Ben Uri Gallery and Museum Limited (A company limited by guarantee) Chairman's statement (continued) For the Year Ended 31 March 2021
21 years since, between 2001 – 2021 Total income generated, outside asset sales, is £6.856m averaged £326,500 per annum. Total expenses were £6.854m averaged £326,400 per annum. In the 21 years since, between 2001 – 2020, we generated an operating book surplus of £2,000 - cash neutral over the period. Collection acquisitions: In the 9 years 1992 – 2000 there are no sums recorded in the accounts for collection acquisitions. In the 21 years since, between 2001 – 2021, we invested over £1m in the collection through our own resources and the generosity and support of The Art Fund, HLF, V&A PGF and philanthropists – an average of some £47,600 per annum. Since 2018 we have remained equally active and opportunistic in acquiring fine works for the collection by acquisition, gift and loan. Net Asset Value: Year-End 1995 - £116,000. Year-End 2000 – £282,000. Year-End 2021 - £9.704m David J Glasser Chair
Chairman Date:
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