Architecture portofolio 2023

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holy ptfl #BenDsgnSthMatters design archives 2023 2nd edition vol 3 2023. all rights reserved

work experience

Architectural Designer & Researcher

Various Architectural Projects

Aksen PM design & construction

May 2021-Febuary 2023

China - Indonesia

Part-time Architectural Designer Jarak Village Masterplan Project

June 2019-Feb 2020

Petra community design team


Part-time Architectural Designer F Silaban Monument Competition

Sep 2019-Oct 2019

Bāskara Design Planning


Architectural Intern Various Architectural Projects

Dec 2018-Feb 2019

Bāskara Design Planning


notable achievement

top 15 best undergraduate project petra christian university superjury

top 10 most experimental design at second year design studio 2018

competition entry of world architecture festival 2019 student charette

top 10 xplosion national housing competition at ciputra university 2016

semi-finalist of lixil design competition

2018 “rest-area for arterial road

top 20 of ancol floating mosque competition

top 25 of architecture festival 2019 post disaster space for children

top 25 of architecture festival 2020 mindfullness

stage two of indonesia architecture seminar call for paper

competition entry of caaj 2019

international competition

competition entry of holcim lafarge 2020 international competition

competition entry of medan merdeka masterplan competition by jakarta goverment 2019

competition entry of oslo museum of design 2020 international competition

notable experience selected participant of Non School international workshop 2020 Animali Domestici

participant of the paau international student workshop 2019-penang

student speaker of the paau international student workshop 2019


participant of critical context 2019 workshop unit 1

student speaker at dua titik discussion forum architecture education 2019

main speaker of arch effect “ architecture prisoners”, Petra Christian University


editorial team of search magazine edition 2018-2019 & 2019-2020

editorial team of dua titik discussion forum architecture education nowdays 2019

Screenplay writer for indonesia film festival competition 2018 “perspektif” creative team of architecture expo 2018

school representatives for Nusantara Student Congress 2014


27 02 .1998



i am a motivated and passionate learner. Always curious to do different things within a huge range of discourse within design and architecture and other subject, try to put a marks to the world within given time in the world.


My interest lies in the ambiquity of this framed world. I am seek for the contingency and peri feri area of things. Either it from architecture that interfere to other subject, or other subject that try to interfere architecture itself. For me myself, am more interested with the people behind the design beyond the design itself. Because i believe language,expression and feels in design itself matter. am also love to wander around the world to see various things in the range of small to big scale of architecture and design. At the end, play a lot with the language and vocabulary in design itself and try to perseve, provoke, and tell a story within architecture itself. And the most important thing of it all is the joy of making things, so the design itself should be fun!


petra christian university 2016-2020


Concept & Design Development

Imagination, Intuition, Feeling, Research, Analysis, and Strategy

Design Process

Hand Drawing, Digital Drawing, Model Making software proficient in rhinoceros, sketch up, adobe photoshop. adobe indesign, Enscape, vray, lumion.

basic knowledge in blender, grasshoper, autocad, revit, adobe illustrator,Agisoft metascape

EPT 508

portofolio 2021 CURRICULUM VITAE 3 TITLE NEWGATE OF PODGORICA COMPOSED BY Benyamin Kevin Kenneth Nathaniel Timothy Imanuel Jonathan Carly
1 3 4 portofolio 2023 ii ATLAS OF MY ARCHITECTURAL WORKS

Garden of eden

The thesis propose a space and place for data centre for transhumanism era, with the preposition of the technology force and friction that make the globazation bigger than ever. The willing for people to live enternally also create the need of designing a space that can answer the needs of it. The progamming itself reflect on most recent technology for human preservation like neuralink, and cryonic technique to preserve corpse.


portofolio 2023 1 Garden of eden composed
benyamin kevin


Design methods using hand-drawn sketch to elaborate the ideas of the design. From zoning to form finding. The purpose of sketching is altering the input/output ideas from the designer perspective. The language of architecture from the designer also emphasized in this stage of design. Mimicking nature, this is how the design defined and proposed. Organic shaped and iregullarity come from the unconciousness of the designer during the brainstorming session.

2 Garden of eden composed by benyamin kevin
portofolio 2023


The design being contrasted throught the surrounding landscape in dense area of the city. Located near the airport become the first nodes when travelers landing to Jakarta. The ideas of the building is mimicking the nature characteristic of worms.
3 Garden of eden composed by benyamin kevin
portofolio 2023

flussi-ni galleria

The design of the museum and gallery proposed in Norway. As the country with various history of design, the brief of the project is how to create the museum and gallery for various contemporary artist, designer and other creative practitioner.
portofolio 2023 4 flussi-ni galleria composed by benyamin kevin


The idea of the design lay on create a massive structure that accomodate the need of the gallery and the museum at the square area, and create the cross section to become the complementary within the various idealism of the artist and designer. Becoming a bridge to be observation tower ended in 4 different zone, express how can that designs can be so much diverse until there is no end for it to mesmerized with it, as the center of the program, the massive structure of waffle slab create enormous size of free space for the gallery itself to display various kind of objects. The little box shape, itself is for support facility due the gallery and museum need, the basement floor is created as the archive room for the object that not displayed. The face of the square building itself facing the waterfront area of the river to create and poetic feeling between the gallery and the nature itself.

5 flussi-ni galleria composed by benyamin kevin
portofolio 2023



The brief of the client is to create an design for a vacation villa in the hills of Samarinda, Kalimantan, Indonesia. The landscape of the nature is magnificent with the client keeps many exotic animals within the area. The design propose the connection within the nature and the building through open concept of building and less walls. Glass windows and wood material proposed to blend with the environment and define openess. Veranda become important aspect that create bridge between inside and outside the design.

Samarinda hills villa composed by benyamin
Samarinda hills villa composed by benyamin kevin portofolio 2023
8 Samarinda hills villa
portofolio 2023

Newgate of Podgorica

9 Newgate of Podgorica c omposed by benyamin, Kenneth, TImothy, Jonathan
The proposal is to rejuvenate the area to become catalyst within the area around podgorica train station, bus station and the prison that change into the public iternary. Create housing for the locals, basement for the transportation needs and create a public space that can be enjoyed by the locals and tourist. portofolio 2023

Water fountain acting as the center of the axis crossing from the housing, tourism, terminal and station. Giving the plaza a center node and also acting as activity catalist for children play and adults.

Creating direct view to main tourism attraction (JusovacaPrison) from all entrance (Terminal and Train Station). All access are universally accessible and directed by signage.


Full pedestrian oriended area

Basement dropoff lobby as major car area

Housing blocks as program relocation and visual enchancer.

STATION FACADE Red as Visual - Connecting the original facade of the train station with the new canopy and extention frame from the entrance and exit NEWGATE PLAZA Plaza acting as a connector of trainstation, bus terminal and housing. Giving also a wide vista of the existing prison building CENTRAL AXIS AXIS VISTA
10 Newgate of Podgorica
by benyamin, Kenneth, TImothy,
portofolio 2023


The outstanding and complexity of bamboo structures built in Bali created with symbolic architecture methods that represent harmony with the surrounding nature. The aim of this project is analyze how the sharma spring structurally built.

Rhinoceros plug-in, Grasshopper have been one of the best tools to develop parametric form in many ways. The aim of this project is to create iteration of bamboo-based structure with paramater from grasshopper.

emelbarnoH n t ions


The aim of the project is to create symbolic architecture, the site is in Indonesia beside the highway of Surabaya gate. The proposed design is an Vihara with the sumperimpose between modernity and traditional materiality that exposed by the uses of steel and brick around the building.


The aim of the competition is to organize the landscape of monas heritage and infuse it with new public spaces, and other facilities that can rejuvenate the area. Our concept based on to create more green and environment friendly in monas site so we create more walksway and get rid of the car roads around the area.

11 portofolio 2023 1822
20182020 Honorable mentions

Oslo Museum International Competition 2020 Design*tuary

This project strives the imaginative possibility of the relation within contingency of time and space with the design itself to become a compilation of history. The idea behind is to compose design without the boundary of time and space, a new design and the old ones. To achieve the chronological story of design we made the vertical axis and the horizontal axis. And to connect people and local artists to join the community within.

Non-Architecture Competition 2020 Reviving Mines

We connect with our ancestor through prayers dan ceremony. How to increase bon between human and ancestor, using nature. Nature as representation of ancestor soul by planting graves with tree, and bonding human with nature. Reusing mines site as memorial with sustainable approach. Graves area are designed as landscaping, with the tree planted as a headstone. The body will be wrapped using biodegradable material, so that the dead body becomes the initial nutrition for plants to grow.

The proposal is an police main office located in Timika, Papua The hometown of OPM an rebel organization to declare Papua independency. The proposal suggest that the office should be integrated with locals as the first barrier of the protection and have many intermediatery space through the area of the building like communal space, public park and indoor activities.

X+living Internship Test Project Cabaret

The proposal for parent-child restaurant based on the fairy-like and imaginative space, imposed and combined well with the elegancy of the high-end restaurant create higher value into the design itself. Playful space within the place to eat and place to play mixed and reconfigurate within design parameter and more careful decision to reconciliate.

cejorhcrat i v es

1822 p
portofolio 2021 12 20182020 projects archives
Lafarge Holcim Award Competition Protection Paradox

Critical Context Workshop Unit 1 Surabaya Banal-Hybridification

The workshop investigate the ambiguity of the attribute that given into parts, elements, and material. Stereotype that come from the culture that stick with the material usually become and temporary identification of an object, rather it become an cheap-like, or old-like also expensive object. In this course, our team try to seperated the atribute into the most banal meaning of the object itself.

PAAU 07 2019 Penang

Inclusive Urbanism in Georgetown

we down to the community to do some analysis about the Georgetown itself. How Georgetown is define, even it by local, tourisr, old people, young peiple, the building and the structure and also the culture itself. And after that we discuss and points out some critical points about georgetown that we found interesting, there are young generatiion, architecture and the local it self. The tendency between the inclusivity and the esclusivity between them make problems in Georgetown itself.

Non-school International Workshop

Saturated Tropical Scape - Animali Domestici

Tropical Saturated Landscapes is a workshop aimed to collectively reflect about new forms of multi-species coexistence, engaging with urban natural/artificial spaces, through fiction and storytelling techniques. Participants will work together with the leader to transform a series of selected urban environments, augmenting the possibilities of coexistence within them, by densifying and & saturating; relevant conditions and (architectural) elements.

Bamboo-Architecture Class

reciprocal-frame structure

The idea is to learn the basic value of reciprocal structures using bamboo material and develop the pattern for architectural purpose. Also learning the process of construction which learn the behavior of the joints of the structure. Build from trial and error, we finally successfully make the structure standing but not get much height we want to be a proportional pavillion.

crapohskrow h ives
portofolio 2021 13 see more at :
20182020 workshops archives



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