4 Things People Who Save Money Want You To Know About Them

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Confession: Ive had two seriousrelationships in my 30 years on this planet, and money was a major factor in the ending of both. I realize it all seems a littletragic. The fact that I let something materialistic get in the way of what potentially could have been a really good thing is kind of sad, and Ill agree to that to an extent. It sucks when money is a factor to the ending of an us, but its a reality for many once-couples out there. As much as we would like to say love conquers all, it doesnt help you get out of a tiny apartment, fix your car when it breaks down or quit the job you hate. The stress from those circumstances can lead you down some dark roads. Roads that diverge from those of yourSO. I dont know if he or I would ever admit it out loud, but money was one of the driving wedges between me and my latest ex. Heres why: Im the ultimate saver. Literally, I save just to save. Myex,however, not so much. While I was sacrificing my money to eventually pay for a wedding and make a dent inhis debt, he was spending his money on smart watches, bottles of whiskey and a dog.

Itjust didnt sit well with me. I felt like I was putting in all of this effort to build us a better future, and I got little to nothing in return. Its hard to mesh the mindsets of savers and spenders. It justis.However, its not impossible. The best way to work through these differences is to understand each others viewpoints. So spenders, here are four reasons why wesavers do what we do:

1. Were Masters At Delayed Satisfaction Seriously. Masters. While the stereotypicalMillennial loves instant satisfaction, weve come to know the wonders of waiting to get what we want. Every time someone takes out a loan on a new car, we cringe. We hate the idea of paying interest on something thats only going to depreciate. Every time someone only puts 10 percent down on a home, we slowly die inside. In our eyes, those actions are the equivalent of throwing money out the window, and guess what? We dont like it. We see the benefit of waiting until we can actually afford something before buying it because we realize how much money is wasted paying the man. And wehate paying the man.

2. We Want You To Help Us Find Our Balance


We love to save, but sometimes the obsession with filling our bank account is just that: an obsession. Part of making money is also being able to enjoy it, but we can lose that in our attempt to hit our financial goals. Thats where you come in. We need someone to show us its OK to spend some of that hard-earned cash. And its OK to take a once-in-a-lifetime trip or pay for fourth row tickets to see a band we love. Some things are worth themoney, we just need you to remind us of that.

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At the same time, we want you to see our side of the spectrum too. As savers, we want to help you accomplish your financial goals and we know our habits and mindset can help you do that. Finding middle ground for both of us, where our needs are both met, is the ultimate goal and we realize its a game of give-and-take. But its a game were up for.

3. We Crave Security I think this is the number one reason we hoard cash: We crave financial security. The thought of not having an emergency fund to fall back on leaves us with the shakes, and when we see you with no cushion, spending your money on an Apple TV, we go into panic mode. While some people are absolutely fine living on the edge, paycheck to paycheck, were not those people. We need to know well be fine if our furnace breaks and needs a replacement, that well be able to afford to pay our kids way through school and that were contributing enough to retire on time. We require that stability in order to keep stress at bay, so throw us a bone here. Its for ourhealth.

4. Were Doing It For Our Future Listen up: When it all boils down, we keep such a tight hold on our finances in order to create a better future for the both of us. We know that having nice cars, homes, clothes and phones would be fun. Weknow. We want them, too. But more so, we want to build a life where we dont have to worry about paying mortgage. A life


where we can easily cover all of our expenses, go out to nice dinners and goonvacation once a year. As nice as it would be to have some of that stuff now, its not as great as the future we see where we can have it all.

Im hoping all you spenders out there have a better idea of where us savers are coming from now. Opposites attract, but the ones that remain for the long haul are those willing to see the others viewpoint.It may not have worked out for me and my exes, but you should give it a shot. Subscribe to Elite Daily's official newsletter,The Edge, for more stories you don't want to miss. Read more:http://elitedaily.com/dating/people-who-save-money/1675786/ 4 Things People Who Save Money Want You To Know About Them

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