Ielts essay topics with answers (writing task 2)

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In this presentation, you will see the ideas, and examples I produce to 'build' the essay. It's an exercise in brain storming for


It makes more sense if you listen to the audio or watch the video.

The sentences and ideas are just 'ideas' – later they will be arranged into cohesive paragraphs.

As you watch the presentation, try and

write down your ideas for the questions.

Starting with good accurate ideas that correspond to the question is the BEST way to start your essay.

Do you think it is better for students to work before their university study? Why? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice.

ANSWER: YES PARAGRAPH 1 Practical experience, contacts, on the job skills. EG: Studies from the UK Government show graduates with work experience are twice as likely to find employment.....

PARAGRAPH 2 Better preparation, chance to improve social skills, close the gap between academia and private sector, helps student decide on future before committing long term, EG 1/6 students will change their higher education course while at uni....

Some people believe that children should do organised activities in their free time while others believe that children should be free to do what they want to do in their free time. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

ANSWER: CHILDREN FREE TO CHOOSE PARAGRAPH 1 Lots of benefits letting the mind wonder, children can express themselves, find themselves, do what they prefer and excel. EG Recent studies show 12% of school students dislike physical education, therefore if sports were chosen it would be unfair to this minority.

PARAGRAPH 2 Organising activities -costly for the school -need time to plan, -possible 'equipment' to purchase, furthermore studies show that the brain operates better after a distraction from a structured task such as studying.

Many people say that globalisation and the growing number of multinational companies have a negative effect on the environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

PARAGRAPH 1 -DEFINITELY DAMAGING THE ENVIRONMENT -Increased interaction between countries -Increase in goods and services traded -this means more production, therefore more resources. EG China 'workshop of the world' - many places air pollution masks needed.

PARAGRAPH 2 -MULTINATIONALS -YES increase pollution – (decision taken for simplicity) -Globalisation requires global solutions -these can have drastic consequences if accidents happen -EG BP Gulf of Mexico, oil spill, destroyed the local ecosystem...

Parents want to achieve balance between family and career but only a few manage to achieve it. What do you think is the reason? Discuss possible solutions and provide examples.

PARAGRAPH 1 -Reason is work life balance, increased competition in the work place, changes in society, increase in the amount of working mothers puts strain on the family, EG Studies in the US show that families with two full-time parents are more likely to separate. -therefore this shows that finding the balance is incredibly difficult.

PARAGRAPH 2 -Possible Solutions? Regulations from government, increasing maternity leave, more flexible working practices, reduced working week, EG France had a 35 hour working week...

Nowadays both men and women spend a lot of money on beauty care. This was not so in the past. What may be the root cause of this behaviour? Discuss the reasons and possible results.

PARAGRAPH 1 Marketing. Beauty market for women is worth millions, consumer goods companies see similar potential for the male market. Therefore developing new ranges, e.g. Loreal for Men Expert. Therefore main reason is the potential opportunity.

PARAGRAPH 2 Difficult to say the results because it is still early, however general trend is in this direction, Deodorant was considered unnecessary before the 1950s. Therefore the market will probably grow and it will be completely normal in the future


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