It was just a couple of weeks ago that Seattle began seeing some hard numbers come in reflecting the effect of the citys adoption of a $15 an hour minimum wage. Not that everybody with a basic understanding of economics told them so, but low-wage workers earningsappear to have dropped by $1,500 a year, and the $15 minimum hasnt even been fully phased in yet maybe thats when everybody starts making money. Never fear: Seattles City Council has come to the rescue, on Monday approving a new income tax on high-earning residents, many of whom are probably considering life as former Seattle residents. Rally ahead of city council vote on proposed Seattle income tax on high earners. Expected to serve as test case before State Supreme - Natalie Brand (@NatalieBrandK5)July 10, 2017 Packed council chambers ahead of expected passage of Seattle city income tax on high earners - Natalie Brand (@NatalieBrandK5)July 10, 2017 Seattle Raging Grannies serenade the city council during public comment ahead of city income tax on high earners - Natalie Brand (@NatalieBrandK5)July 10, 2017 Vote happening now: 9-0 to pass Seattle income tax on higher earners proposal. Council chamber crowd erupts in - Natalie Brand (@NatalieBrandK5)July 10, 2017 if ( (window.__aa_fraud_serve === undefined) || (window.__aa_fraud_serve == true) ) { googletag.cmd.push(function () { googletag.display('divgpt-300x250_1'); }); }
Read more: Raging Grannies cheer as Seattle adds high-earner tax to $15 minimum wage win; Next, housing justice
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