Allowing users to gain deal and offers at local vendors. Redeemed using the users step count. CONCEPT: Users are rewarded for physical activity (step count). Steps can be redeemed for offers and discounts at local vendors. Additionally, users are rewarded for loyalty when shopping locally; the aim is a healthier lifestyle and one that supports the local community businesses. Local businesses benefit financially with more trade and are able to market to a larger consumer base. Users they market to are ensured to be local, all advertisements have a specific targeted user. Dedicated advertising is something they usually can not afford to do. Back in 2000BC people had to hunt for their food. This meant physically earning their next meal. Users can earn cheaper meals and discounts at local vendors by increasing their activity that day. Be it walking to pick up lunch, not using the car to get to work, or even just taking the stairs. Wipp App to utilise both a pedometer inbuilt into wearable technology in conjunction with at suitable smart phone
SHOPPER DEMOGRAPHICS EXPERIENCE POINTS Weekly shopper – Does the full shop for the week once. Regular shopper usually the same time each week.
Bargain shopper – buys solely on price and what is on promotion will visit a number of stores in a varied shopping pattern.
Distress shopper – Needs an item in a hurry / straight away. No regular shopping pattern.
Local shopper – uses the smaller independents, farmer’s market and makes special trips to specialist shops (deli, butcher, fish-monger, baker etc) Tend to be wealthier.
Top up shopper – Does the regular weekly shop but tops up with fresh items once or twice a week. Convenience shopper – buys what they need either daily or 3-4 times a week and will use the local store.
Points are rewarded for interaction with the site or service. The more they interact the more points they earn. Points typically can not be redeemed for good or services.
Points can be redeemed for real world services or prizes. These points are usually earnt by brand loyalty. A currency breaching the gap between the virtual ecosystem and the real world.
SKILL POINTS Skill points are given for a specific activity or process. They show a superior talent the user has. Points are usually collected and used to attain different levels or tiers.
KARMA POINTS Used within a community to appreciate or acknowledge a users task, post, or activity. Peer to peer acknowledgement. These points carry strong social value. The equivalent of a facebook like.
REPUTATION POINTS Earned for doing meaningful tasks. These points speak to the credibility of the user.
BADGES Awarded for completing activity’s or tasks. These are public declarations that speak to the users status. Achievements are unlocked and paraded.
Appeals to peoples competitive spirit. Users are ranked socially based on a criteria. Leader boards allow users to compare themselves in a social standing and aim to move up the leader board for more social recognition. On the other had leader boards can be demotivating to users towards the bottom of the spectrum.
Barnes SW13 Population: 21,218 Sports Facilities: 3 According to a 2014 survey, Barnes has the highest proportion of independent shops of any area in Britain, at 96.6% £36 spend required by each resident aged 18 and over per week to keep local businesses alive.
User is always on the lookout for good deals and offers. They would shop locally however are price conscious and go for the mainstream retailers for convenience and cost. User is conscious of their poor physical health routine. User has owned fit-bands in the past however has lost interest in them due to lack of motivation. User often drives to locations within the town rather than walking due to convenience.
User demographic has online presence however does not feel the need to constantly update their online persona with everything they do. They would prefer a separate ecosystem for the app allowing recognition between fellow users and not from a larger audience such as facebook. User would like a sense of anonymity, releasing them from the negative attributes or a poor public perception of them due to lack of activity.
*Barnes responsible spend, BCA 2015
Concept of physical rewards has been well received,
SELECTION Devices selected for initial app prototyping. Pebble Steel smart watch PRICE £180 iPhone 5s PRICE £358.99
Saying they would feel more compelled to actively exercise and take advantage of the green spaces within Barnes. Users are keen to earn discounts on local shops and recognise their significance to the town and economy. By combining skill points and redeemable points the user will be able to unlock real world rewards. Additional loyalty will be driven by badges and a community leader-board and a greater village to village leader-board. Encouraging users to take more pride in their local economy.
PROTOTYPING 1 Technology overview Pebble is the first smart watch to make it to market back in 2014. It boasts the longest battery of all smart watches to date.
{Wip App pebble}
Its simplified control system has four basic controls that are used for navigation around the watch.
The screen is a black and white e paper display with the option to have a back light on. Data is sent to the pebble from a smart phone using a bluetooth connection.
Pebble used for offer alert, step count and redemption. Pebble side to the app designed to work independently from the phone. Core game mechanics in use branch across both platforms however are viewed in more detail on the phone. Notifications will be present on the pebble allowing the user to be motivated subtly without demanding they open the app on their phone.
Summary Of the users who already owned a pebble, they said it was refreshing to use an app that utilises the pebbles applications. Users said they would be willing to adopt the app into their daily routine. Users said they liked that the app was simple enough not to clutter the interface. It was also useful not to have to operate it from a
2. 17:20 Just now
five twenty
Wipp app
20% Discount at Freds Fish 4000 Step Goal
Watch face
Route chosen shows initial app notification to the redemption in store, without the use of a smart phone.
3. Compete Yes No DOWN
1,013 steps
five twenty two
Just now
Wipp app BOOM! You Smashed it!
Collect your reward
phone. Users saw great benefit in being able to accept a challenge strait from the pebble with minimal disruption to normal life. Users loved the QR code functionality and felt they finally had a justifiable use for their pebble. Users felt there was room for further motivational techniques or devices, be it badges or awards.
1. Notification pops up. 2. Select enters the Pebble app and allows the user to quickly join in. 3. User is prompted with a graphic showing how far they are that day in completing the challenge.
Wipp App
Wipp App
Scout Redeem
Scout 1
Daily Steps
Wipp App
Wipp App
20% OFF
20% OFF
Freds Fish
Freds Fish
10% OFF
10% OFF
Charlies’ Cheese
Wipp App
Charlies’ Cheese
Daily Steps
Wipp App
Present to Vendor
Prototyping done using paper screen print outs then prompted onto the users pebble. No informational aid was given within the test.
PROTOTYPING 2 Technology overview
Route Overview
Visual suggestions from user
Limited data sent to the users pebble. The iPhone requires the pedometer inbuilt within the pebble to be able to utilise wipp app to the full potential.
Wire frame below shows route from opening the app to navigating to see the amount of wipp points the user has to then back to viewing stats on their favourite shops.
Suggestion of using pastel colours. Orange was a reoccurring colour. Users said it should convey a gender neutral app and have hints of nostalgia for older users, with a retro feel for younger ones.
{Wipp App ios} When shown colour suggestions users avoided reds and pinks saying they conveyed a dangerous and urgent message. Something they said would detract from being able to naturally interact.
Main welcome page showing possible areas of navigation via tile system. Giving equal priority to each section. User selects profile tile.
Shows various points systems involved in the app. Visual graphics alongside give the user a brief overview without having to enter each section. User selects ‘wipps’ tab.
User is given data on their rank within the community via percentages. Aiming to unify the collective.
Stats flip over to a position based system giving them a more attainable rate of progression target.
User taps screen
User selects back button
User selects shops tab.
Shows leaderboard of favoured shops with score count of how loyal the user is to them. User can earn badges associated to sectors of industry such as bakery.
Summary Users liked they could see their position but still remain anonymous. This relived a social pressure within the community.
Users liked being rewarded for loyalty and earning badges. They said this would help drive repeated use of the app.
a stronger infographic to convey relationships between points systems and allow a holistic view of their ecosystem.
Users said it was logical to operate and liked the use of titles per page. This allowed them to become more familiar with where they were intending to navigate to.
Users felt rather bombarded with selection within the profile page. They said they’d like to see a method of selection that doesn’t seem to be a gateway page. Users would like
Users would like personalised high scores and records within the community.
Badge is displayed. Upon attaining the badge the user is granted an additional priority reward within the community.
Priority reward gives user earlier booking access to the local cinema. Redemption code is then available within the redemption section of the app.
Iphone used for further exploration of the pebble app. Allowing users to keep track of scores, previous step counts, regional and local leader boards. Regional leader boards encourage users to take pride in their local economy, rivalling local towns. Recognition within the town can also be seen in the form of placed positions and percentage places. Anonymity is key in providing a comfortable user experience. Additional rewards are allocated via the collection of badges and repeated use of the app. Effectively collecting offers for different sections of the app, encouraging a holistic use of the app.
Prototype built in pop app and tested via giving the user a goal of reaching first the wipps section and following that the my shops section.
End Service
Wire Frame
Step Scan Save
Wipp App
My Wipp
Wipps This Week
This Week
Fav Shops
Bob’s Bakery
Bobs’ Bakery
Booyah! Enjoy
Fred’s Fish
50% off Selected items
Dara’s Deli
Steps Wipps
My Codes
My Wipp
Hall of Fame
Ben’s Butchers Leading the Charge
Leading the Charge
Top 10%
27% Saved
£37 Saved
Fav Shops
Wipp App Render charting the tasks of viewing wipp points and then collecting a loyalty reward associated with a specific shop. From the user testing, a clearer visual is now present on the my wipp section, unifying all aspects of the app creating a more cohesive environment. Loading bars have been incorporated within the Fav shops section to give the user a clearer visual aid and something to strive for. Colloquial language and abbreviations have been used in order to present a friendly and playful app environment. The ability to earn an additional reward by repeated use acts as a level based system, encouraging users to commit to goal in order to attain the reward. This game mechanic also functions as skill points as the user must exercise a certain part of the app. 8 bit design is a reference to both retro gaming and the pebble low res screen.
Vlad’s Veg Charlie’s Cheese Flora’s Flowers
You’ve Earned your Baker Badge You have successfully redeemed over 5 times this month. You are in the top 7% of Barnes this month. To say thankyou this ones on us! Redeem
Priority booking at the OLYMPIC CINEMA all this week
End Service
Wire Frame
Step Scan Save
Just now
five twenty
Wipp app
20% Discount at Freds Fish 4000 Step Goal
Wipp App
Wipp App
Scout Redeem
Daily Steps
User journey from accepting the discount task to redeeming the reward, all done within the pebble interface. Simplified experience for the user with minimal information as not to distract from every day life. The core steps visual sets out a goal for the user, something they can glance at on their wrist. Use of emotive text congratulating the user aids in enforcing the fun and competitive nature of the app. Language emulates friend or family member congratulating them.
Prototyping done using pebble smart watch and multipel paper screens that were then tacked onto the watch dependent upon what the user did. This was carried out over an afternoon, allowing the user to feel asif they earnt the reward. Within this prototyping phase the users found themselves checking their step count more often and were more inclined to be physically. It is unclear wheather this effect would wear off after the ‘honeymoon’ period of the app.
1,013 steps
Wipp App
Wipp App
20% OFF
Scout 1
20% OFF
Freds Fish
Freds Fish
10% OFF
10% OFF
Daily Steps
Daily Steps
Charlies’ Cheese
five twenty two
Wipp App
Just now
Wipp app BOOM! You Smashed it!
Collect your reward
Wipp App
Charlies’ Cheese
Daily Steps
17:50 Just now
Wipp app BOOM! You Smashed it!
Collect your reward
1,013 steps
End Service
Step Scan Save Game Mechanics Employed
Pebble: It was important to keep this interaction point as simple as possible for the user. To do this no leader boards or community interaction is involved. Simply the use of a single inforgraphic and count system, this simplified the users objective and gave them a clear objective and path within the app. Steps are the only thing being shown as this serves as a base ‘currency’ for the rest of the parent app services.
Back button allows linear movement within app. Aiding older users to opperate it. Wipp App Bobs’ Bakery
The step count acts redeemable points that are then also converted into experience, skill and reputation points when redeeming at a later stage. iPhone: The parent app acts as a central hub for the information and the gamification experience. Here points, leaderboards and offers are all visible to the user, allowing them to explore the ‘wipp’ app ecosystem. The app acts a monitor for both your health and the community economy’s’ health. Community leaderboards are utilised within the My Wipp section of the app. Users felt they didn’t want to be publicly recognised or acknowledged. By incorporating numerical social ranking, anonymity is maintained and the user is still able to place themselves within the community and yet not feel exposed or judged. This solution yields the benefits of being a mental goal to move up the ranking and personal gratification knowing that one is within the top percentile of the community for example. Badges and visual gratification are a strong tool utilised in rewarding the user periodically. They serve as level indicators and amass to additional reward unlocks for the user.
Link to prototypes available at:
My Wipp
Retailers can pay to gain additional exposure, allowing the app to generate revenue.
50% off Selected items
Steps Wipps
Tiles used to navigate to broader sections of the app.
Colour coded section tabs let the user know their progress via the use of pie charts. Streamlining the user experience.
My Codes
My Wipp
Hall of Fame
Fav Shops Badges Savvy