2014 UN Affairs Committee For Africa and Middle East Newsletter A quarterly Newsletter – Issue 1
My name is Ryusei Hashimoto, and it is my great honor this year to serve as Chairperson of the 2014 JCI Global Partnership Summit which is being hosted by JCI in partnership with the United Nations. This is the 10th year in which the Global Partnership Summit will be held and members of JCI from around the world will be joining together
In this Issue Messages from
with UN partner-organizations for this important annual event which will take place this year at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, from July 23-25. We look forward to gathering together with our fellow members from Africa and the Middle East to examine matters of global concern, and explore the many ways in which the people around the world are tackling the UN Millennium Development Goals. We will also be taking a look at the ways in which individuals and organizations, currently active in the different regions of the world, can best achieve our shared goal of sustainable social and economic development, so that we can further develop working solutions. JCI is at the forefront of the fight to find solutions to the many challenges now faced by global society and we have taken the lead in expanding support among the public for the UN MDGs. During this event, we will have the chance to hear from high government officials and leaders from the private sector, as well as NonGovernmental Organizations that are now leading the movement to achieve the MDGs. We hope the 2014 JCI Global Partnership Summit will provide the participants with many great opportunities to achieve positive transformation, and I am confident that the members of JCI from the Africa and the Middle East Area will play a key role in this important process. I will be exerting myself to ensure that each and every one of you enjoys a rewarding and productive stay in New York, and I look forward to welcoming all of you to this year’s summit. Let’s Unite to Impact and take one step closer to the achievement of everlasting World Peace.
2014 JCI World President
2014 JCI UN Affairs Committee Chairperson
2014 JCI Africa and Middle East Execitive Vice President
2014 JCI UN Committee members for Africa and Middle East
Our Local Organizations in action • • • • • • • • • •
JCI Tsabong (Botswana) JCI Douala / JCI UB (Cameroon) JCI Conakry (Guinea) JCI Amman (Jordan) JCI Beirut / JCI Sidon (Lebanon) JCI Tamatave and 14 other LOMs (Madagascar) JCI City Plus (Mauritius) JCI Tangier / JCI Settat (Morocco) JCI Lome Prestige / JCI Lomé Azur (Togo) JCI Bulawayo / JCI Harare (Zimbabwe)
Very sincerely,
JCI/UN Partneship: a long history
Ryusei Hashimoto (JCI Japan) 2014 JCI UN Affairs Committee Chairperson
of partnership
Mark your calendars and visit http://www.jci.cc/summit
Junior chamber International 15645 Olive Blvd Chesterfield MO 63017 USA Tel: +1 636 4493100 Fax: +1 636 4493107 Email: www.jci.cc
2014 JCI World President message
Dear fellow JCI members, Best wishes and warm greetings to you all ! As we embark on an ambitious journey this year to create sustainable impact locally and globally, I am encouraged to see such strong partnerships continuing to develop with the United Nations. With our longterm goal to be the organization that unites all sectors of society to create sustainable impact, it is fitting that we have poised JCI as a strategic partner with many of the UN and its agencies. Our existing partnership with the UN Global Compact, the UN Foundation’s Nothing But Nets Campaign and the Pan American Health Organization, World Health
Organization provides JCI members with the unique opportunity of creating sustainable impact toward mutual objectives. And with the development of new formal partnerships with the UN Millennium Campaign and UNESCO, we will continue to provide new opportunities for targeted collaboration. This year is a critical juncture as we continue to focus our impact on the Millennium Development Goals and look forward to the future by sharing our collective voices in the MY World global survey. The United Nations wants to hear from JCI members and the communities in which we live in order to help shape the post-2015 global development agenda, so I encourage you to take the survey and collect the voices from your communities. I look forward to seeing many of you this year whether in LomĂŠ, Togo at the 2014 JCI Africa and the Middle East Conference and 2014 JCI World Congress in Leipzig, Germany. And I hope to see as many of you as possible during the 2014 JCI Global Partnership Summit in New York. Continue acting with passion and commitment to create positive change. I know we will continue to work together across sectors so that we can Unite to Impact! Sincerely yours, Shine Bhaskaran (JCI India) 2014 JCI President
2014 JCI Africa and Middle East Executive Vice – President message
Greetings! I trust youofficiellement have had a very productive first quarter !of 2014 as you work to JCI Maroc Adhère à la CGEM create sustainable impact in your various communities. I am honored to address you in this first edition of the 2014 JCI Africa and Middle East UN Affairs Commission Newsletter. Our half-a-century-old partnership with the United Nations is a very crucial and treasured collaboration between JCI and this multi-lateral organisation leading the world. The work done by the UN Affairs Commission in advancing this partnership is therefore very important to JCI, and I’m happy that this high-energy Commission is working very hard to fulfill its mandate.
I want to take this opportunity to encourage you to continue doing the following: 1. Co-operate with and support this commission so that we achieve more collaboration with the United Nations in JCI Africa and Middle East. 2. Accelerate on pursuing the UN Millennium Development Goals. As an organisation we committed to contribute towards these goals through the grassroots action of our members. 3. Accelerate efforts to fund raise for the JCI Nothing But Nets Campaign, we promised to raise 1 million insecticidetreated bed nets by 2015. 4. Take a more active role in promoting the UN Global Compact in your communities. We committed to spread awareness of these principles to businesses in our communities, and have as many of them as possible sign up. 5. As much as possible try to attend this year’s JCI Global Partnership Summit in New York, USA. Encourage your partners to attend this important event as well. Let’s continue to work hard together to advance our partnership with the UN. Let’s keep motivating our members to connect and collaborate with UN agencies in our communities through action relevant to their objectives – which in any case we share. We need to keep investing in this partnership through our collaborative action with the UN, which creates sustainable impact on the ground. I wish you all the best as we continue our walk with the UN this year. More and more, let’s “Unite to Impact”! Yours in service Victor Marawu (JCI Zimbabwe) 2014 JCI Executive Vice President
Mark your calendars and visit http://www.camo2014.com
Our 2014 UN Commission members messages
Dear JCI Africa and Middle East fellow Members, Accept warm greetings from Casablanca, Morocco I hope this inaugural JCI United Nations Affairs Committee newsletter finds you in good health as you impact your communities by "Uniting to Impact". Since the 2003 JCI Leadership Summit at the United Nations in New York, JCI has been committed to create positive change within the framework of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (UN MDGs). These eight objectives provide a comprehensive list of areas of vital concern for nations around the world. By developing projects to address these goals, JCI members can create targeted programs that deliver measurable results and create a deep impact. I would also like you to promote the UN Global Compact and do all your best to support JCI Nothing But Nets program. I encourage you to travel in numbers to Lome, Togo, for the 2014 JCI Africa and the Middle East Conference taking place May 21-24. A few months separate us from the 2014 JCI Global Partnership Summit focused on how sustainable impact is achieved through the collective action of young active citizens from all sectors of society within local communities. Summit delegates, JCI partners and experts will gather in New York City to discuss the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the state of our progress in reaching these goals on the local, national and international level. From now until we meet in few weeks in Lome, I would like to wish you the best of times. Yours in service, Asmaa Benslimane (JCI Morocco) 2014 UN Affairs Committee member
Donate $10. Send a Net.Save a Life
Our 2014 UN Commission members messages
Dear JCI members, Please accept my warm greetings from Amman, Jordan. It was only yesterday that we came back from our World Congress in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. It’s clear that time flies so fast! National and local organizations have spent a lot of time planning for their projects during these past 4 months, and I think that we are going to realize many of these projects during the remaining two thirds of the year. As we also approach the year 2015, the year that the UN has targeted to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, I think that JCI members have to be more focused on projects that advances the UN MDGs.
It’s no secret that our partnership with the UN is strategic, and I think that this partnership has special importance when it comes to our area, Africa and the Middle East. I would like to encourage our members to know more about UN MDGs, and I think that National and Local organizations should play a major role in building the awareness of these goals. This newsletter shall also serve as a step forward towards building that awareness. I would also like to confirm that my colleagues Asma’a Benslimane, Youssouf Diawara and I are always available to support you in any way we can. I hope that you have a productive year ahead, and I look forward to seeing you in our next Area Conference in Lome, Togo in order to exchange experiences and knowledge. Shadi Izmiqna (JCI Jordan) 2014 UN Affairs Committee member
Imagining a better world, is the beginning of its implementation. Because we imagine what we want and finally create what we imagine. JCI members, our future is in our hands, the Best way for us to make it better is to engage ourselves in the most exemplary manner, in partnership with big organizations like United Nations to help our communities face all the challenges of our time. Youssouf Diawara (JCI Mali) 2014 UN Affairs Committee member
Our Local Organizations in action ! JCI TSABONG, Botswana – Litter Picking and tree planting activity at Tsabong Primary school UN MDG N°7 : Ensure environmental sustainability
In line with achieving the UN MDG 7- Environmental Sustainability, the JCI Tsabong Chapter started on the 15th February 2014, a litter picking and tree planting initiative in Ikageng ward Tsabong. Being in the heart of the Kalahari desert, Tsabong is characterised by extreme weather conditions, low and unreliable rains. Consequently, the environmental problems of desertification are prevailing and this is acerbated by impacts of climate changes. In an effort to curb associated problems of these environmental problems, the Tsabong Chapter requested for 50 indigenous trees and planted them at Tsabong Primary School. This is so as to promote tree planting for carbon sequencing as well as carbon sink, and to provide cover and reduce the process of desertification as well as provide shade for the pupils at the school. The initiative was also to sensitise the pupils (from grass roots level) and Government officials on the value of trees in our ecosystems. In addition, the chapter also promoted clean environments by conducting the litter picking exercise at the school and mall areas. The aim was to build capacity on the importance of clean environment for scenic beauty and health as dirty surroundings can be breeding places for disease causing bacteria and insects such as mosquitoes that cause malaria. JCI Douala la Référence, Cameroon – Combat viral Hepatitis in schools UNMDG 6 : Combat HIV/Aids, Malaria and other diseases
Increasingly present in Cameroon, viral hepatitis is positioned as a disease that affects on average more than 200,000 people each year mostly are young people. In its 2014 Action Plan, JCI Cameroon choose to fight against this desease by organising a big conference on February 6th , 2014 in a secondary school. the massive participation of all entities in this Conference on Viral Hepatitis in schools was an indicator of the success of this project. JCI UB, Cameroon – HIV/AIDS campus free Campaign UNMDG 6: Combat HIV/Aids, Malaria and other diseases
HIV is a very pertinent issue in sub-saharan Africa. The national prevalence of the disease in Cameroon is 4.3% a prevalence of 5.7% in south west where young people are the most predominantly infected group. Statistics in Cameroon show that only 33% of young people have a sound knowledge on HIV prevention. Following a 2010 survey amongst students in the University of Buea, a proportion of 94.1% did not use condom for sexual intercourse and 44% had multiple sexual partners giving a high prevalence (70.1%) of high risk sexual behavior amongst University of Buea students. Given that 90% of HIV transmission is via high risk sexual behavior, it is evident that sexual behavior of students in the university of Buea provides a good platform for the spread of HIV virus infection. This project therefore aims at sensitizing, testing and educating the University community on HIV AIDS.
Our Local Organizations in action ! JCI Conakry Leaders, Guinea – Prevention of transmission of HIV/Aids for the military enviroment UNMDG 6 : Combat HIV/Aids, Malaria and other diseases
JCI Guinea through its Local Organization Conakry Leaders in collaboration with its partners aim to participate in the fight against HIV / AIDS in the military enviroment . This project was focused on training , education and advocacy. This project’s objectives are : • Promote voluntary anonymous screening test in the military enviroment • Pursue communication for behavior change • Educate 1,500 soldiers • Organize a roundtable to let decision-makers within the army make the prevention of transmission of HIV / AIDS their priority.
The Goal of this initiative is to ensure that every member of that community has the basic English language skills, so that their new found knowledge is used as a tool for increasing their job marketability, while also giving them opportunities to apply for universities scholarships whether inside or outside Jordan. Gaza Camp development office was approached by JCI to run English classes throughout the academic year targeting 2 different groups - kids and adult- from both genders. Starting from 2011 till 2013, number of students benefiting from these courses was 30 kids and 10 adults each year. Fast forward to 2014 and till now JCI currently run weekly 2hour classes by a team of 5 to 7 volunteers every Saturday enrolling 30 adults and 55 kids. Looking up in 2015 toward enlarging this initiative and expand it to other improvised areas inside and outside Amman. JCI Sidon, Lebanon - Celebrated the International Women's Day UN MDG N° 3: Promote gender equality and empower women
JCI Amman, Jordan – Ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling… UNMDG 2 : Achieve Primary Universal Education
Inspired from the 8 MDGs of UN, in aliment with our belief in creating impact in our communities and by implementing JCI Active Citizen Framework, JCI Amman initiated the English Teaching project in Gaza Camp. This project targets the impoverished community of children and youth residing in the Gaza Refugee Camp located in Jerash North of Amman. The English Teaching Gaza Camp project is a community initiative founded under the umbrella of Junior Chamber
On Sunday 9 March, the enthusiastic members of JCI Sidon celebrated the International Women's Day by hosting the well-esteemed Dr Halime Kaakour, PhD in International Public Law who lectures in three universities in Lebanon, in a very interesting talk titled "Women's Rights in Lebanon and Challenges". Besides members from JCI Sidon and JCI Beirut, several dignitaries from Sidon attended the event. According to Dr Kaakour, Rwanda had the highest number of women parliamentarians worldwide.
International (JCI) Amman. 7
Our Local Organizations in action ! JCI Beirut, Lebanon - Celebrated the International Women's Day
JCI Madagascar - JCI Thinks Green (5 LOMs) UNMDG 7 : Ensure Environmental Sustainability
UN MDG N° 3: Promote gender equality and empower women
JCI Beirut celebrated the International Women's Day on Saturday 8 March, 2014, by participating in the peaceful March that was organized by KAFA (a Lebanese nonprofit, non-political, non-confessional, and civil society organization committed to the achievement of gender equality and non-discrimination and the advancement of the human rights of women and children) to request that the law amendment to the Domestic Crime Law in Lebanon is passed, which would prohibit husbands from killing their spouses without criminal verdict. More than 8,000 men, women, children, members of the Parliament, actresses/actors, doctors, lawyers, journalists, and many others from different walks of life took part in this march. Active citizenship at its best!
The project consist on planting 1030 trees to contribute to the fight against deforestation with the support of local authorities through the Regional Directorate of Environment and Forestry, the contribution of private sector partners and civil society membership through associations and the local population (over 100 participants) Distribution of biscuits, a few books and school supplies for 30 children who were actively involved in Tree planting (March 2014). JCI Tamatave and 14 Other LOMs, Madagascar – GRABOLA Project UNMDG 2 : Achieve Primary Universal Education
JCI Madagascar - JCI fight against leprosy (2 LOMs) UNMDG 6 : Combat HIV/Aids, Malaria and other diseases The project consist on the rehabilitation of more than 5000 Primary schools by improving infrastructure, equipments and school kits provision, dental and pediatric care, ICT literacy support food and school sponsorship. JCI City Plus, Mauritius – End Violence Against Women Project Support for leprosy families, victims of social discrimination, staffing of two sites in drugs, commodities and clothing.
UN MDG 3: Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women
Our Local Organizations in action !
Violence against women is a rampant issue in Mauritius. Official data provided indicates that there were a total of 14,126 cases of violence against women reported in the year 2009. Among these figures include 745 cases of physical assault by a spouse or partner against women and 815 cases of verbal assault (ill-treatment, harassment, abuse, and humiliation) were reported in 2009 amongst other violent offences. It is also important to note that cases of sexual intercourse with a female under 16 were 109 and rape with 55 cases. This year (from January to March 2014), more than 6 women died from domestic violence. The aim of JCI City Plus is to bring attention to the need for all Mauritians to be concerned by the issue of women violence and be made aware of their duties towards both victims and perpetrators as well as to build a peaceful and safe society. JCI City Plus is committed to keeping genderbased violence in the spotlight as a major health and human rights concern and to promote gender equality and women empowerment which is aligned with the United Nations Millenium Development Goals. The project was launched on the 8th of March 2014 coinciding with the International Women’s day and involved an awareness session at L’Escalier village found in the southern part of the island. There were about 60 participants and JCI City Plus worked in collaboration with another NGO – Lion’s Club of Ebene for this particular awareness session. The next phases of the project involves : Partnering with Men Empowering Women in Decision Making – The Future Leaders Youngsters as ambassadors of No more violence against Women Media Sensitization on ‘End Violence Agaisnt Women Professional counselling Sessions
This project came up as an initiative from JCI Luxembourg and JCI City Plus to help students in ZEP (Zone D’Education Prioritaire) schools to have access to modern educational tools which would benefit them in their learning process. Students from ZEP schools usually require teaching methods which are creative and interactive rather than the traditional educational methods. We will be donating 30 computers, after which, we would cater for educational programs to be installed. The program will target Standard 5 and 6 initially. During the survey phase, it was also found that the children of the school did not have proper writing materials. The first phase of the project was thus the ‘Children Awareness Campaign project’ to cater for the immediate needs of the children. The main aim of the Children Awareness Campaign is to educate the younger generation to be responsible and healthy citizens and to become leaders and role models for a safer and better society. Comic strips were used on the back covers of the copybooks to convey key messages to the children in relation to health & safety, and environmental issues. Distribution of copybooks and stationery to the 410 children of Nicolay Government School was done during the visit of Vice President Basile Djossouvi visit on the occasion of the Independence Day of Mauritius celebrated at Nicolay Government School on the 11th March 2014. JCI Tanger, Morocco – Rehabilitation Douar Chejirate School UNMDG 2 : Achieve Primary Universal Education
At the beginning of this great adventure, the most important thing for JCI Tangier was to raise funds that can cover all the school rehabilition’s expenses. JCI Tangier members got the idea to sell “contribution JCI City Plus, Mauritius - Learning Made Easy tickets” to any citizen who wants to participate in this Project project to help achive these objectives : UNMDG 2 : Achieve Universal Primary Education
Our Local Organizations in action ! Green Week is an project that aims to both protect the environment and develop an ecological vision among all citizens.
• Redesigning the schoolyard by making more green spaces and games spaces • Provide a small colorful garden. • Provide classes properly cleaned and well equipped for the development of more flexible classrooms to increase students' attendency • Provide libraries JCI Tangier, Morocco - Medical caravan "Chifae" for children and mothers in Douar BNI RZIN Chefchaoun.
JCI Settat chose this action because: • We need to understand the world we live in; its problems and its Future • We need to shed light on a business that is draped in a "Green'Attitude" • We need to raise awareness JCI Settat organized a panel discussion on the theme: "Green Entrepreneurship in Morocco, what vision for wich Outlook? JCI Lome Azur, Togo – Citizens Youth Club UNMDG 7 : Ensure Environmental Sustainability
UN MDG 4 : Reduce Child mortality UN MDG 5 : Improve maternal health
255 beneficiaries of medical consultation for 112 women and 143 children.
JCI Settat, Morocco – Green Week. UNMDG 7: Ensure Environmental Sustainability
JCI Lome Azur conducted during the first quarter of 2014, the project "Citizens Youth Club", whose objective is to raise individual awareness about the environmental issues. Thus, 27 March 2014, five journalists from Radio Kanal FM Lomé (Togo) were aware of the impact of our lifestyles on global warming. Better yet, every journalist has calculated its carbon footprint through the following web link: http://archives.universcience.fr/francais/ala_cite/expositi ons/developpement-durable/calcul-empreinteecologique/. At the end, every journalist committed to reduce its footprint by the end of the year and communicate around it. The project was promoted to 3.5 million listeners of this radio. JCI Lome Prestige, Togo – Districts development training UN MDG 8 : Develop a Global Partnership for Development The project aims to strengthen capacity of district development committees (training, awareness, technical assistance, civic action, ...) for more responsibility and commitment to the welfare of the communities for a sustainable development. 10
Our Local Organizations in action !
JCI Harare, Zimbabwe - Blood Drive UN MDG 5 : Improve maternal health UNMDG 6 : Combat HIV/Aids, Malaria and other diseases .JCI Bulawayo, Zimbabwe- Debunking the MITHS about Cancer UNMDG 6 : Combat HIV/Aids, Malaria and other diseases UNMDG 8 : Global Partnership for development
Recognising the growing prevalence of cancer in our society, JCI Bulawayo addressed MDGs 6 (eradicate disease) and 8 (partnerships for development) when it partnered with the Cancer Association of Zimbabwe to host the inaugural public lecture on 20 March 2014 in the National Museum’s lecture room, in which JCI role was to publicise and arrange logistics. JCI added other partners, Stavid Graphic Design, The Morning Mirror online journal, The Southern Eye newspaper, Golden Drop Entertainment and Ragner Events to advertise and conduct the event. JCI Bulawayo advertised on notice boards at Mpilo, UBH and Materdei the largest three local hospitals, as well as at a few surgeries around town.
To raise awareness on the importance of blood donation and to encourage as many young people as to donate blood in order to Increase national blood reserves. Blood is required for various reasons one of which is to improve maternal health, some woman lose blood during child birth and require transfusion.The project also encourages young people to live low risk lives that ensure healthy blood is donated and reduces the spread of HIV/AIDS. Expected impact of the project: The 1st Blood drive had 30 successful donors, which was enough blood to save 90 lives.
Two new and exciting partnerships were created that shall be useful as we extend the project around the city to touch thousands of lives and promote behavioural changes that shall reduce the incidence of preventable types of cancer amongst a people that are currently oblivious to the severity of the threat.
2014 JCI United Nations (UN) Affairs Commissioners for Africa and the Middle East activities
th JCI Marseille invited 2014 UN Commissionner for Africa On the 6 April 2014, Asmaa Benslimane conducted a th training about JCI and UN partnership for JCI El Jadida and Middlle East Asmaa Benslimane on the 13 January 2014 to conduct a JCI presentation and to members. discuss with members all JCI and United Nations partnership aspects.
From 19th to 22nd March, 2014 UN Affairs Commissionner Asmaa Benslimane participated in Crans Montana Forum in Brussels during wich she met with Mrs Mary Robinson the special envoy of the UN Secretary general and President of Mary Robinson Foundation for Climate Justice.
The 25th April 2014, Asmaa Benslimane conducted a presentation of the Global Compact to visitors from many African compagnies in one of Hub Africa Forum workshops in Casablanca. She also did a promotion of Nothing But Nets Program in the same workshop to let participants visit JCI Morocco Stand and donate to save lives.
Asmaa Benslimane conducted also a lunch – debat about “revolution 2.0, impact of social networks on youth’s expectations and recent politic upheavals”with other new leaders from different countries.
JCI Douentza invited UN Affairs Committee member Youssouf Diawara to visit one of the cities most affected by the war against terrorism in Mali to present the JCI Mission, the United Nations partnership and to encourage Douentza youth to support efforts for peace and reconciliation. In the same day, Asmaa Benslimane conducted a presentation about JCI and United Nations, Along History of partnership presentation with Rami Mazjoub, the 2011 JCI Executif Vice President for Africa and Middle East for JCI Brussels members.
Youssouf Diawara participated in the launching ceremony of the fighting month against HIV AIDS to mark the support of JCI and encourage people to fight HIV-AIDS. 12
JCI/United Nations Partnership In brief ! JCI is a strategic United Nations partner with a General status in the Economic and Social Affairs (ECOSOC) Departmernt. With the General status being the highest partnership status within the UN system, JCI’s status reflects the significance of the JCI/UN Partnership. Why the partnership ? •
JCI’s core philosophy of “Active Citizenship” resonates with the UN’s philosophy of “Sustainable development”
While the UN can mobilize financial resources, JCI has the most effective network for the UN to reach out to the intended beneficiaries of programs
JCI’s Active Citizenship Phylosophy presents a lucrative platform because resources are not wasted in funding huge structures.
What are the areas of collaboration? 1. Journey towards a sustainably better world (UN MDGs) In 2003 during the JCI Leadership Summit at the United Nations in New York, JCI committed to contribute to the efforts of the UN and resolved to use the goals as a framework for creating positive change and to encourage the development of programs and projects designed to address issues outlined in the goals. In 2004, each JCI Area committed to advancing specific UN MDGs in its region. Africa and the Middle East committed to work on : • •
MDG 1: To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger MDG 6: To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
2. Malaria eradication In 2008, JCI partnered with the UN Foundation to form JCI Nothing But Nets. The two organizations continue to work together to coordinate efforts and help achieve the UN goal to end malaria by 2015. JCI made a commitment to raise 1million Insecticide Treated Bed Nets by 2015 (www.nothingbutnets.net ) 3. Corporate responsibility (UN Global Compact) It’s a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. (www.unglobalcompact.org) Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses. Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining 13
JCI/United Nations Partnership In brief ! Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
See you Soon in
Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and 2014 JCI Area Conferences
Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; Principle 8: undertake responsibility; and
Medellin, Colombia 23 - 26 April 2014 Lome, Togo 21- 24 May 2014 Yamagata, Japan, 4 -7 June 2014 Valetta, Malta, 11 - 14 June 2014
Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
UN Partnership Summit New York, USA, 23-25 July 2014
Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. 2014 JCI Leadership Academy Handa, Japan, 5-12 July 2014
4. Dialogue (UN Partnership Summit) Objective: to arm active citizens with the tools and information necessary to impact thir communities through targeted action and strategic partnerships. 2014 JCI World Congress
Expected Results: •
• •
Leipzig, 2014
Engagement of thought leaders from the three sectors to explore best practices in collaboration, leading the conversation with the unique JCI perspective Highlighting of strategic partnerships and how they can be implemented at the local level to build a better world and advance the UN MDGs Showcasing of stand-out projects from all three sectors to motivate and inspire active citizens to create positive change
What we need to do as JCI Local and National Organisations? 1. 2. 3. 4.
Market the JCI/UN Collaboration to your fellow JCIs for awareness Activate local collaboration with the UN agencies Align projects with UN MDGs as much as possible Raise awareness about the UN Global Compact to corporations in your communities and encourage them to sign onto the programme. 5. Intensify efforts to raise insecticide-treated bed nets 6. Encourage your members and partners to attend and participate in the JCI Global Partnership Summit.
Mark your calendars and keep JCI in your mind !
Junior chamber International 15645 Olive Blvd Chesterfield MO 63017 USA Tel: +1 636 4493100 Fax: +1 636 4493107 Email: www.jci.cc