1,2,3 grades 2 2 14

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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together.



John 2:1-11 BIBLE STORY SUMMARY: When the wedding host ran out of wine, Jesus turned water into wine. Jesus revealed His glory through this miracle. His new disciples put their faith in Him after seeing His glory. LESSON FOCUS: To become an empty jar ready for Jesus to fill with His Living Water. To cultivate a thirst for Jesus. WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD: God wants to change my life and make me more like Jesus. LET’S TALK ABOUT WHAT WE LEARNED: 1. Jesus and his friends were invited to a wedding, an event that in Bible times would last many days. A problem came up at this wedding. What was it? Who told Jesus? (The wine for the wedding was gone before the celebration was over. Mary, Jesus’ mother, came to Jesus and told Him about the problem.) 2. What did Jesus do after He was told of the situation? (Seeing six very large water jugs standing nearby, Jesus told the servants to fill them with water. The servants obeyed. When this big job was done, Jesus told the servants to bring some of the liquid from the jars to the master of the banquet, the on ein charge of the event.)

the One I Must Follow

God Reveals the Glory of His Son

3. What did the master of the banquet tell the groom? (This wine was the best.) 4. The people at the wedding were thirsty. In what way does Jesus want you to be thirsty? (To desire Him more than anything else.) 5. With what does Jesus want to fill you life? (Living water, His Holy Spirit. It is His presence, peace, and joy that He wants to put in our lives.) Will you begin praying today that Jesus will give you a big desire to know Him better? Will you ask God to change your life and make you more like Jesus?

Jesus Turns Water into wine This Week’s Memory Verse: If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

Copyright 2008 Berean Baptist Church 309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

February 2, 2014

Read Matthew 3:13-17

Saturday—This Week’s Puzzle

Monday—This Is My Son Think back to any stories that you know from the Bible that tell about Jesus when He was growing up. Check any of the lines below that you think are true about Jesus.

When Jesus was growing up, He . . .  Loved to be in the temple to learn God’s Word  Never had to work or obey His parents because He was the Son of God.  Had a halo around His head all the time and floated in the air.  May have worked as a carpenter along with Joseph, who was a carpenter.  Performed miracles to make any toys that He wanted.  Probably looked just like an ordinary person. The bible doesn’t tell us much about when Jesus was growing up. We know He obeyed His parents and loved learning God’s Word in the temple. He most likely looked very ordinary and did the same kinds of things that other people did. Jesus might have worked as a carpenter like Joseph. Jesus asked John the Baptist to baptize Him. What happened as Jesus came out of the water?

Can you unscramble the words below and fit them into the correct spaces? First, memorize 2 Corinthians 5:17! trencaoi







noeg 17:5

If _____________________ is in ___________________, he is a ________________


A. God’s Spirit came to Jesus like a dove and landed on him.

the ______________ has ___________________,

B. They heard God speak from heaven. He said that Jesus was His Son whom He loved and that He was very pleased with Him.

the _______________ has ____________________.

C. Both A and B.

God sent a dove to show that Jesus had the Holy Spirit. God spoke so that anyone around would know that Jesus was NOT just an ordinary man! When Jesus was 30 years old, the time had come for God to show all the people that Jesus was the Promised One!

Practice saying our memory verse at least two times today!

2 Corinthians ____________


Friday—He Still Changes Lives

John 2:11 2 Cor 5:17

A MIRACLE is something only God can do!

Tuesday—Follow The Leader Jesus and His friends were invited to a wedding. But there was something wrong—What was it?

Read John 2:1-5

 The dresses weren’t very pretty.  The cake tasted icky.

Why did Jesus do this miracle?

 They ran out of wine at the party.

 To show His glory to the disciples

Who came to tell Jesus about this? ________________________________

 So people would understand that Jesus was the Promised One who came to take How would you feel if you were at a party and they ran out of food before you got any?

away sin.

 He cared about the needs of His friends  All of the above Jesus came to change things. He changed empty fishing nets into nets full of fish. He changed the water into wine. What do you think takes the most power to change?

 Water to wine  Empty nets to full nets

Do you think Jesus wants to change your life?

 Sinful lives to changed lives

 Yes

When Jesus changes your life, He makes you brand  No new! The old sinful ways are gone and His ways come  Maybe into your life! Wow! That is good news! Will you put your name into the verse below? “If

______________ is in Christ, _______________ is a new creation!”

Can you name something “old” that Jesus has gotten rid of in your life?

_________________________________________________ Can you name something “new” that has come because of Jesus?

_________________________________________________ Will you ask God to help you see how He makes you new?

Mary knew that running out of wine was a huge problem for the family of the bride and groom. They would be so embarrassed, and the guests might even get angry! Mary knew just what to do! She knew that Jesus cared about people and that He would help His friends. Read 1 Peter 5:7 When the Bible says, “Cast all your anxiety on Him,” it means “Bring all your problems to Jesus.” Why should we do this? “because

_________(Jesus) _______________ for ____________.”

Cross out “you” and write your own name about it.

Can you name a problem that you should bring to Jesus today?

__________________________________________________ Will you pray now and ask Jesus to help you with your problem? Remember: “He cares for

__________________________.” (Your name)

Wednesday—Empty Jars

Read John 2:5-7 & John 4:10

Having no wine at the wedding was a problem. Mary asked Jesus to help out. What did Jesus see nearby? (verse 6)

 2

Thursday—The Best Wine When they had finished filling the jars with water, what did Jesus ask the servants to do?

Read John 2:7-11

 Give everyone a drink of water.  Take some out of the jars and bring it to the one in charge of the dinner.

 4  6  8

Stone jars.

What did Jesus ask the servants to do?

 Get a drink of water.  Fill the jars with water.

What did the master of the banquet tell the groom?

   

This wine tastes like water. Everyone else serves the best wine first. You have saved the best wine until now! Jesus changed water into wine!

 Take the jugs to the store to get them filled with wine for the party.

Who knew where the wine had come from? (Verse 9)

These were BIG jars—each one held 20 to 30 gallons! (A big jug of milk is one gallon.) Without water faucets, people got water by pulling up every gallon in a pail from a well. The servants had six jars to fill—about 150 to 180 gallons of water!


How long do you think it took the servants to fill all six jars?

_______________ Why do you think the servants obeyed Jesus’ request?

 They loved to do hard work  Mary told them, “Do whatever He tells you.” What kind of water does Jesus want to give you?

L ________________ W ________________ Living Water is the Holy Spirit! Jesus wants to fill you with His Holy Spirit. Then your life will be changed too! To be filled with Living Water, you must be willing to do whatever He tells you. God wants you to be really thirsty for knowing Jesus! Can you think of two things you could do to show you are thirsty for knowing Jesus?



What would you have thought about Jesus if you had seen Him change all that water into the best wine?

_______________________________________________ The wine that Jesus made tasted much, much better than any that was served earlier! It is the same way when Jesus to changes a person. When Jesus changes your life, He makes it better than ever!

Will you thank Jesus that He can make your life better than ever? How are you coming with learning our memory verse? Can you say it with your eyes closed?

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