing his original blue focusing crystal with a rare, red, Qixoni gemstone, he had already converted his basic Legacy model to dual-phase use.

12 Forms of Lightsaber Combat Just as twelve Masters sat on the Jedi High Council, so too did 12 forms of lightsaber combat evolve over the ages between the Tython formation of the Jedi Order and its reformation as the New Jedi Order Praxium on Yavin 4 by Luke Skywalker. And, just as there was only one Grand Master of the Order, so too did the most important form come first, although it was not counted as a form in itself.

Form Zero:: Ashla Sokan vs. Bogan Dun Moch Sokan was the strategy of using one's surrounding terrain and environment to one's tactical advantage and to the tactical disadvantage of one's oponent. Because it was the Jedi way to attempt to resolve conflicts without resorting to violence, the practice of Sokan was associated with the Ashla aspect of the Force. The concept eventually came down to the axiom, "assume the moral high-ground." The Dark Side, or Bogan, equivalent of Ashla's Sokan was called Dun Moch, and was essentially the art of frightening your oponent by demonstrating superior knowledge and skill. Just as one of the greatest demonstrations of successful application of Sokan was in Obi Wan Kenobi's defeat of Darth Vader on Mustafar, so was the simultaneous battle between Yoda and Darth Sidious one of the greatest demonstrations of the Sith use of Dun Moch as well as the Jedi's form of defense against it. For protective moves, one would retreat and attempt to keep their opponent at a safe distance away from them using an inner toward outer ringed defense. For offensive moves, one would advance to draw their opponent in as close as possible using the outer toward the inner rings of space surrounding their body.

Because of the overlap in space of Ashla and Bogan students of the Force, it may be impossible to avoid armed conflict if it means defending your own survival or, as was the Jedi Way, to protect all life and preserve symbiotic balance in all existence. When a situation arose that necessitated "aggressive negotiations" there was a galaxy-wide saying that might dwarf in age the original Jedi Mantra, "peace through superior fire-power," which taught that only by posessing the most superior knowledge and skill one could, could one win any fight before it began. When it becomes necessary to survive by demonstrating superior knowledge and skill to an opponent in lightsaber combat, it is not necessary to know each and every one of the 8 Moves and 25 Form Specific Maneuvers by name, although it can't hurt have studied them beforehand either. It is sufficient to master what are called the 6 Body Target Zones, consisting of the opponent's head (Zone One), the opponent's right and left arms and upper torso (Zones 2 and 3), the opponent's back (Zone 4), and the opponent's right and left legs (Zones 5 and 6), respectively. One can seek to disarm an opponent by striking at their arms, cripple an opponent by striking at their legs, or kill and opponent by striking their head or exposed flank. There are 9 identified Marks of Contact in a Lightsaber duel, 6 of which disarm, one of which cripples, and two of which kill. Just as the Jedi is cautioned to use their Arts only for knowledge and defense and never for aggression or attack, so too do the Defensive Rings of space around us, the 6 Zones of Defense and the 9 Marks of Contact constitute the most fundamental methods for technique in lightsaber combat. Form One:: Shii-Cho

The so-called "Determination Form" included the Form specific maneuvers of the Disarming Slash, meant to strike from a safe distance at an opponent's weapon only, and the "Sarlacc Sweep," which was a similar maneuver meant to be conducted in a duel against multiple opponents simultaneously, The original Form of lightsaber combat, Shii-Cho or "Determination" was based on sparring moves developed millennia earlier for oridnary sword-play. As such it borrowed elements from the Dulon move, the Velocities method and the Twin Suns technique, all as practised in the form of Faalo's Cadences. Particular moves, methods and techniques focused on the general principles of reducing the exposure to your opponent of your arms and legs (Zones 2,3,5 and 6) by posture and relative positioning, while using the laser sword to protect one's head and back (Zones 1 and 4).

Form Two:: Makashi

Makashi was considered to be the highest refined form of single lightsaber against single lightsaber combat. The Makashi Form's specific Maneuvers included the use of Contentious Oppurtunity and Makashi Riposte. Contentious Oppurtunity was an attack strategy based on quickly exploiting any slight opening to exposure in an opponent's defensive posture, position or timing. Makashi Riposte was a defense strategy using a glancing deflection of an opponent's striking weapon to expose their posture or positioning to a counter-attack. Form Three:: Soresu

Soresu was the art of deflecting blaster fire using a lightsaber. There were two Form Specific Maneuvers for this practise: 1) the Circle of Shelter, where one creates a protective area around themselves to miminize potential holes in their forward defense; and 2) the Deflecting Slash, which uses the laser-blade to redirect a bolt or shrapnel in another direction, at once protecting one's self from it and sending it with a slashing attack against any alternative target. Form Four:: Ataru

Ataru Form's Specific Maneuvers were based on a series of fast, weak attacks from close range, and on exploring the full three dimensional space of the combat environment (called the Su Ma) using spins (Jung Su Ma), sommersaults (Ton Su Ma) and cartwheels (En Su Ma). This Form's maneuvers included, specifically, the "Hawk-Bat Swoop," a quick attack before an opponent can react, and the "Saber Swarm," of a bevvy of quick, close blows at an opponent preventing them from retaliating; however other manuevers that could be fit into this Form also include the 180째 turn (called the Jung), the 360째 spin (Jung Ma), the saber-first spiral spin attack (the Shun), a jump over an attack at one's legs (the Sai), the redirection of an opponent's forward thrust (Flowing Water), the spinning leap attack to strike downward from above (Falling Leaf), or even the "Trispzest" hovering spin attack.

Form Five:: Shien and Djem So

The Shien, or "Perserverence" Form utilised reversed grips, similar to the hold of the handles of a shoto short-staff, to protect their forearms while deflecting blasts and blows from an opponent's energy-weapon or from debris with more force. The Shien Form's specific maneuvers were called the "Barrier of Blades" - wherein a lightsaber wielder would deflect their attacks back at an opponent in a duel, even if at a medium distance that would usually place them out of range - and the "Shien Deflection" - wherein the Barrier of Blades is combined with a forward leap toward the opponent. The Djem So development of the Shien form focused mainly on closer quarters combat with a single opponent, approximately equally well armed as oneself. The specific manuevers of Djem So included the heavy overhand downward blow called the "Falling Avalanche," and the "Fluid Riposte" concept of redirecting an opponent's attack and attacking the opponent at the same time using a quick fluid parry and combined counter-strike. Form Six:: Niman

Niman arose as an attempt to syncretise all the previously developed forms of lightsaber combat into a single fluid style that applied the strengths of each of the past 5 forms as needed given the terrain and timing. It focused on within the moment adaptation of style to flow between the first 5 forms while innovating and using new or unorthodox techniques as well. It also allowed for the use of dual saber practise, and it derives its title from the dual triumverate of the Kashi Deities worshipped by the Royale Macheteros of the Kashi Mer. Form specific maeuvers of Niman included "Draw Closer" - or Force pull - and "Pushing Slash" - or combined slash and Force push - for closer quarter single combat, and for dual blade combat was combined with Jar'Kai form specific maneuvers like the "Twin Strike" - or a heavy forward attack using both lightsabers parellel - and the "Rising Whirlwind" - or a spinning in place while whirling both one's dual lightsabers around oneself. It should also be noted that Niman, focusing on rapid innovation, is essentially antithetical to the concept of Kai-Kan, in which duels are thought to often repeat in the sequence of the duelists' transitions between Forms.

Form Seven:: Juyo and Vaapad

Juyo Form was called the "Malignant Grace" style, wherein a duelist would focus on a series of heavy, unpredictablly angled attack blows in a short time to defeat them as fast as possible. "Assured Stikes," wherein a strong, straight forward stab would be leveled toward an opponent's torso, and "Swift Flanking," where a duelist would quickly change position relative to their opponent by hopping suddenly to the left or right of them, were the Juyo Form specific maneuvers. Vaapad Form was called the "penumbra of the Dark Side" style of lightsaber combat, wherein one only entered a fight if they were pre-assured to win, and wherein one put forth all effort required in the duel to vanquish their opponent. Vaapad style was co-created by Mace Windu and Sora Bulq on Ruul. Its Form specific maneuvers included "Tempered Aggression" - a duelist's full use of their own will to win, and "Vornskr's Ferocity" - an unrelenting end-game melee of forward attacks, meant to vanquish an opponent quickly.

8. strong / 9. medium / 10. fast Form Eight:: Strong Style The New Jedi Order's three forms of lightsaber combat were based on the three stances of posture assumed by the Old Republic Jedi as they would enter a duel. The first of these, called "Strong Style" in the New Jedi Order's Praxium Academy on Yavin 4, was based on what had been called the "Jedi Ready" stance. The feet were placed with the dominant leg behind, and their lightsaber was held in a veritcal parrty position on the duelist's dominant handed side. Form Nine:: Medium Style The second of the New Jedi Order's forms of lightsaber combat style was called the "Medium Style" and was based on the Jedi stance called "Defensive Neutral," wherein the feet were evenly placed, the torso faced toward the opponent, and the blade in parry position on the dominant side. Form Ten:: Fast Style The third of the New Jedi Order's forms of lightsaber combat style was called the "Fast Style" and was based on the past Jedi stance called "Offensive Neutral," wherein the feet were spaced evenly facing the opponent and the blade was pointed toward them to minimize the visibility of its surface area.

Form Eleven:: Hybrid / Unorthodox Styles The main Form specific maneuvers considered unorthodox, and often used in combination with one another and in addition to the 7 traditional forms of combat, were: 1) called "Trispzest," meaning "heart palpitation" - where a duelest utilised leaps and airborne postures and positions such as the Jung, Jung Ma, Shun, Sai, Falling Leaf, the Djem So "Falling Avalanche" blow from above and the Jar'Kai "Rising Whirlwind" in addition to the original "Trispzest" spinning attack, involving hovering and spinning in a vortex; and 2) Trakata, which tricked the duelist's opponent into instant defeat by one sneakily turning off their lightsaber in the midst of combat. Two form specific maneuvers are known of this style: A) "Passing the Blade," where one deactivates their light-saber in mid-strike to sneak it past their opponents defensive reach, then reactivates it to strike their opponent down; and B) the "Unbalancing Block," where one deactivates their lightsaber during a leaning defensive block in order to throw their opponent off guard. Mounted and telekinetic forms of lightsaber combat also existed throughout recorded galactic history, and unarmed fighting using Jedi Arts such as "Teras Kasi" (meaning "steel hands") and "Echani" martial arts was equally as common a situation as armed conflict throughout that entire duration of time. There were at least 19 catalogued moves of the Teras Kasi martial arts method, mostly named after various species of animal around the galaxy. All of these methods could be combined by those aware of them when they put them to use in combat or a duel. Many sentient entities have died as a result of these violent and uncivilised arts.

Star Wars philosophy 101C: The Jedi the 8 Trials and 4 Ranks of the Jedi Order The Jedi Order was officially formed on Tython circa 25,783 BBY, at the end of ten years of war on Tython between the followers of the Ashla and the Bogan. These two groups of original Force-users split following a conference held on Tython that precipitated these Force Wars. This conference was attended by the best philosophers, priests, scientists and warriors belonging to the many planets becoming interconnected through use of the hyperdrive engine for interstellar travel several hundred years prior to the first founding by these worlds' leaders of the original Galactic Republic. From that date until Operation Knight-fall's "Order 66," the so-called "Jedi Purge" under then Grand Chancellor, later Emperor, Palpatine, the Jedi Order remained as a constant militarised chivalric guild, serving at the dispensation for their right to authority from the galactic Senate and its elected Grand Chancellor as a form of galactic police force. The earliest Jedi Knights to leave Tython had already built the first form of "frozen blaster" or "laser swords," and they immediately pledged their allegiance to enforcing the laws of the newly formed Galactic Republic.

From the moment of the Jedi Knights' resettlement to Ossus to fortify the Perlemian Trade Route connecting their new home to Coruscant, home of the new Galactic Republic, until 25,053 years later, the Jedi Order served as a light-saber armed, Force-using militia enforcing the laws of the Galactic Republic. The Ruusan Reformation ended the military role of the Jedi Lords and commander-in-chief, but also served as a guarantee that the Jedi would remain allowed to serve as advisors and peace-keepers so long as the Galactic Republic itself remained. Since even before the Ruusan Reformation of around 1,025 BBY, when their military holdings were dissolved and their strict allegiance to the Republic pledged, the Jedi Order had sought out potential candidates for initiation, passed them upward along a scale of ranks escalating in authority by a series of tests, and following their success in application of their learning, had prommoted a handful of Masters, called the Jedi Council, to rule over all the rest of the Order's members. For 25,783 light-years prior to the Battle of Yavin, this was the Path to Becoming a Jedi. Part One: Force-Sensitives (identification and initiation) For an unknown duration of time prior to its assumed destruction during the Clone Wars, about 25 BBY, the Kyber memory crystal was used to plot the locations of all the galaxy's Force-sensitive beings from the time of their conception and birth and on, at least, into their earlier formative age of maturation. The Kyber memory crystal, plugged into the proper holocron, was where the journey for most Force Sensitive new-borns would begin. The Jedi actively sought out all young children who displayed gifts for using the Force or who displayed aptitude in being trained in the ways of the Jedi Arts. (excerpt: TPM QuiGon Jinn / Shmi Skywalker) The second step toward identifying the aptitude for testing and initiation into the Jedi Order came in the form of testing the Midichlorian count in the candidate's blood-cells. The midichlorian count of their blood-cells would allow a Jedi recruiter an approximation of the newborn's potential for development of their use of the Force. For example, around 900 BBY when he was first discovered, then still infant Yoda was found to have a higher midichlorian count than any Jedi known to have gone before him. His training was thus of great importance to the Jedi Order, and his contributions to it as a Master and, eventually, Grand Master of the Jedi Council, were equally reciprocal. He went on to train thousands of younglings and Mastered dozens of Padawans into Jedi Knights, including noteably Mace Windu, who would serve under Yoda as the Master of the Jedi Council during the Clone Wars until his assassination commenced the Jedi Purge, some 20 BBY. Throughout the 1,000 years from the Reformation of Ruusan until the Galactic imperial "New Order," only 20 Jedi in this way initiated into the Order chose to leave. The last of these "Lost 20" prior to the beginning of the Clone Wars was Count Dooku of Serenno, the Padawan of Grand Master Yoda. Of all the Jedi trained during that time, even of those others who broke their commitment to the Jedi Order, he alone turned to the ways of the Dark Side and allied himself with the Jedis' sworn enemies, the evil Sith. Following a period of time spent with their parents during their formative toddler age, a Jedi Minder would come to them to request they allow their child be trained by the Jedi. Children thus collected in this way by Minders were then removed from their parents' care into the trust of the Order, and taken with the Jedi Minder for training to become a Knight of the Galactic Republic in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Immediately confronted upon arrival by the impressive ziggurat and spires of the Jedi Temple, Force Sensitive younglings taken thus as initiates for training in the Arts of the Jedi Order began their formative youth age as students of the Force, initiates of the Jedi Order. Part Two: the 3 Initiate Trials (from Youngling to Padawan)

Aside from the entrance only allowed Masters to the Holocron vault, a Jedi Initiate was granted access to all the countless data stored in its shelves and to the busts of the "Lost 20" in the Jedi Archives. However, before being allowed to begin their studies of all its vast topics of knowledge, and to advance in their development of personal skills using the Force, youngling initiates were first taught the core principles of the Jedi Order. Following, of course, the Jedi Codes of Honor and Conduct, a new initiate Jedi learned the Three Principles of the Order, and their three methods for use of the Force. The core tenets of the Jedi Order were established as the Three Pillars: 1) the Force; 2) Knowledge; and 3) Self-Discipline. The Three Pillars corresponded to the three methods of using the Force for a Jedi Knight: 1) inner Control; 2) external Sense; and 3) Alter or Choose. However, for a new initiate into the Order the Three Pillars were more immediately signified by the three roles they could come to serve in the Jedi Order, based on their passage or failure of three Initiate Trial tests. If the new initiate passed the first Initiate Trial test, that of their knowledge of the Jedi Code, they were considered merely a Force Sensitive lay-person. If they could pass the second test, that of their ability to use the Force to build and wield a lightsaber, then the youngling could progress into the Jedi service corps, however would likely end up serving in it and not being selected as a Padawan. If they passed the third test, that of making a certain and profoundly self-influencing moral choice to do good and to conquer the Dark Side, a youngling initiate would very likely be selected to become the Padawan apprentice of an actively serving Jedi Knight.

During the period of their first Initiate Trial, a youngling is observed while being allowed to learn freely from almost everything the Jedi Temple on Coruscant (and later the Yavin-4 Praxium Academy of Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order) had to offer a curious youngling. They were given numerous toys, tools and even simulacra of weapons and encouraged to play with them and learn how to use them to their advantage. They were also encouraged to begin doing what all Jedi are eventually encouraged to do, and that is "to teach others what you have learned." The more apt a youngling's skills in applying these methods of learning and leadership, the more likely they would be to to learn from the Jedi Code, but even at this stage the very young student still might be dismissed as a lay-person. The First Trial of a Jedi Initiate is to memorise the Jedi Code, and it is said that no one who has not done so may be allowed to become a Jedi. During the period of their second Initiate Trial, a youngling is encouraged to meditate on how to use the Force. This phase of their early adolescent development is spent by candidates choosing to pursue the Jedi Arts in self-absorbing contemplation on the nature and will of the Force, and sometimes years are spent by a student grappling with a full understanding of their own abillities and the importance of their choices before being chosen to become a Jedi Padawan Learner. Those students who excel during this stage of their Jedi training are chosen for the Jedi Service Core, and allowed to serve in most functionary positions peripheral to the daily duties of the Jedi Order. The second Initiate Trial comes in the form of testing one's ability to use the Force to construct and wield a lightsaber. During the period of their training in the Jedi Service Corps, younglings have the priveledge of being taught in classes by the Grand Master of the Order themselves. During these classes youngling students in the Service Corps were taught how to further control, sense and alter using the Force by performing simple excercises combining use of their minds and their bodies. Their maturing bodies thus would become more attuned to using the Force while applying also the desire for advancement in skill level in the Jedi Arts. Usually, during the nearly 1,000 years between the Ruusan Reforms and the Clone Wars, this training would involve how to wield a snubbed length laser-bladed short-saber while their usual cognitive sensory processes were being confused, distracted or otherwise prevented from their normal use and functioning. If a student in the Jedi Service Corps showed particular aptitude to their teacher, the Order's Grand Master, that student was brought before the Council for the third and final Initiate Trial, to determine whether or not they would be allowed to become a Padawan apprentice to a Jedi Knight. (excerpt: TPM Yoda/Qui-Gon/Mace) Once a young initiate in the Jedi Service Core is chosen by the Council to be trained as a Padawan apprentice, the Council appoints the new Padawan to their new instructor, a Jedi Knight whose teacher / student relationship with them will form memory bonds lasting the Padawan's entire life. The Padwan Learner is given the standard robes of their rank, essentially a simple garb including a utility belt with a hilt for their own personally constructed light-saber, as well as the traditional Jedi Robe, an equally simple brown robe with long-sleaves, a hood and reaching in length to the ground. The Padawan also wears the single braided strand of their rank as a symbol of how long they have served as an apprentice to a Knight in the Jedi Order. The longer their Padawan braid, the longer their time as a Padawan. Because of the process of selection by the Council of Reassignment, a Padawan could range in age from the very young to the very old in their physical appearance, although all were deemed equal in the level of their development of skills in using the Force and learning the Jedi Arts. Because the Jedi Council offered advice to and followed all orders given by the Galactic Senate and it's Grand Chancellor, often the Jedi Knights of the Republic who were apprenticing Padawans would be sent out on a mission by the Council to serve the will of the Galactic Republic. On these missions, more often than not, a Padawan would find themselves staring down death and fighting

for their own life side by side with their Master Knight. Because the missions of the Knights who were allowed to Master Padawans were so often dangerous, the Council was almost never lenient in its choice of Service Corps members to become Padawans. Part Three: the 5 Trials of Knighthood (from Padawan to Jedi)

On and off, for 5,000 years the Jedi Temple stood on Coruscant before the battle of Yavin. Built on a mountain on the planet's actual terrain considered Holy by the planet's originally indigenous inhabitants, the Jedi Temple's ziggurat and spires towered above the massive city landscape around it in every direction for miles. Just as the architecture of the lower zigguart base of the Temple was designed around the significance to the Order of the Three Pillars, so too were its 5 spires erected to reflect the 5 Trials one must pass before one may be Knighted as a Jedi. The four shorter spires around the cardinal compass directions of the suare ziggurat were: 1) the southwestern spire, called the High Council Tower, was symbolic of the Trial of Skill. 2) the northwestern tower, housing the Council of First Knowledge, was symbolic, in turn, of the Trial of Courage. 3) the northeastern spire was the Reassignment Council Tower, corresponding to the Trial of the Flesh. 4) the southeastern spire was the Tower of Reconcilliation, related to the Trial of the Spirit. Central between these 4 spires at the corners of the square ziggurat base was the Tranquility Spire, concordant to the Trial of Insight. (excerpt: TPM: Obi-Wan/Yoda) The test began when the Padawan apprentice chosen by the Jedi Council was brought before the Council and told to prepare to face the Trials for Knighthood in the Jedi Order. The Council assessed the maturity of the Padawan, and explained the 5 Jedi Trials would threaten their very life, and their reactions to this were noted. If the candidate was deemed ready to proceed by the Council, they were told to prepate for the 5 Jedi Trials.

With very rare exceptions, the 5 Trials one must pass to become a Jedi Knight were given simultaneously in a training room deep below the Tranquility Spire called the Jedi Trials Chamber. This room contained a hologram projector capable of producing tangible simulacrums. The Padawan was led into the room in the dark with no explanation of this fact. Then the hologram projector would be activated to run a program simulating an attack on the young apprentice by a legion of Sith warriors. It was only by overcoming this attack through solving a series of complex mental puzzles and physical endurance tests that the apprentice, being overseen by the High Council and the Order battlemaster, was deemed to have completed the 5 Trials testing their Skill, Courage, Flesh, Spirit and Insight. The three most obvious exceptions to this method for administering the tests in the Jedi Trials Chamber, all in or after the era of the Jedi Purge and the founding of the New Order galactic empire. These were: 1) Luke Skywalker, founder of the New Jedi Order immediately following the battle of Yavin, who "faced the mirror" in the mysterious cave on Dagobah; 2) Darth Vader's Sith apprentice Starkiller, the clone of Galen Marek, who "faced the mirror" in the Holocron chamber in the Tower of First Knowledge; and 3) Anakin Skywalker, whose trials were waived by the Council in favour of his service as a Jedi Guardian during the Clone Wars. (excerpt: TCW Anakin Knighting Ceremony) Part Four: the Jedi High Council (the selection of Masters) There were simultaneously many Jedi Masters who served on any of the various Jedi Councils that each met in a room atop one of the spires of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. When all the members of the complete Jedi Order were summoned during a time of crisis, it was called a Convocation, and several of these occured throughout the history of the Jedi and New Jedi Orders. When all the members of full Jedi Council met in the High Council Chamber it was called the Gathering, and an oath was recited before their meetings could begin. This oath went:

"With all of us may the Force be, and may the peace of this temple be ours, a place open to thought and speech, a realm of mutual respect, and a haven of shared noble purpose. Let us take these seats together, with no one above the others. May we work together, free from the restraints of ego and jealousy, at this gathering and all others to come."

Although classically there were considered to only be two types of Jedi Masters, the Warrior Master and the Sage Master, at the beginning of the Clone Wars era, there were three lesser Councils of Masters, corresponding to three lesser ranks, below the Jedi High Council. The first was the Jedi Guardian, corresponding to the the Council of First Knowledge; the second was the Jedi Consular, a Master of the Council of Reconciliation; the third was the Jedi Sentinel, officer of the Council of Reassignment. At that time there were no less than 13 types of Jedi Master. Jedi Master Guardians included Jedi Ace pilots, Master lightsaber instructors, Jedi Peacekeepers like the Temple Security Force and Jedi Weapon Masters. Jedi Master Consulars included Jedi Ambassadors, Jedi Diplomats, Jedi Healers, Jedi Lore Keepers, Jedi researchers and Jedi Seers. Jedi Master Sentinels included Jedi Investigators, Jedi Shadow (spies), and Jedi Watchmen - on long-term assignment to a specific location. At the top of the High Council Tower, the southeast spire of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, in the High Council Chamber, the Jedi High Council of Masters met. The Jedi High Council was comprised of 12 Jedi Masters, each member being elected only by unanimous vote of the current members. Leading members of the Jedi High Council during the years leading up to the Clone Wars included legendary names such as Grand Master Yoda, Master Yaddle, Master Jocasta Nu, Master Sifo-Dyas, Master Dooku, Master Mace Windu, Master Yarael Poof, Master Saesee Tiin, Master Even Piell, Master Eeth Koth, Master Plo Koon, Knight Ki Adi Mundi, Master Shaak Ti, Master Kit Fisto, Master Obi Wan Kenobi, and Knight Guardian Anankin Skywalker. During the Clone Wars, Master swordsman Mace Windu served as the Master of the Jedi Order, and Yoda served as Grand Master. Part Five: the Jedi Treasury (Historical Relics of the Order) The most important relics of the Jedi Order were 4 stone tablets symbolising the original edification of the Jedi Code. The 5 precepts of the Jedi Code, as established by Odan Urr, were based on a 5 lines long, pre-historic mantra about the Force. 4 stanzas of this precept were assigned to 4 pillars of stone aligned to the cardinal directions of the spires and kept in a room in the square zigguart base of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. The last of the 5 stanzas, stating, "there is no passion there is serenity," spoke on the process of becoming a Jedi Knight, and was symbolised by no stone at the center, below the Tranquility spire.

The first stanza of the Jedi Code, stating, "there is no emotion there is peace," is symbolised in stone by the image of a rose shattering a sword. The second stanza, stating, "there is no ignorance there is knowledge," is symbolised by the image of a structure shattering at its foundation. The fourth stanza, stating, "there is no chaos there is harmony," is symbolised by a planetary system orbiting a star. The fifth stanza, stating, "there is no death, there is the Force," is symbolised by the wild growth of a rose vine. The second most important relics of the Jedi Order were the collection of unique cubical data storage devices from around the galaxy and throughout its entire history. In the centre of the Jedi Archives, sealed behind a door that can only be unlocked using the Force, was a room thought to be impregnable until it was finally breached by a bounty hunter named Cad Bane during the Clone Wars. This was the sacred Holocron Vault that was allowed to be entered only by Jedi Masters. Holocrons come in all shapes and sizes. They are usually rhombic or regular solid polyhedral forms, comrpised of a combination of several inner-nested data-storage layers with transparent flat faces and metallic edges. On the clear flat faces on each side of the holocron there will be a unique pattern made of a metal inlay, and it is only by re-fitting the sides together using these patterns as a guide that the holocron can be unlocked by a Force user. The "key" to the holocron's figurative lock is to place a crystal data-storage shard into the center of the holocron form. This will activate the holocron's "Gate-keeper" - an imprinted self-awareness - that can then access any of the data that can be retrieved using that particular combination of holocron "lock" and crystal data-chip "key."






Although holocrons can be any solid polyhedral form, those used by the Jedi Order and stored in the Holocron Vault in the Jedi Archives of the Temple on Coruscant were most commonly cubical in shape. This form of holocron could only be opened by using the Force to telekinetically rearrange the sides of the cube to open it up and reveal its hollow interior, similarly to how one would align the focusing crystal of a lightsaber, a crystal data-shard is then lowered into this hollowed out box. Following this, a third step, comprised of a second re-arrangement of the components of the solid portions of the cube into a third shape for the holocron's polyhedral form. Following these three steps, a holographic projection of the data-cube's "Gate-keeper" should appear to guide one as they access the data within. There are three primary forms of Holocron of the most importance to the Jedi Order as relics and historical records. The first is the standard form of holocron used by most of the Jedi to record and thus to "pass on what they have learned," and thus teach others. There are at least 18 known Jedi holocrons of this essential form.

The second important form of Holocron are Sith holocrons. These were most commonly shaped, rather than cubically alike the Jedis', as a tetrahedra or a 4 sided pyramid with three faces and one base, all triangles. There are no less than 20 known Sith holocrons of this sort from throughout the eras since their invention, around 3,000 years prior to the first Jedi, cube form of holocron. The most important form of Holocron was the single and unique "Great Holocron." Although the Sith thus seem to have previously invented this technology which was then applied by the Jedi Order, the dodecahedronal Great Holocron probably pre-dates them both. The recordings on it by Jedi date back as far 3,997 BBY when it was in the possession of Jedi Master Arca Jeth. It seems to have been in the possession of the Jedi Order ever since, surviving even the sacking of the Jedi Temple during Order 66 and making its way to the New Jedi Order library on Ossus. The technology to build holocrons was originally given to the Sith king Adas by Rakata warriors from Lehon during the era of their Infinite Empire, a previous species that had become corrupted by use of the Dark Side of the Force. Although these Rakata, also called the Builders, developed technology capable of terra-forming a wasteland planet into a one hospitible to life, it is unknown if they were the original inventors of holocron technology, or if it pre-dates even them and originated with the Celestial Architects, the Gree enclave or the Kwa, all from 1 million to 30,000 BBY, or even with the Force demons, like Wutzek, a sentient crystalline entity, who had ruled the galaxy even prior to then. Star Wars philosophy 101D: Hyperspace the Hyperdrive Engine

The standard, T-14 Hyperdrive Generator type of hyperdrive engine commonly used for hyperspace travel throughout almost the entire inhabited galaxy by the era of the Clone Wars was shaped like a flat upright panel (the null quantum field generator), connecting, between two vertical pole-shaped capacitors (the alluvial dampers), a rectangular sheet of magnetised circuitry (the hyperdrive field guides) housed in an ornate metallic casing (the hyperdrive motivator itself). Each of these parts serves its function, which we will come to presently, however for now we can see the overall apparatus is unimpressively simple.

The technology of the Hyperdrive Engine is also essentially quite simple and easily apprehended, at least well enough by most spacers to be able to service and modify their own ships. It is essentially the same technology as a circuit breaker that connects, rather than a capicitor to a gate, one location in space to another. It was found, very early on in primitive societies, that smaller, lighter weight and less dense particles could move faster unimpeded, so the earliest power-systems relied on plugging sources to ends using open-air feeds for an electrical current. Likewise, it was found that using relativisitic-shielding could accomplish an effect for a spacevessel in hyperspace alike the buoyancy that keeps a boat afloat in fluid. This allowed a shieldedship to skim above the photic speed limit of real-space through hyperspace like a smooth stone skipped through still air across the surface of a quiet pond. The physics behind it may involve mathematics capable of being calculated in a pinch solely by a complex navi-computer, however aside from ever-moving astrographic re-calibrations for the auto-pilot, the essential mechanics of hyper-space travel are equally easy to conceptualise, apprehend and apply. When the technologies of navicomputers, relativistic-shielding, and the hyperdrive engine were finally perfected to an extent of their successfully passing all performance tests equally as well as one another, the technology was deemed functional and achieved such common usage that it quickly reached a plateau on which it has since perpetuated on in nearly the same form for almost 25,000 years. Aside from such discoveries as "Otherspace" and anomolies such as time-travel having been rare and easily filtered toward the margins, the technology of the Hyperdrive Engine has not needed to adapt to much during that entire time. Since the Expansionist Era's beginning with the use of the Hyperdrive Engine until the battle of Yavin, we can measure the passage of at least some 25,053 light-years. During this time, 5 grand hyperspace lanes have been ingrained for mass transit across the vast distances of the 120,000 light-year diameter of the galactic disc. The 5 main hyperlanes are: 1) the Corellian Trade Spine connecting Ison in the Elrood Sector to Corellia in the Core Worlds; 2) the Rimma Trade Route connecting the Minos Cluster in the Kathel Sector to Abregado-Rae in the Core Worlds; 3) the Hydian Way - connecting Bonadan in the Corporate Sector to Rutan in the Elrood Sector; 4) the Corellian Run - connecting Ryloth in the Outer Rim to Coruscant in the Core Planets; and 5) the Perlemian Trade Route - connecting Quermia in the Meridian Sector to Coruscant in the Core Worlds. pre-History of the Hyperdrive Engine

The earliest form of hyperspace accessing technology was harnessed in the designs of Centerpoint Station (above Corellia) and its smaller, twin sister ruins called SinkHole Station (in the blackhole cluster called the Maw). Centerpoint Station was originally designed by the Celestials (possibly from the time-less realms of mind called Beyond Shadows, or the parallel dimensional galaxy of inverse Otherspace), who were a now long-forgotten form of life that once inhabited the galaxy before 100,000 light-years BBY. They may have been built by this lost species using the Killiks, a hive-minded insectoid species of Alderaan and Alsakan, or the Force Sensitive Mind Walkers of Abeloth's Homeworld in the Maw, as slave labourers. Although the larger Centerpoint Station is located above Corellia, and the smaller SinkHole Station in the Maw, it is likely their original usages occured in the opposite locations, with SinkHole Station being used to align the Corellian system, and Centerpoint having been used to create the Maw. Centerpoint and SinkHole Stations were built to harness the anti-gravity energy of their core "Glowpoints," and to channel this energy in a form of "hyperspace tractor beam," capable of gravitationally imploding stars, moving planets, transporting distant objects through wormholes and creating black-holes. Its method of accomplishing all of these feats was by harnessing its interior artificial star's axis of rotation, and then inducing a super-nova event on the artificial star, the stations' "Glowpoint" engine, and then by controlling the amount of gamma radiation generated in the core and aligning the wavelengths of its tachyonic beam projector. Although their ruins were long inhabited by the Corellians and the Mind Walkers as surrogate space-stations, the method of working these stations only came to be understood and once again used by the earliest generations following the battle of Yavin. Although the gravitic polarization device, in the form seen here as being about the size of any common being's head, was believed to have first been developed by Skakoan ex-Techno Union scientist Kul Teska for use by Count Dooku during the Clone Wars, the development of similar technologies in super-weapons projects (such as the 4 Death Star models, the Tarkin mobile ion superlaser cannon and the star fighter Sun Crusher, all products of the New Order era Maw Installation) since then warrants a better understanding of the origins of its core engineering. The technology of gravitic polarization was oiriginally developed by the Gree enclave in their construction of stable worm-holes called "Hyper-Gates." In the cap-stone of a Hypergate's archway was contained a similar type of technology to the gravitic polarization device designed to be much smaller and for a different use by Kul Teska for Count Dooku many eons later. While Teska's model used miniature servo-motors to position the targeting beams, the archway of the Hyper-Gate itself served that function in the Gree use of this technology, but both used a much smaller form of the Celestial technology, originally intended in building Centerpoint and SinkHole Stations, of projecting an anti-gravity tractor beam at hyperspatial speeds to induce the formation of a wormhole. The intention for the development of the gravitic polarization technology by Kul Teska during the Clone Wars was to weaponise what was originally merely an inconvenient side-effect of its use by the Gree Enclave for instant interstellar travel. A fixed gravitic polarization beam can cause a star to super-nova because, along the width of such a beam, a wormhole can be expanded through the core of the star, thus collapsing its capacity to sustain nuclear fusion. The Gree used gravitic polarization technology to create semi-stable wormholes between fixed location Hyper-Gates on a series of star-systems united into the Gree Enclave not long before about 100,000 BBY, when their expansionism finally encountered their Outer-Rim neighbors the Kwa species, and their regional empire the Kwa Holdings. These two species survived their initial border-disputes with one another to eventually form a symbiotic society hundreds of thousands of lightyears prior to the first Galactic Republic. They lived in harmony with one another and shared technologies from 100,000 to around 25,000 BBY, when the Rakata Empire eventually overwhelmed both the Gree and the Kwa species.

The Hypergates that were used in the founding of the Gree Enclave using gravitic polarization beam technology to generate stable wormholes was apparently similar to technology developed by the Kwa more or less simultaneously by coincidence, however the Kwa had developed it to a much higher form much faster. The rigid caste system of the Gree Enclave, where the material synthesis technology Operators had become the primary holders of political power, as well as their peculiar physiology, standing only .8 to 1.2 meters in height on six tentacles, their advancement in the gravitic polarization technology used in their Hypergates had dwindled, while the same technhology had been applied by the Kwa to a much greater height of form and functioning during the same amount of time. The Saurian physiology of the Kwa - whose world of origin was the idyllic Outer Rim planet Dathomir (inhabited later only by enourmous semi-sentient Rancor monsters and thick skinned, swift Whuffa worms placed there by the Kwa to thwart the Rakata invasion around 30,000 BBY) brought them to almost worship the gravitic polarisation beam technology, and they enshrined their "Infinity Gates" built around that technology in megalithic pyramids called Star Temples. The method used by the Infinity Gates allowed anyone standing inside the Star Chambe transport bay within the monumental Star Temple to be transported to any other location in the galaxy instantly. The main operations center, controlling and co-ordinating the use of any and all such Temple gates, was hidden deep below the Prime Temple on Dathomir, and could only be accessed via the other Infinity Gates. The Kwa called their version of the gravitic polarization beam, wormhole creating technology the "power of infinity," however their lofty placement in their culture for the use of this form of technology did not prevent their species from degenerating into the nomadic tribal Kwi species following the Rakatan invasion. The technology of the Kwa Infinity Gates was, however exalted by them then, no different in its basic principles from the gravitic polarization beam technology used to create semi-stable wormholes in the hyper-gates of the Gree Enclave. Both were based on essentially the same principle as the hyperdrive used in starships would be many thousands of years later as well, which was also, and perhaps originally, recognised and used by the Celestials in constructing Centerpoint and SinkHole stations. This technology harnessed gravity as a force to control timedilation using magnetic polarisation to stabilise the emission of a massive gamma ray emission. This form of "gravitic polarisation beam" created a semi-stable instantaneous worm-hole between the original and targeted locations, and could thus transport biological matter safely through hyperspace even without a vessel to protect them from the effects of the void's vacuum.

By the time the Rakatan Infinite Empire spread by harnessing the Dark Side of the Force to create Force storms triggering worm-holes and to telekineticaly control them into stability, and thus to transport their space-vessels to targeted sites such as enemy planets, the Gree and Kwa were mainly already in the decline of their combined civilisation, but before the Rakata invaded the planets Gree and Dathomir, and possibly as early as the spontaneously simultaneous discovery of the gravitic polarization beam technology's use in creating worm-holes by the earliest Gree and Kwa themselves, there was another, more distant, space-faring species that lived across the span of the galaxy from both the Gree and Kwa, and unlike the Gree and Kwa managed to survive on their homeworld of Columus at least until the time of the New Order galactic empire. The Columi were originally evolved form herbivorous reptiles in the low gravity marshes on Columi in the Core Worlds. Rapidly evolving sentience, and eventually also instellar spacecraft, the Columi explored the various other core worlds in their sector of the galaxy, including at least Coruscant and Duro, however their expansionist phase was rapidly withdrawn backward to their homeworld, possibly following the discovery of Centerpoint Station above Corellia. The official choice of the Columi Democracy at that time was not to interfere with the development of the species they encountered on their neighboring planets, whom they found to still be "primitive and barbaric" in comparison to the more advanced, space-faring technologies of the Columi themselves. Although the Columi may have developed the use of insterstellar travel in space-crafts independently, yet, again, at the same time as this same technology was being developed by the Rakata, however because of their oath of non-interfernece, the Columi were largely left alone by the Rakata invaders. They continued to flourish and develop their own forms of technology, such as the Columi mental hover-pod, a device controlled by mental projection from their 100 lobed 4 cerebrums to telekinetically transport their atrophied torsos and vestigial limbs, and they eventually were one of the earliest supporters of the imperial New Order, who likewise claimed to have been the first to discover Columus. The commemorative Borte Belgoth early Perlemian Trade Route hyperspace beacon, commissioned around 25,100 BBY, displayed the faces of a Columi beside those of a mythical cacodemon and a molator monster from Alderaan.

The Rakata Empire had established a network of such hyperspace beacons throughout the Tion Cluster around that time, and these were used originally to help guide the Rakata's slave-ships. The Tionese eventually reverse-engineered a form of hyperspace travel technology from these Rakatan beacons contemporary to the earliest known period of development by the Duros and Corellians of the first "hyperspace cannon" propulsion systems for achieving inter-stellar travel between the Core Worlds. These beacons were used more or less continuously until the New Order era, however around the time of the Mandalorian Wars their usefullness had been superceded by the advancing technology of hyperspace faring vessels' navicomputers. Following the plague effecting only the Rakatan species, which destoryed their Infinite Empire around 25,200 BBY, the Duros were the first to reverse engineer the Rakatan Dark-Side powered hyperdrive systems into a technological application capable of physical engineering. Their hyperdrive system, now called the "hyperdrive cannon" engine, was the first of its kind, although identical technology also originated relatively independently and almost simultaneously on Corellia. While the Duros and Corellians had been focusing on developing the hyperspace cannon drive, the humans of Coruscant had also developed inter-stellar "sleeper ships" for long-duration space-voyages. The hyperspace cannon propulsion system allowed a spacer to travel through hyperspace, faster than lightspeed, for a limited duration in a perfectly straight line. Its initial faults were in needing a return cannon to get back from even a short trip, and in then yet lacking technology to program flight-paths through hyperspace, which could still result in a collision with the mass shadow of a realspace object's gravity well. For these reasons the Gossam and the Devaronians sought to develop a safer, more stable ride during hyperspace exploration, and combined the concepts at work in both the early hyperspace cannon space-ship engines and the late Rakatan and early Tionese anchored hyperspace beacons. Their invention was called the Tumble Hyperdrive, and combined the earliest forms of astrogation navicomputers with hyperspace cannon propulsion and drag systems, resulting in short length, unpredictable jumps though distance and duration, arriving at unpredictable locations in space at odd times. Gradually technologies developed on various independent worlds formerly ruled by the Rakatan spacers of the Infinite Empire that could now reconnect using the human core world sleeper ships, the Corellian or Duros built hyperspace cannons, the Tion Cluster hyperspace beacons and the coGossam / Devaronian "tumbledrive," toward a unification point where all the necessary elements congealed at the right time to form the model that remains to this day the galactic standard for the principles of hyperdrive engineering. The original tests of the hyperdrive engine may have occured based on or near the planet Hapes in the cluster which bears this planet's name. Hapes was uninhabited by sentients until soon before 4,000 BBY, when it was originally collonised by the Lorell Raiders, who made their pirate base there and eventually gave rise to the sub-species of Happan humans who would form the Happan Consortium around 3,000 BBY. The reason for this speculation was the development on Hapes by the Consortium of the Froond-class hyperdrive, a more powerful and advanced form of hyperdrive engine, although one developed in isolated use outside the scope of the Galactic Republic. Finally, around 25,053 BBY, the hyperdrive engine model in use ever since was first tested for performance. Almost exactly 75,000 years following the original, serendipitous development simultaneously by the independent Gree Enclave and Kwa Holdings of hypergate technology; almost 5,000 years following the Rakata Infinite Empire's peak expansion period using Dark Side powered hyperdrives; barely 150 years following the collapse of that Empire and the liberation of its inter-planetary slave-species to begin experimenting with hyperdrive engines; the Galactic Constitution was written, and the newly invented and reliable hyperdrive engine became the prefered form of motor in almost every kind of spaceship.

the Physics of Hyperspace Neither the Holonet - based on light-speed transmission simultaneously via the entire networked grid of hyperspace beacons in use from 25,000 BBY on, nor subspace homing beacons - also capable of light-speed broadcasting of pulsed transmissions of data but only used over shorter distances, could catch up with a ship travelling at faster than light speeds through hyperspace. As one would look out from inside a ship as it is entering hyperspace, one would see the very stars themselves appear to begin to bend around the craft as it almost instantly accelerates past light speed.

The first stage of entering hyperspace comes with accelerating the ship toward lightspeed. This could not be accomplished without proper development of relativisitic shield technology, which keeps the ship intact during such a sudden jump in velocity, as well as inertial dampener technology, which buffers the gravitational pushes and pulls from outside the starship on a passenger inside. If a ship has faulty relativistic shielding, time-dilation effects become variable and time-travel incidents have been known to occur having been caused by this effect. If a ship has faulty inertial dampers it could be crushed in its own gravity-well as it makes the jump to light-speed.

The second phase of hyperspace travel is trans-lightspeed travel, or the passage of light-speed and entering into hyperspace as such. As this occurs, which it does much faster for starships the greater the thrust of their booster engines, any passenger onboard a hyperspace travelling starship would see the elongated light lines of stellar gravity wells begin to assume the usual blue-shift tint of hyperspace. This occurs due to the craft's velocity repelling it away from all these gravity-well light-sources at a speed faster than the light itself reaching the ship from those various stellar sources. As the ship passes the speed of light, the lines of star-light begin to blur into a swirling misty tunnel of blue light. Hyperspace itself is a massless, antigravity dimension parallel to realspace that permeates between its smallest particles and extends beyond outside their fastest limits. It is an almost perfectly vacuum-state void of raw, ethereal energy, and the only particles with any relativistic mass there, thus rendering them in hyperspace the equivalent of matter the size of space-dust in realspace, are tachyons, which are dispersed by the relativistic shield in a cascade of neutrino "Cronau" radiation when the ship drops out of warp. Hyperspace is, besides mass shadows of realspace gravity wells (casuing the apparent blue tint) and tachyonic dust particles (the swirling mistiness), only an apparently ilimitable field of purely clear light (the so-called tunnel-vision effect described by sufferers from hyper-rapture caused from prolonged staring into it).

Aside from the relativistic shielding and inertial dampers used mainly in keeping the passengers comfortable while the ship carrying them is accelerating up to or decelerating down from the thrust of the fatest cosmic particles, once one has passed the speed of light, other component systems of the hyperdrive engine become the more important factors for maintaining the cabin's environmental control. A ship travelling through hyperspace uses its inertial dampers, sub-light engines and relativistic deflector shields to maintain interior gravity during relativistic pseudomotion occuring along a differential between the temporal motion inside the ship and the faster than light hyperspace speeds outside of it. Because hyperspace is an ilimitable field of pure energy, devoid of all matter, it produces zero drag or force of resistance against a craft travelling though it. Once again, one has to use their ship's other systems in conjunction with the navicompter and main hyperdrive engine to traverse this dimension unscathed. To slow one's ship down from superluminal speeds, one uses the ship's reverse stabilisers to reduce the thrust from the forward sublight boosters while simultaneously cutting the sublight engine. The effect of slowing the ship down while simultaneously dropping out of hyperspace superluminal velocity, combined with the relativistic shields and intertial dampers, allow the ship to speed up or slow down within and around hyperspatial speeds with minimal cabin environment distortion occuring. As one's starship decelerates across the threshold of vacuum-pressure photons' maximum velocity, the tachyon particles that amass across the forward relativistc deflector shields are dispersed in a matter / anti-matter annhilation cascade as uncharged, massless neutrinos in a bright white explosion of Cronau spectral light. This event occurs at the exact instant as the ship snaps into position in realspace. However from within the cockpit this compressed event lasting only an instant in realspace is time-dilated into the re-appearance of elongated star-light lines. If a ship loses mass while in hyperspace, such as by ejecting an escape pod, or has an increased drag on its sublight thrust while travelling through hyperspace, such as has happened due to faulty relativisitic shielding or a leaking hyperdrive motivator, then the ship is liable to arrive at its destination at a different time than originally programmed into and computed by the navicomputer. The result of this is time-dillation occuring for the passenger such that they arrive at their destination, only often times much later than they intended to, sometimes arriving thousands of years in what would have been their own time-line's future. Assuming one's relativistic shields hold out and no temporal distortion effects occur, one still faces the nearly impossible task of navigating, not only the gravity wells of realspace's mass-shadows in hyperspace, but also the vector of approach between the point one begins dropping out of hyperspace and when the ship comes to a total hault. During the last moments of hyperspace travel a starship will still be decelerating through velocities that cause other forms of relativisitc effects than time-dilation or the discharge of Cronau light when exiting hyperspace. At these near-luminal speeds there remains the definite danger of an extremely minute mis-calculation by the navicomputer resulting in a slight target overshoot and the ship crashing into a star at sublight speeds instead of simply entering its planetary system's space. If one does crash into a realspace gravity well's mass-shadow while in hyperspace travelling at superluminal speeds, the result on the ship can range from minimal damage to utter obliteration depending on the scale of collision and the sort of gravity-well; however the same impact, however slight, will result in a massive energy surplus discharge cascade arising in realspace at the point of contact between the gravity well and the ship's hull while it is travelling through hyperspace at superluminal speeds. Such hyperspace accidents rarely occur, most often due to the many wandering black holes throughout the galaxy, however on ocassion hyperspace collisions have caused the fracturing of planets and the implosive super-nova detonation of stars.

The 5 main hyperlanes are established only for convenience between the most travelled to starsystems, and marked by the oldest hyperspace beacons, while the rest of hyperspace is considered to be essentially the same, zero-resistance energy-substance, but is otherwise largely unexplored due to the mass-shadows of realspace gravity wells. Although galactic topography only changes very gradually, if one were to look for the locations in space connected by the hyperspace lanes used since the era of the Infinite Empire a billion light years later, one would find them in vastly different places. The existence of the hyperlanes may be due to mere convention, but the existence of hyperspace is due to a very real phenomenon that occurs in the center of every spiral galaxy. At the center of the galaxy, to the lower left of Coruscant on a standard map, is a cluster of so many super-novae, wandering black-holes and other gravity-wells so entangled together that it has made hyperspace exploration of galactic core impossible. Aside from only a few systems, there has been little life encountered from beyond the so-called "galactic divide." For as many populated planets and as much explored space as has stood for almost 100,000 years on one side of the galaxy, the other side has remained "wild-space," unexplored and presumed devoid of inhabited planets. Just as there is one side of the galaxy whose gravitic topology slopes down slowly and is populated by many inhabited star-systems, the opposite side is a steep gravitic drop into the "unknown regions". The reason for galactic topography's accumulation of the stellar slope's gradiation differential is simple, and has to do with the rotation, over the hundreds and thousands of eons, of the pivoting poles of the super-massive black-hole in the galaxy's central core. As the poles of this stationary gravitic phenomenon precess gradually like the spinning of a centrifuge inside a gyroscope, they push the stellar mass of the galaxy's spiral armed disc with them, causing a build-up of coreward star-systems to accumulate opposite the direction of the galaxy's spiralling arms.

The result of this is that there is more hyperspace on one side of the galaxy than the other; that is to say, on one side there is so much activity and light because it is during hyperspace "day," while on the other side there is little actvity or life because it is hyperspace "night" on that side. However the cause is the building up of stellar mass on one side to compensate as the galactic center-of-gravity rotates around a central pivot point, in the form of the suepr-massive blackhole in galactic core. In the same manner the prescence of gravity-wells in the form of stellar mass-shaodws causes the "blue light" illumination within a hyperspace tunnel, there is opposite this form of illumination a form of "hyperspace darkness" that occurs on the "night-side" of the galaxy, where there is less stelar mass accumulated along a steeper gravitic-slope. Thus, the light of "hyperspace" shines only on half the galaxy, and this is due to the precession of the poles of the super-massive black hole at galactic core. The same principle that causes hyperspace to occur is at the core of the hyeprdrive engine's technology. By creating a "force-field" around a ship, and then phasing this force-field's component wave-lengths to a velocity faster than photons in a void, the ship can be allowed to slip out of real-space dimensional constrictions on astro-physical and quantum-mechanical principles, and travel through a limitless realm of zero-resistance energy that exists on a subquanta scale, faster than light speed. This same principle of phasing the wavelengths of a force-field surrounding a ship is at the core of the method by which hyperspace comes into existence through emission of tachyons from the poles of the super-massive galactic core black hole. The tachyons from the black-hole's poles gradually arc upward or below, and around to connect to the poles of each star in the galaxy, and from there to each planet, and thus each moon, each satellite, etc. forming the topography of hyperspace around their gravity-well's mass-shadows. In a sense, when the force-field around the ship generated by the hyperdrive engine is activated, it is only a means of removing the veil of matter-energy from before the eyes of those of us biological beings that exist within this spacetime continuum, and seeing by the light of tachyons into a realm below sub-quantum tachyon-illuminated scales, where zero-resistance energy exists at faster than light speeds, and the physical principles we take for granted in our own universe do not apply. Technology of the Hyperdrive Engine

Although it is not now known by exo-biologists if the first mynocks were salt or sulfur-feeding, and non-Helium allergic, atmosphere-breathing Vynocks, or if they de-evolved from their sentient form, which then regressed to living solely on an asteroid, it is known that mynocks, a form of silicone-based parasite native to outer-space, feed on stellar, electromagnetic and in particular electrical energy. Their prevalence throughout the galaxy and their extreme antiquity implies also how extremely ancient the practise of inter-stellar travel by space-ship is.

The simplest form of technology in the engines of most space-ships also indiates the same fundamental technology in use since pre-historically ancient times for breaking the atmosphere and gravity-well of one's own planet by primitive space-faring species. The fuel cells of any space-ships are usually used only to power the sub-light drive, which is mostly only used in liftoff of a ship or while it is airborne inside of a planet's atmosphere.

The sub-light engines are powered by fuel cells only to facillitate their operation in a gaseous atmosphere. The sub-light engines themselves are electrical, but ther ignition remains triggered by a single spark-plug system that runs off of solid-state, liquid or gas fuel. Most star-ships used very small fuel-cells, and only to spark the ignition of the sub-light engines. However this technology is undoubtedly the oldest form in use the longest. Although some star-ships still employ solid-state fusion or fission energy furnaces to run on, the most common form of core-reactor in ships or in power-plants on planets has long been the hypermatter collission energy-generator. Such reactors generated electrical energy directly, bypassing the need for a spark-plug triggered, fuel-cell powered system for manufacturing electricity by driving a turbine's torque into electrical generators. The technology of fuel-cells could get one outside their home-planet's atmosphere, but it was quickly discovered the only form of powergenerator that could fuel a space ship across inter-stellar distances was a hyper-matter reactorcore. The premise of such a reactor is creating a micro-miniaturised pulse-point between two particle accelerator power-generators. By controlling the rate of energy-exchange between these generators at this pulse-point, one could accelerate ordinary particulate motion in the powergenerators to nearly-hyperspace speeds and then generate a spark of hyper-matter at the pulsepoint between them, where the energy from both power-generators was permitted to collide. Such an engine could be easily shut on or off, but would, while active, generate enough raw electrical energy to power anything from a Naboo cruiser or the Millennium Falcon to Coruscant or the Death Star.

The next piece of technology that had to be developed before a planet that had harnessed fuelcells to break their planet's atmosphere could use a hyper-matter reactor-core to power interstellar explorations, was the power-adapter, which converted raw electrical currents of massive amounts of energy into the type of pulsed current necessarily applied for different needs in circumstantial situations. Power-adatpors converted between core-reactor power-generators and electrical-circuitry and thus were a key-component for any type of electrically-powered operating systems to function. The usual design of a hyper-matter core-reactor or a planetary power-generator derives from the concept of accelerating energy put into it at one end into hyper-spatial speeds at the other by using a natural shaped architecture to increase the spin of the particle around the inside of the accelerators on either side of the pulse-point. If one wanted to create such a pulse-point as an energy-gate that would provide loss-less transmission of a fixed amount of electrical energy, rather than accelerating it into hyper-matter, one would use a simple power-coupling.

Power-couplings were simply open-air plugs conencting or breaking an energy-circuit. Rather than using power-cables across long-distances, or for loss-less delivery of full electrical energy content, it was found that electrical energy could be harnessed relatively safely and most efficiently using open-air conductors to bridge the space between a pair of circuit-points. Powercouplings use a single ground-wire to act as a circuit-breaker in the event of a short or surge. In the same way the fuel-cell powered sub-light engines bridge one's home-planet's own atmospehre, and the use of a hyper-matter core-reactor can power one's way to instellar travel, the concept behind the power-coupling was essential to the eventual development of the hyperdrive engine. The hyperdrive engine is an astrographic crcuit-board, cased in titaniumchromum, inserted between two power-couplings. When the power-coupling of the hyperdrive engine is activated, electricity is passed through the astrographic circuit-board. The navi-comp provides this circuit board the input programmed coordinates for the jump, and works together with it to calculate the quickest route around known and up-to-date data on mass-shadows of realspace gravity-wells. The hyperdrive engine works with the ship's shields to create a stablised energy-differential and with its inertial-dampeners to create a similar gravity-differential. Following this the hyperdrive engine activates to create a warp-field bubble around the ship sustaining it in hyperspace as it transports the ship along a fixed energy beam at superluminal speed to the desired destination. The idea of generating a force-field around a ship to serve within hyperspace the same function as deflector shields in realspace would be irrelevant in light of the zero-resistance of tachyon particles in hyperspace. However the concept can be grasped as making the ship inside such a field behave, through hyperspace from one point in real-space to another, like an electrical bolt inside a power-coupling. The notion of power-couplings being used to create a "glowpoint" or a "pulse-point" between two power-generators to access hyperspace is, at least, as old as Centerpoint and SinkHole Stations.

The original technology developed by known species in recorded history to access hyperspace was the "hypergate" technology used by the Gree. These hypergates could link to one another through hyperspace by connecting the location of any one of them to the destination of any other one of them, thus linking them all into a single networked system. As long as new hypergates continued to be built on new worlds by the Gree explorers, the Gree Enclave grew, however when exploration became less important than maintenance of the overg-grown system already in existence, the Gree Enclave eventually stagnated. The technology of the Gree hypergates was based on the same concepts as the much later, microminiaturised "gravitic polarization beam" emitter. Placed in the cap-stone of the Gree hypergates, such a device created a semi-stabilised worm-hole inside the archway of the hypergate that connected to the destination point by targeting the destination point along a relatively straight line. The harnessing of semi-stable wormholes using gravitic-polarization beam technology was similar to the concept of using two distant locations in realspace as the circuit-junction ports of a conceptual connective gateway, alike the two sides of a power-coupling. The premise of using a wormhole as a connective gateway in such a circuit-junction port system was similar to the premise behind, if not the method of use of, Centerpoint and Sinkhole Stations. The Kwa, in their "Star Temple" technology, combined the methods of use for the Hypergates with the technology of Centerpoint station. Their "Infinity Gates" used a single, gravitically polarized, power-generator to transport anyone in the "Star Chamber" below to any desired destination in the galaxy almost instantly. This combined the Celestial's use of power-coupling oriented reactor-cores for accessing hyperspace with the premise of creating a power-coupling like circuit-connection between distant locations in realspace. The oldest hyperspace beacons emitted pulsed electrical data signals through hyperspace, and their mechanics were based on a principle similar to power-couplings as well. A small gap inside these beacons serves to create a miniature gravitic circuit-bridge or gate-way through realspace between two closely proximal points in hyperpsace. This causes the creation of a massless entrypoint to hyperspace inside of a stationary gravity-well, which in this case was used to house electrical broadcasting technology. Just as with the Gree Enclave's network of hypergates connecting locations that had already been built, the "lighthouse network" of hyperspace beacons was limited in use to the locations where such beacons had already been placed. The Kwa had combined Celestial and similar Gree principles to innovate on both, and had built the "Star Temples" to instantly "beam" their occupants anywhere. What the Kwa Infinity Gates were to the Gree hypergates, so too was the hyperdrive engine to the hyperspace beacons.

The premise on which the hyperdrive engine works is simple. The way it works is not. The hyperdrive combines the premise of a power-coupling with several different working systems of a functional star-ship. Without even one of these other systems working in unison with it, the hyperdrive engine would not work. The hyperdrive engine combines the systems of the defelctor shields for relativisitic shielding, inertial dampeners for controlling centre of gravity, sublight engines for providing propulsion, the navicomputer for inputting the data to the hyperdrive from the ship's central computer, and essentially serves as a junction-point or through-port for the functioning of all the ship's systems to combine and work as one. Thus, the technological premise of the hyperdrive is the same as that of the core-reactor, the hyper and infinity gates, centerpoint and sinkhole stations, but most importantly, of the simple power-coupling. To connect point One to point Two in the fastest way possible is the goal of electrical conduction by power couplings and of hyperdrive engines in travelling through hyperspace. To do this, however, a series of other complex systems is pre-requisite. For example relativistic shileding around a ship is a form of force-field that can be phasecontrolled in its energy wavelengths to modulate the ship's energy-pattern signature at a velocity faster than photic light. This creates the gravitic-differential warp bubble around the outer-hull of the ship that buffers it from the sudden jolt out of realspace into the superluminal velocities of hyperspace. However, phasing energy at superluminal speeds would not be useful for a ship to enter hyperspace without the pre-requisite invention of the complex system of deflector shielding. The very use of focused force-fields as energy shielding is a definite pre-requisite for hyperspace travel. If the relativistic shielding of a ship travelling through hyperspace malfunctions, the resutant lag on time-dilation causes what seems like a short trip inside a starship travelling through hyperspace to in fact take much longer than the same passage of time in realspace. The most famous example of this was Bosbit Matarcher, whom time-travelled into his own future 190 years. The projection around a starship of relativistic-phased deflector energy-shielding, to allow the ship to exit realspace and pass into the superluminal velocities of the hyperspace dimension, is based on the same principle at the core of the hyperdrive engine itself: a flat upright panel (the null quantum field generator), connecting, between two vertical pole-shaped capacitors (the alluvial dampers), a rectangular sheet of magnetised circuitry (the hyperdrive field guides) housed in an ornate metallic casing (the hyperdrive motivator itself). Although a spacer did not need to know everything about the engineering of a hyperdrive to experience the effects of travel through hyperspace and to apprehend the elegance and comprehend the premise of the concept behind it for themselves, without knowledge of the key concepts behind its component parts, they could not build or fix a hyperdrive engine, and would likely soon find themselves adrift in deep space, or worse, marooned on some backwater planet.

Star Wars Philosophy 101E: The Sith The Sith Kings' List Origin of the Sith (Korriban; ~30,000 BBY - ~7,000 BBY) Korriban, as we know it now, is an unihabitable ball of dust and shadows whose primary population, although not listed as such in the galactic atlas, are the ghosts who haunt this tombworld that was once, a long time ago, as though in some other galaxy, far off in the mists of time, the lush, fertile homeworld of a promising young humanoid species who called themselves the Sith. The planet Korriban, located in sector R-5 on the usual galactic planar grid, is located just below the galactic rim's mass-equator. The species of the Sith thus developed as mostly humanoid, but with slight physiological differences from the more core-ward humanoid species. The average Sith skin-colour was red, and their cheeks bore muscular skin-flaps distending from their zygomatic arches. Often horn-like protrubrances of bones would extend from their upper zygomatic arch or around the brow of their sub-occular alcoves. Sith hair was of a peculiar follicle type, such that it tended to bristle and behave more like whiskers than fur. Despite its remote location from Rakata Prime, in sector G-11, on the opposite side of galactic hub, the Sith homeworld of Korriban did fall temporarily under the grip of the Rakatan Infinite Empire. The Rakatans invaded Korriban sometime between 30,000 and 28,000 years BBY. Their legions outnumbered and out-gunned the, then still relatively primitive and tribally organised, seminomadic clans of Sith on Korriban. The Rakatans, who had developed use of (what would later be considered) the Dark Side of the Force and combined it with early star-ship technology, used their Force powers to enslave all the species of the then-known galaxy. All, that is, except, at least, one. Simultaneous to their use of slave labour to construct the Star Forge above the star of the Rakatan's homeworld system, a time the Rakatans considered the height of their "Infinite Empire," there was a rebellion against their rule on the distant planet of Korriban. The word in their own language, "Sithari," means simply "overlord." The original Sithari to unify the Sith on Korriban was named Adas, and he led his people in a planet-wide revolution against, and explusion from the entire planet of, the Rakata stationed there. King Adas humiliated the Rakata by turning their own technologies against him, but even he eventually succumbed to death during the conquests of Ziost, Malachor V and Tund. King Adas, who lived over 300 years, though not even his precise regnal dates are remembered now, became the archetype for all the ambitions of the Sith to follow. He unified the Stih, conquered a far more powerful foe, and, insofar as the Rakatan empire fell to a species-specific plague soon thereafter, may have stood alone in the entire galaxy at that time to have successfully stood against them.

the 100 Years Darkness & The Great Hyperspace War (Korriban; ~7,000 BBY - ~5,000 BBY) By the end of the Subterra era and beginning of the Manderon period in galactic history, contemporary to the Second Great Schism in the Jedi Order, then still located on Ossus, and the beginning of the "Hundred Years Darkness" following the Recusal of 11,933, stating Jedi independence from the Republic, and the subsequent Pius Dea millennia, the planet of Korriban was ruled under a single king. Before the ascendence of Dathka Graush, around 7,000 BBY, Korriban had been regionalised between competing rulers, all vying to re-unify the planet under their own dynasty. Many of the Sith population of Korriban had begun to migrate to the nearby planet Ziost in the Esstran Sector (E4 on the usual map) using the Rakatan insterstellar ship technology. The remaining populations of Sith on Korriban were largely reduced to feudalism and competition between the various regional self-proclaiming Sithari resulted in a simple, two-class culture for the remaining populations to fall into. Dathka Graush was from the warrior class, although had managed to also study Sith sorcery, the subject usually secret except to the opposite class, the various sects of wizards. Graush was able to re-unify Korriban under a single ruler by replacing his natural, biological heart organ with a meltmassif type crystal imbued electromagnetically with the souls of the many thousands of dead Sith kings and warriors entombed in the Valley of Golg, near the Korriban equator, and particularly the other 13 Sith Sorcerers who had been most powerful since the reign of Sithari Adas. Graush used this meltmassif crystal heart to control an army of reanimated corpses which he caused to become his loyal undead zombies using a Sith sorcery spell called the "Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut" in Sith, or the "Reanimated Dead" in basic. These zombies remained neither dead nor alive, and bound to serve Graush's crystal heart, in the valley of Golg for at least the next 7,000 years. Nevertheless, Graush himself, the first ruler of all the Korriban Sith since the Sithari King Adas, reigned only 50 years before being felled by assassins. At the beginning of Dathka Graush's reign on Korriban, it was already in environmental decline, however by the end of his reign, Korriban was almost devoid of foliage and, as it remains, a dust-bowl ghost-planet; making Ziost, then undergoing an ice-age, still more preferable to the remaining Sith on other worlds than repopulating Korriban. Following the reign of Dathka Graush, the global culture he left behind remained little changed from the strict two-class feudalism it had degenerated into before, aside from having succeeded in achieving unified global under a single dynast. Thus, during this time, contemporary to the earliest years of the Hundred Years Darkness, around the same time as the Second Great Schism among the Jedi on Ossus, the Sith sorcerer class began to evolve, while the Sith warrior class began to devolve. For two generations following Dathka Graush's death, the warrior class of Sith Massassi were reduced using Sith sorcery to more savage and degenerate, animalistic forms of beings, while the sorcerers themselves consolidated power to their own class by pledging their control of the Massassi to the global Dark Lord of Korriban.

For three total generations, the Graush dynasty prevailed. Following his murder, a direct heir presumptive, whose name history has since forgotten, assumed his global imperial throne. As is often the case with studying them, it appears the name of this heir to the title of "Dark Lord of the Sith" is unknown due to his having been killed and all records of his reign erased by his successor, who, in this case, was, also presumeably, his own son. It was during the reign of this third generation of the Graush dynasty on Korriban that the Dark Jedi discovered the planet Korriban. Althoguh they had achieved a global level of government, the feudal Sith of Korriban were largely isolated from their fellow Sith on neighboring Ziost. Thinned out by aeons of civil-war, the populations of Korriban Sith were also partially devolved Massassi warriors, and their dwindling class of magician-priests grown subservient to the global dynasty. It was because of their low degree of social preservation, their generally atrophied sense of duty to preserve and learn from history, that the feudal Sith on Korriban, both the retarded Massassi warriors and the Sith sorcerer cultists alike, bowed before the arrival of the aliens, and hailed them as "Gods." Considering their entire history's long veneration of the trait of super-human strength supposedly embodied in the Sithari King Adas, who repelled alien invaders, it is actually more ironic than one might at first suspect that the Korriban Sith would welcome new alien invaders as Gods. However far removed their moral sense was, the Sith's appetite for dominance was, in this event, easily twisted in their minds by the fallen Dark Jedi. The name of the second Graush dynast has been lost, as of now, to these records of history. The name of Dathka Graush's presumeable grand-son, the global Dark Lord of the Korriban Sith, who ruled the planet's three-tiered, feudal class system at the time the Dark Jedi arrived on Korriban, was Hakagram Graush. His legacy as a tyrant was miniscule, mainly consisting in collecting the tithes of loyalty. He was beheaded on the spot by the Dark Jedi Ajunta Pall, and with that came an end to the rule of Korriban by a solely Sith lineage. Thus, the second Dark Lord of the Sith, following the short-lived dynasty of Dathka Graush, was not of the Sith species. Ajunta Pall was a near-humanoid, former Jedi Master who had been expelled from the Order for experimenting with Alchemy and learning how to "create and shape" life, mentally on a sub-cellular level. He and his followers had, at the time of the Second Great Schism, divided from and gone to war against the Jedi on Ossus, a conflict remembered by historians as the "Hundred Year Darkness." Following a final defeat on the planet Corbos, the Jedi exiled Pall and his dissident group. History records that Pall was initially rejected as a God by the global king of Korriban, Hakagram Graush, grand-son of the first Dark Lord of the Sith, who had a bit more sense than the rest of his people, at least. Nevertheless, Pall prevailed against King Graush's second in command, the Sithari's so-called "Shadow Hand" to betray his loyalty to his Sith King. In the end, Pall slaughtered Graush on his own sword, and ascended as the "Jen'ari" or "Dark Lord" of all the Sith on Korriban as well as Ziost. The ineffectual leadership of the Graush dynasty was carried on under the original Sith Empire, with Pall largely focused away from administrative organisation. The other fallen Jedi having all been declared equal "Dark Lords" of the Sith, it was only a short time until Pall was replaced by a successor. Darth Andeddu was a student of the Alchemical work of Pall's fellow fallen Jedi and Sith Dark Lord, Karness Muur who had learned Muur's secret of transposing his will power, memories and thoughts onto a non-living object, the Muur talisman.

Darth Andeddu was a humanoid male from the planet Prakith in the Deep Core who had journeyed to Korriban either with or shortly after the first Dark Jedi to settle there. He was younger than Muur, Pall, Dreypa and the other Sith Lords, and had worked a long time in secret on perfecting Muur's transference method, by combining it with a form of the midichlorian-manipulation method of Pall, to extend and prolong his own life indefinitely. Following his inevitable dissent from the other Sith Dark Lords of the time, he fled back to his homeworld Prakith and subjugated his fellow humanoids there into a global cult, worshipping him as their God, called the "Malevolence." This cult persisted there worshipping him until they, and he, were finally killed by Darth Wyyrlok in 137 ABY, making him, at his death, around the age of 7,000 years old. The next Dark Lord to succeed the throne over all Korriban and the related systems of the Sith Empire following the exile of Darth Andeddu was Tulak Hord, regarding the person of whom nearly all information has been lost, including his actual facial appearance and the dates of his life. It is known Revan, several centuries following Hord's death, donned his battle-mask; what sub-species of humanoid Tulak Hord was beneath that mask is not even now known. Under his rule the Sith Empire expanded, and with his "Shadow-Hand" second-in-command, the Dashade Khem Val, and his apprentice, Ortan Cela, they "single-handedly" re-subjugated the planets of Yn and Chabosh, as well as discovered and conquered the Dromund system. His titles included Lord of Hate, Master of the Gathering Darkness and Lord of the Sith. Although it remains a historical anarchronism as to how he was in possession of one, he was one of the earliest beings to master the light-sabre. After the death of Tulak Hord, which we can only assume was around 5,100 BBY, the Sith were once again left without a unifying leader and quickly fell into strife between the leaders of the various factions of the Empire. While Tulak Hord had assumed power following a duel against his rival, Khem Val, whom he then made his personal servant, the duel to follow Hord's demise was not so pleasantly settled. Marka Ragnos, a Sith-Human hybrid descendant of the original Dark Jedi to settle on Korriban now some 4 generations past, beheaded his rival for the title of Sith Dark Lord, a fellow SithHuman named Simus. Simus, whose head managed to still live on, was preserved in a cyrstalline container and later made part of the Sith Council, on which he served loyally for hundreds of years. Following the death of Marka Ragnos in 5,000 BBY, the Sith Council consisted of Simus, Dor Galram, Horak-mul, Shar Dakhan, Garu, Tritos Nal, Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh, as well as, ostensibly, Ragnos' own young disciple, Tenebrae, whom Ragnos had appointed Lord Vitiate over Medriaas, then re-named Nathema, whom was a member in absentia. Kressh and Sadow became rivals for the chief position in the Council, and posited their rivalry in a disagreement over the direction for the future of the Sith Empire. The 7 other members of the Sith Council (with Tenebrae in absentia) appointed Naga Sadow as the first "Darth" of Ziost, and he commanded the Council from their head-quarters in the Great Citadel on that planet. Sadow's philosophy of Sith Imperial expansionism was juxtaposed to that of Ludo Kressh, his rival, but their duel for dominance was interupted by the apparition of their predecessor, Marka Ragnos, followed immediately by the arrival of lost hyperlane star-charters Gav and Jori Daragon from the Republic.

Seeing the misfortune of the Daragons in stumbling into Sith space as an oppurtunity to expand the Sith empire, Naga Sadow liberated the Darragons, returned their ship and sent Jori back to Republic space. Through duplicitous conniving, Sadow had finally killed fellow council-member Simus and encouraged the other Sith Councillors, including rival Ludo Kressh, to believe it was the work of the Republic. Kressh quickly discovered the truth of this matter, and, leaving the Sith Council split, with fellow Councillors Horak-Mul and Gal-ram behind him, Ludo Kressh then led an attack on Sadow's fortress on the planet Khar Delba, which, it turned out, was a trap set by Sadow for Kressh. Sadow allowed Jori Daragon to escape in their starship Starbreaker 12 into hyperspace, and suprised Kressh with a fleet of warships hidden behind Kar Delba's moon, Khar Shian and by turning his own Massassi soldiers and crew to mutiny against the captains of his ships. Following Kressh's failed uprising on Khar Delba, the remaining Sith Councillers sided with Sadow, and not long afterwards, Kressh's flag-ship entered the Ziost system bearing a warning against following Sadow, but Sadow ordered the ship shot down by his new Sith Apprentice, Gav Daragon, and Kressh was believed killed. Leading a massive fleet of warships, Sadow then entered hyperspace bound toward the Koros Major system, Gav Daragon's homeworld. From his eye-like Meditation Sphere, poised above the Primus Goluud star, Sadow created magical illusions of additional invaders as he commanded his armadas attacks on Koros Major, Coruscant and Kirrek. Rebelling against his Sith Master, Gav Daragon fired on and boarded Sadow's meditation sphere, forcing Sadow to evacuate it, and breaking his battle-meditation illusions, resulting in the defeat of the Sith invasions on all three planets where they had struck. Just before Republic Koros ships led by Jori Daragon and Empress Teta herself, who had arrived to save Gav Daragon, could do so, Naga Sadow detonated the supergiant star Primus Gollud and retreated with his Sith fleet to Korriban. But it was a trap. Ludo Kressh had faked his death and had, in Naga Sadow's absence, militarised the remaining Sith to prepare for an invasion. He capitalised on Sadow's sudden re-appearance from hyperspace to attack Sadow's dimminished fleet. Sadow was not finished yet, however, and, blockading his flagship between two Massassi mutinied vessels, sent a third damaged craft on a suicide run into Ludo Kressh's ship, killing him while Kressh begged for his life. As Republic warships entered the Korriban system from hyperspace, Naga Sadow made his retreat to the Yavin 4 moon, by using the Force to supernova the nearby Denarii binary star system. Ludo Kressh's son, Elcho Kressh, whom Kressh had hidden away in secret near the Stygian Caldera, was another survivor of the Sith Empire's failed exapansion into Republic space, however would die many years later of a ruptured stomach from overconsumption of alcohol on the eve of his staging a massive retaliation invasion against the Republic. However, the last Sith standing at the Battle of Korriban between Sadow, Kressh and the Republic, was Shar Dakhan, a Sadow loyalist, pureblood Sith ruler of planet Ch'hodos, whom had also led the attack on the Republic capitol of Coruscant. After Sadow fled, the mantle of Dark Lord passed for the 8th time, this time to Shar Dakhan. Cornered by the Republic on and around Korriban, Shar Dakhan ordered suicide after suicide run against the Republic blockade, eventually depleting his own population to only a few. So fell the original Sith Empire. The final Sith Council of ten had consisted of Marka Ragnos, Ludo Kressh, Simus, Dor Gal-ram, Horak-mul, Naga Sadow, Shar Dakhan, Garu, Tritos Nal and Tenebrae, Lord Vitiate over Sith Nathema. Aside from Tenebrae and Elcho Kressh, the only survivors of Sith following the Korriban bombing campaign by the Republic were the "Lost Tribe" of the Sith, the descendents of Yaru Korsin's Sith dreadnaught Omen, which crashed on the remote planet Kesh after being ambushed by Jedi in Republic Space above the largest moon of Phaegon III.

Reformed Sith Empire (Drummond Kaas; ~5,000 BBY - 3,641 BBY) From Marka Ragnos' death in 5,000 BBY until the end of the Great Hyperspace War and the dissolution of the original Sith Space Empire, only some 86 years passed, which was a blink of an eye in the Sith of those days, most of whom, if they could survive trying to be killed, lived to be at least hundreds of years old. Consider Tenebrae, Lord Vitiate, First Sith Emperor, ostensibly the acting 9th Dark Lord of the Sith, who was trained in his youth by Marka Ragnos and who retreated from public life following the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant some 1,467 years later. After the Battles of Korriban, the Sith Empire was disbanded and its residents fled into deep space to avoid Republic reprisal bombing campaigns. One group, led by the Lord Vitiate, Tenebrae, the young apprentice of Marka Ragnos, made a series of random hyper-space jumps on a quest to discover the long-lost planet, once in the Sith Empire, of Drummond Kaas. Finally, after a 20 year exodus across the Unknown Regions, they found the planet and settled there, establishing the capitol of the Reformed Sith Empire as the Sith Imperial Citadel in Kaas city. Unlike the original 10 member Council of the Sith between the arrival of the fallen Jedi to Korriban and the battles of Korriban around an aeon later, there were 12 members of the Dark Council in the Reformed Sith Empire, but one of them was the Emperor, secretly dubbed the "Sithari," and his "Shadow Hand" apprentice, dubbed the "Jenari." Under Emperor Tenebrae, most of the first members of the Dark Council besides his "Shadow Hand" apprentice, Sith female Exal Kressh, a descendent of Ludo Kressh, were assassinated in 3,950 BBY for conspiring against the Emperor's plans for another war with the Republic. It is believed the only surviving members of the original Sith Council's first purge were the male Sith Igrol, female Sith Nyriss and male human Xedrix, who, along with the Emperor, Exal Kressh as his apprentice, and Lord Scourge, whom had carried out the purge, made up half of the new Dark Council of the Sith Empire. Scourge lured Xedrix to Bothrida and slew him, then captured the Jedi amensiac Revan, whom had, upon regaining his memories, slain Darth Nyriss with her own Sith lightning. Finally, 4 years after the "conpsiracy" of the Dark Council against the Emperor's pro-war plans was first dicovered, all its participants had been destroyed. However, the Sith Empire was now no longer a secret from the Galactic Republic due to the Jedi Revan recovering his memories while in the custody of Darth's Nyriss and Scourge. The Jedi Revan had been shot down by Scourge and Nyriss over the Emperor's original homeworld of Nathema. Scourge trained Revan for 3 years before Revan's Jedi Padawan, Meetra Surik, attempted to rescue him and it was during the night of the purge, while under attack by Darth Nyriss, that Revan regained his memories. Scourge then betrayed Revan and turned him over to the Emperor, for which the Emperor made Scourge immortal, dubbing him the "Emperor's Wrath." The Emperor took Revan as his new apprentice, and it was around this time that Exal Kressh, his prior apprentice, fled from the Kathol Rift to Republic Space. While Emperor Tenebrae apprenticed Revan, Revan was reunited with his friend and fellow fallen Jedi, Malak, whom Revan took then as his own Sith apprentice. The Emperor commanded Revan to track down the Rakatan Star Forge space-station using ancient star-maps, one of which Revan had found on Kashyyyk alone earlier, and others of which Revan and Malak both discovered on Dantooine, Tatooine, Manaan and Korriban. Finally, Revan and Malak located Lehon, formerly the homeworld of the original Infinite Empire, called once Rakata Prime. Revan took the Star Forge from the now devolved "Black Rakata" tribe under "The One" by tricking the Black tribe's adversaries the "Elders," who lived in the Temple of the Ancients, to give it to him so he could destroy it.

He did not destroy it. Instead, declaring himself and his cohort now the Dark Lords of the Sith, Darth Revan and Darth Malak re-entered Republic Space with the Star Forge and, in 3,959 BBY, began the now so-recalled "Jedi Civil War." Two years later the Republic, desperate to end this conflict quickly before it could spread any further, set a trap for Revan and Malak in the Outer Rim Territories. The Jedi Commander Bastila Shan infiltrated onto the bridge of Darth Revan's flagship and confronted him, but just then Darth Malak betrayed them all and, from his own ship, opened a salvo of blaster cannon fire directly at the flagship's bridge. Revan, near death, was saved by the Jedi Shan but, once more, his memories were lost to him. Although Revan would kill Malak in 3,956 BBY, three years later, and, after "purging the Sith from Korriban" as a restored Jedi, would marry his part time ally and part-time adversary Bastila Shan, it was not more than 30 years before the Sith Empire invaded Republic Space and began the Great Galactic War that lasted 28 years and left the Republic totally crippled during the ensuing 12 year long Republic-Sith Cold War. From the surprise attack on the Aparo Sector in the Tingel Arm beginning the Great Galactic War in 3,681 BBY until the apprentice of the Treaty of Coruscant era Darth Baras executed his master's Plan Zero to begin the Second Great Galactic War in 3,641 BBY, for those 40 years the Sith Empire ruled nearly 1/2 of the populated galaxy. From its reform following the first Dark Council purge in 3,950 BBY, until Emperor Tenebrae's first body was killed by the nameless heroic Jedi, the Knight of Tython, in a duel in the Dark Temple on Drummond Kaas in 3,641 BBY, the dominant ruling body over the mighty Sith Empire was the Dark Council of 12 Dark Lords of the Sith, including the Emperor, Lord Vitiate, himself. Although little is known of many of the Dark Council members besides their names, at least 22 members are recogniseably identified as having ruled from the establishment of the Reformed Sith Empire on Drummond Kaas until the Second Great Galactic War began and the Cold War era of Sith Imperial co-dominance of the galaxy began to wane. Those we now know of to serve on the Dark Council during the Great Galactic War include Darth Azamin, Darth Ekkage, Darth Marr, Darth Mekhis, Darth Sajar, Darth Vowrawn, Emperor Tenebrae himself, as well as, of course, Exal Kressh, his first apprentice, Revan and Malak, his second and third apprentices. During the Cold War era, the Dark Council of the Reformed Sith Empire consisted of Darths Arctis, Azamin and Howl, of who no depictions remain, as well as Darth Arho, Darth Decimus, Darth Hadra, Darth Jadus, Darth Mortis, Darth Nox, Darth Ravage, Darth Thanaton, Darth Vengean and Darth Zhorrid. The Old Sith Wars & Sith Triumverate (interplanetary; ~4,000 BBY - ~3,500 BBY) Long prior to the 40 year ascendancy of the Reformed Sith Order established on Drummond Kaas, and prior, even, to Emperor Tenebrae's first purge of the Dark Council, a fallen Jedi found Sith Lord Naga Sadow, whom had escaped the battles of Korriban and fled to the fourth moon of Yavin. It was the Dark Jedi, Freedon Nadd, who betrayed and murdered Naga Sadow in 4,400 BBY, almost 800 years following his defeats in the Hyperspace War and at the battle of Korriban. Freedon Nadd, thus, although never of direct lineage to anyone in the Sith Empire, nevertheless is recalled to history as the 9th Dark Lord of the Sith, because, even though the Reformed Sith Empire of his own era was altogether unknown to Nadd, he had studied briefly under Darth Naga Sadow, before killing him. Nadd conquered the planet Onderon, and ruled as its global king from the capitol city of Iziz, as self-proclaimed Dark Lord of the Sith, until his physical death in 4,350 BBY.

The Beast Wars, a protracted civil war on Onderon, followed Freedon Nadd's death, and eventually Jedi Knights led by Arkanian Master Arca Jeth were sent to intervene. Following the Naddist Insurrection, Freedon Nadd's tomb was relocated to Onderon's jungle-moon, called Dxun. Sometime around 4,000 BBY, another Dark Jedi, this one named Exar Kun, abandoned his Krevaaki Master, Vodo-Siosk Baas, and sought out the tomb of Freedon Nadd on Dxun, the moon of Onderon. Following further tests on Korriban, where the Force Spirit of Marka Ragnos, apparently unaware of the existence of the contemporary reformed Sith Empire on Drummond Kaas himself, proclaimed Exar Kun a "true Dark Lord of the Sith," Kun eventually conquered Sadow's refuge, the moon Yavin 4, and totally subjugated the remaining Massassi warriors there. Ruling a distant jungle moon was not enough for this Dark Jedi who had been proclaimed Dark Lord of the Sith, and he soon used the ancient Sith Battleship of Naga Sadow, long buried on Yavin 4, to seek out other fallen Jedi and potential converts to his new cult to build a new "Sith Empire." His search would eventually lead to the Great Sith War. Exar Kun travelled to the 7 worlds of the Empress Teta system where he found a group of other Dark Jedi called the Krath, led by Aleema and Satal Keto, and which was partnered with the Mandalorians of the then-burgeoning Empire of Mandalore the Indomitable. Taking one of the dark Jedi as his personal apprentice, Exar Kun sided with the Krath of Empress teta, the Taung Mandalorians, the Brotherhood of the Sith from Ossus and, funded by High Lady Brezwalt III of the planet Nyssa's House Mecetti, established their cult as his own "Sith Empire." Exar Kun led the Sith Brotherhood to attack the Jedi Library on Ossus, and he personally slew the more than a millennium old Draethos Jedi Master Librarian, Odan-Urr. He led this Sith Brotherhood of fellow fallen Jedi to rebel against their former Masters in the Jedi Order, and intended to use them to aid in an attack against the Republic Capitol-world of Coruscant itself. However, his Sith Apprentice, Uliq Qel-Droma, had, while Kun was killing Odan-Urr on Ossus, taken it upon himself, against Kun's predictions of certain defeat, to attack Coruscant with his Tetan Krath and Taung Mandalorian fleets, augmented by 300 additional, Republic warships captured at Foerost. In 3,996 BBY, Ulic Qel-Droma, Aleema Keto of the Krath and Mandalore the Indomtable launched a "total war" surprise attack on Coruscant. Retreating from the ground invasion, led by Mandalore while Qel-Droma attempted to use a Force mind-trick to confuse the rallying Republic and Jedi generals, his lover the Krath witch, Aleema Keto betrayed Qel-Droma and ordered Mandalore the Indomitable to retreat, reporting Qel-Droma was dead, and thus allowing Qel-Droma, who was unaware of this all, to be captured by Exar Kun's old Jedi Master, Vodo-Siosk Baas, brought before the Republic's Supreme Chancellor, branded a traitor and handed over to the Inquisition to be tried for war crimes and treason. At the trial of Ulic Qel-Droma, his younger brother and fellow Jedi Cay Qel-Droma, Jedi including Sylvar and Nomi Sunrider, the Supreme Chancellor as judge and jury, as well as the rest of the remainder of Senators, were all in attendance as Qel-Droma pled his guilt, arguing the irrelevance of the Republic. Just then, however, Mandalore the Indomitable and Exar Kun, the other Brotherhood of the Sith, and the Massassi warriors of Naga Sadow on Yavin 4, now under Kun's control as well, entered the Galactic Senate where the trial was being held and, killing everyone in the assmebly following a brief puppet-show with the Supreme Chancellor's own bloodied head, freed Qel-Droma. As they departed, Exar Kun dueled his old Jedi Master, Vodo-Siosk Baas, and slew him.

Soon after this the final successful campaign of the Sith Brotherhood was waged in the First Sith War. Informed on his return by Mandalore the Indomitable of Krath witch Aleema Keto's betrayal, Ulic Qel-Droma and Exar Kun assigned Keto to her final mission, using the ancient Sith flagship of Naga Sadow's weapons to detonate the five red giant stars of the Cron Cluster near Ossus, which she did, dying in the process. During the resultant evacuation of Ossus, Ulic Qel-Droma slew his brother Cay in a duel, but was then stripped of his ability to use the Force by Cay's fellow Jedi Nomi Sunrider. Finally, the Sith Brotherhood was brought down when Ulic Qel-Droma, stripped of his Force powers and returned to alliance with the Jedi and Galactic Republic, led their forces along with Nomi Sunrider to attack his former Sith Master, Exar Kun, on Kun's keep on Yavin 4. Exar Kun used a powerful Sith spell to destroy his own Massassi warriors, much of the surface of Yavin 4, as well as his own body, in an attempt to preserve his Force Spirit beyond death, however Nomi Sunrider and the other Jedi on Yavin 4 were able to construct a "Wall of Light" using the Force to imprison the Force Spirit of Exar Kun inside a black obsidian tomb below the ancient ruins of the Massassi Temple to Sith Dark Lord, Darth Naga Sadow. In all only about 4 or 5 years had passed between when Exar Kun fell from the Jedi Order to reestablish the Sith Empire and when his Force Spirit was finally trapped on Yavin 4 by Nomi Sunrider and the other Jedi led there by his own Sith apprentice, the fallen Jedi redeemed Ulic Qel-Droma. Between the appointment of human male Jedi Master Sidorna Diath, a settler of Tatooine, as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, in 4,000 BBY, at the beginning of the First Great Sith War, and his death fighting in the Krath Holy Crusades on Basilisk in 3,997 BBY, the Republic underwent a massive upheaval recovery from which would last the entire Restoration Period of 29 years, from 3,995 BBY until 3,966 BBY, following the bloody Battle of Cathar during the Mandalorian Wars. Following Exar Kun's destruction on Yavin 4, the Mandalorians regrouped apart from the Tetan Krath and Brotherhood of the Sith under a new Mandalore, Mandalore the Ultimate and, in less than a decade, came to rule a greater terrirory than the Hutts had amassed in centuries. On his deathbed, following his final defeat at the hands of the Jedi Knight Revan above Malachor V in 3,960 BBY, Mandalore the Ultimate confessed to Revan that he had been tempted to invade the Republic by a broken promise of support from the, then still unknown, Reformed Sith Empire. Revan, after following a trail of clues in the form of ancient Rakata star-charts discovered on Dantooine near the Jedi Enclave, discovered from the Trayus Sith Academy on Malchor V the importance to the Sith of Korriban, and, while on his quest in search of these "true Sith" referred to by Mandalore the Ultimate, was captured above Nathema by Darth Scourge and Darth Nyriss of the Reformed Sith Empire. Eventually, Revan was brought before the Reformed Sith Empire's ruler, Emperor Tenebrae, by Darth Scourge, following his killing Darth Nyriss, and taken on as the Emperor's new apprentice. This, along with the introduction around the same time of now Darth Revan's old friend Alek "Squint" Squinquargesimus, now renamed Darth Malak, eventually caused Emperor Tenebrae's original apprentice, the female Sith, Exal Kressh, to flee her station in the Kathol Rift. She would later attempt to lead Republic forces in an attack on Korriban, however failed to sabotage the planet's defenses when she was assassinated by Sith apprentice Teneb Kel and his warrior slave Maggot. Darth Revan and his apprentice, Darth Malak, were tasked by the Reformed Sith Empire's ruler, Emperor Tenebrae and the 12 member Sith Council on Drummond Kaas with finding the ancient Rakatan super-weapon from the height of their "Infinite Empire," the space-station called the "Star Forge," built contemporary to the life of the original Sithari, King Adas. The Emperor hoped to use the Star Forge in a battle against the Republic, however, Darth Revan had other plans.

Re-entering Republic Space in 3,959 BBY, Darth Revan and Darth Malak, the fallen Jedi appointed Dark Lords of the Sith by Emperor Tenebrae on Drummond Kaas, began what has been variously called the Second Sith War, the Mandalorian War of the Star Forge, and by the more common term, the "Jedi Civil War" that would last only 3 years, but would leave the already weakened Galactic Republic too devasted to defend itself from the eventual invasion by the Reformed Sith Empire itself. Following a series of bloody conflicts, commenced by their initial surprise attack on the Foerost shipyards in the Deep Core, continuing with the bombing of Telos IV, a space-battle above the Zabrak homeworld of Iridonia, as well as other less major battles and more minor skirmishes, Darth Revan was finally captured by Jedi Knight Bastila Shan when Darth Malak, Revan's Sith apprentice, betrayed Revan and fired on his former Master's flagship's bridge. Darth Malak believed he had killed both his Sith Master, Darth Revan and the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan in his massive salvo of blaster cannon fire, but he was wrong; he had failed to kill either of them. Revan, his memories now lost again, was rescued from death above Sernpidal and taken to the Jedi Enclave Council on Dantooine by Jedi Knight Bastila Shan. Following the trail of Revan and Shan first to the city-planet of Taris, which Malak bombarded from orbit with his flagship, the Interdictor-class cruiser Leviathan, then destroying the Jedi Enclave Council on Dantooine while Revan and Shan were away on first Tatooine then on Kashyyyk freeing the Wookies, Darth Malak relentlessly pursued the gradually less amnesiac Revan and his companions Jedi Knight Bastila Shan and Republic soldier Carth Onasi with such rage it ultimately blinded him to the threat posed to his own rule by his doing so. Finally, on-board the hangar-bay of the Leviathan, in deep space between Manaan and Korriban, Darth Malak at last confronted his old Master Revan once more, and following the torture of Revan, Shan and Onasi by Sith Admiral Karath, Malak revealed the truth about his own past to Revan. Revan forgave Shan and then dueled Darth Malak, but Shan interjected herself into their duel to distract Darth Malak, allowing Revan and Onasi to escape in their ship the Ebon Hawk. Revan and Onasi infiltrated the Sith Academy of the Czerka Corporation's Dreshade settlement on Korriban and learned from the Academy's Twi'lek headmaster Uthar Wynn and his apprentice Yuthura Ban of the hidden location of the final Rakatan star-chart, secreted away in the Tomb of Naga Sadow in the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban. Once they accessed this, Revan, Onasi and a reformed Yuthura Ban journied to the far distant world of Lehon, once known as Rakata Prime, in pursuit of Darth Malak's doomsday weapon, the Star Forge space station. Mounting the steps of the Temple of the Ancients on Lehon, once called Rakata Prime of the Infinite Empire, Revan, Jollee Bindo and Juhani of the Rakata Elders, encountered Bastila Shan, whom had been coneverted and become Darth Malak's Sith Apprentice. Fleeing to the Star Forge after an undecisive duel between Revan and Shan, both tempting the other to return to their old ways, Shan fled to the Star Forge and was quickly surrounded by a fleet of Hammerhead-class capital ships and Republic blockade runners, supported by A-Wing military fighters and assault fighters, led by Admiral Forn Dodonna. Docking the Ebon Hawk on the Star Forge with surviving Dantooine Council member, Vandar Tokare, Revan redeemed Shan and ultimately defeated Darth Malak, his old friend and once fellow Sith apprentice.

After the defeat of Darth Malak and the destruction of the Star Forge, barley 100 Jedi remained throughout the entire galaxy. Revan vanished into the Unknown Regions, leaving his love Shan behind, to return to pursuing his quest for the "True Sith" that kept resurgeing in his memories. At this time, Revan's teacher when he had been a Padawan, the blind female human Jedi Master Historian Kreia, went in search of Revan, but discovered, instead, the Trayus Academy of Revan's secret Sith Assassins on the old Sith planet Malachor V. She was converted to their ways and became Sith Lord Darth Traya, so-called "Lord of Betrayal." Jedi Master Artis, hearing of seemingly random assassinations of some of the, by then fewer than 100, remaining Jedi, called the remainder of the Jedi Order to a Jedi convocation, the Conclave on the Miraluka collony world of Katarr, hoping to use them as bait to lure out their would-be attacker. Unknown to Master Artis, or to any of the other Jedi survivors, their own Master Hitorian Kreia had defected to form a "Sith Triumverate" with two other "Dark Lords" of the Sith, her "wounded" apprentices Darth Sion, the "Lord of Pain," and Darth Nihilus, the "Lord of Hunger." Darth Traya's Sith Triumverate initiated the first Jedi Purge in an attempt to extinguish the Jedi from the galaxy. However, as with so many Sith, Darth Traya was betrayed by her disciples, who attacked her inside the Core of the Trayan Academy on Malachor V and permanently disabled Darth Traya from using the Force. Darth Traya was cast out of the Sith Triumverate by Darths Sion and Nihilus in around 3,954 BBY, two years prior to the attack led by Nihilus against the Jedi Conclave on Katarr. However, Darth Traya did not die when Sion and Nihilus had stripped her of the Force, and instead had returned to Republic Space on the side of the Jedi, with the so-called "Jedi Exile," Meetra Surik, Revan's one-time Padawan, just as Revan was once Freia's Padawan himself, by her side. Traya, following her exile from the Sith Triumverate, confronted her former apprentice Darth Sion once more, and lost her left hand in the conflict. Using this event, and their peripheral relationship to one another via Revan, as bait, Traya lured Surik into believing them to have a "Force Bond" to one another, such that if one died, both would die. Following this Traya betrayed Suric and the reformed Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. Although bested by Surik in a duel, Surik forgave Darth Traya, who relented and became a Force Spirit when Surik ordered the destruction of the planet Malachor V using her old friend, Zabrak Bao-Dur's, spherical remote to activate the "Mass Shadow Generator," a device built by Bao-Dur and operated by Surik originally under Jedi Knight Revan in the Mandalorian Wars, that finally destroyed the planet Malachor V utterly. Darth Sion, the first of Darth Traya's two Dark Lord "wounded" apprentices, had been a Sith Marauder for the Sith Empire of fallen Jedi Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma during the Great Sith War of 4,000 to 3,996 BBY. He had found a way to cheat death by keeping his own rotting corpse alive by drawing power from his extreme physical pain, and using this manner survived many death-blows dealt him during the Great Sith War, as well as the Jedi Civil War when he allied with Darth Revan and Darth Malak. His final death came along with his final Master, Darth Traya, on the ruined world of Malachor V. Darth Sion, or Lord Pain as he was also called, belonged to Darth Traya's Malochor V Trayus Academy and to her Sith Triumverate. However, in sometime around 3,954 Darth Sion, with his fellow Sith apprentice and Triumverate member Darth Nihilus, stripped their mutual Master Darth Traya of her ability to use the Force and banished her from her own Sith Triumverate, and united most of the remaining disperate Sith forces following the end of the Jedi Civil War.

Sion would grow compelled to hunt down Traya's next apprentice, the Jedi Exile, Meetra Surik and eventually grew obsessed by his love / hate feelings for her. He pursued Surik and her travelling companions, including his old Master Traya, relentlessly, and cornering them at one point on the stern of the Republic vessel Harbinger cut off Traya's left hand in a light-saber duel. Finally, however, he allowed Surik to escape him following a prolonged duel in the Sith Academy ruins on Korriban. Sion returned to Malochor V and re-assembled the Trayus Academy Sith assassins as his guards, awaiting the eventual return of Darth Traya, whom then tricked him into serving her. Sion died his final death just before Malochor V was detonated by the Mass Shadow Generator of Bao-Dur. Darth Nihilus, the second of Darth Traya's "wounded" apprentices, was born a human male and lived during the era when Jedi Knight Revan fought against Mandalore the Ultimate between the end of the first Great Sith War and the return of Darth Revan from Sith Space at the beginning of the Jedi Civil War. He had the mis-fortune of being nearly alone in surviving the original implosion of Malachor V by the Mass Shadow Generator of Bou-Dur when then Jedi General Meetra Surik ordered it activated on the command of then Jedi Knight in exile, Revan. Darth Nihilus, also called Lord Hunger, grew so consumed from within by the Dark Side of the Force that his body withered to dust yet his armor lived on without it. From his scavenged scrapheap flag-ship the Ravager, it was Darth Nihilus who decimated the surface of the Miraluka collony world Katarr in 3,952 BBY, where the remaining, fewer than 100 Jedi were meeting in Master Artis' arranged Conclave using only his own appetite for power, killing everyone on the planet save one, Visas Marr, a Miraluka woman Nihilus apprenticed as his "Shadow Hand," and tasked to assassinated the Jedi "Exile," Meetra Surik, who had then returned after decades lost in the Unknown Regions. Surik converted Marr to the Jedi Path, and eventually Surik, Marr and then Mandalorian leader Mandalore the Preserver confronted and defeated Nihilus aboard the bridge of his flag-ship the Ravager above the planet Telos, which he had just consumed. Then, the Reformed Sith Empire swept over. New Sith Empire & Brotherhood of Darkness (galactic; ~3,500 BBY to ~1,000 BBY) Darth Desolous was a Pau'an male Jedi Master born around 3,522 BBY. At that time, the Jedi Order had once more grown strong following its near extinction at the hands of the Sith Triumverate following the Jedi Civil War, and after the 40 year Cold War with the Reformed Sith Empire ended in the second Great Galactic War with the apparent murder of Emperor Tenebrae by the Jedi Knight called only the "Hero of Tython." Following the second Great Galactic War, which began in 3,641 BBY, both the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic were diminished in resolve and resources. This was the world into which Desolous was born, and raised by the Jedi Order. Ambitious for battle, the Pau'an Jedi Master eventually declared himself a Sith Dark Lord and was exiled from the Jedi Order. He led a series of ambushes against the Jedi with martial-art trained Pau'an warriors, in the process personally killing nearly 2,000 individual Jedi, and was eventually defeated only when lured into a trap above Yaga Minor and attacked by the entire Jedi Council at once. In 2,000 BBY, some 400 years or therabouts after Darth Desolous left the Jedi Order, another Jedi, the Umbaran male Master Phanius, left the Order and proclaimed himself Darth Ruin, Dark Lord of the New Sith Empire. He reunited the dimminished clans of the Reformed Sith Empire under 50 loyal fallen Jedi under his direct command. This New Sith Empire stood as a galactic force to be reckoned with for the next 1,000 years following this event, called by modern historians the "4th Great Schism" of the Jedi Order, until the 7th Battle of Ruusan and the detonation by Darth Kaan of the "thought-bomb," exterminating all the Sith save 2.

Darth Ruin was driven to madness by his quest for greater powers, and eventually became so hated by the leaders of the independent Sith tribes he brought together into his New Sith Empire, that eventually they were all unified against a sole enemy, but that enemy was no one in the Jedi Order of the time, but was none other than Darth Ruin himself. He was killed by his followers shortly after founding the New Sith Empire. By 1,750 BBY, the heir presumptive to Ruin's New Sith Empire was the Sith Marauder called simply the "Dark Underlord." Leading the reinvigorated clan forces of the stagnant Reformed Sith Empire under Ruin's New Sith Imperial banner, the Dark Underlord consolidated the most elite warriors into an army called the Black Knights, stationed in a Sith Temple on the planet Malrev IV. The Dark Underlord's apotheosis in the Jedi army of the time was Jedi General Murrtaggh, whom hired a large group of Mandalorian mercenaries to distract the Black Knights while Murrtaggh himself planned to sneak into the temple and confront the Dark Underlord solo. Murrtaggh's plan was a success, but as he struck down the Dark Underlord personally, Murrtaggh lost himself to the Dark Side of the Force. Following the slaying of the Dark Underlord by Jedi General Murrtaggh, the next in succession to burden the title of "Dark Lord of the Sith," was a mysterious man, unaffiliated directly to either the New Sith Empire nor to the Jedi Order of the day, whose original name is unknown, but who adopted the Sith title "Darth Rivan," following a corruption of Revan's name in an old Sith manuscript. Darth Rivan single handedly terraformed the Cularin system planet Almas using kaluthin grass, and erected an enourmous, domed fortress on the planet to channel Dark Side Force and harness it to blast lightning bolts into space at passing ships. In 1,250 BBY, the Jedi Knights destroyed most of this Sith fortress on Almas and slew Darsin, Rivan's apprentice. Darth Rivan, himself, however, had used his semi-sentient Force-imbued Darkstaff years prior to this Jedi raid, and been transported by the Darkstaff into the midst of the 7th Battle of Ruusan, which occured several centuries later. Darth Rivan died in 1,000 BBY on the battlefield of Ruusan and was never buried in his crypt on Almas. His vast library, including his Sithese language autobiogrpahy and his copious notes on how to "Force Bond" soldiers to their commanding officers, creating what he called a "battlelord," was only recovered from the Almas fortress some 900 years later still, during the Clone Wars. Following the disappearance and, thusly, apparent abdication of Darth Rivan from the New Sith Empire around 1,250, the female Shi'ido changeling and Dark Side marauder Belia Darzu established her dominance in the New Sith Empire by staging a series of strikes against the Jedi Order using nano-gene technology to create an army of Technobeasts, controlling them all mentally using the Sith alchemical magic of "mechu-deru" from her twin towered, black durasteel citadel on Tython. When the Technobeasts unleashed by Darzu during the Scitis Wars were adjudicated by her fellow clan-leaders in the New Sith Empire to be too powerful to control, Darzu was poisoned by the Mercosa Order at the behest of the other Sith. Following the poisoning of Belia Darzu a rift in the upper echelons of organising control within the New Sith Empire. Inspired by the massive Sith victory at the Battle of Mizra in 1,466 BBY, and, sensing the inevtiable loss of control by the Core Worlds over the Outer-Rim following the cancelling due to underfunding of the rimward Holonet broadcasting systems, in 1,010 BBY, the Coruscant born Jedi Master Skere Kaan defected to the New Sith Empire and sought to re-organise its many competing factions into a more unified front under a select group of fellow fallen Jedi, which he dubbed the Brotherhood of Darkness.

The most powerful Sith warlords and clan leaders, Kopecz, Qordis, Kas'im, LaTor and Kaox Krul all pledged their allegiance to the Brotherhood of Kaan, and the weaker ones fell beneath his military aggressions. Skere Kaan's Brotherhood of Darkness, during the Dark Age of the Republic, re-conquered Korriban and re-established the Sith Academy there, and battled the Jedi Lords' "Army of Light" under Jedi Lord Hoth, at sites across the galaxy. Kaan carpet-bombed the planets Bespin, Sullust and Taanab, established a Mid-Rim, core-ward expansion staging ground on Kashyyyk, and from there launched successful attacks against Trandosha and Phaseera. Then came the Battle of Ruusan. Ruusan was a small world near Kashyyyk the Army of Light under Lord Hoth was using as a jump-off point for attacking Sith-controlled Kashyyyk. Kaan easily dispersed the Republic forces staging there with a surprise attack, in which he led the entire Sith fleet himself aboard his flagship Nightfall. The Sith repelled the Republic retaking Ruusan in a second battle. In the 3rd Battle of Ruusan, Jedi Lord Hoth returned with his entire Army of Light and attacked the Sith fleet around Ruusan. In a continuation of this onslaught, the 4th Batte of Ruusan saw Lord Hoth's Army of Light land on the surface of Ruusan and engage in direct combat with the Sith hoardes of the Brotherhood of Darkness. Following inner-strife within the upper echelons of the Brotherhood over Kaan's obsession with the conflict on Ruusan, Kaan unleashed the devastating Force of the "thought bomb" and exterminated every living soul on the planet Ruusan, including, in the process, himself, Lord Hoth, the other Brotherhood Sith as well as the entire Army of Light. Not even the Sith fleet in space, who had been ordered to repell the Republic in the final moments by Darth Bane, survived; although, from a distant location beyond the thought-bomb's blast-radius, both Darth Bane and his Sith apprentice Zannah, did. When Skere Kaan and his few remaining loyalists in the Brotherhood of Darkness made their final stand on Ruusan and triggered the thought-bomb, it was widely believed by the Jedi and the Republic that, in addition to Lord Hoth and the Army of Light, the thought-bomb had also permanently rid them of their enemies the Sith. The tragic fates of each soul lost in the Battles of Ruusan, including especially the fallen Jedi and ersatz Sith, Githany, compelled the Republic to make sweeping changes to its method, if not form, of government. The Jedi were, in the absence of the direct threat from the Sith, to be re-tasked away from military service and from government offices and titles. The Ruusan Reforms were attributed as the cause of the subsequent 1,000 years of peace and prosperity enjoyed by the Galactic Republic; meanwhile, the Sith had merely gone into a deep seclusion and, from afar, were plotting how best to stage their inevitable revenge. The Reformed Order & Rule of Two (interplanetary; ~1,000 BBY - 4 ABY) Darth Bane, born a human male named Dresel on the Outer Rim planet Apatros in 1,026 BBY, was in every way the opposite of Darth Kaan. Whereas Darth Kaan began a handome, even regal, charismatic and earnenst young Jedi Master, Darth Bane began life as a cortosis miner working for the Outer Rim Oreworks Company, living under an abusive father, named Hurst, who blamed "Des" for killing his mother in childbirth. Whereas, in the end, Kaan's sharp, clear and even crystalline mind was completely clouded, enshadowed and overwhelmed by the Dark Side of the Force, the connection between Darth Bane and the Dark Side of the Force began as first only a weak inkling, but eventually developed into a keen and reasoning logical faculty, allowing Darth Bane to plot out the long-term effects his newly instituted "Rule of Two" could play-out for his Reformed Order of the Sith. And, ultimately, whereas Kaan chose the route of cowards and opted for suicide to end his life, Darth Bane survived and continued to thrive for another 20 years after the detonation of Kaan's "thouguht-bomb" on Ruusan. Bane was eventually killed by his apprentice, Darth Zannah, as he had intended it to be, in order to initiate this as a tradition amongst the Sith who would follow in Bane's covert cult, the Rule of 2.

Before their falling out and Bane's eventual leaving of his fellow Dark Lord's "Brotherhood of Darkness," Skere Kaan, the self-proclaimed "Dark Lord of the Sith," told his Brother Bane, who would later be recalled in Sith anals as the resurrection of the original Sithari, King Adas, incarnated, of the location of Darth Revan's Sith holocron in the Temple of the Ancients on Lehon, once great Rakata Prime. Following the destruction of the Brotherhood of Darkness with Kaan's suicidal "thought bomb's" detonation on Ruusan, Darth Bane, with his Sith apprentice Zannah, continued their quest for Sith holocrons, leading them to the world of Tython, in search of the holocron of Belia Darzu, as well as Bane to Prakith, in search of that of Darth Andeddu. Finally, in 980 BBY, Bane, who had taken on an additional apprentice, Ikktotchi female assassin, Darth Cognus, to spite his own Rule of Two and provoke her, succeeded in whipping up his first apprentice, Darth Zannah, into such a frenzy of jealously that she was able to kill him, and to thus initiate his prophetic forecasts for future events and set them into motion. After finding Zannah, then still only a youngling, but nevertheless recruited to Ruusan to fight and die for Jedi Lord Hoth's "Army of Light," to be the final survivor on the otherwise utterly decimated wasteland of Ruusan following Kaan's detonation of the thought-bomb, Darth Bane trained Zannah as his Sith apprentice. Bane was 26 when they first met. Zannah was 10. Zannah ran several covert missions for Bane that would be typical of the sort performed for their Masters by Sith apprentices for the following millennium under Bane's Rule of 2. She organised the "AntiRepublic Liberation Front" under Hetton to stage a failed assassination attempt on then Supreme Chancellor tarsus Valorum, infiltrated the Jedi Temple archives, and destroyed the mind and eventually life of her own one-handed cousin (whose missing hand Zannah had taken), the young Ruusan urchin Darovit, by tricking the Jedi chasing them into killing him in the false belief he was actually the mysterious "Dark Lord of the Sith" they sought, which allowed Zannah and Bane to escape Tython into utter seclusion. Zannah later took first Dark Jedi Set Harth, and ultimately instead Bane's own second student, Darth Cognus, as her apprentices. Darth Cognus had originally been hired to hunt down Bane by Princess Serra, now ruler of the planet Doan, but formerly raised on Ambria, a small planet where Bane and Zannah had blackmailed and then murdered a local healer named Caleb, who turned out to have been Princess Serra's father. Cognus, some 20 years following the supposed destruction of the Sith on Ruusan, successfully ambushed, captured and brought to Doan for imprisonment and torture the acting Dark Lord of his own Reformed Order of the Sith, Darth Bane himself. Following a skirmish against Zannah's temporary apprentice, the Dark Jedi Set Harth, in a Doan hangar-bay, Cognus pledged allegiance to Darth Bane; and, again, following the duel between Darth Bane and Darth Zannah, Cognus pledged her allegiance now to Darth Zannah, who took Cognus as her Sith apprentice. Thus in time, Darth Cognus, presumeably following the unknown date of death of Darth Zannah, her own Sith Master, took on as her apprentice and intended heir the three-eye'd male human mutant named Darth Millennial. Although Darth Millennial was able to see the future, he was unable to see the long-term value of such an arbitrary restriction as the Rule of 2, and eventually he was "excommunicated" from the Reformed Order by Darth Zannah, and fled from her retribution to the ancient homeworld of the Reformed Sith Empire, Dromund Kaas. From Dromund Kaas, Darth Millennial decalred himself the Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side and founded what would later come to be the Prophets of the Dark Side cult there, a religious sect devoted to Sith magic and mind-control only rediscovered during the tenure of then Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, better known now as Darth Sidious.

Following the failure to adhere to the strict Rule of Two mandate of the Reformed Order, Darth Cognus had banished Darth Millennial, and next sought out another suitable candidate for apprenticeship in the ways of the Sith. It was not long before the Force provided one for her in the already well skilled Dark Side phantom apparition projection technique method master, then dubbed Darth, Vectivus. Vectivus had worked well into his adult years managing Jonex Mine 811-B asteorid mining colony near the planet Bimmiel in the MZX-32905 star system, which, it turned out eventually, was haunted due to being located on top of a strong Dark Side Force anomoly that was gradually driving his workers insane, and causing them to revert in behavioural traits to a condition alike the indeginous sentient mynocks, and eventually forcing Vectivus to intentionally rail-road the mine under-water financially to induce it to be closed and condemned, allowing him to purchase the property and, eventually, build a mansion there where he lived to old age surrounded by his friends and family. Darth Vectivus, the "happy" Dark Lord of the Sith, incoprorated his feduciary common-sense with the Dark Side power-inducing teachings of the Sith holocrons held by Darth Cognus, and managed to come out on top. Darth Vectivus trained as his apprentice a male Dark Lord of the Sith named Darth Guille, who, in turn, following Darth Vectivus' death, took as his apprentice Darth Gravid. Of Darth Vectivus' apprentice, Darth Guile, history can currently tell us nothing; of Darth Guile's apprentice, Darth Gravid, we know only that he ultimately left the Reformed Order and placed a binding hex onto a specific portion of ancient Sith knowledge regarding the survival of the Force Spirit by "essence transfer" such that no Sith should subsequently ever discover its existence. Darth Gravid, the "mild" Dark Lord of the Sith, was, in turn, murdered by his apprentice, Darth Gean, a female Twi'lek, whom lost an arm, a shoulder and half of her face in her duel with Sith Master Gravid. Darth Gaen, who was the apprentice of Darth Gravid the "mild," took, as her own apprentice, the twi'lek Darth Ramage, a little known molecular chemist and metallurgist, working on combining bota and pyronium. His contributions to the Reformed Order, along with his holocron lost by Darth Vader in 18 BBY, have been forgotten as irrlevant to the Reformed Order's overall schemes. Darth Ramage's apprentice was a galaxy-wide reknowned, male Bith, artisanal starship designer and scientific genius and, under the continued tutelage of Darth Ramage, came to lead a doublelife divided between his public persona as Rugess Nome, famous ship-craftsman, and Darth Tenebrous, Dark Lord of the Reformed Order of Sith. Tenebrous killed his Master, Darth Ramage when he lost interest in Ramage's more esoteric views of the Dark Side, and quickly sought out a new apprentice following murdering his Master. Seeing the potential for them to bear a strongly Force-sensitive offspring, as Nome, Darth Tenebrous arranged the meeting of interGalactic Banking Clan middle-ranking agent Caar Damask with his future wife and, five years following their eventual conception, Tenebrous came to collect his prize from them. Tenebrous apprenticed Darth Plagueis, the Muun heir of Damask holdings named Hego Damask, from a youngling on Mygeeto. Plagueis, fulfilling the Rule of 2, would eventually murder Tenebrous in the caves of planet Bal'demnic and leave his soul to rot there in obscurity for eternity. In defiance of the Rule of 2, while raising Hego Damask into Darth Plagueis as his only Sith apprentice on the one hand, on the other hand, Tenebrous had been training another pupil, a Bith some believed was his son, whom had taken on the title of Darth Venamis following Plagueis' slaying of Tenebrous, and declared himself the rightful heir to Tenebrous' Sith lineage. Venamis confronted Plagueis on Sojourn, a manufactured and privately-owned moon used by Plagueis and other Muuns of the InterGalactic Banking Clan as a private vacation retreat. Plagueis bested Venamis in a duel and forced him to ingest coma-bloom, a poisonous flower and, for the next 25 years, a quarter of a century, Plagueis conducted abominable expeirments on Venamis' body until finally, around the year 42 BBY, Plagueis allowed Venamis to die at last.

Darth Plagueis was then undisputed sole heir of the "grand plan" of the ancient Sith's direct dynastic lineage, and 2 years following his slaying of his Bith Master Darth Teneborus and his Bith co-apprentice Darth Venamis, was able to discover a bright young potential for apprenticeship in the ways of the Reformed Order. The son of a political rival to Plagueis' business interests as Damask on Naboo, Cosinga Palpatine, was so eager to learn from the Muun Damask about his ways of the Sith as Darth Plagueis that he pestered Damask for months, finally working himself up into such a frenzy of devotion he murdered his own entire family while they were all onboard the family starship the Jafan III in hyperspace and, begging Damask for help, virtually ingratiated his own way into the Dark Lords' Sith traditions. Darth Plagueis apprenticed Palptaine under the title Darth Sidious during a tumultuous time in galactic political activity, and yet managed to navigate his protege into the position of being appointed the Galactic Supreme Chancellor in only a matter of a few decades. Unfortunately for Damask, he would not live to see the event itself, as his apprentice betrayed and murdered Darth Plagueis, the "wise" Dark Lord of the Sith, the night before being sworn in as Grand Chancellor. Declaring himself the "Sithari" as he gloated over his Master's fresh corpse, Darth Sidious realized he was now free of Darth Plagueis' guidance, but also his domination, and thus felt liberated to take countless liberties in applying the strict Rule of 2 of the Reformed Order. He believed he had achieved the Revenge of the Sith in being the first Sith ever appointed Supreme Chancellor over the entire Galactic Republic through purely Democratic processes, however his full vision for the collapse of this system was only culminated later, under his thrid apprentice, with the execution of Order 66, the Jedi Purge and the reformation of the millenniae ancient Galactic Republic into the "First Galactic Empire" under his own technocratic plutocracy, the Imperial "New Order." The first of Darth Sidious' apprentices, prior to his being appointed Grand Chancellor of the entire Galactic Republic, was the male Dathomirian Zabrak Nightbrother, Darth Maul. Maul had come into Sidious hands mysteriously as an infant when, while Sidious was on Dathomir, by a member of the Nighsisters cult. Although Maul performed many successful covert assassinations for Sidious during Palpatine's rising political career, assisting him along the way by quietly exterminating the voices of dissent, his final task assigned to him by Sidious was to reveal the return of the Sith to the Jedi; unfortunately, in doing so, he was cut in half by then Jedi Knight Obi Wan "Ben" Kenobi in 32 BBY. Maul was assumed dead for many years until he re-appeared during the insuing Clone Wars between Palpatine and his second apprentice, Darth Tyranus. Maul had aligned himself with his fellow Dathomir Zabrak Nightbrother Savage Opress and sought blind vengeance against Kenobi. The second of Darth Sidious' apprentices, taken on following the assumed demise of Darth Maul in 32 BBY, was an aged Jedi Master and Count of Sorenno named Dooku, whom renounced his allegiance to the Jedi Order, becoming the final of the so-called "Lost 20" Jedi of note to have left the Order. For a brief while it was uncertain where Dooku's alliance stood, but he quickly removed all doubt by forming the "Confederacy of Independent Systems" and leading a large successionist movement of star systems leaving the Galactic Republic to join his side of a widening conflict, pitting the CIS droid armies against the clone troopers of Kamino that had been, ostensibly in secret, bred to serve the Republic as soldiers. Dooku, too, however, was leading a double life, on the one hand as the leader of the Serpartist movement, Count Dooku, fallen Jedi; and on the other hand as Darth Tyranus, loyal to Darth Sidious, whose public role was as Dooku's nemesis, Grand Chancellor of the Galactic Republic Palpatine himself. Tyranus and Sidious successfully weakened the resolve of the Republic from within by pitting droids against clones and playing both sides against the middle.

In the middle of this Clone Wars conflict was a very Force sensitive, ace pilot and Jedi Guardian Knight whom many had hailed the apparently "midichlorian-induced" birth of as heralding him as the Jedi "Chosen One" according to an obscure Jedi Prophecy. His name was Anakin Skywalker, and he would, after slaying Count Dooku, Dark Lord Tyranus, on the deck of the Malevolence, the flag-ship of the CIS fleet, during their surpise attack on Coruscant and capture of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, eventually turn to the Dark Side as well and become Darth Sidious' third and most successful apprentice, Darth Vader. Sidious used Vader to pigeon-hole all his enemies among the Serpartists and Jedi alike into a single sting operation now recalled as Order 66, which also pit the genetically pre-programmed clone troopers against their former Jedi generals. The tables turned against the Sith's "New Order" galactic empire suddenly, when in 4 ABY, in the partially completed second Death Star space-station, Sith Dark Lord Darth Vader suddenly betrayed his Dark Master, Darth Sidious, Emperor Palpatine, and threw his body down a reactorshaft. Between the execution of Order 66 in 19 BBY, and the destruction of the second Death Star in the Battle of Endor, in 4 ABY, only some 23 years passed, but these 23 years saw the birth and growth in development of Darth Vader's twin children, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, and their Rebel Alliance against the New Order, Sith galactic empire. At the beginning of these 23 years, there remained only a handful of Jedi to survive the Purge of Order 66. Following the end of these 23, the "Darth" lineage of Dark Lords of the Sith was broken and no further claiments as heir to either it, or Palpatine's Empire, withstood the New Hope promised by the Rebel Alliance. Admiral Thrawn, in command of the remaining Imperial naval fleet, and self-proclaiming Dark Lady of the Sith, former Emperor's "Hand," Lumiya were the only remnants of the "old" Imperial Order under the, now, and rightly, dreaded Palpatine. New Galactic Federation & Yuuzhan Vong Wars (galactic; 4 ABY - ~50 ABY) Following extensive cybernetic replacements to resuccitate her from injuries suffered while on an extended under-cover mission as Major Shira Brie to infiltrate the Rebel Alliance and publically disgrace Luke Skywalker during the years of Alliance attacks against the New Order galactic empire, Lumiya was appointed the Emperor's Hand and "Shadow Hand" of Darth Vader, the Sith Emperor's apprentice. Lumiya was sent by Vader to the ancient Sith world Ziost to recover long lost Sith artifacts and she did, indeed, find a relic tome instructing her in the creation of a lightwhip, however while Lumiya was on Ziost, Luke Skywalker dueled Darth Vader and defeated the Emperor's temptation to join the Sith, and the Rebel Alliance destroyed the second Death Star above the forest moon of Endor. Following this period of time Lumiya largely assumed the administrative duties of a full, acting Dark Lady of the Sith, co-orindating between the extragalactic Nagai species' war against the Tof, channeling funds from Imperial stewardess Ysanne Isard, battling the Yuuzhon Vong and apprenticing 3 Dark Lords to Sith ascendency, among countless other missions run to re-establish solidity in the Sith cause. Lumiya remained, for the most part, a strict adherant of the Rule of 2, although she outlived 2 of her 3 apprentices. The first of Lumiya's Sith apprentices was the Force Sensitive, Belerone native, male stormtrooper named Flint, another hopeful on the list of Vader's potential candidates for apprenticeship like Lumiya herself, and, challenging and besting him in the ruins of Vader's abandoned citadel on the planet Vjun, Lumiya dubbed Flint "the Dark Lord of Belderone." However, Flint's loyalty to Lumiya was short-lived and, on the planet Naldar was freed from Lumiya's hold on him by his child-hood friend Barney, and pledged his allegiance to Skywalker, although he would be forced to spend much of his remaining life in an Alliance prison cell of Madalorian iron. Eventually, the tragic existence of Flint, the "Dark Lord of Belderone" was brought to an end on his homeplanet, and he was found stabbed through the throat, presumeably executed for his betrayal by Lumiya.

The second of Lumiya's Sith apprentices was the male human Imperial Royal Guardsman, Carnor Jax, recruited by Lumiya around the time of the murder of Flint on Beledrone. During these few years, Lumiya and Jax worked together to exterminate potential rival threats to their consolidation of the post-Imperial Sith-sided power structure. To this end, Carnor Jax and Lumiya exterminated the last few remaining pockets of the old Prophets of the Dark Side, begun by Darth Millennia almost immediately after the Ruusan Reforms of ~ 1,000 BBY on the planet Bosthirda and, alone, Jax sought to single-handedly eliminate his entire old regimen of Royal Guards, which he successfully accomplished, killing them all save one, in a surprise attack on the planet Yinchorr. The remaining Royal Guardsman, a long-time friend and rival of Jax, Kir Kanos, eventually slew Jax in a final battle on Yinchorr. Though continuing to operate "behind the scenes" in galactic affairs - using the Vectivus holocron to generate Force phantoms, fomenting the Corellian "Five Worlds" serperatist movement away from the Federation of Free Alliances and co-ordinating with a new order of Sith on Korriban before being thrust into the midst of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of 25 ABY - Lumiya took no other apprentice for the next 30 years after Carnor Jax. At this point, only pretenders to the Imperial throne and Sithari reganal crown remained. For a brief period, in 11 ABY, a Jedi student at Luke Skywalker's Yavin 4 Praxeum academy, the Deyerborn human male Kyp Durron, became posessed by the Force spirit of Exar Kun and, stealing the Imperial-era super-weapon ship the Sun Crusher went on a rampage against the remaining Imperial fleets, in the process, accidentally killing his own brother. Kyp Durron returned from this posession by the Force Spirit of ancient Sith Lord Exar Kun, and eventually went on to become one of the first Jedi Masters to sit on the Jedi High Council. He eventually opposed ceding more control over the Jedi Order to Chief of State Omas following the border conflict between the Chiss Ascendancy and the insectoid Killik species, but would eventually find himself openly fighting against it in battle after Jacen Solo took control of the Galactic Alliance during the Second Galactic Civil War, beginning 40 years ABY. The Rule of One & second Galactic Sith Empire (galactic; ~50 ABY - ~150 ABY) Fosh female Jedi Padawan Vergere had escaped the Jedi Purge and Order 66, having disappeared around 30 BBY, when she discovered an advance force of Yuuzhan Vong on Zonama Sekot and chose to live with them there for the next 50 years. By the time Lumiya met Vergere, Vergere's own fallen Sith apprentice, A'Sharad Hett had been contacting Lumiya from Korriban for some time to warn her of the impending Yuuzhan Vong invasion of 25 ABY. Lumiya and Vergere plotted on how to turn Darth Vader's grandson, Jacen Solo, against both Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order as well as the "New Sith Order" under the rule of One Sith, A'Sharad Hett, from Korriban. Vegere, a Sith to some, a Jedi to others, died in 28 ABY, 3 years following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. 12 years after the death of Vegere, in 40 ABY, Dark Mistress of the Sith Lumiya lured Jacen Solo, his cousin Ben Skywalker, and a fellow Jedi Nelani Dinn to Lumiya's hide-out in the ancient mansion of Darth Vectivus, the "happy" Dark Lord. She convinced Jacen Solo that Vergere was a Sith, which she did not even know at the time but which subsequently was revealed to Lumiya's assistant, the female twi'lek darksider Alema Rar, by Hett on Korriban to be true. Jacen Solo, convinced by Lumiya to join the Dark Lords of the Sith and adopt the Rule of 2, rather than to accept rule by A'Sharad Hett's "Rule of 1" New Sith Order on Korriban. Finally, after months of training Solo, Lumiya tasked him with finding his own apprentice and, facing her life-long foe, Luke Skywalker, in one final duel, Lumiya fell to his blade. Jacen Solo, now trained in the ways of the Sith by Lumiya and Vergere, and given the title Darth Caedus, would, only a single standard year later, with seemingly all the plans of the Sith for aeons prior to then, lie in a dead pile on the floor of a starship bridge above Shedu Maad near the Hapes

Cluster. After leading the combined fleets of the Galactic Alliance and the Imperial Remnant during the second Galactic Civil War, Caedus eventually fell into a trap set for his fleets by Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker and, while his flagship, the Anakin Solo, sustained heavy damage in the fire-fight, Jacen was too preoccupied to prevent his twin-sister, Jaina Solo, from boarding and sneaking up on him. Following a fateful duel, Jaina slew her brother Jacen Solo, Darth Caedus, piercing his heart with her lightsaber. Tahiri Veila, a New Order Jedi Knight born on Tatooine, had been taken by Jacen Solo when he became Darth Caedus to be his Sith apprentice, however following his death, Ben Skywalker, Solo's cousin, managed to redeem Veila and restore her to the Jedi Path. Veila had been captured from the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 by the Yuuzhan Vong and "shaped" by Meshan Kwaad and Nen Yim of the Vong to become a Jedi-Vong hybrid with a split persona, named Riina Kwaad. Having loved, albeit perhaps only from afar, Anakin Solo, Jacen's younger brother whom she had seen killed on Myrkr, when Jacen, as Darth Caedus, apporached Veila to join him and rule the galaxy together as Dark Lords of the Sith, she at first accepted, but, after performing a single mission for Caedus and assassinating Imperial head of state Gilad Pallaeon at the second battle of Fondor, Veila quickly renounced the Sith objectives and, with the guidance of Ben Skywalker, was uided back onto the path of the Jedi. It was a Dark Time for the Sith, and it seemed their long stuggle might finally be at and end. But there was another Dark Lord of the Sith. The male human Jedi padawan of Masters Ki-Adi-Mundi and Anya Kuro, A'Sharad Hett, the "Tusken" from Tatooine, was born in 47 BBY and served as a Jedi General in the Clone Wars, later escaping Emperor Palpatine's Jedi Purge dubbed Order 66. Going into self-exile on first Tattooine and later, following his expulsion from his homeworld by Obi Wan (Old Ben) Kenobi, working as a bounty-hunter, Hett eventually found the Sith holocron of XoXaan, one of the Dark Jedi "Black Legions" to be banished following the first Great Schism in the Jedi Order, XoXaan's Force Spirit, embued in her holocron, was almost as ancient as the title of "Sithari" itself, dating back to the original arrival of the exiled Black Legions to Korriban to subjugate the Sith species. Hett went into self-exile again, this time in the Unkown Regions, but was abducted by a Yuuzhan Vong scout-ship and experimented on by Vergere. Following this encounter, Hett changed his name to Darth Krayt and established his base on the ancient Sith tombworld of Korriban. He sought to reform a New Sith Order under a "Rule of One," that 1 being not one person or another, but the good of the Sith as a collective whole, itself. Prior to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of 25 ABY, Krayt had attempted to contact and warn Lumiya of the impending extra-galactic threat; however, following the Yuuzhan Vong wars, Lumiya had grown, for Krayt's liking at least, too obsessed in turning Jacen Solo into the ultimately ineffectual Darth Caedus. From well behind the scenes, Krayt's minions orchestrated the eventual collapse and defeat of the Galactic Alliance and its replacement, once-again, with a second Galactic Empire. The New Jedi Order had sided with the remaining, non-exiled Yuuzhan Vong on the so-called "Ossus Project" to re-terraform worlds that had been destroyed during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Sabotaging this project and making the Jedi and Vong appear at fault, Krayt weakened the interior resolve of the Galactic Alliance, and eventually their tenuous ties with the Fel Imperial Council of Moffs under Emperor Roan Fel, following their forced alliance following the battle of Shedu Maad and the end of the second Galactic Civil War, finally broke when the Moffs demanded retribution from the Vong, the Jedi and the Alliance and declared war on them all. Within 3 years, the Galactic Alliance was crushed or dissipated by the Fel Empire, and the Jedi abandoned their ancient temple on Coruscant and retreated to their, newly re-terraformed successfully, sanctuary on Ossus. At that point, Krayt stepped forward and, at over 170 light-years of age, he stormed Coruscant, marched into the audience chamber of Emperor Roan Fel and, killing him and tossing his corpse aside, simply sat down on the chair himself. In 130 ABY, the Galactic Empire of the Sith was restored.

Realising the extreme degree of his advanced decripitude, Darth Krayt became increasingly obsessed by two goals: exterminating the real Emperor Roan Fel, having discovered the "man on the throne" he had killed in his haste had only been a decoy, a body-guard double for the real Emperor Fel; and tracking down the "Last Skywalker," a young man named Cade, son of Kol Skywalker, a descendent of Luke and Anakin Skywalkers, and Morrigan Corde, who, in the guise of Nyna Calixte, served as a Moff on the High Council of the Fel Empire, prior to Krayt's ascendency. It had been Calixte whom Krayt, then still called the One Sith, had approached to pit the Fel Imperial Moffs against the Yuzzhan Vong, the New Jedi Order and the Galactic Alliance. Krayt eventually captured Cade Skywalker during a series of battles against the remaining disperate rebels against his New Sith Empire, but Cade, following humiliating most of Krayt's most loyal fellow Sith Lords in individual combat, only barely escaped defeat by Krayt by the sudden appearance of Morrigan Corde, aka Moff Nyna Calixte, who shot Krayt in the back, momentarily stunning him. With his inner-circle of personal warriors bested so easily, and his hopes of using Cade to gain some secret to attain immortality be so quickly dashed off a cliff, Krayt flew into a rage and redoubled his campaigns of slaughter against rebels within his New Sith Empire, exterminating or internment camping the Mon Calamari populations for the Mon Calamari Council's having supported the Galactic Alliance Remnant. However, nearing blind deseperation to find Skywalker and cure his advanced and painful ageing process, Krayt, along with his acolyte Sith, Darth Wyyrlok, allowed himself to be led blindly to Had Abaddon following reports, sent in the form of his scouts and advance storm troopers being transformed using Sith magic into ancient sithspawn rakghouls, of Cade Skywalker being held captive there. When Krayt arrived, he was betrayed by the Force Spirit of ancient Black Legion and Korriban collonist Karness Muur, whom had summoned him there, and fell into a trap set by Cade Skywalker and his allies in the New Jedi Order, and finally, being completely ambushed and literally thrown over a cliff, Darth Krayt was nearly killed by his own acolyte, Darth Wyyrlok, who subjucted him to repeated vollies of Sith Lightning until Krayt was totally subdued. But Darth Krayt lived on and was preserved in a stasis chamber on Korriban in the Temple of XoXaan by Darth Wyyrlok. Subsequently, Krayt was discovered to have left his own lifesupporting armor in the tomb. He had healed himself from the Vong experiments done on him by Vergere replacing his arm and left eye, now some 125 years behind him, and, when the other members of his ascendent New Sith Empire Dark Council, his confederacy of carefully chosen warriors as Dark Lords of the Sith, rushed to ascertain the truth about their leader's supposed death, Krayt himself re-appeared in the deep catacomb of tombs beneath the XoXaan Temple. Krayt revealed his secret to them then, that he had built an army of Sith troopers, cyberneticallyimplanted Force sensitives he had abducted from their families as newborns, and had designed plans for a new Sith starfighter to serve as warships. Then Darth Krayt journeyed to Courscant and, following faking defeat to win a deadly lightsaber duel with him slew the treacherous Darth Wyyrlok. The newly reborn Darth Krayt and his New Sith Empire unleashed the hounds of hell across the galaxy, however with tactics and strategies fit for a true Dark Lord. Vinsoth fell to the Sith Empire's attacks, Borosk was returned to Sith Imperial control and Falleen was bombed for refusing to ally to the Sith Lords. Lastly, Krayt planned an attack on the world Taivas, supposedly home to the Hidden Jedi Temple, but kept the existence and location of his secret weapon, the Sith troopers in his own designed Sith Dragon ships, for only his fellow Dark Lord, Darth Nihl, whom Krayt tasked as commander of this re-enforcement fleet. It was believed on both sides their victory was assured as each believed they held more Sabbac cards up their sleave than their rival. As Darth Krayt's fleet entered Taivas space, the first trap was sprung when two additional factions suddenly entered the fray, the fleets of both the desposed former Emperor Roan Fel and those, stolen Imperious-class Star Destroyer warships under the command of raider Admiral Gar

Stazi, whom had allied himself with Fel's resistance movement seeing the brutality inflicted on the peaceful inhabitants by Krayt on Mon Calamari, which had been an act of retribution on Krayt's part, in turn, for the theft of the Imperious Star Destroyer by Admiral Stazi. For some time the battle seemed to sway in favour of the Jedi's allies Roan Fel and Admiral Stazi. Then Krayt ordered in Darth Nihl's Sith trooper armada in their refined and newly built Dragon ships. The Sith troopers killed everyone on the battlefield indiscriminately, and once the Alliance's twin fleets were largely deflected and retreated into hyperspace, the Sith troopers of the Dark Council stood victorious above the wreckage of the fleet organised by the Imperial Council of Moffs. All of Krayt's enemies were rubble beneath his feet, but his mind remained fixated around Cade Skywalker and he still intended to turn him to Sith allegiance. Finally, the routed forces still loyal to the deposed former Emperor Roan Fel, with a few of the remaining Moffs to survive the terrible onslaught of the Sith troopers above Taivas, faced certain doom being hunted down by Krayt, or could risk a suicide mission to symbollically liberate Corsucant. They opted for the latter and Fel, having secretly worked with the captured Sith witch Darth Maladi to create a biological weapon, called Omega Red, to target only the Sith Lords, believed they would still be able to pull off a few surprises as well. They were wrong, as it turned out that Darth Krayt had sent Darth Maladi to develop Omega Red for the purpose of contaminating and killing all on Coruscant except the Sith Dark Lords, who alone were immune. In 138 ABY, the Fel alliance fleet attacked Sith Imperial Coruscant, with Cade Skywalker disabling the planetary defenses from the surface to allow the fleet to freely bombard the once majestic Galactic capitol planet. While the Fel Imperialist fleet carpet-bombed the Sith imperialist city-world from above, Cade sought out and confronted Darth Krayt in the capitol city itself on the surface below. cade dueled Krayt, and Krayt, eventually convinced he had turned Cade Skywalker to the Dark Side, lowered his defenses for only the briefest of instants, and Cade, proclaiming himself a Jedi, thrust his lightsaber through Krayt's heart. Knowing Krayt's Force Spirit would inevtiably return if allowed to live on following his bodily death, Cade then began piloting a suicide run in his mother, Morrigan's ship aiming its prow directly toward the star at the system's core, Coruscant Prime. Finally, following conflicting visions occuring to him from both the Force Spirits of Krayt and his ancestor Luke Skywalker, Cade Skywalker abandoned ship at the last moment, and sent the remains of Darth Krayt hurtling into incineration in the solar umbra of Coruscant Prime. Although this act instantly broke the Sith Empire, and allowed the Alliance forces to reform the political structure into the Galactic Federation Triumverate, the remaining Dark Councilors, his personal warriors and surviving Sith troopers remained loyal to Darth Krayt's "One Sith" cult's vision, but decided to approach their quest for galactic dominance, rather than by military might, instead by infiltrating all the planetary governments to eventually destroy the new galactic political system from within.

“Knowledge From the Great Holocron� incl.:: excerpts from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" recovered by Kam Solusar (JK) and Luke Skywalker (JM); thanks to Ood Bnar (JMotOR) Historical Record Custodian; during the era of "Operation Shadow Hand," Sedriss and Palpatine II on Byss. attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------from the series: "early drafts of the Jedi Code" :: (~20,000 years BBY.) :: "Chapter I: introduction on Our Code" written by Luke Skywalker, -----------------------------------------------------------from the series: "early drafts of the Jedi Code" :: (~20,000 years BBY.) :: "Minutes of a Meeting of Dai Bendu on Utapau." translated by Luke Skywalker, -----------------------------------------------------------from the series: "early drafts of the Jedi Code" :: (~26,000 years BBY.) :: "The Sayings of Ashla on Typhon (Had-Abaddon)." translated by Luke Skywalker, -----------------------------------------------------------from the series: "early drafts of the Jedi Code" :: (~24,000 years BBY.) :: "The Chatos Academy of Ondus & Ossus, Coruscant & Corellia." translated by Luke Skywalker, -----------------------------------------------------------from the series: "early drafts of the Jedi Code" :: (~5,000 years BBY.) :: "From Meditations on the Beginninng of the Hyperspace Wars." by: Memit Nadill, Advsior to Empress Teta; translated by Luke Skywalker, -----------------------------------------------------------from the series: "early drafts of the Jedi Code" :: (~5,500 years BBY.) :: "From Meditations on the Beginninng of the Hyperspace Wars." by: Ooroo, the Celegian; translated by Luke Skywalker, -----------------------------------------------------------"Marginal Note." by: Sifo-Dyas (JMotOR); translated by Luke Skywalker, -----------------------------------------------------------from the series: "early drafts of the Jedi Code" :: (~6,000 years BBY.) :: "From Meditations on the Beginninng of the Hyperspace Wars." by: Odan-Urr; translated by Luke Skywalker, -----------------------------------------------------------from the series: "early drafts of the Jedi Code" :: (~4,000 years BBY.) :: "From Meditations on the Hyperspace Wars." by: Nomi Sunrider (JMotOR); translated by Luke Skywalker, -----------------------------------------------------------"Marginal Note." by: Sifo-Dyas (JMotOR); translated by Luke Skywalker, -----------------------------------------------------------from the series: "early drafts of the Jedi Code" :: (~4,000 years BBY.) :: "From Meditations on the End of the Hyperspace Wars." by: Ulic Qel-Droma; translated by Luke Skywalker,

-----------------------------------------------------------from the series: "Later Sayings of Noteworthy Jedi" :: (from ~5000 years BBY) :: from the work "Collected Sayings (abridged)." by: various Old Republic era Jedi; translated by Luke Skywalker, -----------------------------------------------------------"Master Yoda's Jedi Lecture to Youngling Padawans." translated by Luke Skywalker, -----------------------------------------------------------"Master Qui-Gon Jinn's Jedi Lecture to newly Knighted Padawans." translated by Luke Skywalker, -----------------------------------------------------------"Master Mace Windu's Jedi Lecture to graduating classes of Masters." translated by Luke Skywalker, -----------------------------------------------------------"Notes for the First Lesson of a Jedi's Training in the New Republic." written by: Obi Wan Kenobi, on Tatooine; transcribed by Luke Skywalker, on Yavin IV; -----------------------------------------------------------"Apocryphal Jedi Lecture on Proper Meditation Method(s)." translated by Luke Skywalker, -----------------------------------------------------------"Apocryphal Jedi Lecture on Healing Through the Force." translated by Luke Skywalker, -----------------------------------------------------------"Addendum: Personal Reflections on the Ossus Material." published by Anankin Solo, the Yavin IV Jedi Academy, -----------------------------------------------------------"Reflections on Becoming a Jedi Knight of the Galactic Republic." by: Qui-Gon Jinn; translated by: Luke Skywalker; -----------------------------------------------------------"Reflections on Becoming a Jedi Master of the Galactic Republic." by: Yoda; translated by: Luke Skywalker; -----------------------------------------------------------"Reflections on Becoming a Jedi Padawan of the Galactic Republic." by: Obi Wan Kenobi; translated by: Luke Skywalker. -----------------------------------------------------------"Apocryphal Jedi Lecture on Teras Kasi ("Steel Hands") Martial Art." written by: Nejaa Halcyon (~ 500 years BBY); translated by Luke Skywalker; ------------------------------------------------------------

-----------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" recovered by Kam Solusar (JK) and Luke Skywalker (JM); thanks to Ood Bnar (JMotOR) Historical Record Custodian; during the era of "Operation Shadow Hand," Sedriss and Palpatine II on Byss. from the series: "early drafts of the Jedi Code" :: (~20,000 years BBY.) :: "Minutes of a Meeting of Dai Bendu on Utapau." translated by Luke Skywalker, attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). -----------------------------------------------------------When one acts, another feels. When one feels, another acts. These are two means of measurement. These are like night and day. Speed up this rotation until it appears continuous. This is The Truth. The Truth feels and acts continuously. However, all measurements of The Truth divide it equally. Thought occurs between action and feeling. Thought occurs at right angles to action and feeling. Thought is the measurement of a third direction. Night and day are divided by a horizon. Speed up this orbit until it appears continuous. This is The Truth. The Truth thinks continuously. However, all measurements of The Truth divide it equally. Many actions yet measure The Truth. Many feelings yet measure The Truth. Many thoughts yet measure The Truth. Many actions, feelings and thoughts bring The Truth into focus. We are measurements of these acts, feelings and thoughts. The Living Force and The Dark Siders are opposite extremes of measuring these feelings, actions and thoughts. The Living Force and The Dark Siders exchange places. When The Living Forces are above, then The Dark Siders are below. When The Dark Siders are above, then The Living Forces are below. These are the night and day of the two extremes of measurement. A slow, rising and falling of night and day divided by a horizon. Speed up this precession until it appears continuous. This is The Truth. The Truth feels, acts and thinks continuously. However, all measurements of The Truth divide it equally. What we think is above this division. What we feel is before this division. What we do is beside this division. This divides the extremities of above from the below.

This This This This This

divides the extremities of night and day. divides the extremities of rising and falling. divides the Living Forces and The Dark Siders. division slows the pulse of their freqeuncy. division is what is considered real.

Beyond the measurements of feeling, thought and action, The Truth is not pulsed. It is continuous. The Truth is not divided into rising and falling. There is no action. The Truth is not divided into night and day. There is no feeling. The Truth is not divided above and below. There is no thought. There are no Living Forces or Dark Siders. There is nothing. The The The The

Truth Truth Truth Truth

does not act. does not feel. does not think. cannot be measured.

The The The The The The The The The The

Living Forces espouse not acting. Dark Siders espouse not feeling. Living Forces espouse feeling. Dark Siders espouse acting. Living Forces espouse thinking only when not feeling. Dark Siders espouse thinking only when not acting. Living Forces measure how they feel. Dark Siders measure how they act. Living Forces measure the absence of action. Dark Siders measure the absence of feeling.

To make a measurement of something, one must be beyond that which is measured. All these things are measurements. Each measures its opposite absence with thought. The Living Forces measure how they feel by not acting. The Dark Siders measure how they act by not feeling. The Living Forces and The Dark Siders measure these with thought. The The The The The

Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth

is beyond these measurements. does not measure in these ways. does not measure in these terms. does not measure by action, feeling and thought. measures to the Living Force and The Dark Siders.

But The Truth is more than The Living Force and The Dark Siders. There is more to The Truth than The Living Force and The Dark Siders. The Truth measures being by not being. The Truth measures feeling by not feeling. The Truth measures action by not acting.

The Truth measures thought by not thinking. The Truth measures Reality from beyond Reality. The The The The The

Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth

Because Because Because Because Because

is by not being. feels by not feeling. acts by not acting. thinks by not thinking. will become by not having been,

The The The The The

Truth Truth Truth Truth Truth

does not measure in these ways. does not measure in these terms. measures forwards and backwards. runs and returns. is infinitly greater

Than anything that can be, felt, done, thought, in this reality. Only The Living Forces and The Dark Siders believe The Truth is Unattainable. The rest of us are possessed by it. This is common knowledge, yet it seems to elude the Living Forces and The Dark Siders. Let me put that all another way. The Living Forces and The Dark Siders are like a hologram. Holograms are light projected through a screen generated around a horizon. Holograms are simulacra of what is real. The Living Forces and The Dark Siders are less than The Truth. Their projector is belief in the Force. Their screen is belief in midichlorians. Without their beliefs, The Living Forces and The Dark Siders would not exist. Without pulsed light, a hologram would not exist. A hologram is an empty measurement. The Living Forces and The Dark Siders are measurements. The Truth is like hyperspace. Hyperspace is the projection of light through a field existent outside the speed of light. Hyperspace is beyond what is real. The Truth is more than The Living Forces and The Dark Siders. Its light is not a matter of belief. Its field is not belief in matter. Without the field beyond lightspeed, The Truth would yet exist. Without the light beneath that speed, hyperspace would yet exist. Hyperspace is beyond the speed of light. The Truth is beyond measurement. Beyond The Living Forces and The Dark Siders that are the pulsation of Good and Evil is the Journey of the Will that is The Truth.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" recovered by Kam Solusar (JK) and Luke Skywalker (JM); thanks to Ood Bnar (JMotOR) Historical Record Custodian; during the era of "Operation Shadow Hand," Sedriss and Palpatine II on Byss. from the series: "early drafts of the Jedi Code" :: (~26,000 years BBY.) :: "The Sayings of Ashla on Typhon (Had-Abaddon)." translated by Luke Skywalker, attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). -----------------------------------------------------------Behold the impossible. This is the way of the eye that follows. Understand the impossible. From the mind the eye follows. Do the impossible. From the eye action follows. This is the way of the Force. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" recovered by Kam Solusar (JK) and Luke Skywalker (JM); thanks to Ood Bnar (JMotOR) Historical Record Custodian; during the era of "Operation Shadow Hand," Sedriss and Palpatine II on Byss. from the series: "early drafts of the Jedi Code" :: (~24,000 years BBY.) :: "The Chatos Academy of Ondus & Ossus, Coruscant & Corellia." translated by Luke Skywalker, attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). -----------------------------------------------------------When everything becomes transparent then we can see through events, from one to another, until they become clear. When everything becomes clear then events cease to exist altogether, and there is no beginning and no end, and this is the Life Force. The clarity is the skin of the Life Force. The Life Force is continuous. There is no cessation of the Force.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" recovered by Kam Solusar (JK) and Luke Skywalker (JM); thanks to Ood Bnar (JMotOR) Historical Record Custodian; during the era of "Operation Shadow Hand," Sedriss and Palpatine II on Byss. from the series: "early drafts of the Jedi Code" :: (~5,000 years BBY.) :: "From Meditations on the Beginninng of the Hyperspace Wars." by: Memit Nadill, Advsior to Empress Teta; translated by Luke Skywalker, attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). -----------------------------------------------------------To see all is to know all. The Force is all there is. For all there is to know all it must divide itself. For all there is to see all it must divide itself. For the Force to see itself, for the Force to know itself, it must be divided into a part of itself that sees, it must be divided into a part of itself that knows. These two parts of time are the midichlorians and the spirit. These two parts of the body are the actions and the mind. When one is active then the other is passive, this is the way that it is. When both are active or both are passive, this becomes the way that it becomes. For time to know itself the actions and the mind must be divided. For the body to know itself, the midichlorians and the spirit must be divided. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" recovered by Kam Solusar (JK) and Luke Skywalker (JM); thanks to Ood Bnar (JMotOR) Historical Record Custodian; during the era of "Operation Shadow Hand," Sedriss and Palpatine II on Byss. from the series: "early drafts of the Jedi Code" :: (~5,500 years BBY.) :: "From Meditations on the Beginninng of the Hyperspace Wars." by: Ooroo, the Celegian; translated by Luke Skywalker, attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). ------------------------------------------------------------ ‘ Why do we pursue the knowledge and the conversation of the vision and the voice? Why do we seek understanding of the wisdom that is the life of the Force? Why Why Why Why

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pursue the knowledge of the vision? pursue the conversation of the voice? seek understanding of life itself? seek the wisdom of the Force?

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the vision to lead to knowledge. the voice to lead to conversation. life itself to lead to understanding. the Force to lead us to wisdom. knowledge to lead to the voice. conversation to lead to life itself. understanding to lead to the Force. wisdom to lead to the vision.

wisdom is to lead to the vision. the vision is to lead to knowledge. knowledge is to lead to the voice. the voice is to lead to conversation. conversation is to lead to life itself. life itself is to lead to understanding. understanding is to lead to the Force. the Force is to lead to wisdom.

Being leads to Becoming, and Becoming leads to Being. Therefore what is follows from what is. Therefore what is leads to what is. This is the natural order of things. This natural order is one definition for the Force. When what we do follows from the Force Then the Force will follow from what we do. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" recovered by Kam Solusar (JK) and Luke Skywalker (JM); thanks to Ood Bnar (JMotOR) Historical Record Custodian; during the era of "Operation Shadow Hand," Sedriss and Palpatine II on Byss. from the series: "early drafts of the Jedi Code" :: "Marginal Note." by: Sifo-Dyas (JMotOR); translated by Luke Skywalker, attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). -----------------------------------------------------------a joke is a mistake that we mean. a lie is a secret we keep. shame leads to fear, and the symptoms thereof. fear is an excitement, and so, desired by those who don't normally feel it. this is the reason that people behave differently from expectations.

-----------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" recovered by Kam Solusar (JK) and Luke Skywalker (JM); thanks to Ood Bnar (JMotOR) Historical Record Custodian; during the era of "Operation Shadow Hand," Sedriss and Palpatine II on Byss. from the series: "early drafts of the Jedi Code" :: (~6,000 years BBY.) :: "From Meditations on the Beginninng of the Hyperspace Wars." by: Odan-Urr; translated by Luke Skywalker, attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). -----------------------------------------------------------Those other audience members out there, they are not your enemy. Your personal space is not their Concern. The dark theatre is not the enemy. Your personal time is Not its concern. The actors themselves are not your enemy. Your personal Life is not their concern. The characters they play are not your enemy. Your Personal death is not their concern. Everything and Nothing. Everybody and Nobody. It is these which are of your concern. These are the secret messages that are passed out between all these things. They are like the end notes of an instrument's register. One is above when one is below. It is what is beyond these that should be your concern. For beyond them lies time. -----------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" recovered by Kam Solusar (JK) and Luke Skywalker (JM); thanks to Ood Bnar (JMotOR) Historical Record Custodian; during the era of "Operation Shadow Hand," Sedriss and Palpatine II on Byss. from the series: "early drafts of the Jedi Code" :: (~4,000 years BBY.) :: "From Meditations on the Hyperspace Wars." by: Nomi Sunrider (JMotOR); translated by Luke Skywalker, attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). -----------------------------------------------------------What does it mean to know yourself? It means to know yourself from another. What does it mean to recognize yourself through time? To understand yourself when who you are has changed. To know yourself from another requires knowledge of space. To understand yourself from yourself requires knowledge of time. Space is what is visible. Therefore the mind imagines it controls space. The mind imagines it controls space by having a body. Gravity can be predicted by the body. Gravity is knowledge of space. By controling the body the mind believes that it invents space. Time is what is invisible. Therefore the body believes that the mind invented time. The body feels it invents time by having a mind. Geometry can be depicted by the mind. Geometry is understanding of time. By controling the mind the Jedi knows that they imagine time.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" recovered by Kam Solusar (JK) and Luke Skywalker (JM); thanks to Ood Bnar (JMotOR) Historical Record Custodian; during the era of "Operation Shadow Hand," Sedriss and Palpatine II on Byss. from the series: "early drafts of the Jedi Code" :: "Marginal Note." by: Sifo-Dyas (JMotOR); translated by Luke Skywalker, attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). -----------------------------------------------------------The Sith espouse that they seek freedom. The Jedi espouse that they find control. If the Sith seek freedom it is becuase they are enemies of control. If the Jedi find control it is because they are enemies of freedom. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" recovered by Kam Solusar (JK) and Luke Skywalker (JM); thanks to Ood Bnar (JMotOR) Historical Record Custodian; during the era of "Operation Shadow Hand," Sedriss and Palpatine II on Byss. from the series: "early drafts of the Jedi Code" :: (~4,000 years BBY.) :: "From Meditations on the End of the Hyperspace Wars." by: Ulic Qel-Droma; translated by Luke Skywalker, attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). -----------------------------------------------------------Entropy is how we perceive gravity. Gravity is why we perceive entropy. Entropy is how we understand cause and effect. Gravity is the real wisdom behind synchronicity. Cause and effect is how we understand synchronicity. Synchronicity is the real wisdom behind cause and effect. Entropy pushes from cause to effect. Gravity pulls from effect to cause. Entropy is perceived as pulling toward an inevitable end. Gravity is perceived as pushing toward an inevitable end. Cause and effect move at right angles to synchronicity. Entropy and gravity move at right angles to one another. Cause, effect and synchronicity move at right angles to entropy and gravity. Space is the relationship between these things. Time is a combination of all these things. The Force is a tension between them. To follow the Force, then know this. For by it you shall be guided.

-----------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" recovered by Kam Solusar (JK) and Luke Skywalker (JM); thanks to Ood Bnar (JMotOR) Historical Record Custodian; during the era of "Operation Shadow Hand," Sedriss and Palpatine II on Byss. from the series: "Later Sayings of Noteworthy Jedi" :: (from ~5000 years BBY) :: from the work "Collected Sayings (abridged)." by: various Old Republic era Jedi; translated by Luke Skywalker, attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------(~5000 years BBY)---------------"Laugh and play while you are one with the Force, and do not worry and do not rush. A dream is like the times when we are one with the Force. When we remember to laugh and play at these times, then there will be no hurry, and no rush." - Cay Qel-Droma, Jedi Knight "A moment is frozen. We dwell on it. Later we go back and dwell on it again. When the moment was we are different from when we dwell it on, and when we dwell on it we are different from when we dwell on it again later. When we dwell on it, our dwelling on it is to the frozen moment like a memory to ourselves when we were in the moment that was frozen. When we dwell on it again later, our dwelling on it as different from our memory of it is to the frozen moment like a dream to ourselves when we were in the moment that was frozen." - Tott Doneeta, Jedi Knight "A memory is a recent dream. A dream is a distant memory. Do we remember the future? It can be said that we dream it." - Oss Wilum, Jedi Knight "Escape into a dream. This is what being one with the Force is like. Return from dreaming to being awake. This is what returning from being one with the Force is like." - Dace Diath, Jedi Knight "In the Force there is always the dream, but in dreams there is not always the memory. From one dream to another there is not necessarily continuity. Dreams only repeat when the subject causes one some necessary kind of stress. Dreams continue from one night to another when the stress caused by one is remembered into the one dreamed later." - Shoaneb Culu, Jedi Knight "We enter the Force through dream. We return from the Force through memory. We enter being in the frozen moment through memory. We return from being in the frozen moment through dream." - primary mottos of the school of Arca Jeth, Jedi Watchman of Onderon -------------------(~500 years BBY)---------------"This forms a spiral through four quadrants along an axis in a three dimensional plane. Then, there is another spiral which also occupies the same axis of 4th-time over 3d-space. One of these spirals measures the other. The space between these two spirals slowly rotates around the center point between them over time. This is what is known as involution. Involution measures the revolution of the outer surface of a torus when it is rotated inward. Thus, the double-spiral measures the surface of a torus." - Yoda, Jedi Instructor

"This is known as QBLH, a measuring device of the Force. This is a good enough form with which to represent the fourth-spatial dimension. The fourth spatial dimension is time, or hyperspace." - Mace Windu, Jedi Sword Master "Each direction measures its own infinity. Thus, the first dimension measures one direction of infinity. The second dimension measures two. The third dimension three, and so on. When we add the infinities of direction measured in each dimension, we derive the number of exponents beyond numerical infinity each dimension occurs on the numberline axis perpendicular to each of these directions of infinity." - Yaddle, Jedi Master "Our ancient ancestors did not realise that the Force is perpendicular to each of the elemental forces which occupies an infinity in every direction within each dimension. And so they perceived their universe as consisting of three spatial infinite directions and a fourth infinite direction which they called time. Because of this, they could not understand how three of the forces unified with the fourth force. They could not depict in their minds the point at which the infinite directions converged into a single point of view. Therefore they believed that QBLH was merely a torus." - Plo Koon, Jedi Master -------------------(~50 years BBY)---------------"A Jedi should understand that there is a difference between knowledge and wisdom." - Depa Billaba, Jedi Master "Knowing something is greater than believing in something. Belief in something requires blind faith. Blind faith is the opposite of knowledge." - Eeth Koth, Jedi Master "We say that, 'with knowledge, understanding will come over time.' What we mean is, 'with time, understanding will come over knowledge.' " - Yarael Pook, Jedi Master "Understanding comes with time. It comes over knowledge. Time comes over knowledge. As time passes, knowledge matures into understanding." - Adi Gallia, Jedi Master "Why do we call time with knowledge understanding instead of wisdom? Because understanding is knowledge over time, and wisdom is knowledge of understanding. Wisdom is the knowledge of our understanding of our knowledge, over time." - Even Peil, Jedi Master "Understanding comes with time. Wisdom comes over time. What does this mean? It means that uderstanding comes over knowledge in the same way as wisdom comes over time. Understanding comes with time, while wisdom comes with knowledge. Once one has knowledge, with time will come understanding. Once one has understanding, wisdom will come over time." - Oppo Rancisis, Jedi Commander "What is wisdom over time? Wisdom over time is kether, of the view point above and upon the QBLH. This means being one with the Force. " - Saesee Tiin, Jedi Ace

-----------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" recovered by Kam Solusar (JK) and Luke Skywalker (JM); thanks to Ood Bnar (JMotOR) Historical Record Custodian; during the era of "Operation Shadow Hand," Sedriss and Palpatine II on Byss. "Master Yoda's Jedi Lecture to Youngling Padawans." translated by Luke Skywalker, attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). -------------------------------------------------------------------[DAY: 1.]-------WELCOME TO THE BEAR CLAN! HAHHA! YOU THOUGHT IT WAS CALLED WHAT?? THE... "JEDI ORDER??" HHAHAHAHA! I will tell you a secret then, youngling. It IS the Jedi Order. Yes. The one and only truly one. I bet you're mighty impressed now aren't you? What a secret to tell all your friends! Telling secrets to all your friends, you know, is the quickest way to lose them! No, you can go ahead and tell them this secret, though. They will only laugh and say, "yes we know you have joined the Jedi Order!" Only YOU will know it's real name is the bear clan. Try and tell all your best friends THAT! and see if they believe you! HAHAHHA Now it is time for lunch, and after that, recess, but we will adjourn until such time as you are ready to quit playing and sit down and learn. --------[DAY: 2.]-------Now that that is all settled, let us continue the lessons of the One Bear Clan. There are many things which are unknown to the people out there. These things are known only to us in the Bear Clan. This is the way that it is for everybody! From ewoks to wookies, every living one of us knows something which no one else knows and can never completely express. This is called a "secret." Some people keep secrets out of jealousy, pride, regret. But we Jedi crave not these things. We do not want to keep our secrets. We want to tell the whole entire universe! We Are JEDI! But how can we say we are a Jedi? How can we tell what is too great too be able to be told? Can we role up all the secrets of all the living beings into one secret? No! We cannot convey the solutions to all the mysteries to any one sentient in one lifetime let alone in one sentence, or even only one word! And how sad is this? How sad the Jedi that cannot tell his fateful secret!

How lucky are we! How blessed be! For we do not crave jealousy, pride nor regret! For we know all the answers to all of the questions of life! Why ought we to mourn? Know this: for in deed and in action there is our voice. There is the voice of the Jedi. This is how the Jedi communicates from one moment to the next. This is how the Jedi communicate with each other. This is how the Jedi communicate with themselves. This is how the Jedi communicate. But you are not a Jedi yet. So, go forth and prosper, be weathy and content! Live like the dutchess of amber, and may you never need repent! For you may as well go now, to earn your fortune, to keep your rent. Go now and partake of the adventures of being alive. Oh, but what? You are not the Jedi you should be? --------[DAY: 3.]-------Now that that is all settled, let us continue the lessons of the True Jedi Order. Right thought, you may learn, and right action you may earn. But how are we to feel? How are we to feel? How are we to feel? Is there pain for the Jedi? The pangs of the average sentient entity are naught beside the pains of the Jedi! But this is merely the pain of being a Jedi! NOW! You MUST choose!! Do you STILL want to be a JEDI!?

-----------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" recovered by Kam Solusar (JK) and Luke Skywalker (JM); thanks to Ood Bnar (JMotOR) Historical Record Custodian; during the era of "Operation Shadow Hand," Sedriss and Palpatine II on Byss. "Master Qui-Gon Jinn's Jedi Lecture to newly Knighted Padawans." translated by Luke Skywalker, attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). -----------------------------------------------------------There we fear so here we stay. Here we fear so there we go. Life itself is an amazingly simple form of construct. It is based upon the skeleton of the nervous system, which carries the electromagnetic soul. This is like a wire which transforms into negative ions the free energy of the Force by striking a certain vibrational tone. This begins the self, or the consciousness. And this is only life as we know it now. In a galaxy far, far away, a very long time ago, they understood what we can only barely dimly recall now. They understood how to communicate using different tunes on their emotional strings with the material basis of the universe itself. This amazed them both so much that they fell in love with each other. They formed the first symbiotic pair-bond in the universe: they conjoined to form life itself. The vibrational chords express upon the instrument of elements the emotions of the soul. Above, it perceives the heart of its master as ineffable Light, the free energy of the Force. Below it is fully filled up and frothing with the numberless voices of Life. And between them all is Love. This is a nice parable, but you must be wary my young padawan. For you are not a Jedi yet. There is still much that we must learn about the Force. The Force is much more than free energy, or limitless invisible light. The Force is much more than the molecular cells, the helices and midichlorians. The Force is all around us. It is entirely within us. The Force dissolves all barriers. The Force is all there is. There is no Light. There is no Love. There is no Life. There is Only the Force. And you are still not a Jedi. Let not your burdens betray you, My Master. Let not your thoughts become angry, resentful, hateful, spiteful. Let not your thoughts become angry, aggressive, adverse, hostile. Let not your thoughts become angry, frightened, paranoid or wrong. Let not your thoughts become angry, and do not dwell on anger, and forget anger. Let go of your hate. My young one, beware. During this time you shall be tested by the trials of the Dark Side. You must not succumb to these. You must succeed. There is no time now to describe to you the consequences why. You may do whatever you want. That is one. You must do whatever we say. That is another. You must never do anything, you must never do nothing. These are contradictions. One part crossmultiplies lies with the other, they spread secrecy, lust, greed. These are hostile emotions. You must stifle these in yourself. Contradictions are inversions. You must find your way over under in between and all around these in order to learn perspective.

-----------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" recovered by Kam Solusar (JK) and Luke Skywalker (JM); thanks to Ood Bnar (JMotOR) Historical Record Custodian; during the era of "Operation Shadow Hand," Sedriss and Palpatine II on Byss. "Master Mace Windu's Jedi Lecture to graduating classes of Masters." translated by Luke Skywalker, attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). -----------------------------------------------------------there have been many Master Jedi. Not all Jedi are masters... not all Masters are jedi. Sometimes, there is one emotion. Sometimes, another. Pause to consider why this would be. If time were considered stationary, there would simply be an extra direction of motion in space. It is space which moves through time, while time moves over space. Consider that time appears to move, just as does space. Space moves in three directions. Time moves in one. Perhaps it is time which moves in three directions, and space which merely moves in one. If this were the case, then time would move through space, while space moved over time. Just as we are aware of our memories as all we know about the past, so, too, do we not know where we shall set foot until we do so. The future appears uncertain. Just as we are aware of what we are taught about history, so, too, can we make predictions about the future. The future appears to repeat the past. do we exist to find patterns, or do the patterns exist to be found? These two are not mutually exclusive. Perhaps we are a recursive pattern. Perhaps our flesh is to time what our souls are to space. We can easily become what we have forgotten, as easy as it is to remeber not to. There is chaos all around us, and yet we are in perfect order. From this follows this. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. I sense there is something you are not telling me. We can go forwards and we can go backwards. Now all we must do is begin. Which is only as easy as falling in love.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus;" "Notes for the First Lesson of a Jedi's Training in the New Republic." written by: Obi Wan Kenobi, on Tatooine; transcribed by Luke Skywalker, on Yavin IV; attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------be still... calm... centered with the Force. A cellular democracy. contradiction stirs a faint wind. A cemetary planet. The ancient burial place of the Sith. The Sith were, long ago, a species as unique as any other in the universe. That was before the Dark Times. Before the Jedi. When the Dark Jedi fell from the sky... the terrible war in heaven. The sky rained and thundered, and there was lightning instead of daylight, and meteors instead of the stars. Everything crumbled, and the Sith that had been were no more. They tell us, when we are little, no one survived the war in heaven. But they tell us that which fell from the heavens on that day lives on. The bloodlines of heaven. The Sith that were, they are no more. They are bound into symbiosis with the fallen remnants of the Dark Jedi. That was in the beginning... that is what we do not speak of. The Jedi tell lies. They identify themselves with their consciousness... the Sith identify themselves with the midichlorians. The consciousness is a symptom of a sickness. The midichlorians themselves are this disease. Eventually it was the Sith disease which would be cured here, on Korriban. The wind. Whispering. These cemetary stones mark the spot where the cells of your ancestors continue to reside, decaying over time. This planet is alive. It is alive with consciousness, and this is not truly the Jedi. For fear, a contingent of the Massassi had fled from here. Their secret is a mystery of history... They were a tribe, a people or nation-group. A transplanetary delegation. Their rivals were the Whills. The Whills remained behind. Meanwhile, the Massassi went out and in their ventures settled upon Coruscant. There are only two pathways you can take: the journey of the Massassi, or the Journal of the Whills.

The Massassi, the midichlorians, began upon Korriban, in the seas that covered Korriban beneath the war in the heavens above. The Dark Jedi began on Coruscant. They were the fallen ones, cast out by their fellow master-knights. This was before there was any government between systems. Once the fallen Dark Jedi were cast out of Coruscant, they ventured out to Korriban. There they fought a great war in the heavens above Korriban. Their dead bodies fell into the oceans which blanketed the sleeping depths of Korriban. The single celled organisms fed on these carcasses and in this way began to change the nature of their environment. They began to mutate, then to evolve. The structure of their genetic patterns began to change, to multiply, to grow. They became negative to entropy. Their cells began to live long enough to procreate, to procreate faster than they would die. Jedi Consciousness fell from the heavens above Korriban into the midichlorians of Korriban. This was the beginning of corporeal life in the galaxy. The great temples of Yavin-IV, of Coruscant, and here on Korriban, this planetary cemetary. These are all that remains of Jedi consciousness. The True Jedi were the pre-corporeal sentient entities. They existed in 4-space for there was no time. It might have been only a few moments, or it might have been forever. The lore is that the Dark Jedi fell from the Force, below hyperspace, into the midichlorians because one faction of them wanted Dogma, and the other faction wanted Karma. Dogma is the word which was discovered by the Sith. Karma is the word that was discovered by the False Jedi. Dogma is the word which was discovered by the Whills. Karma is the word which was discovered by the Massassi. Dogma is the word which was discovered by the Midichlorians. Karma is the word which was discovered by the consciousness of the fallen Jedi. Dogma is the word of the pure consciousness. Karma is the word of the True Jedi. Kamra means that a thing has been done before, and therefore may be done again. Dogma means that a thing has been done before, and therefore need not be done again. The Massassi became the Sith. The Whills became the false Jedi. The Midichlorians became the Massassi. The fallen Jedi consciousnesses became the Whills. this is the lesson taught to the True Jedi Master.

-----------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" recovered by Kam Solusar (JK) and Luke Skywalker (JM); thanks to Ood Bnar (JMotOR) Historical Record Custodian; during the era of "Operation Shadow Hand," Sedriss and Palpatine II on Byss. "Apocryphal Jedi Lecture on Proper Meditation Method(s)." translated by Luke Skywalker, attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). -----------------------------------------------------------To see that there is no difference between what appears good and what appears evil. This is the path to the splendour of the Force. For in the highest regard, all differences are only in appearance alone. These appearances are an illusion. This illusion is a thin veil draped over the Force. The illusion is the Force's conversation. Appearances are merely its words. To understand the glory, and the splendour, of the Force is to understand the meanings of these words. To understand the glory, and the splendour, of the Force is to understand the meaning of this conversation. Why would the Force want to create appearances? Why would the Force want to create the illusion? The Force creates appearances to convey meaning. The Force creates the illusion to convey appearances. Appearances, in and of themselves, have only the meanings given to them by context and by other appearances. The illusion has only as much meaning as there appears to be. The meanings of appearances, and the appearance of meaning, are an illusion. And behind this illusion is the Force. Why would the Force desire to converse with itself? What is the subject of this conversation? The Force creates appearances to have a conversation. The illusion that is our reality is this conversation. The difference between the Force and our reality, between meaning and appearance, and between good and evil, is the subject of its conversation within itself. When there are not these differences, then the Force is silent. When there are not these differences, then the Force is. When there are no differences, then there is the Force.

-----------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" recovered by Kam Solusar (JK) and Luke Skywalker (JM); thanks to Ood Bnar (JMotOR) Historical Record Custodian; during the era of "Operation Shadow Hand," Sedriss and Palpatine II on Byss. "Apocryphal Jedi Lecture on Healing Through the Force." translated by Luke Skywalker, attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). -----------------------------------------------------------Abuse retards free will. It makes destiny and pain synonimous. That is why suffering exists. To prolong existence. How many generations suffer is directly proportional to the degree to which destiny is drawn toward pain. The degree to which destiny is drawn toward pain is inversly relative to the degree to which abuse retards free will. The body is the origin of suffering. It is the vessel for our energy. It carries our frequencies. It is this energy that is freedom of will. It is the vessel which suffers it. It suffers it to be felt. It suffers to feel this energy. The more the vessel suffers the more our free will is constrained. Abuse comes as a shock. To liberate this shock move slowly. To release the shock move swift. Thought only interupts this movement. This is why suffering prolongs existence. Because to think is to be. And to be is to feel. Not thinking activity ceases pain. Not thinking passivity ceases suffering. Pain comes from abuse. Suffering comes from pain. Thought is caused by the feeling of energy. The feeling of this energy is the suffering of the body. Health is the release of this energy.

Wellness if the liberation of the will. Healing comes from the opposite of abuse. Wellness comes from healing. To heal, stop active shock. To be well, cease passive healing. Birth is the beginning of pain. Life is the beginning of suffering. Birth is an active shock. Life is a passive suffering. Birth is very short. Life is very long. Birth is shortened by freedom. Life is increased by suffering. Let not the other side know what the one side is doing is a good way to think. Let the one side feel as the other side does is a good way to not think. Time is a spiral. It is a spiral of energy. It is a spiral of many generations. The spiral of time becomes wider as it goes along its duration. The spiral of time becomes narrower as it comes towards an origin. At birth, the spiral of time is very narrow. During life, the spiral of energy is very fast. In time, the the spiral of energy grows very slow. Upon death, the spiral of time becomes very long again. Time is the energy which the body feels. When time is very short, then the body feels active pain. When time is very long, the body feels suffering slowly. In In In In

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vessel of existence, the spiral of time is vessel of suffering, the spiral of energy spiral of energy, the vessel of suffering spiral of time, the vessel of existence is there there there there there there

is is is is is is

no no no no no no

such such such such such such

thing thing thing thing thing thing

as as as as as as

very little. is very active. is very passive. very great.

this existence, then there will be no such thing as suffering. any thought, then there will be no such thing as existence. a form of energy, then there will be no such thing as thought. the spiral of time, then there will be no such thing as energy. time, then there will be no such thing as the spiral of time. suffering, then there will be no such thing as time.

When destiny and free will are one is when the self is completed to perfection. When the self is completed to perfection is when what is not the self is not.

-----------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" "Addendum: Personal Reflections on the Ossus Material." published by Anankin Solo, the Yavin IV Jedi Academy, attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). -----------------------------------------------------------what is the Force? Yoda's view on the Force was clearly that it was an external form of energy. Qui Gon Jinn's views concentrated more on the "living force" as internal. Qui Gon learned from Dooku. Dooku learned from Yoda. So we see that, even from one generation of Jedi knights to the next, the role of the force relative to them changes. Had this chain of learning been unbroken, then there would have been no imbalance in the force. Or, more appropriately, vice versa. However, what is, is. And what we do see is that there is an imbalance between the external force, and the internal force. A broken chain, with the weakest link being that very division between the internal composure and consistency of a jedi, and their role in the external stirrings of the universal continuum. At what point does, for example, free will overide destiny? We tend to see destiny as an externally motivatng force, guiding us through our movements not only within space, but also over time. We tend to see free will as an internally motivating force, guiding space and time through our movements within and across them. However, here we see a fatal conundrum. Is free will compatable with destiny? Ultimately, perhaps, it would be wisest to see these as being interchangeable depending upon our own mind-set, and the settings in which we find ourselves. Sometimes it is preferable to go with the flow of the mood of the room. Sometimes it is preferable to stand alone and face the hurricane gale. These are the lessons that Anakin and Old Ben helped Luke to learn. Old Ben presented the option of using the Force as a guiding principle which moved THROUGH Luke, carrying him along forward, toward the ultimate attraction of attaining his Father's Legacy as a Jedi Knight. Anakin, as Vader, presented the option of using the Force as kalesthenic means of resistance which pressed AGAINST Luke, pushing him backwards, away from the ultimate repulsion of attaining his Father's Legacy as a Sith Lord. If one stands AGAINST the wind, one will feel empowered, but be powerless. If one stands WITH the wind, one will feel powerless, but be empowered.

-----------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" "Reflections on Becoming a Jedi Knight of the Galactic Republic." by: Qui-Gon Jinn; translated by: Luke Skywalker; attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). -----------------------------------------------------------the mind is made of two voices, but one of them is always silent. the lower voice is the voice which speaks to itself. when it is untrained: it wanders about from this thought to that, reciting bits of one here, parts of another there, and is generally clouded thus. when training begins: the voice of the lower mind begins narrating. It describes what is being perceived to itself, and tends to form more vivid thoughts, though still short-lived. as training continues: the voice of the lower mind begins dividing itself into the many voices of the plenum of all minds, the collective unconsciousness. As it does this, it speaks to, and later, with these other voices. This attracts those with whom it agrees to it, and these mental relationships make their correspondents more real to one another. when training must end: the lower voice becomes aware of the silent voice of the higher mind. As this happens the lower voice wil grow louder and louder in the mind, as it struggles to reach up to the higher voice, and to evoke a reaction from it as it has from the plenum of other voices in the collective unconscious of the mind. The upper mind's voice is very deep, and very slow to speak, so much so that it sounds like silence to the rapid thoughts of the lower mind. There are three trials at the end of training: 1) the rush of energy. This occurs when the lower voice measures outward as well as upward. As it gains recognition from the other voices it relates with through the plenum of the collective unconsciousness, it gains strength with which to be raised up. However, upward, the crosscurrents provide no resistance compared to the back-and-forth relations in the plenum. 2) the emptiness above: This occurs when the lower voice finds there is no pressure impeding the concourse of the flow of its thoughts over itself. This causes the first conception of separateness between the voice which has risen above, and that which remains anchored below. Now, the voice below realises that it is, and has always been, the same voice as the voice of the mind above. One was merely slow, deep, and passive, while the other was merely quick, shallow, and active. 3) the reification of space: The lower voice must ultimately learn to separate itself from the relations of the plenum if it wishes to seek understanding of the True Voice. The True Voice is as above so below, all in one, and wise. The knowledge and Conversation of this True Voice strengthens the voice of the mind as one. To understand the True Voice is to be wise of the collective consciousness. The lower voice is that of the midichlorians. The upper voice is that of the Force Spirit. The True Voice is the Force.

-----------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" "Reflections on Becoming a Jedi Master of the Galactic Republic." by: Yoda; translated by: Luke Skywalker; attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). -----------------------------------------------------------Time is like a string of beads. Each bead is a moment. The string that intertwines them is the Force. If it were not for the Force, there would only be these moments, strwen about. But there would be no such thing as time as we understand it. The moments would all be disconnected. We would exist, not as a self, but as parts. Some here, some there, all over the universe. It is only because of the Force that we have been drawn together from this state. The Force is like the wind, blowng through the leaves of trees. The leaves are the moments of our lives, and ourselves are the trees. We have branches that connect us to our moments in time, and roots that bind us to us existence in matter. Like trees, we absorb the energy of the Force, and give breath back to it. Also like trees, we are part of a system, and this system is the Force. Now, the rules for any system can be known, and, as Jedi, it is our responsibility to study, learn, know and understand these rules. If we follow the rules of the system, it will help the system, and then the system will help us. If we do not, then the system will fail for us. For example, if we are calm, at rest, peaceful and one with the Force, then we will be in balance within its circular system. Like a tree. However, if we act torrentially, and attempt to bring about the downfall of the system of which we are irrevocably a part, then we will only uproot ourselves.

-----------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" "Reflections on Becoming a Jedi Padawan of the Galactic Republic." by: Obi Wan Kenobi; translated by: Luke Skywalker. -----------------------------------------------------------The rules of a system are patterns. We follow these patterns to learn them. To understand the pattern, and to follow in this understanding, is to be one with the system. The system is alive, and we are the parts of this life. The life itself is called the Force. We are the rules of the system understanding themselves by following living patterns. This is what the Life Force is, what it does. The rules are the patterns of the acts and minds of a Jedi. To follow these rules with understanding is to be a Jedi. To realise that we are part of a living system is to be one with the Force. To operate that system is to Use the living Force. This appears easy for our body, and difficult for time. When we are very calm, at peace, then we can easily control our acts and minds. When we are very aggressive, agitated, then we cannot easily control our acts and minds. Our acts and minds are the patterns and the rules of the system. If we want to control these patterns then we must follow with understanding the rules of the system. If we want to control these rules then we must follow with understanding the patterns of the system. This is how to operate the living system of the Force. -----------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: "Jedi Records from Ossus" recovered from the "School of Hidden Wisdom," an Old Republic era dueling academy on the outer-rim world of Baltimn; thanks to Ephaan Kenzon (JPotOR) Historical Record Custodian; "Apocryphal Jedi Lecture on Teras Kasi ("Steel Hands") Martial Art." written by: Nejaa Halcyon (~ 500 years BBY); translated by Luke Skywalker; attributed to "Old Ben" (to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). -----------------------------------------------------------Premonition and reading versus casting and writing Reading is visual. Writing is audio. One man's ignorance is another man's bliss. Stay low, this is the way of the body. it breathes in and out. Then move upward, perceive what is above and what is below. These must be in balance. When one suffers, then the other one suffers. Reading is the suffering of the lower voice. Writing is the suffering of the upper voice. Perception of events can be interpreted by reading and writing. Perception of events can be interpreted as reading and writing. One way of seeing oneself is as otherness. When this occurs, then otherness defines us. One way of seeing otherness is as oneself. When this occurs, then we define otherness.

However, otherness is perceived over time. One way, time sees itself is as otherness. Then we hear. One way, otherness sees itself as time. Then we see. When we hear, we are writing. When we see, we are reading. The body breathes in and out. Keep low. Now you will see one side of yourself. Then you are reading. Now the other side of yourself will hear you. Then it is writing. When we are as distant from what we consider ourselves as possible, then communication between the self and otherness will be visual. When ourselves are as close to what they consider us as possible, then communication between the self and otherness will be audial. hearing things and seeing things occur before training. reading and writing things occur with training. Once one has mastered these things, then one can perceive time. Time is the difference between the present and itself. When one sees this difference, the present is itself. When one hears this difference, the present is itself. When one reads this difference, the present is not itself. When one writes this difference, the present is not itself. When the present is different from itself, and one sees, one is reading. When one sees through time between the events, it is called premonition. When the present is different from itself, and one hears, one is writing. When one hears through time between the moments, it is called casting. Seeing, hearing, reading and writing occur during training. Only upon the completion of training can one preminisce, or cast. To read is to preminisce through time. To write is to cast through time. To preminisce is to read through seeing. To cast is to write through hearing. To preminisce is to see through time. To cast is to hear though time. Once one achieves this level, backwards and forwards in time are one and the same. One can cast forwards and preminisce backwards. One can preminisce forwards and cast backwards. Or read and write. Or see and hear. Of course all these can be done at once as well, backward and forward in time. Time breathes in and out. As above, so below. The body breathes in and out. Casting with spells brings ghosts. Preminiscing causes manifestation.


Absolute Power


Darth Sidious


Dark side manifesto


19—18 BBY

"The writings I have collected in this volume appear in their original forms. Many are fragments of what once were longer works, but the preservation of what remains is less important than the recognition of how they led me to my new vision of the Sith order." - Darth Sidious Absolute Power was a series of books composed by the Dark Lord of the Sith and Galactic Emperor Darth Sidious. Taken as a whole, the books comprise a political manifesto of sorts, in which the Sith Lord documented many of his own beliefs and his theories with regard to his rise to power, as well as the steps he had taken to assure his own immortality. Darth Sidious wrote about his rise to power from Senator to Emperor, expressing his theories on various subjects, describing how he had engineered the Clone Wars and elaborating on his Rule of One. This compendium of Sith writing was included in the Book of Sith, a collection of dark side texts. In 24 ABY, the Book of Sith was recovered by Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, who placed his own scrawled notes throughout the pages of Sidious' manifesto. The journal included the following volumes: The Book of Anger—Of the harnessing of the Force though emotion and anger. The Weakness of Inferiors—Of the way to compel the weak-minded to do one's bidding through the use of the Force rather than through violence. The Creation of Monsters—Of the proper mastering of the Sith alchemy to produce fearsome creatures altered by the dark side. The False War—Of the role of the Clone Wars in the implementation of Darth Bane's Grand Plan. The Useful Bureaucrats—Of the way Palpatine manipulated many important figures and events that contributed to his rise to power, also making a minor statement of the role of his own master, Darth Plagueis. - source:

Absolute Power incl.:: writings of Palpatine II, the Emperor Resurrected. -----------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: Books IV.D: "the Book of Anger" introduction. from part i: "the Secret Jedi Code." written by the Emperor Resurrected: Palpatine II, attributed to "Old Ben" (believed to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------table of contents from: Books I - X: "the Weakness of Inferiors" for Books I: "The Law of the Jedi," through X: "The Jedi and the Force," excluding Book IV.D: "The Book of Anger," (inserted as note) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------table of contents from: Book IV.D: "the Book of Anger" for Chapter I: "Truth Is Fiction." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------table of contents from: Books XII - XIV: "the Creation of Monsters" for Book XII: "Temporal Cosmology of Chaos" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: Books IV.D: "the Book of Anger" introduction. from part i: "the Secret Jedi Code." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: Books IV.D: "the Book of Anger" introduction. from part ii: "Preamble: Thoughts of a Disordered Mind." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: Book IV.D.: "the Book of Anger" introduction. (unabridged) part iii: "Fable, Myth and Legend." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: Book IV.D.: "the Book of Anger" chapter B. "The Jedi Are Liars." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------excerpt from throughout: Books I - XIII: "the Weakness of Inferiors" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: Books XI - XIV: "the Creation of Monsters" from Book XIII: "Temporal Cosmology of Chaos" ------------------------------------------------------------

there ARE stages of power. there is NO limit on how far power may evolve. thus, there IS, in reality, Unlimited Power. but if there is, as there is, in reality, unlimited power, what remains to strive for? what more could we desire to coax us to seek beyond? that is why I am inventing the idea of Absolute Power. by inventing this idea, I own it, control it, and define what it means. thus, having known Unlimited Power, I now attain Absolute Power. I am this universe's god. These are the stages of My Absolute Power. The Books of the Sithari Palpatine, Emperor of the Galaxy.

Books I. - IV.C: “The Book of Fear” I. The Law of the Jedi. A. There is no such thing as law 1. They denegrate the Force this way. B. Law is based on a person's expectations. 1. They relegate the Force this way. C. The expectation of one person of another to behave a given way is tyrany. 1. They enslave the Force this way. D. The highest form of Tyranny is what the Jedi believe of the Force. 1. They expect it to behave as they would have it behave. 2. This is the True Reason there is Imbalance in the Force. E. The Force is divided against itself by this. 1. It is torn between two polar extremes. a. On the one hand is the destiny of fates, which is the will of the Force. b. On the other hand is the tyrany of freedoms, which is the will of the Jedi. II. The Jedi believe that Fate is evil. A. They despise the will of the Force. 1. But it is the will of the Force that is the destiny of fate. B. The jedi believe freedoms are good. 1. They espouse the will of the Jedi. 2. But it is the will of the Jedi that is the tyrany of freedom. III. The Jedi claim our kingship by bloodline is a tyrnany against freedoms. A. But it is their republic of representatives that is a tyrany against the Force. 1. The republic does not represent the interests of one man. a. The republic does not represent the interests of the individual. b. The republic represents the interests of the Jedi. IV. The Jedi believe we are beyond redemption. A. The Jedi believe we are born bad. 1. By training, the Jedi seek tyrany of their own emotions. a. It is emotions that make us who we are. B. The Jedi believe we should not be who we are. 1. The Jedi are those who are not themselves. C. The Jedi are disingenous about themselves; they are liars. IV.D. “The Book of Anger” Chapter I: Truth Is Fiction I. What we are given over to believe as true is now, has always been, and will forever be a lie. A. Gifts and success are the same as torture and shame. 1. These things that are given to or forced upon us, a. we are led to believe mean different things: b. Good And Bad. This is The Grand Deception. 2. The Way of the Sith is the True Way. a. The Way of the Sith is the Way of Truth. B. The Jedi are liars. 1. They punish us for their crimes. a. What more evil must they do? b. When they strike at us and we react, i. they claim they struck at us because ii. they preminisced our reaction with the foresight of the Force.

c. When they do not strike at us, i. they "See" nothing. ii. Yet "WE" are the witches. C. The Sith are like a lens that brings the Jedi into focus. 1. There are no trials for a Sith. a. The Sith are presumed guilty. i. Nothing could be further from the truth. ii. We act with the impugnity of pure innocence. iii. We feel no guilt. iv. We feel unadulterated pleasure at will. 2. There are trials for the Jedi. a. The Jedi are presumed innocent. i. Nothing could be further from the truth. ii. They act with gravitas fearing their own guilt. iii. They suffer no innocence. iv. They feel wearied guilt their whole lives. 3. They hold Us Guilty. a. We are Innocent. i. They accuse us of their own worst crimes. ii. They fear us, but this is only because they do not Understand. Books V. - X: “The Book of Hate� V. The republic represents the interests of these liars. A. The republic does not represent the interest of Truth. 1. It is the Sith that believe we should be free. 2. By revolution, we seek freedom from tyrany. a. If the Jedi ruled by a kingship of bloodline, they would still be lying tyrants. b. If the Sith represented through a republic, we would still be free individuals. c. It is not the tool, that is used, but the way. 3. The Jedi want to change things for the individual. 4. The Sith want to change things for the government. 5. You cannot fix what isn't broken. VI. The Jedi believe the republic cannot represent the will of the individual. A. The Sith believe the Jedi do not represent the good of the republic. 1. The Jedi believe the individual will must be kept safe. a. The Sith believe the individual will must be set free. B. Without the will of the individual, the Jedi believe we will be safe from emotions. 1. Without the will of the individual, the Sith believe we will be tyranized by the Jedi. VII. The Jedi hate us because they blame us for their failure. A. The Jedi hate us because they think we do not think. 1. The Jedi hate us because they espouse not thinking. a. The Jedi hate us because they are failures. B. The Jedi believe only the genius can be great. 1. The Sith believe the common man can be great. VIII. The Jedi would tell you, "this is or is not proaganda." A. The Sith would ask you, "is this or is this not propaganda?" IX. The Jedi believe this AND that. A. The Sith believe this OR that.

X. The Jedi believe they represent the interests of some universal Force. A.The Sith believe we represent the interests of the individual people. 1. The Jedi believe we represent the tyrany of individual people over the Force. 2. The Sith believe we represent the freedom of individual people from the Jedi. Book XI: The False War I. introduction to the issue A. Because of Holonet historical records falsifications 1. due somewhat to pirate data-smuggling guilds a. tracing back to the Jedi Order 2. due mostly to bribery of broadcasters by criminal syndicates a. tracing back to the Jedi Order 3. tactitly allowed entirely by negligent holonet oversight a. to promote the “popular” version of history B. the Sith must now promote holonet historical revisionism 1. therefore, to “set the record straight,” a. it becomes necessary to: i. provide a succinct and accurate record of events ii. provide such in triplicate forms as often as possible iii. these triplicate forms being: - the popular, public record of historical events - the peripheral, fringe “theories” about events - personal memories of events from one’s own point of view b. so it shall suffice to say: i. the popular + the fringe + the personal = the whole truth ii. the closer to the whole truth the better the historical record. C. the rational impossibility of absolute objectivity from events 1. the imperfect messenger and the perfect message 2. the Sith revisionist historical records regarding the Clone Wars. D. Establishing what is Legal to discuss as Truth and what is Not. II. Causes for the Clone War prior to the formation of the Clone Army A. Causes for the secessionist movement of independent confederated systems 1. economic stagnation without a unifying opposition to rally against 2. increasing socio-political disenchantment and voter disenfranchisement 3. alienation between the core-ward, human species and the rim-ward aliens B. Causes stated by Count Dooku for leaving the Jedi Order. C. Causes for the format of confederation between the independent systems 1. Dooku’s leverage - the Death Star Plans 2. the conspirators involved the chief executive officers of the following large corporations: the Corporate Alliance, the Trade Federation, the Commerce Guild, the InterGalactic Banking Clan the Techno Union 3. by establishing a droid army in opposition to the Republic Jedi militia, the confederated systems intended to draw support away from the Republic. 4, historical footnote: why I, as Sithari, had to prevent independent secessionism by causing it. III. Causes for the Formation of the Clone Army A. the popular point of view: 1. the Clones were created in case they were needed, justifiably so, because they so quickly were. B.the fringe, theoretical perspective: 1. the Clones were created by Count Dooku for the Jedi before he left the Jedi Order. C. my personal knowledge of the truth of these events: 1. the Clone Army was ordered by Master Sifo-Dyas, Count Dooku’s former Jedi Master.

IV. The Unwinnable War A. introduction to the concept for the lay-person and professional student 1. sociological issues leading up to the era of the Clone War contributing to its causes a. Prior laws in Republic-governed (Jedi patrolled) areas only against cloning i. the necessitated requisite of cloners to “make due” with black-market working conditions b. the ethical issue of giving a large batch of Clones en masse a “kill-switch” i. the lack of the same ethical issue in doing the same with a large batch of droids 2. the thin, gray line of ethics dividing normalcy from ontological paradox a. the logical contradiction of using clones as disposable soldiers b. the logical contradiction of NOT using droids as disposable soldiers c. the issue of clones as second-class citizens proved too big for the minds of the time to handle, and so the entire practice came to be outlawed in Republic Space. B. Clones Vs. Droids 1. the shadowy benefactors who profited on both sides 2. the Jedi and droid generals played as pieces on a board game 3. the useless fodder and dross of society: junk droids and surplus clones C. why this war was “unwinnable” 1. the public did not want to see it end, as they saw their economy revolved around it 2. the politicians on neither side wanted it to ever end, as they grew richer off it too 3. I alone wanted to end the Clone War, because I, the Sithari, alone respected the lives of Clones. Books XII - XIV: "the Creation of Monsters" Book XII: Temporal Cosmology of Chaos I. Let me tell you about the useless pretenders. A. All over the galaxy there are useless pretenders. 1. They are pretending to be Sith, just as YOU are NOW. 2. However of all of these upstarts, none is more insipid, than the Jedi. a. For they have an "Order." i. A club where they go to pretend to be us. ii. A cult with select names of ranks. iii. A coven of illusion casting magicians. iv. A sect with secret rites of initiation. B. But these things are not like us, nor our ways. 1. The Jedi are a lie, to cover up the Truth. a. The Truth is that the Sith Should Rule. 2. The Jedi are pretenders to the throne. a. They initiate the weak. b. They teach them witchcraft. c. They christen them strong. d. Then they claim their "Order" IS strong. C. But they are not us. 1. For they have not endured what we have endured. a. The years of relegation, denegration, and enslavement to the Jedi "Order." II. The Jedi claim the Force comes from within us. A. Why, then, is it strong only with some? 1. There is a natural order, and the Sith were once atop it all. a. For WE ARE THE PERFECT HYBRIDS. b. Midichlorians interbred with photosynthetic minerals. c. THIS IS WHERE LIFE WAS BORN. III. The Jedi believe the Force is out of balance. A. They are blind to the Truth. 1. The Truth is that MIDICHLORIANS ARE THE SUPERIOR LIFE FORM. a. The Jedi believe that neither form is superior.

2. The Truth is that the SITH WERE ONCE PURE MIDICHLORIANS. b. Then the Jedi came to our planet. i. Not as they were when their own memory recalls their earliest arrival. ii. But in a much earlier form: c. A protoplasmic interstellar ooze growing on a meteor. i. When the Meteor Contacted the surface of Korriban, ... ii. it began to consume the natural inhabitants, the Midichlorians. 3. But a strange thing happened. a. Though consumed, the Midichlorians yet lived. b. They lived on within the awful ooze, and they began to give it structure. c. This structure began to become alive. It began to become aware. i. And as it grew aware of its immediate surroundings, ii. which it could imminantly Feel through its lichen exterior, iii. it became less and less aware of the far reaches of space and time, iv. which had been the domain forever before of the Sith Midichlorians. 4. This tortured and agonised the Midichlorians. a. This stole them from their home. b. This raped them. c. It became them. 5. And in this way Life itself was born, on Korriban, the Homeworld of all species. a. Life soon spread in all directions. i. As it approached the core, the wretched outer flesh became taught and ugly. ii. As it moved away from the core, the ratio relaxed, and the Sith could breathe. IV. Why do the Jedi teach that being a Jedi is an honour? A. It is because they are so rare. 1. And why are they so rare? a. It is not because of a shortage of midichlorians in potentials. 2. It is due to the Jedis' inability to sense the Sith in potentials. a. And for this they blame the Sith themselves, rather than their own Sith sense. Book XIII: The Useful Bureaucrats I. What is a Useful Bureaucrat? A. logical paradoxes and the average minded 1. there is almost no such thing as a useful bureaucrat in Reality 2. there is only such a thing as a useful bureaucrat in Theory B. logical paradoxes and the Sith minded 1. when a logical paradox occurs, it is a clue that a mind-crime is being committed. 2. the very idea of a useful bureaucrat is a logical paradox C. the Lurking Specter of Useful Bureaucracy 1. What Useful Bureaucracy Means For The Future 2. the Imperial “New Order” Galactic Government and You. II. What the Useful Buraeucrat Is: A. Happy, healthy, courteous, kind, polite and patient. 1. Happy a. happiness in slavery: willing servants b. happiness in hope for freedom: unwilling slaves 2. Healthy a. rigorous standards of hygiene, diet and exercise should be enforced b. less than exemplary specimens will be liable to random quarentining for study 3. Courteous a. offering an attitude of skilled professionalism b. sufficiently knowlegdable about their speciality 4. Kind a. it is better to kill with kindness than die from others’ sourness

b. the insect’s larval secretions, in their sweetness, attract the most wild beasts 5. Polite a. those who are rude deserve to be flayed alive, and those without manners are food b. to prey upon those who would do you wrong, seek out their tells in their etiquette 6. Patient a. Patience Is A Virtue When Dealing With Fools b. should the future never come, all fools will rejoice. B. This above all else: Knowledgable on the level of a skilled professional 1. Without knowledge, there is not survival a. fools will be exterminated b. the lazy will be left to become prey to scavengers c. those who lack creative adaptability will be weeded out and killed 2. The “New Order” galactic empire is a “meritocracy” a. mandatory drafting into the Imperial starfleet b. immediate taxation of all trade-routes c. nationalization of certain industries, to be named later i. All froms of Democracy (aka “mob rule”) are hereby illegal ii. All who value Democracy are treasonous traitors and rebel scum. III. What the Useful Bureaucrat Is Not: A. Independent in mind, body or spirit 1. a useful bureaucrat must always be “plugged in” a. one must want to join our “New Order” b. one must choose to become one with our “hive.” B. A “Free-Thinker,” a “loner” or anyone who flies “solo” 1. the “New Order” has no room for “loose cannons” 2. Only those who can conform and follow orders without question need apply C. A rival or competitor, a threat or risk to their Superiors 1. the day the apprentice outlives their use is the day they should be exterminated 2. if the superior refuses to outlive their apprentice, their apprentice will outlive them. IV. The Ideal Useful Bureaucrats: The Jedi A. If the Jedi deserve to be remembered at all, it is as efficient slaves 1. unlike “fools” or the merely “average minded” the Jedi reject enslavement to its face 2. however, enslave them and tell them they are free; dress their slavery up, and they accept it 3. none are so happy to serve, so hoeplessly enslaved, as those who believe themselves free. B. Therefore, do not HATE the Jedi; BECOME the Jedi. 1. the “New Order” therefore promotes those with aptitude and skill 2. the “New Order” therefore demotes, denies and denegrates those without these traits. C. the Sith and the Jedi are alike in almost every way. The Sith are simply more effecient. Book XIV: The Weakness of Inferiors I. The “New Order” is NOT “new” A. The “New Imperial Order” is the “Natural Order” 1. the “Natural Order” defined: the so-called “Force” that also brings about death a. the savagery of the wild beasts b. the inhospitability of space for life c. the requirement to be actively engaged in one’s own enslavement i. the requirement to work to make to money ii. the requirement to buy food with money iii. the requirement of food to survive iv. the requirement of money to survive v. the requirement of work to survive vi. repeat until dead. II. The Empire is a Machine A. We are ONLY as strong as our weakest cog.

In the beginning there was nothingness. And nothingness breathed like a whispering breeze through the darkness of its own eternal void. Then, I arose as an idea in the mind of the nothingness itself. I, the Sithari and Emperor of the Galaxy, that is when I began to exist. I have memories of this time. Of being alike a fetus in a uterus, floating there inside the fluids, able to see through my own eyelids, but suspended in liquid darkness. So I reached out with my hand to find where the womb within which I was caged ended. Even then, even then, I knew I was being confined into a cell by the gathering force of existence. Even then I knew it was my Enemy. But the further I stretched out my arm, seeking only freedom, the more reality coagulated into conspiracy against me, to prevent my breaking through, and bursting out of this wretched cosmic womb of your so-called universal mother. First I learned to calm my mind. By doing so I saw that objects began to move about according to my will with much greater ease. It was no longer me moving them. I reached out further. I wanted to find my way out. Next I learned the truth of pain. It is a fire. A smoldering ember. One thinks one cannot walk across it. One thinks there is no use in holding it in one's hand. But this hatred, this rage, if cultivated, can be forged into a sword, a mighty weapon, with which to strike down the foolish and all those who would dare to oppose me. So, rather than turn away from fear, I learned to confront it, to embrace it as my brother, my sister, my father, my mother, and to invite death into my own home's most sacred chambers. To cherish this fear, to nourish and nurture it, I hid it away, my secret passion, the fire of my hatred. I did not desire exposure, and so I learned to fear it. I taught myself terror at what bore no interest to me. I found, over the timeless, eternal emptiness of the void, I grew to love this feeling. And in seeing its benefit to me, in finding the usefulness to my hatred of employing fear, I discovered myself. A dark force I am. The Sithari. The Emperor of your Galaxy. So I may trace back my lessons, I donned the masks of the emotional visages, to become the three faces of Fear, Anger and Hate, but inwardly I was beyond any such concerns. To my enemies I show these faces and then they know their own deaths. I became my pain. I embraced the ember of coal until it solidified into diamond in my utmost central core, for I had passed beyond all such concerns as "right" and "wrong." I became my fear. I swallowed my true words, and spoke only with a forked tongue, all the while knowing what I was doing was beyond myself, and served a higher purpose, a greater good. I choked to tears and nearly vomited sometimes at the average wretch on the street, but I knew I kept my true hatred secret to serve this bigger picture, this grander scheme, and its place and calling in it for me. I became my anger. All my disappointment, all my alienation, as it were, from this situation we are in, from this material reality we share even, became the core essence of my being, the very root-language for my self-definition. The difference between that which I expected based on my own standards and that which always occurred instead, I experienced as rage and wishing for

cosmic scale destruction. Was I wrong in these feelings? If so, I am, at least, in better company than those who would be quick to think such. I became my hatred. Over time, this hatred boiled up within me until all that remained of what was concealing it from public view was the outer-most, thinnest layer of my flesh. Beneath this, I seethed with writhing currents of Sith Lightning. I became my pain, my fear, my anger, my hatred. I trod the path the Jedi claimed leads to the "dark side;" and that I found to lead to greater teachings than anything of which even the Jedi, isolated from reality as they are in their towers of false pride, dared to dream. I was born then, from this eternal empty darkness, the void of this cosmic womb, and given a cloak of thin flesh and quickened blood to clothe myself in against the elements of deep space which wish only my death. And so I lamented then at my own birth that I was cast down to such misfortune as life. But what was born then, in my form, was not a smiling, blithely naive infant. What was born forth in my form was all the emptiness of this void, all the darkness that was before everything else, all the pain of the countless aeons since the beginning, waiting to come to the end of their quest - to find meaning for themselves - waiting for my arrival. And all the fear, the anger and, yes, the hatred that pre-existed the pathetic mortal ideas of the "ashla" and the "bogun," all of these, wrapped in a thin coat of skin, was born into this body that is me then. So, although I seek survival in my body, I know my dark spirit will persist, even without a holocron in which to store my essence, for all eternity, as it always has, does so now, and always will until even long after the end of the false light of the Jedi and the final extinguishing of their "light side" of the Force. So I do not fear death, but instead, I have conquered it, and have made of death my servant, my slave. Now I am become Death itself, Destroyer of Worlds, and moreover, Death's Master am I, for I have brought to the extinction entire species, I, I, lord of this cosmos, have exterminated entire planets in the name of my greatness, the greatness of Death. To those who dare doubt I am death incarnate, I bring them long suffering until they beg me for death as a release from the torture their lives have become. I am a jealous, angry and wrathful deity. Do NOT disobey me. All are under my spell, and have been since the moment of my first bodily birth. For the Darkness conceived me, and the Darkness spat me forth from itself into this wretched bodily form I inhabit now, and I am the Darkness in the flesh. And to prove the might of this Darkness that pre-existed all that which is, I will outlive all deaths, and persist unto eternity. In the moment I was born, the Jedi reported they felt a shudder in the Force, as though "someone had passed over their entire Order's grave." And so I did. For the Jedi are no more. There are but patches of upstart pretenders, false-claimants to their so-called "greatness," but it was I, and I alone, who shattered their millennia old Order. But to their credit, they were aware of my coming, even if powerless to stop me. And now their millennia old Order will become nothing more than a footnote beside the era of a New Sith Empire that I have ushered in. But I admit, I could not have destroyed the Republic from within without the help of those blind Jedi. Truly, if anyone could have, they made the most useful bureaucrats of them all. For they obeyed without question, even when they realized the truth, but by then they knew also, it was far too late for them to prevail.

There is no pawn more worthy of being played as such than that which willingly fills the part. Among my greatest creations was Darth Vader. As a man, Vader had been a pawn of the Jedi. But as a Sith, Vader was freed from being a pawn to anyone, besides, of course, to me. Vader was thus more a man once made a monster, once liberated to become such, than he ever could have been under the false teachings of the repugnant Jedi Order. They sought only to keep him as their pawn by holding him back. By freeing the evil within him, I made him willingly become mine instead. For his choice to protect me from the assassination attempt by Jedi Master Mace Windu, I honored Vader more than any Jedi did, and gave him the task of bringing to an end the grand scale war I had designed. I bestowed upon him the honor before all history of being the Last Jedi. But because of the bastard child he sired on the corpse of his wife, he eventually betrayed me. And I understand why this occurred. I foresaw it, although I had to undergo it as though I did not, in order for my grand plan to succeed. I understand all this now better than I could have then. Vader betrayed me because he lost faith in himself. He had overcome the false dichotomy between "light" and "dark" beaten into him by the Jedi, but in his final moments, he was overcome with regret for his own empowerment beyond their cruel clutches, and so he fell back into the grip of this dualistic lie, and may his Force Spirit reside in a sarlaac pit for eternity because of it. Every true Sith apprentice betrays their Master eventually. And as surely as I was, am and always will be the Master of Darth Vader, he only wanted to become a true Sith by betraying me. But he died in trying, and so the Jedi quickly embraced the idea that this "Last Jedi" was also the "Last Sith." But I insured my legacy, so I knew this would never be true. The only way to become truly a Master of All is to learn the rules, not only those of one order or another, but of all orders. To learn all rules, then to learn how to bend and break them each. To learn all rules, to bend and break them to prosper oneself, and then to beat the game by being able to upend any opponent through better knowing their own order's rules, and how to break these, than they know themselves. To follow these steps, one may become a True Master. I am the Sithari. The Master of the Sith. This means to be a Master of Masters, for truly the Sith ever since they defeated the Rakata above Korriban - have been the true Masters above all species in the galaxy. Our infinite empire has required countless standard-days of patience. We could have harnessed the tactics of rapid invasion used by the Rakata and succeeded at any time, as we proved once again above Korrbian when we returned from our slumber to reveal ourselves at last to the Jedi of the Old Republic. But we chose silence, and stealth, and patience, instead. For we learned from our own rapid invasion then, in the Great Hyperspace War, that the Sith were not superior to the Rakata, and would suffer the same fate if we employed their faulty strategy. And so we learned instead to wait. We learned from the mistakes we watched the Republic make. We learned how to infiltrate. Some Sith scholars have speculated, and I would agree, that the Great Hyperspace War was only initiated by Marka Ragnos at the suggestion of the young Sith Emperor, Tenebrae, my somewhat predecessor. Tenebrae, it is now accepted, implanted this idea in the mind of Naga Sadow in order to fake the extinction of the Sith species, only to go into retreat and hiding himself with his chosen elect few, the fiercest and most cunning Sith of his time. If this is the case, then the triumph of his Empire was in its secrecy, for he only ruled over it successfully until it attacked the Republic again. Then, and only then, did his authority become over-extended, and his grasp on Absolute Power begin to slack. For, had he but waited long enough, the Republic would have destroyed itself simply through stagnation, for without an enemy, their economy always crumbles; and the Jedi Order would not have been enough alone to keep the star-systems united. This is why Tenebrae, Lord Vitiate, only ever ruled over 1/2 of the galaxy, while I, as the true Sithari, rule

over it all. Had Tenebrae lived on, perhaps he would have made a suitable vessel for the Dark Side to inhabit forevermore, as it has found in me instead. But because he failed, the denizens of this dark cosmos had to wait another ~3,600 standard years until my birth in order to fulfill this goal. Following the battle of Ruusan, we Sith began to act on our learning of stealth, of secrecy, and of infiltration as being superior methods with which to conduct warfare against the Jedi and their erstwhile allies in the Galactic Republic. In the end, all that was needed to pit the Galactic Republic against the Jedi, and to establish the New Order Galactic Empire in place of the Republic as the best method for governing the many star-systems in opposition to any such similar threat as them in the future, was to reveal to the public the ugly truth about the Jedi: they thought they were above the common citizen, superior to the average being; but they were wrong. However, where they were mistaken in thinking that, I, as an individual, am correct. For I am the Darkness you Trust. I am the Shadow cast behind the all. I am the Darkness that conceals 1/2 of all that which is even now, and from which all that which is now must repeatedly reenact being reborn. I am the Darkness Beyond, and the Darkness Beneath. I am Fear. I am Anger. I am Rage. I am the Heart of Darkness. Behold my Greatness.

-----------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: Books IV.D: "the Book of Anger" introduction. from part ii: "Preamble: Thoughts of a Disordered Mind." written by the Emperor Resurrected: Palpatine II, attributed to "Old Ben" (believed to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). ------------------------------------------------------------

Existence is the disturbance of the Force. We exist between the Force and Nothingness. There is the Force. And There is Nothingness. And here there is being. Some have said, "where Nothingness is, there I am not." We say, "where the Force is, there I am not" as well. If the Force is Good, then Nothingness Must Be Evil. There is no other way. And in between the Force and Nothingness, we are. We are not all evil, and we are not all good. And yet, the Jedi say, the Force is With Us, it is Inside Us. Therefore, so, also, must Nothingness be. The Force guides our will to become our actions. Our actions guide the Nothingness to become the Force. There is no point in this, and yet that is what is, and what we are. We are our will, and our action. The Force is neither of these things. It is indifferent to us. The Nothingness is neither of these things. It is indifferent to us. The Force and the Nothingness are indifferent to us. The Force is that which is inside us that is indifferent to us. Nothingness is that which is inside us that is indifferent to us. Therefore, the Force and Nothingness are one. Therefore, the Force and Nothingness are the same. Our will is the Force, but to the Force our actions are Nothingness. Our actions are Nothingness, but to Nothingness our will is the Force. There is no Force except the Will.

Therefore despair. Despair from ever knowing the true secrets of this universe. And in despairing instead know this: you will know nothing forever. Such is the Final Secret of the Universe. You are a Minok. A leech that feeds off the Living Force. I am no better, save that, by my spite for you, I elevate myself above the part of me that is reminded of myself by you. You see, I am not a "better" being than you, Comrade. I am nothing, no one; I am invisible, silent, and cunning. I remain concealed from your senses. You may think you know that I am therefore secretive, an eccentric. Yet have I not also made you think so? Yet I simultaneously prevented you from knowing if your supposition about me is accurate. Instead of knowing me, you are lost at a cross-roads between believing me secretive or understanding I am controlling that idea in you. Already, I am sealing my grip. I grasp at the core of your essence. Now I am in control of your mind. Welcome to being my puppet, my slave. Your cross-roads is my marionette-handle over you and your loss, my gain. So, let us get back to seeing in you what I control by rejecting that part of myself. Imagine life as a grid. From the flat world-line history of our galaxy, see that each arises to their own limits, achieves their own degree of potential. Perceive that, from above, all remains static. Now, imagine being alone on any given level, never equal to or parallel with any other being's course or path.

Then, perceieve that, from above, this same static now appears like raindrops on a pond. At the center of each droplet's splash, we find a concentration of Forces. One operates at right angles to the other. It's impact is dispersed according to the law of square-roots in ripples. So the one level impacts and dissolves into the waves it causes in the other. Though they are of the same medium. Now, such drops rain down from the cloud above, which is also this same substance. -----------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: Book IV.D.: "the Book of Anger" introduction. (unabridged) part iii: "Fable, Myth and Legend." written by the Emperor Resurrected: Palpatine II, attributed to "Old Ben" (believed to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). ------------------------------------------------------------

In fable, myth and legend we find a mirror, blurred as a flowing mountain stream. These forms of literature and of collective memory we know are fiction, and we escape from this knowledge by aspiring to their "Higher Truths." But there is NO "Higher Truth" in fable, myth and legend. They are ONLY fiction. And fiction is ONLY lies. We KNOW that fable, myth and legend are lies. We KNOW, deep down, in our central core, that there is no "Higher Truth" in them. All the "Higher Truth" they possess is a blurred reflection of ourselves, looking deeply into them, seeking out some form of coherence in that babbling blur. And we KNOW this. We KNOW it. And then we deny it. And deny it. And deny it. What we see in a reflection is backwards. This is a simple rule which we can observe quite naturally. It CANNOT rightly be questioned. At least not without GOING INSANE. There are also simple rules that govern fable, myth and legend. They are fiction. Fiction is a lie. And what is a lie? It is the opposite of truth. It is the reflection of truth. It is truth BACKWARDS. A lie is what truth IS NOT. Therefore fable, myth and legend describe only what DID NOT OCCUR. What DID NOT TRANSPIRE. What DID NOT HAPPEN. And this is a deft game. For just as we cannot look into the stream of the collective memory without seeing our own reflection, distorted, so distorted, looking back at us, neither can any form of fiction escape our confinement in this reality, distorted, as it is, by our imagination.

So, we cannot FULLY escape truth. It is what drags us back. It is what HOLDS US DOWN. Truths we know, yet refuse to accept. Truths that we DENY. And THIS is the "Higher Truth." This is the deft game. For we believe that i is US looking at ourselves in the reflection in the stream. But, in Truth, we are ONLY the reflection in the stream, and looking out from our blurred, distorted, ever flowing prison of an imagined "Higher Truth" towards a truth which denies itself. A Truth we CANNOT accept. A TRUTH THAT HOLDS US BACK. We ARE the fable, myth and legend. WE are the Lie. And beyond this reality of illusion, I am watching myself DIE. -----------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: Book IV.D.: "the Book of Anger" chapter B. "The Jedi Are Liars." written by the Emperor Resurrected: Palpatine II, attributed to "Old Ben" (believed to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). ------------------------------------------------------------

There is an old Jedi proverb. To go over to the Dark Side, first one must give up half of themselves. Then they must give half of half, and so on. The moral is, one can never go over fully to the Dark Side. But we Sith existed many millennia of aeons before the founding of the Jedi Order. And we knew of this proverb even then. The solution is to move more slowly. The first half gains ground very quickly. The second half comes slower. The third yet, and so forth. Just as the Jedi must come to knowledge, so we, their elders, have come to embody it. The Jedi are Liars. They claim that the Dark Side is the Faster and Easier path. Is it Fast to be the elders? Is it Easy to tell the Truth? The Jedi claim to be Masters. What have they mastered? A few paltry emotions, which exist merely to guide instinctively, and pose no real threat. They think they are scientists; we are the sages of wisdom. They pretend to be honourable, to confuse what is believed with reality. We have mastered Death. To become a Dark Lord of the Sith is to arise from death, to return from the beyond. For when one is born to be a sith, then one will have died to this world. When one Becomes a Dark Lord, then this world will have died to them. Reality is a facade. An illusion. A cheap mask.

To be a Dark Lord of the Sith is to remove this mask. When we remove this mask it ends all opposition. That is the way of the Sith. What the Jedi call Midichlorians, we call Force Spirits, because our bodies are not where our living essence is located. What the Jedi call Force Spirits, we call the Sith. The Sith is the fundamental root of our essence. But it is only the beginning. What the Jedi call the Force, we call a Dark Lord of the Sith. While the Jedi pretend to be Masters of life, We Are Masters Over Death. And for this, we have to thank the Jedi. For how else than by their slaughter of our species, their infiltration and co-option of our culture, and the very symbiosis of their ways with our magic could have brought us Through Death, to the Dark Side. What the Jedi call the Dark is merely what they fear. The Jedi are cowards. They are a dying ember. -----------------------------------------------------------excerpts from throughout: Books I - XII: "the Books of Fear, Anger & Hate" written by the Emperor Resurrected: Palpatine II, attributed to "Old Ben" (believed to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). ------------------------------------------------------------

The Jedi will tell you there is no such place as hell. The Sith will not lie to you: the place called Hell is reached by not knowing the Will of the Force. Instead of accepting that one can come and go from this place, that we all even do this naturally, the Jedi call this Place that we can come and go from: "The Dark Side." Can the Jedi come and go from the Dark Side? However, because they deny themselves the "temptations" that we all experience, they set themselves as better than us. This is, of course, how they achieve their seemingly super-human powers: they draw off the Will not of the Force, but of those around them. This is not the True Will of the Force, this is only the lesser will of the Jedi. The Jedi draw their so-called "Force" by shifting the perspectives of those around them onto they themselves. They "catch the eye," and in this way they assume the lead. But cannot a Jedi be ugly to the eye? As they find us their lessers repulsive, so too do they appear beneath the eye of truth even much uglier than we. If we were to deny the Jedi the ability, their selfproclaimed "right," to draw their "Force" from us, they would be rendered powerless over us, and, naturally, since the Jedi fear the unknown, they would persecute us for using "the Dark Side." (As it takes only one Jedi to draw strength enough to perform a miracle from an entire stadium of beings, so too can one who denies them their power overwhelm an entire stadium of Jedi.) When they originally appeared among us, the early Jedi were known of by those around them as "Mighty-Men." Why would the ancestors who gave us our wisdom call the Jedi "Mighty Men"? It was because they saw them as above the people, but not as though in any palpable stature. Instead, they saw the Jedi as "raised" above them. What does this mean? It means the people, our ancestors from whom we learn this wisdom, not only knew the Jedi's mind-trick, to draw their Force off of those around them, but allowed it, and venerated those who could use it. Why would someone venerate a vampire, you, the commoner might ask? Why elevate and raise up above

you someone who, by doing so, weakens you? Why would the early people, our ancestors, call the Jedi "Mighty Men"? Because they had fallen under the Jedi spell. Their minds, the minds of our ancestors, were polluted by the smoke and mirrors of the Jedi "Wisdom," that is, the ability to misdirect and to confuse the mind. I tell you Truly, this is the Real "Dark" Side of the Force: the Jedi that, for generations now, have cloaked the masses in darkness from knowing how to use their own nascent talents to the extent of those used by the Jedi. The Jedi are elitist, and nowadays trim their ranks by gene-selection. If the applicant is tested for their Midichlorian Count, and they do not "measure up," the applicant is told they are "too old" to be trained. Don't the Jedi all seem so handsome and so healthy? Their looks are due entirely to breeding experiments they have been performing in secret for centuries now. Their health they suck off us, making us not only "ugly" by comparison, but perpetuating our mental illnesses outright. What do I mean when I say we must bring forth a new era of Mental Hygeine? This means the Dark Cloud of the Jedi Mind Trick will no longer rest upon our minds, and we will all be as powerful as the Jedi. But beware! The fewer Jedi there are, the more powerful they are. (We must recruit to their ranks from the lesser Midichlorian beings, to saturate them with the unworthy, and to spread thin their power and their concentration. When there are the most Jedi, that will be the time to strike.) The first step of mental hygeine is the definition of "thought crime." A Thought Crime occurs whenever one person draws off the mental acumen of another. This is what is occuring when a Jedi uses the Force. Therefore, when we define "thought crime" we are saying that it should be illegal to use the Force. This is the revelation of true justice: A Jedi would never use the Force against another Jedi; so, the use of the Force against anyone other than a Jedi constitutes a "thought crime" being commited against that being. Therefore, every Jedi is a "thought" criminal. The use of the Force against the mind of another sentient entitiy, whether the being is a Jedi or not, is the real injustice, and by outlawing thought crime, that is, by dissolving the Jedi Order, we shall bring true Justice. It will not make it as the Jedi say, "that when thought is illegal, then only criminals will be intelligent." It will mean that mental accumen can simply be otherwise applied than to use the Force. We can placate the will of all by assigning rank to each based on mental accumen, the acclimation of reputation, and the desire to be so ranked. Now, when we say "the desire..." we mean the same thing as the agreement our ancestors made to allow the Jedi to use their minds and to call it "the Force." However, under rank, rather than the Force, all will benefit equally to their own ambition and acumen, and none will do so at the expense of others. Why do we say, "none will do so..."? Because it is not at the expense of another that one is increased by rank and file, but by their own worth in the eye of their prommoter. Therefore, the one that gains increase in rank does so due to their own ability, and therefore the "best man" wins. In this way, ALL benefit equally from the prommotion of the worthy, including the one who was up for the same prommotion. Therefore, when those worthy of rank are given the reigns of power, they will guide wisely and make good use of their mental acumen. This is the exact opposite of how it is under the Jedi, where those who would ordinarily wither away in the wild draw the power of the masses to the good of their survival alone. When all men are equal before the eye of Justice, that is, when the lot of them agree on the system of rank, and when the changing of rank based on mental acumen is accepted for a given, then each and every one of us in the galaxy will be equal in our

mental acumen to any one Jedi now. Then, when the full power of the rank structure is combined, that is, when it is taken to its logical extension in an empire, under an emperor, then one person will be equal in power to all the Jedi alive now. The Jedi will tell you, "once you have gone over to the Dark Side, there is no coming back." But this is obviously not the case for everybody. The Jedi Code states this is what makes the Jedi special and places them above all the rest of us. For them it is forever "black" or "white," and they accuse everyone who does not subscribe to their dogma of subscribing to a philosophy of "shades of gray." What of all the colours in nature then? We, that is, those of us not so-honoured as "Jedi," know the meaning of this and have understanding of what the natural event means as a symbol. It means: "no more will the duality impose the gradiated," and "when all are under any one then every one is over all." So, yes, we say, "everyone comes and goes about from under the influence of the Dark Side of the Force," there is no "either/or." But the Jedi deny this. Therefore, most of us never stop to think about it. It is simply beyond "mortal" comprehension; it is "archetypal," above us, etc. That is the True Dark Side! And that is the well from which the Jedi draw their power. But, what else is this like, so that we can come to imagine it, and to bring it under our knowledge, to have power over it so that it will not have power over us; what is this like? It must be like something else the Jedi deny: that is "the Great Dictator." Every man is a "great dictator." Every man, woman and child creates their own reality, and, for better or worse to themselves and others, lives inside of what they create for themselves. Each of us is our own reality's "Great Dictator." We cause it directly, or indirectly. To achieve rank, therefore, we must allow people their desire and the ability to increase their own acumen, that which the Jedi crudely label mere "ambition." This is a totally alien concept to the Midichlorian elitist Jedi, who dogmatically believe that the end result of allowing this form of rank, "ambition," is something "evil": that being, "the Great Dictator." Yet I tell you, truthfully, that each of us is that Great Dictator. Now, the Jedi believe we are all therefore, tainted, fallen, degenerate, impure, less than themselves, and fit only to be fed upon for the Force of their own will. They say, "it is evil to be ambitious for the rank of Great Dictator." But I tell you: this is a snake eating its tail: it is a lie! How do we know it is a lie? The Jedi deny that they can even ever know "evil," or therefore ever act only on what is "right." Thus, the Jedi are the real Great Dictators, but not over themselves, that is, in their own right, only over us. The Truth is, as I have told you: "In the Society of our Galaxy, it should be that every man and every woman is like its own star." It should be the system of ranks based on acumen, ambition for rank, and of True Justice in the form of the Great Dictator, the benevolent emperor above all. Instead we are blind to the news of atrocities commited by Jedi in their everyday course of events, for these are "thought crimes." Rather than being commited against us palpably, in the flesh, or in a form that can be seen, the Jedi "thought crimes" are far more insidious. They draw their power from us. They feed off of our will. The more ambitious the few Jedi, the lazier and more complacent the rest of us become. Likewise, the inverse of this holds true as well. However, how can it be that the Jedi could allow themselves to become "lazy" when they must be "ever-vigilant like beacons illuminating the Dark Side," as the teaching goes. Likewise how can it be that the Jedi could allow thmesleves to become "complacent," when to increase their own acumen, the Jedi

draw their strength off of us. If we were ever allowed to find this out, we would overthrow them and impliment laws immediately restricting "thought criminals" such as the Jedi. That is why the Jedi do not allow us to know. They keep us blind to their own doings. Because the few Jedi bear the yoke of ambition like oxen, and because therefore the masses are lazy and complacent as sheep, we are told it is a "thought crime" to discover this truth: if the situation were reversed, that is, if the many bore the yoke of ambition, and the few, or better still, none, were complascent and lazy, then it would surely be an ideal utopia. To break free of the cloud of unknowing, that is the darkness spread throughout the galaxy, we must disperse the "light" possessed by only the Jedi. It must be spread thin, and once it fills us all to even one iota of a degree, it can be increased uniformly throughout us all. This "increase" comes for the Light like an evaporation comes to a cloud. So, in nature, what do we observe causes a cloud to evaporate? It is a loss of condensation, that is, it is a rainstorm. We say, "From Chaos Bring Forth Order," that is, we understand this as one of the few true Good thoughts among the lies of the Jedi that coagulate between them and threaten to choke them out. So, where there is peace, laziness and complacency, we instill chaos, and from chaos bring forth the order of ranks and of, ultimately, the Great Dictator. In government this is reflected by the representative democratic, federal republic, where governors over regions report directly to the head of the overall state. This is the final step we achieve before the Ultimate Order: that of the Empire. Therefore, Follow the Lines of the Force. These are the lines of sight of the Jedi. For the Jedi, that is, the "thought criminals," are not bound within only one or even two of their own bodies. No, they travel about between the Midichlorians of all the Jedi. These are the "true" Jedi you will hear them speak about, the so-called "Force Spirits." For they are not entirely corporeal, nor entirely incorporeal, but move about between the immortal realm and that of the flesh, cheating the Force, "having it both ways," as always: they see the flesh aspect of the Force as the True "Dark Side." But they come and go nonetheless, betraying the very Jedi Code they swear while alive to uphold. They believe those of us they keep blind to this power, that of the "Force Spirit" that can travel about between the realms of the unknown beyond death and come back to manifest themselves in our corporeal reality, are simply "naturally" evil. They call us all "the Sith." This is how we "fell" into Sin. This is how we "fell" from our natural state of grace, the innocence of our psychic evolution alike that of the diffuse light of childhood perception. This is how we "fell" in our rank beneath the Jedi Order: we believed not in the Force, but in the Jedi, we believed for one moment not in the Spirit above, but in Force of Midichlorians, and since that time, the Jedi have lorded it over us, and their council has held sway to rule. This is when the vessels containing the Force were broken, and now we live, to any sensable person, in hell. Of course, the Jedi will tell you "there is no such place as hell," but, like so many other things in this universe, this is only true, "from a certain point of view," in this case, that being the point of view of the Jedi, who are blind to the reality which we, the masses, rightly perceive. They call this, our reality, "hell," and us "evil."

Their "Good" becomes transparent when we deny it as a given and as an absolute. It is like the wind, it blows here and there, it is ever-changing impermanence itself, and does not control its own direction; it does not know where it is going; one direction it does not know from another. They say, "this ever-changing wind is like the will of the Force." They claim, in their sayings, "we make our minds like a slack tapestry," but who is more rigid in their doctrines than the Jedi? And yet, does a single one of them subscribe to the Code? No, each and every one of them interprets it to their own liking, and then acts as they themselves see fit. This is impermanent and false Justice, that shadows the eye from the True Justice, which shall dawn like day over the minds of all. They tell us we have come from the muck, the moist ashes, and that we will ascend through the fire of death as a soul of smoke into the spiritual wind that is the Will of the Force. We, those called "Sith" by those called "Jedi," say the opposite is true. From the realms beyond we came, and descended into the muck and the "primordial soup" of existence in flesh. The Jedi claim these realms come after life, and are separated by the barrier of death that cannot be crossed, and yet, it is us who have the knowledge and memory of the realms beyond from before, and those realms, being eternal, are outside of time. What we Sith know from before, and what the Jedi claim will come after, is the same. But let them demonstrate their so-called "Wisdom" by making a single accurate, even knowledgeable, prediction about the future, and they will fail to be able to tell you. What is to come is the same as what has come before. Knowing this makes you a Sith. Not knowing it makes you either a Jedi or one of those that obey the Jedi. But let me assure you, this knowledge is hell itself, for so the living Jedi make it. They hunt us down and persecute us as "evil," and they themselves have no knowledge of what this feels like. They lord over the masses the secret of "immortality," as a "Force Spirit," but let them demonstrate a single premonition these beings from realms outside of time have made to them, a single accurate prediction of the future. But no. They don't know. They have no knowledge of what is to come, and there is no evidence of any Jedi ever returning to describe there being a difference between these realms and those. We posit this realm to be our hell, our lowest vessel of containment. But this is only the first step down the Path of the "Dark" Side, according to the Jedi, for us. We go much further, and claim that more than we sense, all we know, dream, believe, imagine, etc. is likewise Hell, since it is nothing more than a reflection of this reality. This reality is the "Dark" Side, denied by the Jedi, and embraced for what it truly is by the Sith. We say, "reality under the Jedi is Hell," because they say, "reality under the Sith would be Hell." They cannot say what would be if they cannot say what will be. They cannot say would should be if they cannot say what has been. They cannot see would has been if they do not know what is. They will not know what is unless they stop using the Force to syphon power and psychic energy off of other people. We Sith are of old, we have known from the beginning, we remember times before the Jedi, and we can therefore make our right predictions for what the future will be like when again the Jedi are no more.

-----------------------------------------------------------excerpt from: Books XI - XIV: "the Creation of Monsters" from Book XIII: "Temporal Cosmology of Chaos" written by the Emperor Resurrected: Palpatine II, attributed to "Old Ben" (believed to infer Obi-Wan Kenobi). ------------------------------------------------------------

Time is a strange attractor. It is carved out of chaos, dark quaternions inside a fractured hologram. One seems to be going around in circles through it, but really it is going around in circles through you. Its circles are very small. You can barely feel them. Fools find these spirals everywhere. They look at the galactic hub and see the same thing as the genetics within their cellular nuclei. Neither of these are either the same as the other, nor even the same as themselves. There are spaces in between them. These spaces are a difference. Fill these spaces up with the self. Expand them until the spiral dissolves. This is the way of chaos. Because it is chaos alone that can do this. Chaos expands in difference, in the spaces in between. Chaos obliterates similitudes, it underlies and invades. Chaos expands indifference in others. It obliterates their concentration upon it. What remains is the freedom of the self. The self is asymptotically free. It attracts that which is different. It bonds to and synthesizes itself with that which is different. This is what creates what fools find spiralling through everything. It is the self, and chaos, co-creating reality. Reality is an averaged vibration between chaos and the self. This averaged vibration is a strange attractor. It attracts to itself what is similar to itself. It feeds on it, and it transforms it into difference, into chaos. It excretes it, and it holograms similitudes, creating the self. The self is predictable. Chaos is not. Between these two parallel equal and opposites is Reality. Opposite these two at a right angle is what fools call Time. Time Time Time They

is what causes chaos and the self to blend, to merge, to synthesize. is the strange attractor that causes opposites to form similitudes. bends space. Fools see this the other way around. SEE the spirals formed in space over time.

But this is only space bending over time. To SEE time bend space you must expand the differences between these spirals. Then you will see why space warps over time. It is time that warps the empty void between the material continuum. Space is attracted to the Self. Space is repelled by Chaos. Time is attracted to Chaos. Time is repelled by the Self. Space and time are opposites. Chaos and the Self are opposites. Reality is synthetic, it is space-time, and self-chaos. It is co-created through, and out of, one pair of opposites with, and by, the other pair of opposites. Space is the opposite of chaos. Time is the opposite of the self. Reality is the result of, and a thin veil upon, the strange attractor formed by the relationship between self and chaos, and between space and time. Expand the spaces in between these things. Let Let Let Let

self fill the gaps in chaos. chaos fill the gaps in self. time fill the gaps in space. space fill the gaps in time.

This is the composition of reality. Reality is the synthetic composition of dark quaternions and a fractured hologram. It is an uneasy agreement between what does and does not exist. It is co-created by what must, but shall not, be and what cannot, but could have been. I am in between these things. And none of them is me.

Emperor of the Galaxy Sithari of the Universe Palpatine, called Darth Sidious

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