1,2,3 Grades 11-18-12

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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together.


SCRIPTURE PASSAGE: 2 Kings 6:8-23 BIBLE STORY SUMMARY: The king of Aram came to Samaria, the capital city of Israel, and surrounded it. They would not let any food into the city, and they were there a long time, so there was a great famine, yet the king did not seek God’s help. When the king finally did repent, he was angry at Elisha because God did nothing right away. He then went to see Elisha, and Elisha prophesied that there would be plenty to eat the next day, but the king’s top advisor did not believe him. That night, several outcasts went to the enemy camp, and discovered that the enemy army was gone. They took what they could carry and ate plenty, but decided that they needed to tell the people in Samaria what had happened. The king of Israel sent scouts, and they found that the enemy army had run away because God had made the sound of horses and chariots chasing them, and ran away so fast that they left everything they had behind. When this was told in Samaria, the people ran out and took everything from the enemy camp, and there was plenty of food in the city again. LESSON FOCUS:

God Ends Famine In Samaria

 God wants me to turn to Him when I have trouble.  God will provide what I need when I trust in Him.

Finding God in the middle of trouble

WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD:  God is in control of everything.  God has plenty—He is a God who supplies way more than we need.

This Week’s Memory Verse:

RESPONSE:  To think of the Lord as my “first line of defense”, rather than my “last resort”.  To avoid the tendency to “bluster” through life, only reading the owner’s manual (for us, it is

the Bible) when all else fails. If we become familiar with this owner’s manual, we may very likely avoid some of the stress of life that comes with being unprepared for life’s trials.

Copyright 2008

If you obey My commands, you will remain in My love, just as I have obeyed My Father’s commands and remain in His love. John 15:10

Berean Baptist Church 309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

November 18, 2012

Read 2 Kings 6:24-31

Monday—God Foils An Enemy’s Plans This week’s story takes place in the city of ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ . (Samaria)

Saturday—This Week’s Puzzle God wants us to remember Him because He loves us and provides what we need. God wants us to obey Him too, because He knows that we will be happy when we follow Him. Add and subtract letters in the alphabet to solve the puzzle. Have fun!

Why were people hungry? Check four of six.

 They were too lazy to grow enough food.  Their city was surrounded by the enemy.



 God allowed the Israelites to suffer punishment for not listening to Him.  The enemy did not allow food to come into the city.  The skies stopped raining for another three years.

D+3 X-9 F-2

 The Israelites forgot about God. The king of Israel became upset and

“___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ his robes.

Who did the king of Israel blame for not helping?  God  King of Aram  Elisha Sometimes God allows punishment so that we will turn back to Him. He loves us very much and wants us to love Him.



___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ J-6

H-5 G+2

___ ___ ___

Z-5 O+4 ___ ___

P-7 N+5

A+5 G+8 X-6 ___ ___


P+4 R-10 G-6 W-3

Y-9 F+6

___ ___ ___


___ ___

F+9 J+11 W-5 ___

K+12 G-2

C-2 R+7

___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___

___ ___ ___



A+8 Q-3

B+6 M-4


___ ___ ___ ___ ___

U-13 T-5

D-3 J+8



C+6 S-5

___ ___.”

A+4 Q+2 V-3


Z-7 ___,

L-5 C+12 Z-11 A+3

___ ___ ___ I+4

W-9 B+3


(Hebrews 12:10)

Friday—Turn To God


Think back on the Bible story we read about this week. When the Israelites turned back to God, circle what He provided for them: Marbles to play with Plenty of food New sandals New homes

Your memory verse 3 times

Tuesday—Elisha Delivers A Message Not all people forgot about God. What was Elisha doing?

________________ in his house. And the ______________ were __________________ with him.” The king of Israel came to Elisha saying:

 Talk to a parent

A. “This disaster is from the Lord.”

 Pretend there is no trouble

B. “What can I do?”

 Be angry and do nothing

C. “Where can I get help?”

 Pray to God

D. “Bring back food from the next city.”

Cross out the wrong words and write the correct words below them. Can you do it without looking back at the memory verse?

If you bathe My camels, You will remain in My house, Just as Elisha obeyed My Uncle’s commands And returned in His cart. Joseph 15:10

2 Kings 6:32-7:2

“Elisha was

When we find ourselves in trouble, what two things could we do?

When we turn back to God, He helps us, just as He helped the Israelites. God has good things for us! He has plenty of everything we ever need.


Elisha delivered a message from God. Circle if it was good new or bad news.

Did the king’s officer believe Elisha? Yes


Elisha said to the officer,” You will see it with your own but you will not ___

___ ___ any of it!”

Not sure

___ ___ ___ ___ ,

Dear God, thank you for forgiving me when I disobey. Help me to look for you when I am in trouble. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

Wednesday—A Discovery At Camp

Read 2 Kings 7:3-9

What two problems did the four men have?

 They were starving to death.

Thursday—The Famine Ends

Read 2 Kings 7:10-19

The king of Israel heard the news about the enemy camp. How did the king feel?

 They lost their baskets for gathering food.  They had leprosy. The four men walked to the enemy camp hoping to get food. What did they discover there?  An empty camp  Silver and gold  Food and drink

What did the king say to his officers about this news? A. The enemy wanted to make the camp look empty.


The enemy was hiding.


The enemy wanted to attack them coning out of the city.

Why did the enemy run away?


All of the above.

__________ the sound of _______ and __________ and a great ____________.”

The king sent his scouts to find out what happened at the enemy camp. What did the scout find?

 Tents and clothes

“The Lord caused the Ameans to

 Clothes scattered along the road

The four men took what they wanted from the camp. Why did they go back to the city of Samaria? A. The army of Aram returned. B. Elisha found them stealing all the good stuff.

 More lepers on the edge of the camp  Equipment left behind  Treasure chests buried in the ground

C. They felt guilty and knew God wanted to provide for everyone.

The Israelites were allowed to enter the enemy camp. They took food, supplies and treasure.

D. Elisha told them to dip themselves in the river.

Did the king’s head officer see this happen?




Was he able to eat any of the food or enjoy any of the supplies? Again, God provided good things to the Israelites and saved them from starving. Write a sentence prayer thanking God for providing what you need.




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