FINAL DRAFT - 7/18/17
Prepared For: Bentonville Parks & Recreation
Park by Park OVERVIEW
This master plan outlines anticipated capital costs for both enhancements to existing parks as well as the construction of new park facilities. The cost figures are based upon 2017 dollars and include all necessary expenditures to provide the recommended improvements, however they do not include cost of land acquisition, in-kind services, costs defrayed by partner investment, volunteer efforts, matching funds, or funds potentially raised by non-profit entities. A list of improvements and the cost associated with each are shown for each park. In some cases where an existing park was recently renovated and thus needs little or no capital investment, the figures shown are for general park updates, in other words, costs associated with maintenance, repairs and/or code or safety updates. As an overview, capital expenditures are anticipated to be as follows: Capital plan improvements to the park system, including new parks, range between $50,307,000 to $57,497,000. Trail plan improvements are estimated to be $12,500,000. Anticipated improvements, park by park, are listed below:
Northeast Quadrant Park/Park Improvements
Anticipated Cost
AUSTIN - BAGGET PARK Pavilion with restrooms Play area updates Fencing at play area Signage Total
BARK PARK/BICYCLE PLAYGROUND Play area updates Shade shelter Signage Total
JULY 2017
Park/Park Improvements
Anticipated Cost
CITY SQUARE Plaza Market pavilion Food pavilions Restrooms Interactive fountain Stage Total
DAVE PEEL PARK Event lawn Shade arbors Pavilion Tree bosque courtyards Art/play area Total
ENFIELD PARK General park updates Total
GILMORE PARK General park updates Pavilion and restroom improvements Total
Park/Park Improvements
Anticipated Cost
MEMORIAL PARK Water play area Improved parking and access Pavilions Skate park Flex-field area Event lawns Play area Trail improvements Volleyball courts Entry gateway Total
Pool cover alternate
ORCHARDS PARK Amphitheater improvements Gardens Play area Landscape improvements Trail and parking improvements Total
OLD TIGER STADIUM Synthetic turf area Track improvements Pavilion with restrooms Play area Landscape improvements Total
LAWRENCE PLAZA Splash pad restoration Shade canopies Seat walls and paving configurations Stage canopy Total
JULY 2017
Park/Park Improvements
Anticipated Cost
PARK SPRINGS PARK Trail head Accessible parking and access improvements Play area improvements Restroom improvements Landscape improvements Trail improvements Total
TOWN BRANCH PARK Park expansions Trail head improvements Total
TRAIN STATION PARK General park improvements Total
SLAUGHTER PEN MOUNTAIN BIKE PARK Parking area Trail head Total
ACTIVITY BUILDING ADDITIONS Studios and fitness rooms Outdoor play area Total
Total NE Quadrant
Anticipated Cost $19,160,000 to $21,410,000
Depending on pool cover option
Northwest Quadrant Park/Park Improvements
Anticipated Cost
Lake restoration
Stream restoration
BELLA VISTA LAKE Lake restoration or stream restoration Pavilion Restroom improvements Park shelters Play area Court game area Access and parking improvements Natural landscape restoration Trail and landscape improvements Total
COLER - STANBERRY PROPERTY Pavilion with restrooms Adult play area Open flex-field area Court game area Total
Total NW Quadrant
Anticipated Cost $3,410,000 to $5,850,000
Depending on Bella Vista Lake option
JULY 2017
Southwest Quadrant Park/Park Improvements
Anticipated Cost
NEIGHBORHOOD PARK Open flex-field area Pavilion with restrooms Play area Court game area Trail head Small splash pad Total
CITIZEN PARK - BENTONVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER Tennis courts Adventure play area Court game area Open lawn area with pavilions Trail improvements Total
The above does not include accessible play area that is in progress or the discussed building pool deck enlargements COUGHLIN Sport game area Flex-field/event field Court game area Play area Pavilion with restrooms Parking and access improvements Trail improvements Total
Park/Park Improvements
Anticipated Cost
BENTONVILLE AIRPORT PARK COMPONENT Parking and access improvements Pavilion with restrooms Trails Dock overlook Total
WILDWOOD PARK Shade canopies Landscape improvements Total
Total SW Quadrant
Anticipated Cost $10,237,000
Southeast Quadrant PHILLIPS PARK New field arrangement Parking and access improvements Pavilions Pay area Concessions Maintenance area Court game area Open flex-field area General landscape improvements Total
Total SE Quadrant
Anticipated Cost $17,500,000
JULY 2017
Total Capital park improvements
$50,307,000 to $57,497,000
Trail improvements and amenities
Optional Additions Indoor Facility
2 Field Facility
4 Field Facility
including site
25 Acre Sports Park
including site Environmental Center
$450/SF; including site