1,2,3 Grades 3-17-13

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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together.

Becoming more like Jesus


Matthew 27:57—28:15; Mark 15:42-16:8; Luke 23:50—24; John 19:38-20:18 BIBLE STORY SUMMARY: Jesus came to be the Savior of the world. Jesus died on the cross and rose again on the third day. The disciples and women who followed Jesus believed that Jesus rose from the dead. The chief priests refused to believe that Jesus had risen from the dead. LESSON FOCUS: To understand that Jesus gives eternal life only to those who believe in Him. To consider whether or not I have decided to believe in Jesus for forgiveness of sin and eternal life. WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD: Jesus rose from the dead, He is the Giver of Eternal Life.

Jesus Gives Me Eternal Life

LET’S TALK ABOUT WHAT WE LEARNED: Who came to bury Jesus’ body? Why did they need to hurry? Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, two of Jesus’ followers who were members of the Council, buried Jesus in a new tomb near the site of the crucifixion. They needed to finish this work before the Sabbath began at sundown. Women who followed Jesus watched His burial and then returned after the Sabbath, intending to care for Jesus’ body. What did the chief priests ask Pilate, the governor, for? Why? Permission to make the tomb secure. They were afraid the disciples would rob the body from the tomb and then claim that Jesus was alive, so they sealed the tomb and set a guard. What happened before dawn on the first day of the week? A violent earthquake; an angel of the Lord came and rolled the stone away – Jesus had risen, and the tomb was empty. What did the women find when they came after the Sabbath to care for Jesus’ body? An empty tomb – as told by the angels, Jesus had risen. Jesus met them and told them to tell the other disciples that He was alive. Peter and John ran to the tomb to see for themselves.

Victory over death— Jesus is alive This Week’s Memory Verse: He died for all that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again. 2 Corinthians 5:15

Do you know if you have forgiveness for sin and eternal life? If you have eternal life, will you thank and praise Jesus for His death and resurrection because you know you can live for Him today and that you will live with Him forever? If you are not sure you have eternal life, will you turn away from your sin today and turn toward Jesus, asking Him to give you new life forever?

Copyright 2008 Berean Baptist Church 309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

March 17, 2013

Monday—Jesus Is Buried

Read Matt 27:57-59 John 19:39

Saturday—This Week’s Puzzle

Who were the two men who took Jesus’ body down from the cross? J _________________________ from Arimathea and

N _________________________.

All the words to the verses in 1 Peter 2:21 to 25 are right, but the lines on this page are in the wrong order! Put a “1” in front of the line that is really first, a “2” by the line that comes next, and then keep on numbering until you have all the lines in the right order. Now, say the verse (in the right order) to someone in your family. 

What did they need to do to bury Jesus’ body? (Matthew 27:59-60)

_____ For you were like sheep going astray,

 Wrap it in a clean linen cloth.

_____ Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example,

 Place it in Joseph’s own new tomb that he had cut out of the rock.

_____ so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness;

 Roll a big stone in front of the entrance to the tomb.

_____ that you should follow in His steps.

Would this have been easy or hard for them? 


Kind of hard

Very hard to do

_____ but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. _____ and no deceit was found in His mouth.”

How do you think Joseph and Nicodemus felt as they did this for their friend Jesus?

_____ “He committed no sin,


_____ Instead, He entrusted Himself to Him who judges justly.

Who saw where these friends of Jesus put His body? (Matthew 27:61)

_____ He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree,

______________________ and _______________________

_____ when He suffered, He made no threats.

Also followers of Jesus. Do you think they wanted to help?

 Yes  Maybe  Maybe not  No Read this week’s memory lines out loud at least two times.

_____ by His wounds you have been healed. _____ When they hurled their insults at Him, He did not retaliate;

Friday—Believing In Jesus


Fill in the missing words. . . .

John 11:25

___________________ and the _____________. He who __________________ Jesus said, “I am the

in Me will live even though he dies. To know about Jesus is not enough to have eternal life. Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross as the perfect sacrifice for YOUR sin, and that He rose again?  Yes

Not sure


Tuesday—The Guarded Tomb What were the chief priests and Pharisees worried about?

Read Matthew 27:62-66

 Jesus would really rise from the dead.  Jesus’ followers would come and steal His body and them tell everyone that He was alive again.

 Animals might break into Jesus’ tomb. What was at the entrance of the tomb? (Matthew 27:60)

A ________________ ______________________________

Do you believe that you are a sinner, and that only Jesus can take your sin away?  Yes

Not sure


Do you believe that you must turn away from your sin?  Yes

Not sure


Easter is the most special time of all for anyone who chooses to believe in Jesus! Easter baskets, bunnies, candy, and new clothes are fun—but the JOY of knowing for sure that you have eternal life is the best thing of all! Read John 3:16, and fill in the missing words. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever

________________________ in ___________________________ (Jesus) shall not perish but have ___________________ ___________________. Jesus rose from the dead! This is the best news ever! But YOU must choose whether or not you will believe it!

The chief priests and Pharisees asked Governor Pilate’s help to make sure no one could do anything to the tomb. How did they try to keep the tomb closed? (verse 66) A. Sealed the stone in front of the door to the tomb. (This was like “glue” around the door. No one could open it without breaking the “glue”.) B. Had guards stand watch at the tomb. C. Both A and C. Do you think they did as much as they could to keep Jesus’ body in the tomb?  Yes  Kind of  No Some people tried hard to keep Jesus’ body in the tomb—but God had another plan! What happened early the morning after the Sabbath?

 Jesus rolled away the stone.  A violent earthquake shook the ground.  An angel of the Lord came down from heaven and rolled away the stone.  The guards ran away.  The guards were so afraid they shook and fainted.

Wednesday—He Is Not Here!

Thursday—Two Responses

Early on the morning after the Sabbath, women who were friends of Jesus walked down the road to Jesus’ tomb. They had watched when Jesus was buried, and now they carried baskets of spices so they could take care of Jesus’ body, the way people did in those times.

What did Peter and another disciple do when Mary came running to tell them the good news? (Verses 3-4)

Read Matt 28:1-10

The women were sad. They were worried, too. How would they move the huge stone from the door to the tomb? Circle two words that ell how you think the women might have felt as they saw the empty tomb and the angel of the Lord! Scared




Read John 20:1-8

 Asked the other disciples to go and see if it was true.  Said “Woman, you are out of your mind!”  Ran as fast as they could to see the tomb for themselves! John was the other disciple who ran with Peter to the tomb. “What did John do when he went inside the empty tomb? (Verse 8) “ He

_______________ and ____________________ .”

Read Matthew 28:11-15

How do you think you would have felt if you had been there? _______________

What did the guards do after they knew that Jesus had risen from the dead?

 Went home

What did the angel say to the women? (Verses 5 to 6)

 Worshipped Jesus

“Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is

 Told the chief priests what had happened

____________________ _________________ ______________ just as He said!”

Did the chief priests and elders come running to see the empty tomb?________

! He has

The angel showed the women the empty tomb and told them to go quickly and tell Jesus’ disciples. What things happened as they went on their way? (Verses 9 to 10)

 Jesus met them on the road.  They worshipped Jesus.

What did the chief priests and elders do after they heard that Jesus was alive?

 The believed Jesus was God’s Son.  They gave the guards a lot of money and told them to lie.  They refused to believe that Jesus had risen.

Are you glad that Jesus rose again? Tell God what you think!

 Jesus told them to tell His disciples He had risen for the dead!  All of the above. Will you tell God, “Thanks” that Jesus rose again?

Practice saying this week’s memory lines by heart.

Can you say the whole memory section that is on the cover of the booklet?

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