RJTF Final Discovery Document

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01 Process of Discovery On June 8, 2020, the academic leadership team sent a note to students, faculty, and staff reflecting on conversations of race and systemic racism reverberating throughout our country and our campus. Included in that message was the commitment to launch what is now known as the Racial Justice Task Force. Shortly thereafter, Bentley’s leadership solicited self-nominations for volunteers to serve on the Task Force. The call was a deliberate attempt to include a diversity of voices with regard to identity, experience, talents, and passion, in order to look inward with a critical lens. Proudly, more than 100 members of the community, including students, faculty, staff, and alumni, bringing with them a variety of backgrounds and experiences, joined the effort. A list of Task Force members can be found in the appendix.

Every moment is an organizing opportunity, every person a potential activist, every minute a chance to change the world. Delores Huerta Civil Rights Activist, Co-Founder United Farm Workers of America (UFW)


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