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Stylish ideas for micro-lights
Twinkling micro-lights are a quick and easy way to get your home Christmasready. Combine with candles, baubles and greenery for instant sparkle
W E LOV E Double the impact of this pretty snowflake curtain light by hanging it in front of a large mirror
Snowflake curtain micro-lights in warm white (1.2m x 1.2m) £24.99 (comes with an 8hr-on/16hr-off timer). Decorations from £3.49 (page 6). Wreaths and garlands from a selection

We love finding exciting new ways to use microlights around the home. Here are more stylish ideas – but don’t forget, they also add an irresistible sparkle to Christmas trees and festive door wreaths.
M AG I C A L M A N T E LS 100-LED battery-operated micro-lights in warm white £5.99. Baubles from £3.49, Easi-clip bird tree decoration £14.99 (see page 6). Wreaths and garlands from a selection
T E R R I F I C TAB L E T O P S 60-LED battery-operated micro-lights in warm white £3.49. Candle holder centrepiece £59.99 (see page 24). Melted effect LED flicker candles, various sizes, from £6.99. Mini pine cones (100g bag) £2.99
J AZ Z U P A VAS E 60-LED battery-operated bunch microlights in warm white £4.99. Golden Sandalwood candles from £2.99 (see page 22). Baubles from £3.49 (see page 6). Glass vases from a selection
C H R I ST M A S COC KTAI LS 100-LED battery-operated twinkle micro-lights in warm white £5.99. Snowy glass battery-operated LED micro-light star, £12.99. Glassware from a selection (see page 24)