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Carnelia | Menorca

Carnelia | Oriental

Carnelia | Summerline

Carnelia | Confetti Garden® Summerline

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Product forms

Paperpot 144

PF 208: Pinched liner

PF 206: Rooted liner

Flexiplug (25x25x40)

PF 201: liner in bags

Paperpot 60

PF 397: Confetti liner Duo

Paperpot 45

PF388: Confetti liner Trio


Unrooted cuttings | Unbewurzelte Stecklinge Onbewortelde stekken

Bouture non racinée | Talee non radicate | Esquejes sin enraizar


Week | Woche | Week

Semaine | Settimana | Semanas


Rooted cuttings | Bewurzelte Stecklinge | Bewortelde stekken | Bouture racinée | Talee radicate | Esquejes enraizados single sticked | einfach gesteckt | enkel gestoken simple bouture | talee singole | un esqueje por unidad double sticked | doppelt gesteckt | dubbel gestoken double bouture | talee doppie | dos esquejes por unidad single sticked, pinched | einfach gesteckt, gestutzt | enkel gestoken, getopt simple bouture, pincée | talee singole, spuntato | un esqueje pinzado double sticked, pinched | doppelt gesteckt, gestutzt | dubbel gestoken, getopt double bouture, pincée | talee doppie, spuntato | oble esqueje, pinzados.

Growth | Wuchs | Groei | Croissance | Crescita | Crecimiento

 compact | kompakt | compact compacte | compatta | compacto

 medium-compact | mittelkompakt medium compact moyenne-compacte | media-compatta | medio compacto

 medium | mittel | medium moyenne | media | medio

 medium-vigorous | mittelkräftig medium krachtig moyenne-vigoureuse | media-vigorosa | medio vigoroso

 vigorous | kräftig | krachtig vigoreuse | vigorosa | vigorosa

Growth type | Wuchstyp | Groeitype | Port de plante |

Tipo di crescita | Tipo de crecimiento h upright | aufrecht | staand droit | eretto | erecto k semi upright | halb aufrecht | half staand semi-érigé | semi eretto | semierecto l semi hanging | halb hängend | half hangend semi-retombant | semi ricadente | semicolgante i hanging | hängend | hangend retombant | ricadente | colgante

Q mounding | rund wachsend | rond groeiend buissonnant | a forma rotonda | esférico n spreading | flach wachsend | vlak groeiend tapissant | piatto | tapizante

Earliness | Frühzeitigkeit | Vroegheid | Précocité | Precocità | Precocidad

 early | früh | vroeg précore | precoce | temprano

 medium | mittel | medium mi-précore | media | medio

 medium late | mittelspät | medium laat moyen à tardif | media tardiva | medio tarde

Flower type | Blütentyp | Bloemtype | Type de fleur | Tipo di fiore | Tipo de flor

 single | einfach | enkelbloemig simple | semplice | simple

 semi-double | halbgefüllt | halfgevuld semi-double | semi doppio | semidoble

 double | gefüllt | gevuldbloemig double | doppio | doble

Flower size | Blütengröße | Bloemgrootte | Taille de fleur | Misura del fiore | Tamaño de la flor

S small | klein | klein petite | piccolo | pequeño

M medium | mittel | middelgroot moyenne | medio | medio

L large | groß | groot grosse | grosso | grande

XL extra large | sehr groß | extra groot très grosse | molto grosso | enorme

Disclaimer Although Dümmen Orange has composed this brochure with great care, the information contained in this brochure is for general information purposes only. Dümmen Orange makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the information contained herein. In no event will any company part of Dümmen Orange be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, direct or indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of turnover or profits arising out of, or in connection with the information contained herein. The use of the “TM” and “®” symbols herein indicate the trademarks and registered trademarks of Dümmen Orange that are used and may be registered in Canada, Germany, The Benelux, The European Union, The United States and in other countries.

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