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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and in working through this booklet together. SCRIPTURE PASSAGES: Matthew 26:36-56; Mark 14:32-52; Luke 22:39-53; John 18:1-12

Becoming More Like Jesus

BIBLE STORY SUMMARY: Jesus came to be the Savior of the world. When He took His disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray, Jesus prayed for God’s power to be obedient unto death. He asked His disciples to pray that they would not fall into temptation. Jesus did the Father’s will, allowing Himself to be bound and arrested. The disciples slept instead of praying, and they fell into temptation. LESSON FOCUS: To understand that I will face temptation, and I am not able to stand on my own. To understand that I must pray for God’s power to avoid sin before temptation comes. WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT JESUS: Jesus prayed for His Father’s power to obey. LET’S TALK ABOUT WHAT WE’VE LEARNED: Why did Jesus go with His disciples to Gethsemane? What did He ask them to do? He wanted to pray alone in a quiet place. He asked them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.” What did the disciples do instead? They slept. Three times Jesus came back to them and found them asleep. Who else came to the garden that night? Why? Judas led a large crowd of people armed with swords, clubs, and torches to arrest Jesus. How did Jesus’ disciples respond to these events? Why? Filled with fear, they fled, leaving Jesus alone to face the angry mob. They had slept instead of praying to stand strong against temptation, and so they were not ready to stand strong when faced with the choice to stand with Jesus or to run.

Will you ask Jesus to help you recognize sin? Will you begin today to pray for God’s power to do what is right?

See you on Sunday!

Copyright 2004 Berean Baptist Church 309 E. Co. Rd. 42 Burnsville, MN 55306 952-432-7168

Pray For Strength in Temptation

In the Garden – The Disciples Sleep This Week’s Memory Verse Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in His steps. “He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in His mouth.” When they hurled their insults at Him, He did not retaliate; when He suffered, He made no threats. Instead, He entrusted Himself to Him who judges justly. He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed. For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. 1 Peter 2:21-25

March 16, 2014



Do you ever start praying before you go to sleep and then fall asleep in the middle of your prayers?  Never  Sometimes  I fall asleep most of the time! Have you ever told someone that you would pray for them and then forgot to pray?  Yes  No Do you think things turn out differently when you remember to pray?  Yes

 No

Jesus wants you to take prayer seriously. He wants you to PRAY FOR GOD’S POWER BEFORE THE TEMPTATION TO SIN COMES! Read Matthew 26:36 to 38. Where did Jesus and His disciples go after eating the Passover meal? A place called G_________________ Jesus told His disciples that He was “overwhelmed with sorrow.” He knew that very soon He would be hung on the cross to take God’s judgment for all the sin of every person who ever lived. What did Jesus ask His friends to do? (Verse 38)  “Take a little rest while I pray.”  “Stay here and keep watch with Me.”  “Leave Me alone.”

Can you think of what all the words in our memory verse mean? Draw a line from the word on the left side of the box to what it means. Then put it in the right place in the verse below. Maybe you’d like to do this together with your mom or dad.


 Plans to hurt someone.  Being mean to someone who has been mean to you.  Calling someone a bad name


 To throw something very hard. Think of the people throwing mean words at Jesus.


 When someone has been hurt very badly, they have done this.

Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in His steps. “He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in His mouth.”

When they _____________ their ______________ at Him,

Jesus wanted His friends to pray, keeping watch against temptation.

He did not __________________;

Will you ask God to help you pray to be strong against sin?

when He __________________,

Read through this week’s memory lines at least two times. Do you want to ask your mom or dad to read them with you?

He made no ________________.



Read 1 John 1:9. When Jesus washed the disciples’ feet before the Passover meal, He was teaching them that He wanted to wash their sin away each day. He wants to wash our sin away each day, too! What does Jesus want you to do when you know that you have sinned? __________________________________ What does God do when we confess our sin? __________________________________ When you tell God what you have done wrong He forgives you and cleans you from sin! Read Matthew 26:41. When Jesus asked the disciples to pray before being tempted, He was teaching about how to stay away from sinning. What does Jesus want you to do before you are tempted to sin?

P ___ ___ ___

Jesus wants you to pray for God’s power to avoid sin before temptation comes! Will you ask Jesus to help you know when you sin? Will you confess sin to Jesus each day? Will you pray for God’s power to do what is right?

 Yes  Yes  Yes

Read Matthew 26:39 to 46. In Verse 41, what did Jesus ask His disciples to do? “Watch and ___________ so that you will not _____________ into ___________________________.” What kinds of temptation do you think Jesus was thinking of?  Being afraid when Jesus was arrested  Running away, acting like they did not even know Jesus  Being so scared that they would try to hurt the soldiers What were the disciples doing the 1st time Jesus returned from praying? (Verse 40)


What were the disciples doing the 2nd time Jesus returned from praying? (Verse 43)


What were the disciples doing the 3rd time Jesus returned from praying? (Verse 45)


Did the disciples do what Jesus asked?  Yes

 Maybe they tried

 They prayed in their sleep

What would have given them the power to be strong against temptation?  No  No  No

Practice saying this week’s memory lines with the lines that come before the first four lines that you’ve been learning from earlier weeks.

___________________________________ Will you pray right now, asking Jesus to give you to the power to say, “No!” to sin during the next whole day? Practice saying the first line of this week’s memory lines.

 No

WEDNESDAY – NOT MY WILL, BUT YOURS Jesus knew that the next morning He would be hung on the cross to take God’s judgment for all the sin of every person who ever lived. That judgment for sin is total separation from God. It is DEATH. It was very hard for Jesus to face being separated from His Father. Jesus needed God’s power to face death for our sin. Read Matthew 26:38 to 39 and Luke 22:44.

 Mark a sad face by the clues that tell you this was a hard time for Jesus _____ Jesus’ sorrow felt like too much. His soul was “overwhelmed.” _____ Jesus fell with His face to the ground and prayed.

THURSDAY – NO TIME TO PRAY Read Matthew 26:45 to 56. When Jesus returned the third time to the sleeping disciples He told them, “Rise, let us go! Here comes My betrayer!” The disciples woke up to a crowd of angry people! The betrayer was the person who showed Jesus to the soldiers. What was the betrayer’s name? (Verses 47 to 49) ________________________ Judas had been part of the group of men who were disciples of Jesus, and He knew where they could find Jesus that night. A lot of people came with Judas. Why didn’t they look like a friendly crowd? (Verse 47) They were carrying S____________________ and C _________________

_____ Jesus sang songs of praise to His Father. _____ It was easy for Jesus to say, “Sure, I’ll die on the cross!” _____ Jesus knelt and folded His hands while praying. _____ Jesus prayed, “If possible, take this cup (this hard thing) away from Me.” _____ Jesus’ sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. Do you think Jesus had the power to escape from those who came to arrest Him?

Write two words that tell how you would have felt if you had been one of the disciples. _________________________


Do you think the disciples were sorry they had not prayed to be strong when Jesus asked them to pray?   Yes  No  A little sorry  Really sorry


How do we know that God gave Jesus the power to do what was right? (Mark any that are true.)  Jesus was obedient unto death, even death on the cross.  Jesus said, “Not My will but Your will be done.”  Jesus did not run from those who came to arrest Him. Will you say, “Thanks,” to Jesus for obeying God’s will for you? Practice saying both of this week’s memory lines.

Read the following verses to find out two ways the disciples acted during Jesus’ arrest. John 18:10 _____________________________________ Matthew 26:56 _____________________________________ Jesus disciples had not asked God for His power to stand strong in temptation. They were afraid. The disciples did not trust Jesus to take care of them; and they turned and ran, leaving Jesus to die alone.

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