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Harley Street Health & Beaty products

Products MultiVitamin Burst


High Ox


Joint Systems




The range includes 10 supplements, each one developed to help your body and mind strengthen, regenerate, as well as protect your body’s organisms against the harmful substances it comes into contact with daily and reduce the relentless effects of the aging process.

Stay Alert


Great Shape




Each of the products in the Harley Street range has been developed with all natural ingredients and under strict controls to provide your body with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and extracts, which help your body as a whole to combat illness, disease, stress, fatigue, medical conditions and much much more. With regular use of one or more of these supplements you will be able to notice a huge effect on your daily life.

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We are proud to present our new line of health supplements! A good diet is central to overall good health, but do you know the best foods to include in your meals and those best avoided? We look at the facts, to help you make realistic, informed choices.

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MultiVitamin Burst

Vitamin burst, nutrients that are easily absorbed MultiVitamin Burst contains vitamins and minerals fortified with the Spirulina alga.

To each day provide the body’s requirement of vitamins and minerals is a prerequisite for good health. A good vitamin/mineral balance is quite simply a necessity in order for our various organs to function. For a good uptake, vitamins and minerals must work together. With MultiVitamin Burst we can offer a product where the ingredients work together, guaranteeing optimal uptake. With today’s lifestyle we often have irregular mealtimes and an altogether unbalanced diet, which means that it can be difficult to cover our nutritional requirements through food. Our soils are also becoming more and more impoverished through more “effective” agricultural methods, which means that vegetables and grain are becoming poorer in nutrients. Stress, environmental damage and smoking are some other factors that have a negative effect on the body resulting in impaired nutritional uptake. MultiVitamin Burst is a perfectly balanced dietary supplement for your daily vitamin, mineral, trace element and antioxidant requirements. By means of the high content of spirulina in MultiVitamin Burst, the body is provided with close to 100 nutrients in natural form, which are easily absorbed by the body. The Spirulina alga. Spirulina is a micro alga, cultivated in controlled fresh-water dams. It is thought that this tiny micro alga’s entire function is to produce proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, protective pigment and many other vital nutrients, important for human health. Spirulina is also an excellent source of GLA. GLA=Gamma-Linolenic Acid is the best known essential fatty acid, which in the body is transformed into prostaglandins, important for hormonal balance. In Spirulina there are 18 of the 22 known amino acids, of which 8 are essential = must be supplied via food. The function of the amino acids is to build up proteins, which in turn are the body’s most important building blocks. Growing cells comprise around 20 % of pure protein. Spirulina is rich in antioxidants. Most prominent is the special content of carotenoids (of which beta carotene is the largest), a group of protective substances, which are effective weapons in cell defence. Spirulina is also renowned for its content of the green pigment chlorophyll, which has been shown to have many protective properties. Spirulina is completely natural with its nutriments in a biologically active form, which the body is immediately able to utilise. Neither does it have any indigestible cell walls of cellulose as do most other algae.

Recommended daily allowance: 2 tablets/day with meals.

www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk Health & Beauty Consumo diario recomendado: 2 comprimidos diarios con las comidas.

Guardar fora do alcance de crianças. Guardar à temperatura ambiente.

1 comprimido contiene Ingredientes por comprimido (mg) Vitamina A 2,00 Vitamina B1 (Tiamina) 1,22 Vitamina B2 (Riboflavina) 2,04 Vitamina B3 (Nicotinamida) 10,00 Vitamina B5 (Ácido pantoténico) 5,00 Vitamina B6( Piridoxina) 1,63 Vitamina B12 (Cobalamina) 4,50 Vitamina C 61,90 Vitamina D 1,12 Vitamina E 16,00 Ácido fólico 0,20 Biotina 0,10 Magnesio 129,40 Zinc 17,14 Hierro 24,20 Manganesio 4,50 Potasio 48,10 1,80 Cobre Yodo 0,10 Selenio 3,00 Cromo 1,30 Espirulina orgánica 150,00 Calcio 194,50 Celulosa microcristalina 222,25 Fosfato dicálcico 23,00 Croscarmelosa sódica 10,00 Dióxido de silicio 5,00 Estearato de magnesio vegetal 10,00 Aquapolish 10,00

RUS ------------------------Спирувитал это отлично сбалансированная диетическая добавка, которая удовлетворит ежедневные потребности Вашего организма в витаминах, минералах и микроэлементах. Благодаря высокому содержанию водоросли спирулина, организм обеспечивается до сотни питательных веществ в естественной форме, которые он легко может абсорбировать.

Store out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. DEU ------------------------Spiruvital ist ein perfekt ausgewogenes Nahrungsergänzungsmittel für Ihren täglichen Bedarf an Vitaminen, Mineralien und Spurenelementen. Dank des hohen Anteils an Spirulina-Algen werden dem Körper über 100 Nährstoffe in natürlicher Form zugeführt, die vom Körper problemlos aufgenommen werden. Empfohlene tägliche Einnahme: 2 Tabletten/Tag zu den Mahlzeiten.

Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. Conservar a temperatura ambiente. POR ------------------------Spiruvital é um suplemento dietético equilibrado para as suas necessidades diárias de vitaminas, minerais e microelementos. Mediante o elevado teor de algas espirulina, o corpo recebe e facilmente absorve cerca de 100 nutrientes de forma natural. Dose diária recomendada: 2 comprimidos/dia às refeições. 1 comprimido contém Ingredientes por comprimido (mg) Vitamina A 2.00 Vitamina B1(tiamina) 1.22 Vitamina B2(riboflavina) 2.04 Vitamina B3(nicotinamida) 10.00

1 таблетка содержит Ингредиенты 1 таблетки (мг) Витамин A 2.00 Витамин B1(тиамин) 1.22 Витамин B2(рибофлавин) 2.04 Витамин B3(никотинамид) 10.00 5.00 Витамин B5(пантотеновая кислота) Витамин B6(пиридоксин) 1.63 Витамин B12(кобаламин) 4.50 Витамин C 61.90 Витамин D 1.12 Витамин E 16.00 Фолиевая кислота 0.20 Биотин 0.10 Магний 129.40 Цинк 17.14 Железо 24.20 Марганец 4.50 Калий 48.10 Медь 1.80 Йод 0.10 Селен 3.00 Хром 1.30 Органическая спирулина 150.00 Кальций 194.50 Микрокристаллическая целлюлоза 222.25 Ортофосфат кальция двузамещенный 23.00 Кроскармеллоза натрия 10.00 Диоксид кремния 5.00 10.00 Стеарат магния овощной Акваполиш чистый 10.00 Беречь от детей. Хранить при комнатной температуре.

Health & Beauty

1 Tablette enthält Inhaltsstoffe pro Tablette (mg) Vitamin A 2.00 Vitamin B1(Thiamin) 1.22 Vitamin B2(Riboflavin) 2.04 Vitamin B3(Nikotinamid) 10.00 Vitamin B5(Pantothensäure) 5.00 Vitamin B6(Pyridoxin) 1.63 Vitamin B12(Cobalamin) 4.50 Vitamin C 61.90 Vitamin D 1.12 Vitamin E 16.00 Folsäure 0.20 Biotin 0.10 Magnesium 129.40 Zink 17.14 Eisen 24.20 Mangan 4.50 Kalium 48.10 Kupfer 1.80

Рекомендованное суточное потребление: 2 таблетки в день во время еды

Exclusive new multi-vitamin

ESP ------------------------Spiruvital es un suplemento dietético perfectamente equilibrado para alcanzar sus niveles diarios de vitaminas, minerales y oligoelementos. Gracias a su alto contenido en alga Espirulina, el organismo recibe casi 100 nutrientes de forma natural, fácilmente absorbidos por el organismo.

Für Kinder unzugänglich aufbewahren! Bei normaler Zimmertemperatur lagern. 2.00 1.22 2.04 10.00 5.00 1.63 4.50 61.90 1.12 16.00 0.20 0.10 129.40 17.14 24.20 4.50 48.10 1.80 0.10 3.00 1.30 150.00 194.50 222.25 23.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 10.00

5.00 1.63 4.50 61.90 1.12 16.00 0.20 0.10 129.40 17.14 24.20 4.50 48.10 1.80 0.10 3.00 1.30 150.00 194.50 222.25 23.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 10.00

60 tablets

1 tablet contains Ingredients per tablet (mg) Vitamin A Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Vitamin B3 (Nicotinamide) Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Folic acid Biotin Magnesium Zinc Iron Manganese Potassium Copper Iodine Selenium Chromium Spirulina organic Calcium Microcrystalline cellulose Dicalcium phosphate Croscarmellose sodium Silicon dioxide Magnesium stearate vegetable Aquapolish clear

0.10 3.00 1.30 150.00 194.50 222.25 23.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 10.00

70% Concentrated for a more powerful result

Recommended daily intake: 2 tablets/day with meals.

Vitamina B5(ácido pantoténico) Vitamina B6(piridoxina) Vitamina B12(cobalamina) Vitamina C Vitamina D Vitamina E Ácido fólico Biotina Magnésio Zinco Ferro Manganês Potássio Cobre Iodina Selénio Crómio Espirulina orgânica Cálcio Celulose microcristalina Fosfato de dicálcio Croscarmelose de sódio Silicone dióxido Esterato de magnésio vegetal Aquapolish transparente

Jod Selen Chrom Organische Spirulina Kalzium Mikrokristalline Cellulose Dikalziumphosphat Croscarmellose-Natrium Silikon-Dioxid Pflanzliches Magnesiumstearat Aquapolish klar

MultiVitamin Burst

ENG ------------------------Spiruvital is a perfectly balanced dietary supplement for your daily vitamin, mineral and trace element requirements. Through the high content of the algae Spirulina, the body is provided with close to 100 nutrients in natural form, which are easily absorbed by the body.

Vitamin source Vitamin 1-A-Day A Vitamin B1 (Thiamine ) Vitamin B2 (Ribofla vin) Exclusive new multi-vitamin Vitamin B3 (Nicotinamide ) Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) 70% Concentrated for a more powerful result Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Folic acid Biotin Magnesiu m Zinc Iron Manganese Potassium Copper Iodine Selenium Chromiu m Spirulin a organic Calcium Microc rystalline Dicalciu m phosphate Crosc armellos e sodium Silico n dioxide Health & Beauty Magnesiu m stearate vegetable www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk Aquapolish clear

MultiVitamin Burst

Spiruvital är ett perfekt balanserat kosttillskott för ditt dagliga behov av vitaminer, mineraler och spårämnen. Genom det höga innehållet av algen Spirulina tillförs kroppen ytterligare nära 100 näringsämnen i naturlig form som lätt tas upp i kroppen. Rekommenderat dagligt intag: 2 tabletter/dag i samband med måltid. 1 tablett innehåller

Ingredienser per tablett (mg)

Vitamin A 2,00 1,22 Vitamin B1(Tiamin) Vitamin B2(Riboflavin) 2,04 Vitamin B3 (Nikotinamid) 10,00 Vitamin B5 (Pantotensyra) 5,00 Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxin) 1,63 Vitamin B12 (Kobalamin) 4,50 Vitamin C 61,90 Vitamin D 1,12 Vitamin E 16,00 Folsyra 0,20 Biotin 0,10 Magnesium 129,40 Zink 17,14 Järn 24,20 Mangan 4,50 Kalium 48,10 Koppar 1,80 Jod 0,10 Selen 3,00 Krom 1,30 Spirulina ekologisk 150,00 Kalcium 194,50 Mikrokristallin Cellulosa 222,25 Dikalciumfosfat 23,00 Croscarmellose Sodium 10,00 Kiseldioxid 5,00 Magnesiumstearat vegetabilisk 10,00 Aquapolish Clear 10,00

Förvaras oåtkomligt för barn. Förvaras i rumstemperatur.

High Ox

High rate antioxidant supplement High Ox contains Açai, Noni and Mangosteen.

By eating fruit and vegetables each day you take in antioxidants which help you to protect the body’s cells against free radicals. Antioxidants protect the body’s cells against oxidants. These can damage the cell’s surface, change its DNA or completely kill the cell. The recommendation to eat five a day fruit and vegetables can be difficult to achieve. We have therefore produced a dietary supplement with super fruits from different parts of the world to help you meet your requirements. Açai Studies have shown that Açai is perhaps the most nutritious of the super fruits on our planet. Açai provides the body and brain with energy and mental focus for managing very stressful everyday life. In South America and Brazil special fields of application have been developed for Açaí in traditional folk medicine. Açai contains many vitamins, minerals and necessary beneficial fatty acids. In addition to this Açai contains wholesome Omega 6 and Omega 9 fatty acids, amino acids and is an excellent source of qualitative protein. Omega 9 is a monoethylenically unsaturated necessary fatty acid which reduces the level of bad cholesterol and maintains the level of beneficial cholesterol. Omega 6 is a polyunsaturated necessary fatty acid, which has the same function as Omega 9. Much of the energy in Açai comes from these necessary fatty acids which improve the blood circulation and are good for the cardiovascular system. Açai also contains many valuable Phytosterols. Sterols are chemical compounds of plant cell membrane, which have several beneficial effects on the human body, including reduction of blood plasma cholesterol. What really makes Açai special is the level of antioxidants. Açai contains 30 times more anthocyanin than a glass of red wine. Noni The Noni fruit comes originally from Southeast Asia. Noni is rich in nutrients and has for hundreds of years been used by the peoples of Polynesia and Asia in traditional folk medicine. One of the most active substances in the noni fruit is a phytonutrient known as proxeronine. Proxeronine is used by the body to produce xeronine. Xeronine activates the protein in your body and helps your body to improve the build up of your cell structure and production of energy. Cells that do not fully function or are damaged are helped naturally. Mangosteen Mangosteen is a fruit from the tropical part of Asia and its rind has been used in traditional medicine, e.g. against dysentery, fever, diarrhoea, urinary tract infections and skin diseases such as e.g. eczema, rashes etc. Mangosteen is rich in antioxidants, especially tannins. Tannins are polyphenols and are anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and astringent. They protect the fruit against fungal infections and other diseases. The part of mangosteen which mainly contains antioxidants is the rind, whilst the white flesh contains significantly fewer antioxidants. Along with tannins Mangosteen contains a group of antioxidizing polyphenols known as xanthones. Studies indicate that xanthones have an anti-inflammatory effect and counteract the growth of fungi and other microbes. Like other polyphenols xanthones have been shown to counteract tumours. Recommended daily allowance: 2 tablets/day with meals.

www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk Health & Beauty Recommended daily intake: 2 tablets/day with meals.

Consumo diario recomendado: 2 comprimidos diarios con las comidas. 1 comprimido contiene Ingredientes por comprimido (mg) Extracto de Açai 175,00 Extracto de Noni 175,00 Extracto de Mangostino 175,00 Celulosa microcristalina 268,50 Croscarmelosa sódica 15,00 Óxido de silicio 8,00 Estearato de magnesio vegetal 8,50 Hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa 5,00

1 tablet contains Ingredients per tablet (mg) Acai extract 175.00 Noni extract 175.00 Mangosteen extract 175.00 Microcrystalline cellulose 268.50 Croscarmellose sodium 15.00 Silicon dioxide 8.00 Magnesium stearate vegetable 8.50 Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 5.00 Store out of reach of children. Store at room temperature.

Empfohlene tägliche Einnahme: 2 Tabletten/Tag zu den Mahlzeiten.

Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. Conservar a temperatura ambiente.

POR ------------------------OxyFruit contém os super frutos açaí, noni e mangostim, ricos em antioxidantes e outros nutrientes.

Рекомендованное суточное потребление: 2 таблетки в день во время еды 1 таблетка содержит Ингредиенты 1 таблетки (мг) Экстракт асаи 175.00 Экстракт нони 175.00 175.00 Экстракт мангустана Микрокристаллическая целлюлоза 268.50 Кроскармеллоза натрия 15.00 Диоксид кремния 8.00 Стеарат магния овощной 8.50 Гидроксипропилметилцеллюлоза 5.00

Açai - Noni & Mangosteen

Беречь от детей. Хранить при комнатной температуре.

Dose diária recomendada: 2 comprimidos/dia às refeições. 1 comprimido contém Ingredientes por comprimido (mg) Extracto de açaí 175.00 Extracto de noni 175.00 Extracto de mangostim 175.00 Celulose microcristalina 268.50 Croscarmelose de sódio 15.00 Silicone dióxido 8.00 Estearato de magnésio vegetal 8.50 Hidroxipropil metilcelulose 5.00

Für Kinder unzugänglich aufbewahren! Bei normaler Zimmertemperatur lagern.

Guardar fora do alcance de crianças. Guardar à temperatura ambiente.

Health & Beauty

1 Tablette enthält Inhaltsstoffe pro Tablette (mg) Acai Extrakt 175.00 Noni Extrakt 175.00 Mangosteen Extrakt 175.00 Mikrokristalline Cellulose 268.50 Croscarmellose-Natrium 15.00 Silikondioxid 8.00 Pflanzliches Magnesiumstearat 8.50 Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose 5.00


Antioxidant supplement that helps reduce cell damage

OxyFruit innehåller superfrukterna Acai, Noni och Mangostan som innehåller mycket antioxidanter och andra näringsämnen. Rekommenderat dagligt intag: 2 tabletter/dag i samband med måltid. 1 tablett innehåller: Acai extrakt 175,00 mg Noni extrakt 175,00 mg Mangostan extrakt 175,00 mg Övriga ingredienser/ tabletthjälpmedel Mikrokristallin Cellulosa 268,50 mg Croscarmellose Sodium 15,00 mg Kiseldioxid 8,00 mg Magnesiumstearat vegetabiliskt 8,50 mg Hydroxypropylmetyl Cellulosa 5,00 mg Renat vatten 125,00 mg

60 tablets

DEU ------------------------OxyFruit enthält die gesündesten Früchte, wie Acai, Noni und Mangosteen, mit einem hohen Gehalt an Antioxidantien und anderen Nährstoffen.

RUS ------------------------ОксиФрут содержит такие супер-фрукты, как асаи, нони и мангустан, которые включают высокий процент антиоксидантов и иных питательных веществ.


ESP ------------------------OxyFruit contiene las súper frutas Açai, Noni y Mangostino, con un alto contenido en antioxidantes y otros nutrientes.

Antioxidant supplement that reduces cell damage

ENG ------------------------OxyFruit contains the super fruits Acai, Noni and Mangosteen, which are high in antioxidants and other nutrients.

Förvaras oåtkomligt för barn. Förvaras i rumstemperatur.

Health & Beauty www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk

Joint System For a flexible and active lifestyle

Joint System contains Green Lipped Mussel, Chondroitin and MSM. Green Lipped Mussel For thousands of years New Zealand’s indigenous peoples used the green lipped mussel as a dietary supplement to counteract e.g. rheumatic diseases and various forms of joint wear and tear. This unique mussel contains nutrients from the sea such as organisms needed to build up skin, cartilage, connective tissue and synovial fluid. The mussel is distinguished through an unusually high percentage of amino sugars – glucose amino glycans, which have a positive effect on treatment of joint disorders. These glucose amino glycans are water soluble and are absorbed directly from the intestine and conveyed via the blood directly out in synovial fluid and cartilage. Chondroitin Chondroitin, one of the natural components in the green lipped mussel extract, contributes to preventing the breaking down of articular cartilage. In addition, the extract contains e.g. the unique, unsaturated fatty acid ETA, as well as other unsaturated omega-3 and 6 fatty acids with inflammation reducing properties. MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) is a natural sulphur-based substance with both anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties. MSM is required e.g. for formation of important connective tissue components such as cartilage, sinews and vascular walls. These substances have been shown to reduce pain and increase mobility in osteoarthritis and other joint problems and in addition stimulate regeneration of cartilage in the joints. The ingredients form new cartilage in the joint surface of the bone and help the joints to produce new synovia. The cartilage synthesis prevents and corrects wear and the synovial fluid works as a shock absorber. The effect of the extract appears relatively slowly, usually after 1-3 months of use, as the growth of the cartilage and the synovial fluid synthesis takes some time. On the other hand the effect of the extract remains for up to three months after the product has stopped being used Recommended daily allowance: 2 tablets/day with meals.

www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk Health & Beauty 1 tablet contains Ingredients per tablet (mg) Green lipped mussel 175.00 Methylsulfonylmethane 175.00 Curcuma longa 75.00 Shark chondroitin sulphate 111.00 Microcrystalline cellulose 285.00 Starch glycolate 25.00 Magnesium stearate vegetable 4.00 Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 6.00 Store out of reach of children. Store at room temperature.

Empfohlene tägliche Einnahme: 2 Tabletten/Tag zu den Mahlzeiten. 1 Tablette enthält Inhaltsstoffe pro Tablette (mg) Grünlippenmuschel 175.00 Methylsulfonylmethan 175.00 Curcuma longa 75.00 Haifisch- Chondroitin-Sulfat 111.00 Mikrokristalline Cellulose 285.00 Stärkeglykolat 25.00 Pflanzliches Magnesiumstearat 4.00

ESP ------------------------Easy Flex es un extracto natural de mejillón de labios verdes que contiene una serie de sustancias beneficiosas, que juntas contribuyen a una vida activa y flexible. Consumo diario recomendado: 2 comprimidos diarios en las comidas. 1 comprimido contiene Ingredientes por comprimido (mg) Mejillón de labios verdes 175,00 Metilsulfonilmetano 175,00 Curcuma longa 75,00 Condroitín sulfato de tiburón 111,00 Celulosa microcristalina 285,00 Glicolato de amido 25,00 Estearato de magnesio vegetal 4,00 Hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa 6,00 Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. Conservar a temperatura ambiente.

POR ------------------------Easy Flex é um extracto natural de mexilhão de concha verde contendo algumas substâncias úteis, que juntas contribuem para uma vida flexível e activa. Dose diária recomendada: 2 comprimidos/dia às refeições.

Metilsulfonilmetano 175.00 Curcuma longa 75.00 Sulfato do Chondroitin (tubarão) 111.00 Celulose microcristalina 285.00 Glicolato de amido 25.00 Estearato de magnésio vegetal 4.00 Hidroxipropil metilcelulose 6.00 Guardar fora do alcance de crianças. Guardar à temperatura ambiente.

RUS ------------------------Изи Флекс – это натуральный экстракт из мидии зеленогубой, содержащий целый ряд полезных веществ, которые сообща обеспечивают активный и гибкий образ жизни. Рекомендованное суточное потребление: 2 таблетки в день во время еды

Green lipped mussel

1 таблетка содержит Ингредиенты 1 таблетки (мг) Мидия зеленогубая 175.00 Метилсульфонилметан 175.00 Куркума длинная 75.00 Хондроитин сульфат акулий111.00 Микрокристаллическая целлюлоза 285.00 Гликолят крохмала 25.00 Стеарат магния овощной 4.00 Гидроксипропилметилцеллюлоза 6.00

Joint System For a flexible and active lifestyle

60 tablets

DEU ------------------------Easy Flex ist ein natürliches Extrakt von der Grünlippenmuschel und enthält eine Vielzahl wertvoller Wirkstoffe, die gemeinsam zu einem agilen, aktiven Leben beitragen.

Für Kinder unzugänglich aufbewahren! Bei normaler Zimmertemperatur lagern.

Joint System

Recommended daily intake: 2 tablets/day with meals.

Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose 6.00

For a flexible and active lifestyle

ENG ------------------------Easy Flex is a natural extract from the green lipped mussel containing a number of useful substances, which together contribute to a flexible and active life.

Easy Flex är ett naturligt extrakt från grönläppad mussla, som innehåller ett antal nyttiga ämnen som tillsammans bidrar till ett rörligt och aktivt liv. Rekommenderat dagligt intag: 2 tabletter/dag i samband med måltid. 1 tablett innehåller: Grönläppad mussla 175,00 mg Metyl Sulfonyl Metan 175,00 mg Curcuma Longa 75,00 mg Haj Kondroitin Sulfat 111,00 mg Mikrokristallin Cellulosa 285,00 mg Stärkelseglykolat 25,00 mg Magnesiumstearat vegetabiliskt 4,00 mg Hydroxypropylmetyl Cellulosa 6,00 mg

Förvaras oåtkomligt för barn. Förvaras i rumstemperatur.

Беречь от детей. Хранить при комнатной температуре.

1 comprimido contém Ingredientes por comprimido (mg) Mexilhão de concha verde 175.00

Health & Beauty

Health & Beauty www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk


Help reduce the risk of heart disease Contains 70 % Omega-3 oil from fish with high levels of EPA.

More and more studies show that it is important that we eat fatty fish – not least for children and young people. The polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids are vital and are needed for growth and health in both young and old. The human body cannot create them and therefore they must be taken in via food. Comprehensive research shows that the most important omega-3 fatty acids, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), e.g. reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, reduce blood pressure and in addition, alleviate inflammatory reactions such as hardening of the arteries, rheumatic diseases and eczema. In addition, studies have shown that children with ADHD and dyslexia have a lower level of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood compared with children with normal behaviour. We are recommended to eat fatty fish 3-4 times a week, but in today’s society there are not many who can manage this and therefore Omega-3 is an important product for those of you who care about your health. The omega-3 capsule is 500 mg in size, which makes it easy to swallow, and flavoured with lemon oil, which takes away the taste of fish and makes it child-friendly for those who prefer to chew it. Recommended daily allowance: 2 capsules/day with meals.

www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk Health & Beauty A daily dose (2 capsules) contains: Saturated fat: Monounsaturated fat: Polyunsaturated fat Of which: EPA (triglyceride) DHA (triglyceride) Various E vitamins

50-100 mg 150-250 mg 650-800 mg

min. 450 mg min. 100 mg 4 mg

Ingredients: Fish oil (Omega-3), Tocopherol, Gelatine, Flavouring, Glycerol. Store out of reach of children. Store at room temperature.

Empfohlene Einnahme pro Tag: 2 Kapseln Inhalt / tägl. Dosis (2 Kapseln)

Consumo diario recomendado: 2 cápsulas Cada dosis diaria (2 cápsulas) contiene:

Grasas saturadas: 50-100 mg Grasas monoinsaturadas: 150-250 mg Grasas poliinsaturadas 650-800 mg De las cuales: EPA (triglicéridos) min. 450 mg DHA (triglicéridos) min. 100 mg Vitamina E 4 mg

Ingredientes: Aceite de pescado (Omega-3), Tocoferol, Gelatina, Aromatizantes, Glicerol. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. Conservar a temperatura ambiente.

POR ------------------------Os ácidos gordos essenciais fazem bem ao cérebro e diminuem o risco de enfarte e de doenças vasculares. Dose diária recomendada: 2 cápsulas

mín. 450 mg mín. 100 mg 4 mg

Ingredientes: Óleo de peixe (Ómega-3), Tocoferol, Gelatina, Intensificador de sabor, Glicerol. Guardar fora do alcance de crianças. Guardar à temperatura ambiente.

RUS ------------------------Жизненно важные жирные кислоты полезны для мозга и снижают риск сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний. Рекомендуемая суточная доза: 2 капсулы Состав / суточная доза (2 капсулы) Насыщенные жиры Мононасыщенные жиры Полинасыщенные жиры Из них: ЭПК (триглицерид) ДКГ (триглицерид) Набор витаминов E

Livsviktiga fettsyror värdefulla för hjärnan, minskar risken för hjärtoch kärlsjukdomar. Rekommenderad dagligt intag: 2 kapslar

50-100 мг 150-250 мг 650-800 мг

Omega 3 Reduce the risk of heart & vascular disease

Innehåll / dagsdos (2 kapslar) Mättat fett 50-100 mg Enkelomättat fett 150-250 mg Fleromättat fett 650-800 mg Varav: EPA (triglycerid) min.450 mg DHA (triglycerid) min.100 mg Mix av e-vitaminer 4 mg Ingredienser: Fiskolja (Omega-3), Tocopherol, Gelatin, Arom, Glycerol.

Förvaras oåtkomligt för barn. Förvaras i rumstemperatur.

мин.450 мг мин.100 мг 4 мг

Состав: Рыбий жир (Омега -3), токоферол, желатин, вкусовые добавки, глицерин. Беречь от детей. Хранить при комнатной температуре.

Health & Beauty

Gesättigte Fettsäuren 50-100 mg Einfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren 150-250 mg Mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren 650-800 mg Davon: EPA (Triglyzerid) mind. 450 mg DHA (Triglyzerid) mind. 100 mg Verschiedene E-Vitamine 4 mg

ESP ------------------------Los ácidos grasos esenciales son buenos para el cerebro y reducen el riesgo de padecer enfermedades cardíacas y vasculares.

50-100 mg 150-250 mg 650-800 mg

60 tablets

DEU ------------------------Lebenswichtige Fettsäuren sind für die Hirnfunktionen wertvoll und verringern die Gefahr von Herz- u. Kreislaufstörungen.

Für Kinder unzugänglich aufbewahren! Bei normaler Zimmertemperatur lagern.

70% Omega 3 fish oil

Uma dose diária (2 cápsulas) contém:

Gordura saturada Gordura monoinsaturada Gordura poli-insaturada De que: EPA (triglecerídeos) DHA (triglecerídeos) Várias vitaminas E

Omega 3

Recommended daily intake: 2 capsules

Ingredienzen: Lebertran (Omega-3), Tocopherol (Vitamin E), Gelatine, Aromastoffe, Glycerol.

Reduce the risk of heart & vascular disease

ENG ------------------------Essential fatty acids are good for the brain and reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases.

Health & Beauty www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk

Stay Alert

Stay alert improve your concentration & Stamina

Stay Alert contains Rhodiola Rosea and Green Tea Rhodiola rosea Rhodiola rosea reduces stress, increases performance, stimulates the mood centre, increases concentration. Rhodiola rosea increases ATP (the body’s most important source of energy), through which organs, muscles and the brain receive sufficient energy. This can result in improved sleep, a more even temperament, more energy and a feeling of fitness. In addition it normalises heart rhythm and blood pressure. Rhodiola rosea also has a positive effect on the brain’s signal substances, which means that the memory is improved and concentration increased. Even worry and anxiety are alleviated and motivation increased during depression. Coordination between the nerve cells in the brain increases partly because they receive energy and partly because the signal substances are normalised. Green tea Serious diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular problems are less prevalent in Asia where much green tea is drunk. In green tea there are a large number of polyphenols, which are antioxidising substances. These are believed to protect the body’s cells and DNA against the free radicals which can cause cell damage, cell death, ageing and age-related diseases. Recommended daily allowance: 1-3 tablets/day with meals.

www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk Health & Beauty Declaration of contents: Rhodiola rosea, Green tea, Dicalcium phosphate, Microcrystalline cellulose, Tricalcium phosphate, Magnesium salts of fatty acids. Dose: 1 - 3 tablets per day. Store out of reach of children. Store at room temperature.

1 Tablette enthält: 150 mg Rosenwurz-Extrakt entsprechen 2600 mg reiner Wurzel. Grüne tee 200 mg. Rosavine 5-8%, Salidroside 2-3%. Inhaltserklärung: Rhodiola rosea, Grüner Tee, Dikalziumphosphat, Mikrokristalline Zellulose, Trikalziumphosphat, Magnesiumsalze aus Fettsäuren.

Ingredientes: Rhodiola rosea, Té verde, Fosfato dicálcico, Celulosa microcristalina, Fosfato tricálcico, Sales magnésicas y ácidos grasos. Dosificación: 1 - 3 comprimidos / día Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. Conservar a temperatura ambiente. POR ------------------------Indicações: Para melhorar a acuidade mental e a concentração. Em casos de fadiga mental temporária 1 comprimido contém: Extracto de rodiola (Rhodiola rosea). 150 mg correspondem a 2600 mg de raiz de rodiola. 200 mg de chá verde. Rosavina 5-8 %, Salidrozido 2-3 %

Guardar fora do alcance de crianças. Guardar à temperatura ambiente. RUS ------------------------Показания к применению: Для улучшения остроты и концентрации внимания. При временном умственном утомлении. 1 таблетка содержит: Экстракт Золотого корня 150 мг Соответствует 2600 мг чистого сырья. Розавины 5-8%, Салидрозид 2-3%.

Stay Alert Improve your stamina and concentration

Användningsområde: För förbättrad skärpa och koncentration. Vid tillfällig mental trötthet. 1 tablett innehåller: Extrakt av Rosenrot 150 mg Motsvarar 2600 mg ren rot. 200 mg Grönt te. Rosaviner 5 - 8%, Salidrosid 2 - 3%. Innehållsdeklaration: Rhodiola rosea, Grönt te, Dikalciumfosfat, Mikrokristallisk cellulosa, Trikalciumfosfat, Magnesiumsalter av fettsyror. Dosering: 1 - 3 tabletter / dag Förvaras oåtkomligt för barn. Förvaras i rumstemperatur.

Состав: Rhodiola rosea, Зеленый чай, Дикальций фосфат, Трикальций фосфат, Микрокристалическая целюлоза, Соли магнезия жирных кислот. Дозировка: 1 - 3 таблетки в день. Беречь от детей. Хранить при комнатной температуре.

Health & Beauty

Dosierung: 1 - 3 Tabletten pro Tag.

1 comprimido contiene: 150 mg de extracto de raíz de rodiola; equivalente a 2.600 mg de raíz pura. 200 mg de té verde. 5-8% de rosavinas, 2-3% de salidrócido.

Dose: 1-3 comprimidos por dia

Rhodiola Rosea & Green Tea

60 tablets

DEU ------------------------Anwendungsbereich: Verbesserte Gedächtnisleistung und Konzentration. Bei vorübergehender mentaler Erschöpfung.

ESP ------------------------Finalidad: Para mejorar la lucidez y la concentración. En casos de cansancio temporal.

Composição: Rodiola, Chá verde, Fosfato dicálcico, Celulose microcristalina, Fosfato tricálcico, Sais de magnésio de ácidos gordos.

Stay Alert

1 tablet contains: Extract of Arctic Root (Rhodiola rosea). 150 mg corresponds to 2600 mg pure root. 200 mg Green tea. Rosavin 5-8%, Salidroside 2-3%.

Für Kinder unzugänglich aufbewahren! Bei normaler Zimmertemperatur lagern.

Improve your stamina and concentration

ENG ------------------------User indications: To improve acuity and concentration. In cases of temporary mental tiredness.

Health & Beauty www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk

Great Shape

Weight control by extracting fat from your food

Great Shape contains NeOpuntia a fibre from the Opuntia cactus, as well as chromium. NeOpuntia New Shape, helps with weight reduction, the fibres in the Opuntia cactus bind fat from meals, which is then not absorbed by the body. In several studies the active ingredient Opuntia has been shown to reduce the body’s absorption of fat. When we eat fatty food the fat is absorbed and stored in our bodies. Opuntia is a 100% natural fat-binding fibre, which absorbs some of the fat taken in, which is thus not taken up by the body but passes out without giving off energy. A study shows that NeOpuntia improves the levels of the beneficial HDL cholesterol whilst the levels of triglycerides diminish. Chromium Chromium provides physiological effects such as an increase in the fat burning process and reduced body fat, whilst it saves muscle mass when dieting. Chromium is vital for the body’s ability to utilise insulin, which regulates the blood sugar level in the blood and provides the cells with the right amount of sugar. Recommended daily allowance: 2 tablets to be taken 15 to 60 minutes after a meal .

www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk Health & Beauty 1 tablet contains Ingredients per tablet (mg) Opuntia ficus-indica, Acacia gum 500.00 Chromium 25.00 Inulin 220.00 Microcrystalline Cellulose 50.00 Croscarmellose Sodium 9.50 Silicon dioxide 2.00 Magnesium stearate vegetable 8.50 Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 6.00 Store out of reach of children. Store at room temperature.

Empfohlene Einnahme: 2 Tabletten 2-3 x täglich innerhalb von 15 bis 60 Minuten nach den Mahlzeiten. 1 Tablette enthält Inhaltsstoffe pro Tablette (mg) Feigenkaktus, Akaziengummi 500.00 Chrom 25.00 Inulin 220.00 Mikrokristalline Cellulose 50.00

Für Kinder unzugänglich aufbewahren! Bei normaler Zimmertemperatur lagern.

ESP ------------------------New Shape ayuda a perder peso, ya que las fibras de cactus Opuntia capturan la grasa de las comidas, que no es absorbida por el organismo. Consumo recomendado: 2 comprimidos a ingerir de 15 a 60 minutos después de las comidas 2-3 veces al día. 1 comprimido contiene Ingredientes por comprimido (mg) Opuntia ficus-indica, Goma arábiga 500,00 Cromo 25,00 Inulina 220,00 Celulosa microcristalina 50,00 Croscarmelosa sódica 9,50 Óxido de silicio 2,00 Estearato de magnesio vegetal 8,50 Hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa 6,00 Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. Conservar a temperatura ambiente.

POR ------------------------New Shape ajuda a emagrecer, as fibras de Opuntia cactus reúnem a gordura existente na comida, que é depois absorvida pelo corpo. Dose diária recomendada: 2 comprimidos entre 15 a 60 minutos após a refeição, 2 a 3 vezes por dia.

1 comprimido contém Ingredientes por comprimido (mg) Opuntia ficus-indica, goma arábica 500.00 Crómio 25.00 Inulina 220.00 Celulose microcristalina 50.00 Croscarmelose de sódio 9.50 Silicone dióxido 2.00 Estearato de magnésio vegetal 8.50 6.00 Hidroxipropil metilcelulose Guardar fora do alcance de crianças. Guardar à temperatura ambiente.

RUS ------------------------Нью Шейп способствует снижению веса, волокна кактуса опунции (цабра) связывают жиры, получаемые с пищей, которые, как следствие, не всасываются организмом. Рекомендованное употребление: 2 таблетки принимаются спустя 15-60 минут после еды два-три раза в день.

Opuntia Cactus Extract

Great Shape Extracting bad fats from your food intake

60 tablets

DEU ------------------------New Shape trägt zur Gewichtsabnahme bei, die Fasern des Opuntia-Kaktus binden das Fett aus den Mahlzeiten, wodurch es vom Körper nicht aufgenommen wird.

9.50 2.00 8.50 6.00

Great Shape

Recommended intake: 2 tablets to be taken 15 to 60 minutes after meals 2-3 times per day.

Croscarmellose-Natrium Silikondioxid Pflanzliches Magnesiumstearat Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose

Extracting bad fats from your food intake

ENG ------------------------New Shape helps with weight reduction, the fibres in the Opuntia cactus bind fat from meals, which is then not absorbed by the body.

1 таблетка содержит Ингредиенты 1 таблетки (мг) Цабр, аравийская камедь 500.00 Хром 25.00 Инулин 220.00 Микрокристаллическая целлюлоза 50.00 Кроскармеллоза натрия 9.50 Диоксид кремния 2.00 Стеарат магния овощной 8.50 Гидроксипропилметилцеллюлоза 6.00

New Shape underlättar viktnedgång, fibrerna i Opuntiakaktusen binder fett från måltiden som då inte tas upp av kroppen. Rekommenderat dagligt intag: 2 tabletter tas 15 till 60 minuter efter måltid 2-3 gånger per dag. 1 tablett innehåller Opuntia ficus-indica, Acacia gum 500,00 mg Krom 25,00 mg Inulin 220,00 mg Mikrokristallin Cellulosa 50,00 mg Croscarmellose Sodium 9,50 mg Kiseldioxid 2,00 mg Magnesiumstearat vegetabiliskt 8,50 mg Hydroxypropylmetyl Cellulosa 6,00 mg

Förvaras oåtkomligt för barn. Förvaras i rumstemperatur.

Беречь от детей. Хранить при комнатной температуре.

Health & Beauty

Health & Beauty www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk


Help strengthen your immune system Immunise contains vitamin C, Echinacea and Zinc.

Vitamin C Vitamin C is needed for the formation of connective tissue in blood vessels, skin and skeleton. In addition, it is an important antioxidant in the body’s defence against free radicals. Vitamin C alleviates and prevents colds and infections. The tablet’s construction means that vitamin C is released over a long period thus avoiding a temporary high level in the body. Echinacea Studies show that Echinacea is effective against catching colds and alleviates the symptoms of colds. Several measured values in the immune system are improved on taking Echinacea. Use of Echinacea for prevention or treatment of infections, colds or influenza go back to successful treatments among the Native Americans. Zinc Zinc is one of the most important minerals in the body and large amounts are required. Zinc has important antivirus properties, deficiency symptoms can appear as a reduction in immune defence with e.g. frequent protracted respiratory passage infections and colds. It also affects memory, muscle strength and stamina. Recommended daily allowance: 2 tablets/day with meals.

www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk Health & Beauty Recommended daily intake: 2 tablets/day with meals.

Consumo diario recomendado: 2 comprimidos diarios en las comidas.

1 tablet contains Ingredients per tablet (mg) Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) 515.50 Zinc gluconate 55.56 Echinacea purpurea 50.00 Hydroxypropyl cellulose 150.00 Microcrystalline cellulose 118.94 Magnesium stearate vegetable 10.00 Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 6.00 Store out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. DEU ------------------------CE-Guard stärkt das Immunabwehrsystem, wirkt Erkältungen und infektiösen Erkrankungen entgegen.

1 Tablette enthält Inhaltsstoffe pro Tablette (mg) Vitamin C (Ascorbinsäure) 515.50 Zinkglukonat 55.56 Echinacea purpurea 50.00 Hydroxypropylcellulose 150.00 Mikrokristalline Cellulose 118.94 Pflanzliches Magnesiumstearat 10.00 Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose 6.00 Für Kinder unzugänglich aufbewahren! Bei normaler Zimmertemperatur lagern.

Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. Conservar a temperatura ambiente.

POR ------------------------CE-Guard reforça as defesas do sistema imunitário, actua e alivia os resfriados e infecções.

Рекомендованное суточное потребление: 2 таблетки в день во время еды 1 таблетка содержит Ингредиенты 1 таблетки (мг) Витамин C (аскорбиновая кислота) 515.50 Глюконат цинка 55.56 Эхинацея пурпурная 50.00 Гидроксипропилцеллюлоза 150.00 Микрокристаллическая целлюлоза 118.94 Стеарат магния овощной 10.00 Гидроксипропилметилцеллюлоза 6.00

CE-Guard stärker immunförsvaret, motverkar och lindrar förkylning och infektioner. Rekommenderat dagligt intag: 2 tabletter/dag i samband med måltid.

Immunise Strengthen your immune system

1 tablett innehåller: Vitamin C (Askorbinsyra) 515,50 mg Zinkglukonat 55,56 mg Echinacea purpurea 50,00 mg Hydroxypropylcellulosa 150,00 mg Mikrokristallin Cellulosa 118,94 mg Magnesiumstearat vegetabiliskt 10,00 mg Hydroxypropylmetyl Cellulosa 6,00 mg

Förvaras oåtkomligt för barn. Förvaras i rumstemperatur.

Беречь от детей. Хранить при комнатной температуре.

60 tablets

Empfohlene tägliche Einnahme: 2 Tabletten/Tag zu den Mahlzeiten.

1 comprimido contiene Ingredientes por comprimido (mg) Vitamina C (Ácido ascórbico) 515,50 55,56 Gluconato de zinc Equinacea purpúrea 50,00 Hidroxipropilcelulosa 150,00 Celulosa microcristalina 118,94 Estearato de magnesio vegetal 10,00 Hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa 6,00

Vitamin C, Echinacea & Zinc

RUS ------------------------CE- Гард укрепляет иммунную систему, защищает от простуд и инфекций и облегчает их течение


ESP ------------------------CE-Guard refuerza las defensas del sistema inmunitario y alivia y calma resfriados e infecciones.

Strengthen your immune system

ENG ------------------------CE-Guard strengthens the immune defence system, counteracts and relieves colds and infections.

Dose diária recomendada: 2 comprimidos/dia às refeições. 1 comprimido contém Ingredientes por comprimido (mg) Vitamina C (ácido ascórbico) 515.50 Gluconato de zinco 55.56 Echinacea purpurea 50.00 Hidroxipropil celulose 150.00 Celulose microcristalina 118.94 Estearato de magnésio vegeta 10.00 Hidroxipropil metilcelulose 6.00 Guardar fora do alcance de crianças. Guardar à temperatura ambiente.

Health & Beauty

Health & Beauty www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk

Eye Therapy

Sight therapy with blueberry to proect against the sun’s UV rays Eye Therapy contains Blueberries, Lutein, Astaxanthin and Selenium.

Blueberries The blue colour in blueberries is a strong antioxidant which is called Anthocyanin, it strengthens the eye tissue, increases the blood circulation and facilitates production of pigment in the eye, this protects the eyes against damage. The pigmentation means that you see better in the dark. Blueberries maintain visual acuity and protect the eye against the sun’s damaging UV rays as well as strengthening the body’s immune system. To be used when you want to maintain the function of the eye in agerelated changes in vision in later years. Lutein Lutein protects against cataracts and against so called age-related macular degeneration, diseases that affect yellow spot. Lutein exists naturally in the eye’s yellow spot, and protects the retina of the eye by absorbing harmful, blue light. Astaxanthin Astaxanthin is produced by the microalga Haematococcus pluvialis and provides the red colour in krill and salmon. Astaxanthin is a powerful natural antioxidant, which helps to protect the body’s cells against free radicals. Selenium Selenium has a key function for our metabolism. However, selenium is best known for its role as an antioxidant enzyme. Selenium thus makes a strong contribution to fighting the free acid radicals, which constantly attack and destroy the cells of the body. In addition, selenium has the ability to reduce the risk of poisoning by heavy metals, primarily mercury and cadmium.

www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk Health & Beauty ENG ------------------------Blue Vision maintains visual acuity and protects the eye against the sun’s damaging UV rays as well as strengthening the body’s immune defence.

Store out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. DEU ------------------------Blue Vision erhält die Sehschärfe, schützt die Augen vor den schädlichen UV-Strahlen der Sonne und stärkt die Immunabwehr des Körpers.

1 Tablette enthält Inhaltsstoffe pro Tablette (mg) Blaubeerenextrakt 76.00 Lutein (von Tagetes erecta) 40.00 Astaxanthin 80.00 Selen 10.00 Vitamin E 5.00 Mikrokristalline Cellulose 408.00 Croscarmellose-Natrium 25.00 Pflanzliches Magnesiumstearat 6.00 Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose 4.00 Für Kinder unzugänglich aufbewahren! Bei normaler Zimmertemperatur lagern.

Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. Conservar a temperatura ambiente. POR ------------------------Blue Vision a acuidade visual e protege os olhos contra os raios prejudiciais ultra-violetas do sol e reforça as defesas imunitárias do corpo.

1 таблетка содержит Ингредиенты 1 таблетки (мг) Экстракт черники 76.00 Лютеин (из бархатцев прямостоячих) 40.00 Астаксантин 80.00 Селен 10.00 Витамин E 5.00 Микрокристаллическая целлюлоза 408.00 Кроскармеллоза натрия 25.00 Стеарат магния овощной 6.00 Гидроксипропилметилцеллюлоза 4.00 Беречь от детей. Хранить при комнатной температуре.

Dose diária recomenda: 2 comprimidos/dia às refeições. 1 comprimido contém Ingredientes por comprimido (mg) Extracto de aranto 76.00 Luteína (de Tagetes Erecta) 40.00 Astaxantina 80.00 Selénio 10.00 Vitamina E 5.00 Celulose microcristalina 408.00 Croscarmelose de sódio 25.00 Estearato de magnésio vegetal 6.00 Hidroxipropil metilceluose 4.00

Blue Vision bevarar synskärpan och skyddar ögat mot solens skadliga UV-strålar samt stärker kroppens immunförsvar. Rekommenderat dagligt intag: 2 tabletter/dag i samband med måltid.

Eye Therapy help protect against the sun’s UV rays

60 tablets

Empfohlene tägliche Einnahme: 2 Tabletten/Tag zu den Mahlzeiten.

1 comprimido contiene Ingredientes por comprimido (mg) Extracto de arándanos 76,00 Luteina (procedente de Tagetes erecta) 40,00 Astaxantina 80,00 Selenio 10,00 Vitamina E 5,00 Celulosa microcristalina 408,00 Croscarmelosa sódica 25,00 Estearato de magnesio vegetal 6,00 Hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa 4,00

Рекомендованное суточное потребление: 2 таблетки в день во время еды

Blueberries, Lutein & Selenium

Eye Therapy

1 tablet contains Ingredients per tablet (mg) Blueberry extract 76.00 Lutein (from Tagetes erecta) 40.00 Astaxanthin 80.00 Selenium 10.00 Vitamin E 5.00 Microcrystalline cellulose 408.00 Croscarmellose sodium 25.00 Magnesium stearate vegetable 6.00 Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 4.00

Consumo diario recomendado: 2 comprimidos diarios con las comidas.

RUS ------------------------Блу Вижн поддерживает остроту зрения и защищает глаза от негативного воздействия солнечных ультрафиолетовых лучей, а также усиливает иммунную защиту организма.

help protect against the sun’s UV rays

Recommended daily intake: 2 tablets/day with meals.

ESP ------------------------Blue Vision conserva la agudeza visual y protege los ojos de los rayos ultravioleta perjudiciales de sol reforzando las defensas del sistema inmunitario.

1 tablett innehåller: Blåbär extrakt 76,00 mg Lutein (från Tagetes erecta) 40,00 mg Astaxantin 80,00 mg Selen 10,00 mg Vitamin E 5,00 mg Mikrokristallin Cellulosa 408,00 mg Croscarmellose Sodium 25,00 mg Magnesiumstearat vegetabiliskt 6,00 mg Hydroxypropylmetyl Cellulosa 4,00 mg

Förvaras oåtkomligt för barn. Förvaras i rumstemperatur.

Guardar fora do alcance de crianças. Guardar à temperatura ambiente.

Health & Beauty

Health & Beauty www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk


For a healthy stomach and intestines

Calmer contains a Probiotic mix of Bifidobacterium breve, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Streptococcus thermophilus Balance promotes the wellbeing of the stomach and intestines with beneficial lactic acid bacteria, which maintain the intestine’s normal bacteria flora. Many experience problems with stomach/intestines although no physical problems or diseases can be found. These people see natural supplements as valuable assistance. “Restless stomachs” which are often caused by a disturbance in the bacteria flora in the intestine can also be helped by probiotics, in order to strengthen the body’s natural resistance. Bifidobacterium breve Bifidobacterium breve is one of the most important bacteria living in the human intestine, it helps to keep the digestive system in trim, inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria and strengthens the immune system. Lactobacillus acidophilus Lactobacillus acidophilus is a probiotic bacterium, which is one of the most important microorganisms in the small intestine in humans. Investigations show that Lactobacillus acidophilus can help to control intestinal infections and improve digestion of dairy products by breaking down lactose. Streptococcus thermophilus Streptococcus thermophilus is known to be effective in the breaking down of lactose by production of the enzyme lactase and is therefore a good supplement for people who are lactose intolerant. Recommended daily allowance: 2 tablets/day with meals.

www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk Health & Beauty Recommended daily intake: 2 tablets/day with meals.

Consumo diario recomendado: 2 comprimidos diarios en las comidas.

1 tablet contains Ingredients per tablet (mg) Duolac mix 50.00 Bifidobacterium breve Lactobacillus acidophilus Streptococcus thermophilus Microcrystalline cellulose 319.00 Inulin 200.00 Magnesium stearate vegetable 6.00

1 comprimido contiene Ingredientes por comprimido (mg) Duolac mix 50,00 Bifidobacterium breve Lactobacilo acidofólico Estreptococo termófilo Celulosa microcristalina 319,00 Inulina 200,00 Estearato de magnesio vegetal 6,00

Store out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. DEU ------------------------Balance fördert die Gesundheit von Magen und Darm durch die wohltuende Wirkung der Milchsäurebakterien, die die normale Bakterienflora des Darms erhalten.

POR ------------------------Balance promove a saúde do estômago e intestino com bactérias lácticas ácidas benéficas, que conservam a flora bacteriana intestinal normal.

Рекомендованное суточное потребление: 2 таблетки в день во время еды 1 таблетка содержит Ингредиенты 1 таблетки (мг) Duolac смесь 50.00 Бифидобактерии breve Лактобактерии ацидофильные Стрептококк термофильный Микрокристаллическая целлюлоза 319.00 Инулин 200.00 Стеарат магния овощной 6.00 Беречь от детей. Хранить при комнатной температуре.

A complete probiotic mix

Dose diária recomendada: 2 comprimidos/dia às refeições.

1 Tablette enthält Wirkstoffe pro Tablette (mg) Duolac Mix 50.00 Bifidobacterium breve Lactobacillus acidophilus Streptococcus thermophilus Mikrokristalline Cellulose 319.00 Inulin 200.00 Pflanzliches Magnesiumstearat 6.00

1 comprimido contém Ingredientes por comprimido (por mg) Duolac mix 50.00 Bifidobacterium breve Lactobacillus acidophilus Streptococcus thermophilus Celulose microcristalina 319.00 Inulina 200.00 Estearato de magnésio vegetal 6.00

Für Kinder unzugänglich aufbewahren! Bei normaler Zimmertemperatur lagern.

Guardar fora do alcance de crianças. Guardar à temperatura ambiente.

Calmer For a healthy stomach and intestines

Balance befrämjar magens och tarmens välmående med nyttiga mjölksyrebakterier som upprätthåller tarmens normala bakterieflora. Rekommenderat dagligt intag: 2 tabletter/dag i samband med måltid. 1 tablett innehåller: Duolac Mix 50,00 mg Bifidobacterium breve Lactobacillus acidophilus Streptococcus thermophilus Mikrokristallin Cellulosa 319,00 mg Inulin 200,00 mg Magnesiumstearat vegetabiliskt 6,00 mg

Förvaras oåtkomligt för barn. Förvaras i rumstemperatur.

60 tablets

Empfohlene tägliche Einnahme: 2 Tabletten/Tag zu den Mahlzeiten.

Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. Conservar a temperatura ambiente.

RUS ------------------------Баланс способствует оздоровлению желудочнокишечного тракта посредством полезных молочнокислых бактерий, которые обеспечивают естественное состояние бактериальной флоры.


ESP ------------------------Balance favorece la salud estomacal e intestinal con bacterias ácido lácticas beneficiosas que mantienen la flora bacteriana normal del intestino.

For a healthy stomach and intestines

ENG ------------------------Balance promotes the health of the stomach and intestine with beneficial lactic acid bacteria, which maintains the intestine’s normal bacterial flora.

Health & Beauty

Health & Beauty www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk


Cell protection, clear the toxins from your body Detox contains broccoli, kale, Brussel sprouts and spinach.

Broccoli contains sulforaphane, which protects the blood-brain barrier. One of the really great benefits of sulforaphane is that the substance appears to stimulate a very wide spectrum of the body’s own antioxidants and neutralising enzymes. It increases its efficiency in preventing damage caused by air pollution and other oxidative damage. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale and Brussel sprouts contain a high percentage of so called glucosinolates. These glucosinolates are transformed into isothiocyanates in the body. Several research studies have succeeded in showing that these substances have a strong cancer preventive effect. Among other things it counteracts the damaging substances in tobacco smoke. Spinach is good for those with high blood pressure. The minerals potassium, magnesium and calcium can all contribute together with other measures towards lowering blood pressure. Recommended daily allowance: 2 tablets/day with meals.

www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk Health & Beauty ENG ------------------------Green Mind contains substances that protect the cells, are bactericidal and clear toxins from the body. Recommended daily intake: 2 tablets/day with meals.

DEU ------------------------Green Mind enthält Wirkstoffe zum Schutz der Zellen, tötet Bakterien ab und reinigt den Körper von Giftstoffen.

1 Tablette enthält Inhaltsstoffe pro Tablette (mg) Brokkoli (mit Sulforaphan) 200.00 Spinat 100.00 Kohl 100.00 Kohlsprossen 100.00 Mikrokristalline Cellulose 144.00 Pflanzliches Magnesiumstearat 6.00 Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose 6.00 Für Kinder unzugänglich aufbewahren! Bei normaler Zimmertemperatur lagern.

Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. Conservar a temperatura ambiente.

POR ------------------------Green Mind contém substâncias que protegem as células, são bactericidas e toxinas limpas do corpo.

1 таблетка содержит Ингредиенты 1 таблетки (мг) Брокколи (c сульфорафаном) 200.00 Шпинат 100.00 Браунколь 100.00 Капуста брюссельская 100.00 Микрокристаллическая целлюлоза 144.00 Стеарат магния овощной 6.00 Гидроксипропилметилцеллюлоза 6.00

Green Mind innehåller ämnen som skyddar cellerna, är bakteriedödande, samt renar kroppen från toxiner. Rekommenderat dagligt intag: 2 tabletter/dag i samband med måltid.

Detox Clears toxins from your body

Dose diária recomendada: 2 comprimidos/dia às refeições. 1 comprimido contém Ingredientes por comprimido (mg) Bróculo (com sulforafano) 200.00 Espinafres 100.00 Repolho 100.00 Couves de Bruxelas 100.00 Celulose microcristalina 144.00 Estearato de magnésio vegetal 6.00 Hidroxipropil metilcelulose 6.00

1 tablett innehåller: Broccoli (med Sulforafan) 200,00 mg Spenat 100,00 mg Grönkål 100,00 mg Brysselkål 100,00 mg Mikrokristallin Cellulosa 144,00 mg Magnesiumstearat vegetabiliskt 6,00 mg Hydroxypropylmetyl Cellulosa 6,00 mg

Förvaras oåtkomligt för barn. Förvaras i rumstemperatur.

Беречь от детей. Хранить при комнатной температуре.

60 tablets

Empfohlene tägliche Einnahme: 2 Tabletten/Tag zu den Mahlzeiten.

1 comprimido contiene Ingredientes por comprimido (mg) Brócoli (con sulforafano) 200,00 Espinacas 100,00 Col 100,00 Coles de Bruselas 100,00 Celulosa microcristalina 144,00 Estearato de magnesio vegetal 6,00 Hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa 6,00

Рекомендованное суточное потребление: 2 таблетки в день во время еды

Broccoli, Kale, sprouts & spinach


Store out of reach of children. Store at room temperature.

Consumo diario recomendado: 2 comprimidos diarios en las comidas.

RUS Грин Майнд содержит вещества, которые защищают клетки, действуют бактерицидно и очищают организм от токсинов.

Clears toxins from your body

1 tablet contains Ingredients per tablet (mg) Broccoli (with sulforaphane) 200.00 Spinach 100.00 Kale 100.00 Brussels sprouts 100.00 Microcrystalline cellulose 144.00 Magnesium stearate vegetable 6.00 Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 6.00

ESP ------------------------Green Mind contiene sustancias que protegen las células, son bactericidas y eliminan toxinas del organismo.

Guardar fora do alcance de crianças. Guardar à temperatura ambiente.

Health & Beauty

Health & Beauty www.harleystreetheathandbeauty.co.uk

Contact Us email: info@harleystreethealthandbeauty.co.uk phone: 08442 250 210


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