The Health Benefits Of Coriander Powder Coriander contains many fatty acids and essential volatile oil; it has been found that this spice is rich source of certain oils and acids which not only provide it a unique aroma but also digestive, carminative and anti-flatulent properties. Coriander seeds or powder is rich source of dietary fiber; availability of dietary fiber improves digestion and helps body flush out toxins from digestive and excretory system.These benefits not only help in curing constipation but also reduce bodytoxicity levels. Regular use of Coriander powder in the diet has been found as easiest and effective protection against colon cancer. Coriander possesses dietary fiber which binds with bile salts produced by cholesterol reducing their absorption back in colon cells. This protects colon mucus membrane and reduces chances of cancer. Salmonella is a commonly found disease caused by food items which can be even deadly in some cases. Coriander possesses dodecenal which have been found as potent anti-bacterial compound in recent studies and researches. Medical experts have suggested that anti-bacterial properties of this compound are highly effective and strong compared to any other spice or herb found commonly. By regular intake of Coriander powder one can minimize chances of catching-up Salmonella and stay healthy and fitter.
Coriander powder supplies anti-oxidants along with dietary fiber which makes it a healthy food item, quality of anti-oxidants found in coriander can match those of any herb and control activity of free radicals in the body. Together with fiber these anti-oxidants help in keeping body free of toxins and harmful chemicals. Presence of powerful anti-oxidants, dietary fiber, volatile oils and flavanoids make coriander an effective anti-diabetic. Research suggests that use of Coriander powder as spice in food help in controlling blood sugar and lowering its level in blood. This is also effective in slowing down the process of absorption of sugar in blood during digestion to provide effective support to diabetics. Lower your harmful cholesterol level by using coriander, Flavanoids and fiber help in reducing level of LDL in the body and increase level of HDL to its reduce overall fat content. People consuming similar type of food but one group consuming Coriander showed much lesser LDL level compared to the group eating same food without Coriander. Coriander is rich source of vital minerals iron, copper, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese and copper. These minerals, promote growth of red blood cells, cell metabolism, and sperm generation; control heart rate, reduce blood pressure, aid digestion, promote growth and maintain bodily fluids. Coriander is a rich source of vitamin C and vitamins from B-complex group like Riboflavin, Niacin and Thiamin. To read detail about Coriander Powder, visit Company Name: Ayush Remedies Company Info: Ayush Remedies is a dynamic company devoted to spread Ayurveda, the holistic life science worldwide. The company focuses on promoting good health through the goodness of nature. The company has played a pioneering role in re-establishing the ancient knowledge by
making people aware of the wonders of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian health care system and the magical properties of herbs. Company Website: ###