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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together.



Matthew 6:1-8; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-26 BIBLE STORY SUMMARY: Jesus gave men the desire to bring their paralyzed friend to Him for healing. He saw the faith of the men and the faith of the paralyzed men. Jesus made the man well and forgave his sin. These man had faith in Jesus, and their lives were changed! LESSON FOCUS: To understand that God gives me the desire to bring my friends to Jesus. To understand that prayer is the most important way to bring my friends to Jesus. WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD: God gives me the desire to bring my friends to Jesus. LET’S TALK ABOUT WHAT WE LEARNED: Jesus

came home to Capernaum, and many people came to see and hear Him. What was special about a certain group in this story? What problem did they find when they got there? A group of men brought a paralyzed friend to Jesus for healing. When they got there, the crowds kept them from getting close to Jesus.

the One I Must Follow

God Helps Me Want To Bring My Friends to Jesus

What did the men do when they ran into problems? They wouldn’t give up. Instead they decided to carry their friend up to the rooftop, make a hole in the roof, and lower the paralyzed man on his mat right in front of Jesus. What did Jesus say to the paralyzed man placed in front of Him? Seeing the faith of the man and his friends, Jesus said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” How did Jesus prove that He had the power to forgive sin? He healed the man, telling him, “Get up, take your mat, and go home,” thus revealing His power.

Through The Roof To Jesus This Week’s Memory Verse: I keep asking that God may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better.

Copyright 2008 Berean Baptist Church

Ephesians 1:17

309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

February 23, 2014

Monday—Keep Asking

Read Read You Verse Out Loud 2 times

Saturday—This Week’s Puzzle

Can you think of one or two friends who don’t know Jesus?

________________ _______________

Why do you want them to know Jesus? Mark any that are true for you.  God has put a desire in my heart to tell others about Him.  I know that if they know Jesus they will have true happiness.  I know God wants them to be His children and live in heaven after they die.  Other __________________________________ You can bring people to Jesus by telling them about Him, by inviting them to Sunday School, and by showing them God’s love.

Memorize this week’s memory verse, Ephesians 1:17. Our verse is written below—but there are wrong words in each line. Can you find the mistakes and fix them? Cross out the wrong words and write the correct words where they belong.

I asked once that God may give you

But the most important way to bring your friends to Jesus is to pray for them. Read this week’s memory verse from the front cover, and fill in the words that are missing below. I

______________ ____________

Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may


that God . . . May give you the



the Spirit of popularity and riches, so that you may act somewhat better.

Read 2 Peter 3:9 God wants all people to know Him. He wants to help people understand that He has paid the punishment for their sins and wants to give them eternal life. God wants all people to know Him better! Each day this week, will you pray for your friends to know Jesus? (Circle the days you pray!)

Galatians 4:17

Friday—Don’t Give Up!

Read Luke 18:1-8

The friends of the paralyzed man wanted so much to help him! They made sure to bring him to Jesus. They did not give up— they were persistent. Jesus told his disciples about someone else who did not give up.

Tuesday—A New Idea


Can you think of a time when you had a really good idea, but when you tried to use your idea, things didn’t work out the way you had planned?

Mark 2:1-4


What did Jesus say this story is about?

 No one likes a person who keeps asking and asking.

What did you do then?

 We should always pray and never give up.

 I gave up.

God is not like the unjust judge in the story! God wants to listen to His children! He wants to answer your prayers in the best way. Yet, in this story the judge who didn’t even care about people gave the woman what she asked for because she wouldn’t give up. God wants you to be persistent in praying for others!

 I found a new way to carry out my plan. If you found a new solution, write down what you did.

________________________________________________ The story in Mark 2:1-4 tells about a paralytic—someone who is paralyzed is not able to move or walk at all. What was the best thing the men could do for their friend? (Mark any that are true.)

 Take the man to Jesus  Ask Jesus to heal their friend  All of the above

Find the missing words from Luke 18:1 “Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should

A_____________ N______________

P______________ and G_______________


Will you remember to pray for your friends today? Can you say your verse from memory yet?

A big crowd had come to see Jesus—so many that there was no more room in the house or by the door! What did the friends decide to do then?  Go home and try another day.  Wait and talk to Jesus when He came outside  Make a hole in the roof of the house where Jesus was so they could lower their friend down in front of Him.

___________ _____________

Was it easy or hard for them to bring their friend to Jesus? Is it easy or hard for you to bring your friends to Jesus?

Will you ask God to help you to remember to pray for them each day?

Wednesday—Jesus Sees Their Faith

Read Luke 5:18-26

Thursday—Healed and Forgiven Write down two words that tell how you think the man felt as he watched his friends work so hard to get him to Jesus.

______________________ How do you think Jesus felt as He looked up and saw the roof coming apart above Him?

 Angry, because the men were destroying part of the house.  Confused, because He couldn’t figure out what was happening.

Read Luke 5:18-26


Write down two words that tell how you think the man felt after Jesus forgave his sin and healed his body.



 Bothered, because the noise got in the way of His teaching.

What did the man do right away after Jesus healed his heart and his body?

 Happy, because He knew these men really had faith in Him to heal their friend.

“Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went

What do you think the friends thought Jesus would do for their paralyzed friend?

home _________________

_______________.” (Verse 25)

 Heal his body  Preach to him  Forgive every sin in his life Everyone in the house saw the roof breaking up. They saw the man being lowered through the new hole in the roof so that he was right in front of Jesus. Jesus saw something more—what was it? (Verse 20) Jesus saw

____________________ ___________________ .

How glad the man’s friends must have been! All the work to get their friend to Jesus was worth seeing him healed, forgiven and praising God Draw a smile next to what you think would be the best gift you could give to your friend. Whatever they want at the toy store.

Whose faith did Jesus see? (Mark any that are true.)

 The paralyzed man’s faith  The four friends’ faith

A whole day at Valley Fair.

 The Pharisees’ faith Do you believe that Jesus can forgive sin? Do you believe that Jesus can change lives?

Bring them to Jesus!

When Jesus looks at you, do He see your FAITH?

If you are not sure, will you pray that God will increase your faith in Him?

Will you take time right now to bring your friends to Jesus in prayer?

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