3 Solutions To Whats Holding You Back From Quitting Your 9-To-5

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Call me new school,but Im done with the 9-to-5, sit-in-your-cubicle-and-pluck-away-at-yourkeyboard jobs. It's hard for me to comprehend how some people choose to carry out work they find meaningless for 40 (plus) hours a week their whole lives. I recently finished my one-year master's program at UCSD, and I quit my job to not only travel across Europe by myself, but to also devote this time off toward figuring out what I truly want. I continued my full-time job while going to school and promised myself I would be gone once I finished my graduate program. Some of the responses I've received around the workplace after people heard about me leaving were, I wish I could do that, but Im not rich or lucky enough like you, I wish I could do that, but I have to pay my mortgage and I wish I could do that, but I don't have that option. Im here to debunk all those responses.

"I wish I could do that, but Im not rich or lucky enough like you." I usually get this response the most, and its probably my biggest pet peeve. However, I will say I am lucky enough to have an angel of a mother. Shehas spoiled me with her unconditional love while working her ass off to give me and my sister the best world she could under the circumstances of my fathers passing.


Ill also say I am fortunate enough to have had a father who left us a house to live in after he died. But possessions do not define who I am. I would choose to go broke, trade in my house and give up my so-called riches any day of the damn week if it meant having my father back in my life. But those were not the cards I was dealt. It wasnt until recently that I realized I dont care about making money my number one priority. Yes, it would be nice to have, but Im not here to waste my life making a paycheck. To the peopleout there living to survive or doing something that makes them unhappy, try to reevaluate and make necessary changes. The least you can do is follow your passion on the side until you get to a point of mastery where you can replace your 9-to-5job with your passion. Yes, its possible. You just have to make a decision; thats the most difficult part. Find what you love and make a decision to work at it every day. Push yourself through obstacles and improve on your craft like youre possessed. Anticipate haters and be strong enough to accept rejection. As long as you have a vision and it makes sense to you, your only challenge is yourself. I can't sit here and tell you I have all this success in my life because I haven't accomplished anything remotely close to what I label success. But what I strongly believe is everyone should pursue his or her true purpose. That's why it's crushing to see people with so much potential settle for mediocrity. I haven't found my calling, but seeing people who are doing great things in life motivates me to never stop searching until I find it. Once I get there, I can dedicate my life to it.

"I wish I could do that, but I have to pay my mortgage."


No, you need to sacrifice. I dont have the obligation of paying a mortgage, but I would never buy a house until I was at thepoint in my life whereI could. However, if you sit there and tell me youve been enslaved to your 9-to-5 job because of your mortgage, all I hear is an excuse. As I stated, the least you can do is use your time outside of work to follow your heart and build a future based on your passion. Another option is applying to jobs that are more aligned with your ambitions. The goal is to always build toward a future you dream of. I dont know if its possible to get out of a mortgage, but if it were my choice, I would drop the mortgage and follow my dreams. Less is more. Youre probably thinking, Where would I live though? All I can say is some of the most affluent and successful people in the world made their achievements following what they believe in, even when they were dead broke. For example, The Weeknd, who is probably the most successful music artist out right now, played his music all over Toronto while he was homeless and living on the streets of downtown Toronto. Im not saying the goal here is to become a bum, but in order to pursue your passions, sometimes you have to make sacrifices for a certain period of time in order to try to have a brighter future. Look to people of proven success. Many people have been worse offthan you, and they still succeeded. The Internet is filled with information and stories that will inspire you and show you possibilities you probably never dreamed of.

"I wish I could do that, but I don't have that option." Let me give you a general mood of my workplace right now: Theres always work to do, barely enough people to do it and great expectations by management.


I just overheard our head director walking by each team members desk asking, Are you all caught up with your queue? and themembersrespond theyre working on it. In reality, the answer is most likely No, Im not. Im actually really behind, and if you expect me and the rest of this team to finish all this work under your terms, then you're delusional because we are not robots. But I digress. In reality, the team members Ive been privileged to build relationships with are hardworking people who really pump out more numbers than I've ever done. But then again, I gave up on performing highly a long time ago. I just got to a point where I have no motivation to perform for someone who tries to instill fear, expect more and tell me I can do better while barely showing appreciation or compensation for the hard work I have already put in. My mentor once told me I needed to shift my mindset. It had less about what I get out of things and more about how I can help people or a greater cause. Although I agree with this sentiment, at what point do you draw the line when someone is taking advantage of you, or when you no longer believe in the cause? To my company's defense, we are short-handed and lost a handful of people this past year. But that piece of evidence may or may not have just backed my whole argument. If I were to judge the coworkers Ive grown to know based on their characters and the commitment they bring to work, theyre all worth at least six figures from a financial standpoint. Theyre good people who do the best they can, and I would trust them as my employees if I ever owned my own business. I just wish they would take a leap of faith on themselves because they deserve more. Im not saying the past three years were a waste because I would be lying. I earned a steady income, learned a lot, built relationships I value, put myself through school and grew into a person who sees much more to life because of my time here. I'm appreciative of the opportunity I've had, but my message is mainly for those who only see it one way: Realize how short life is.


Why spend the rest of it behind a cubicle doing work that means nothing to you? Some people are perfectly content with what theyre doing, and they're maybe even passionate about it. That is totally fine, but I just really hope its what they want. I hope they dont realize too late in life that theres a whole world with room for all peopleto do what they love. Many things inspire me, but I recently heard Jim Carrey's commencement speech, which really resonated with me. His wise words gave me a push to take a risk on myself and become more involved in experimenting with my own life. I leave you with his story: My father could have been a great comedian, but he didn't believe that was possible for him. So, he made a conservative choice and instead he got a job as an accountant. When I was 12 years old, he was let go from that safe job, and our family had to do whatever we could to survive. I learned many great lessons from my father, not the least of which is that you can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.

Read more: http://elitedaily.com/life/corporate-america/1277032/ 3 Solutions To Whats Holding You Back From Quitting Your 9-To-5

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