1,2,3 Grades childrens booklet 4.7.13

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Samuel’s Birth

Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together. SCRIPTURE PASSAGE:

1 Samuel 1:1-2:11 BIBLE STORY SUMMARY: Hannah and Elkanah have not been able to have children, although Peninnah, Elkanah’s other wife, has borne him children. Peninnah is jealous of Hannah’s standing with Elkanah and ridicules her about the children. Elkanah is a faithful follower of the Lord and leads his family to worship and sacrifice three times a year at the Shiloh. On one of these trips, Hannah leaves a family meal to find solstice in her worship of prayer at the tabernacle. The priest sees her and confuses her dedication in prayer with drunkenness. As Eli realizes Hannah’s strong faith, he excuses her with a blessing. Hannah, Elkanah and family return home and within the Lord’s timing, Hannah gives birth to a little boy. She names him Samuel which sounds like “heard from God” because she had specifically asked for him and God responded. When Samuel is old enough to live without mom and dad, Hannah returns to the tabernacle and places him in the care of Eli and the Lord. LESSON FOCUS: To realize that when it seems that our life isn’t going right, we should turn to the Lord in prayer. To understand that the Lord’s timing is perfect and that the best thing for us is not always to get what seems right to us, but to be living in the Lord’s will and timing. WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD: God always wants the best for me. He is always listening and desires that I bring my triumphs and troubles to Him, willing to wait on His timing. RESPONSE:

The Lord Listens to My Prayers God’s Response to Hannah’s Prayer This Week’s Memory Verse:

To be anxious to bring all the details of my life, big and small to the Lord. To consider prayer my first course of action, not my last line of defense.

O LORD, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in Your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief.


O LORD, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in Your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief. Psalms 143:1

Psalms 143:1

Copyright 2009 Berean Baptist Church 309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306

April 7, 2013

Monday - Peninnah is Mean

d Rea l mue 1 Sa 7 1:1-

Have mom or dad read today’s scripture out loud to you and answer the questions below. The Husband’s Name:

 Elkanah  Ephrim

 Zuphite

The Wives’ Names:

 Jeroham  Hannah

 Peninnah

Their “country”:

 Elihu

 Ephrim

 Zuph

On sacrifice days, when they would honor God, Elkanah would give Hannah a

D_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Peninnah did have children and she kept provoking Hannah to irritate her. Ask mom or dad what provoke and irritate means and write their answer here.


How would you feel if you were Hannah? Angry




They bugged Hannah so much that she

W_ _ _ _ _ _ and W_ _ _ _ _ _ _ N_ _ _ _ _ _ E_ __ _ _ _ _

Saturday - Reading Psalms

Say Your Mem ory Vers e!

Correct the incorrect words in each line below that represent our memory verse.

O LORD, hear your prayer, hear to my cry for mercy; in my faithfulness and righteousness go to your relief. Proverbs 143:1

d Rea l mue 1 Sa -28 1:24

Friday - Samuel is Dedicated to the Lord

Where did Hannah and Elkanah take Samuel when he was old enough to live on his own? To the H_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O_ _ _ _ _ _T_ _ _ _ _ _ _

L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A_ _ _ _ S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (1:24) What did Hannah tell Eli the priest?

Tuesday - Hannah Turns to Prayer Can you remember a time when someone was mean to you? Write it down here. __________________________________ How did that make you feel?  Mad


Where did Hannah turn?

 I prayed for this child.

 She called her good friends

 He granted me what I asked for.

 She pouted in the corner of her tent

 Samuel sounds like “heard of God.”

 She wept much and prayed to the Lord

 For his whole life he will be given to the Lord.

 She went to find the police Verse 9 tells us where she was when she was

Do you think your parents prayed for you?  I’m not sure

 Maybe

Have you been dedicated to the Lord?  When I was little

praying. Can you draw a picture of it here?

 I’m not sure

Would you like to live a life dedicated to God?  For sure  Sometimes

 Glad

Peninnah was mean, Elkanah didn’t understand;

 Peninnah was mean to me.

 Yes

 Frustrated

 Not really

 You didn’t Care


1 Sa

muel 1:8-1 0

d Rea l mue 1 Sa -18 1:15

Wednesday - Good Medicine


Thursday - God is Faithful

1 Sa



Eli didn’t understand why Hannah was so sad, so Hannah had to explain it to him. She said she was P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

T_ _ _ _ _ T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (1:15) What does that mean? Write your answer here.

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Hannah wanted a baby really bad and when her days were difficult, she went to the Lord in prayer. What did God give her? ____________________ ____________________ Draw it here.

Now Eli understood and blessed her by saying:  May God’s face shine upon you  Go in peace  God will give you wisdom and knowledge

What name did she give her baby?

 God loves you and will give you a long life

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(1:20) (In Hebrew it means “Heard by God”)

 May God grant you what you asked How did that make Hannah feel?

Do you think God heard her prayer?

 Yes

 No

Do you think God answered her prayer?

 Yes

 No

Do you think God hears your prayers?

 Yes

 No

Name one prayer that God has answered for you. Bored





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