Bentley Magazine Spring 2021

Page 23



GUT-LISTEN ER-IN-CHIEF Raiche worked in corporate fin ance for more From a training than a decade, perspective, th w ith at’s what I was 2015-present Things change mov ing my care a single goal. “I wanted to be d about five ye the CFO. er toward.” ars ago. She tu her seemed to rn ed 40 and revi be leav ing fullsited her priori time gigs to st opportunity sh tie art ventures of e thought she w their ow n. Then s. People all around as from w ithin. H a sh oe -in fo Raiche was pass r. But the real pu er advice to othe ed over for an sh to make a ca rs: “Listen to your reer on her ow gut. My mom sa n terms came id that for year s. Now I get it.” DIRECTOR O F CONFIDEN CE A month after that epiphany, Raiche left corp Business Adviso orat rs helps small businesses beco e America and started her ow advising on to 2017-present p of more rout me more profita n CPA firm. Bo ine bookkeepin dhi ble by offering She admits that g hi an gh d -le ta x serv ices. vel, CFO -style the leap to busi ness ow ner is no for women,” sh e says. “Twenty t one she could years ago, I was have taken earl For Raiche, confi afraid of my ow ier. “Confidence dence came w ith n shadow.” is a big issue women to reco ag e, experience and gnize that, wha ov er co m tever their ow n in — they are in challenges — pa g personal hurdles over time. good company . But she urges rticularly the se “If you walk in lf-doubt of “im to that networ poster sy ndrom king event, I ca they belong th e” n gu ere. Use advers ity as a stepping arantee you that 75 to 80% of those women -stone to the ne SELF-PRIOR don’t feel like xt place you ne ITIZATION M ed to get.” ANAGER Raiche puts a lo t into supporti ng cl they don’t have the managemen ients. “These entrepreneurs ar t team right th 2019-present But that level of ere,” she explai e usually working by themse commitment ca lves; ns . “I prov ide that to get done wer me at a cost. “I so un di ng board.” was busy all th en’t getting do ne.” e time, but cert Now, she dedica ain things I wan tes ever y Friday ted “You w ill not ge to her ow n com t ahead w ith yo pany — no clie nt-related wor ur business un k less you absolu tely put time in allowed. As Raiche puts it: Education to working on yo ur business.” FOREVER UN IVERSITY Too often, Raic he a certain skill or says, women don’t go for grea t opportunities had a particular Graduation da because they ha experience. te: Never “If a job descri ven’t mastered ption isn’t an ex act match for yo You just might ur résumé, that need a couple m doesn’t mean yo ore skills.” In addition to u’re not qualifi credentials such ed for it. as the master’s less formal rout degree that Ra es to learning. ic Bo he something as si oks, videos and earned at Bent mple as readin le mentoring plat g a couple page forms like w iseH y, she urges women to consid s a er da er are other op y.” Affiliations tions. “It can be CIRCLE OF TR UST “Women ty pica lly don’t ask fo r help,” Raiche In particular, sh says. “But if yo e suggests crea u’re running a business, you ab ti partners — pe ople to help trac ng a group of fellow business solutely need he ow ners or othe k progress tow lp.” same field. An r professionals ard your longd if you can’t fin and short-term to act as accoun d a group, even Raiche checks go tability on al s. They don’t ha e other person in w ith her acco w ill do. ve to be in the untability part going to work ner tw ice a mon on X, Y, Z this month. Did yo th. “It’s helpfu u? ’” l to have someo NETWORK FO ne to say, ‘You R LIFE were Raiche favors a style of networ king that can st people to build art as early as rela high social media, yo tionships w ith, she advises. “Keep light touc school or college. Identify a ha u have that op po hes w ith them ndful of rt un ity .” If you’ve nurtur here and there. ed these connec Now, w ith tions all along, pursuing an op they become a portunity. “It’s core network yo like a team you u can consult w can always go to.” hen


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