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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together. SCRIPTURE PASSAGE:

The Holy Spirit God’s Power In My Life

John 21:1-25 BIBLE STORY SUMMARY: Jesus came to be the Savior of the world. Today, we looked at a morning when Jesus came to shore to call His disciples back to becoming fishers of men. Jesus gave Peter the work of feeding His sheep and lambs and told Peter, “You MUST follow Me!” LESSON FOCUS: To understand that Jesus asks me if I am willing to love Him more than anything or anyone else. To understand that Jesus says to me, “You MUST follow Me.” WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD: Jesus has work for me to do. LET’S TALK ABOUT WHAT WE LEARNED: Why were the disciples in Galilee? What did Peter decide to do that night? After the resurrection, Jesus told them to go to Galilee where He would see them again. While they were waiting, Peter decided to go fishing. He and some of the others had been fishermen before they met Jesus.

Jesus Says, “You Must Follow Me”

Someone called to them from shore the next morning. Did they recognize Him? What did He say? Jesus called out, asking them if they had caught any fish. They did not realize it was Jesus. What happened next? Jesus told them to put the net over the right side of the boat, and they obeyed. They caught so many fish (153!) that they could not even pull in the net. John recognized Jesus, and Peter jumped out of the boat, impatient to get to shore and see Jesus. What happened when they got to shore? Jesus had breakfast for them -- bread and fish cooking over a fire of burning coals. He asked Peter regarding how much he loved Him and gave Peter the charge to feed and care for His sheep – His followers.

Breakfast On The Shore This Week’s Memory Verse:

Copyright 2008

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me. In My Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going. Thomas said to Him, ”Lord, we don’t know where You are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

Berean Baptist Church

John 14:1-6

Are you willing to ask Jesus to help you learn to love Him more than anything or anyone else? Are you willing to do the things Jesus did and follow Him? Are you willing to help others believe in Jesus?

309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

May 11, 2014

Monday—How Many Fish?

Read Mark 1:16-18

When they first met Jesus, Peter and his brother had the same job. What was it? They were _____________________________.

Jesus had other work for them to do. What did He tell them? “Come follow Me, and I will make you

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ of ___ ___ ___.” Read John 21:1-6 After Jesus had risen from the dead the disciples went to Galilee to wait for Jesus, just as He had told them to do.

____________________________ How many fish did they catch while they were waiting? __________________ What did they do while they waited?

Someone called out to them from the shore. From their boat, they did not know that the man calling to them was Jesus. He told them to throw their net out on the right side of the boat.

____________________ ____________________

How many fish did they catch then? (Verse 11) Have you ever caught that many fish?

How did they find out that it was Jesus talking to them?  They saw the halo around His head.  They knew this miracle must have come from Jesus.  They remembered another time when Jesus had done the same miracle! (Luke 5:411)

Jesus came to the shore to remind Peter and the others that He still wanted them to be fishers of men!

Saturday—This Week’s Puzzle

Work on memorizing John 14:1-2a. Find the wrong word in each line, Cross it out, and write the correct word above it.

Do not let your minds be troubled. Trust in yourself; trust also in Me. In my Father’s house are many friends; If it were not so, I wouldn’t have told you. Mark 14:1-2a

Read Your Verse

Friday—Following Jesus

Tuesday—Breakfast On The Shore

Read John 21:7-14

Just as Jesus told Peter, “You must follow Me,” Jesus also calls you to follow Him.

What did Peter do as soon as he knew that Jesus was the man calling from shore?

What was Jesus doing that He wanted His followers to do?


(Matthew 15:32, Mark 1:35, John 4:34 and John 17:20 tell us about some of the things Jesus did.)

 Draw a line under the things you can do that are like what Jesus did.  Cross out the things that go against following Jesus.

Why didn’t Peter take care of the net full of fish?

 He wanted to be with Jesus much more than he wanted all those fish.  He was afraid.

Talk to God in prayer each day.

 He didn’t like the way the fish smelled.

Be too busy to pray.

What did Jesus have for His friends when they came to shore? (verse 9)

Ask for God’s help to obey Him. Try to do everything without God’s help. Be kind to other people, and help them when you can. Get even with people who make you mad. Obey God always, and do the work He has for you. Obey God only when you feel like it. Pray for other people to know God. Don’t think about whether other people trust in God. Jesus asks you to do the thing He did. Just as Jesus wanted Peter to help others believe in Him, He gives you that work, too. Is it easy to follow Jesus all the time?  Yes

 Kind of

 No, it’s hard

Will you ask God to help you follow Jesus and be more like Him?

Can you say this week’s memory lines with those from last week?

They must have been so happy to be with Jesus again! But Peter might have been thinking about how he had acted during his last night with Jesus. Can you remember the two things that Peter did on the night the soldiers to Jesus? (you can look it up in Mark 14:37-38 and Luke 22:55-62)  Fell asleep when Jesus had asked him to pray  Said three times that he didn’t even know Jesus  Both A and C How do you think Peter felt when he saw Jesus again?  Happy  Sad  Happy and Sad at the same time!

Jesus didn’t stop loving Peter even when Peter sinned. Jesus will always love you, too! Will you thank Jesus that He always loves you?

Read John 21:15-17

Wednesday—Do You Love Me? What question did Jesus ask Simon Peter? “Simon, son of John, d________

y_____________ t_______________ l ______________ m________ m___________ t_________________ t____________?” Can you count how many times Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him? Color in a question mark for each time Jesus asked Peter about this.

Thursday—Feed My Lambs What job did Jesus tell Peter to do? (Verse 15)

Read John 21:15-19

“F _________ M____ L_________.” What do you think Jesus meant?

 He wanted Peter to go and work on a sheep farm.  Whenever Peter saw a lamb, he was to give it some food.  Jesus gave Peter the work of telling others that Jesus was their Good Shepherd. When Jesus told Peter that He had work for him to do, Peter knew that Jesus had forgiven him for when he said he didn’t even know Jesus.

Jesus wanted Peter to understand that following Him means loving Him more than any other person or thing. If Peter loved fishing more than he loved Jesus, Peter was not truly ready to follow Him.

What lessons do you think Peter learned? (Mark every one that is true.)

 God can always forgive me.  He could not follow Jesus by deciding to be good. He needed Jesus’ help.

Jesus asks you the very same question. Write you own name in the space below.

 Jesus would bring the ‘fish’ - all Peter had to do was be the ‘fisher of men’.

“____________________ do you love Me more than anyone or anything else?”

 Jesus would help Peter to love Him more than he loved anything else. What have you learned from this story that will help you follow Jesus?

If you know you cannot answer “yes” to this question, will you ask Jesus to help you love Him the most?

_____________________________________________ Truly following Jesus means He comes first in your life.

Practice saying this week’s memory lines by heart.

_________________________________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Will you pray and ask Jesus to help you follow Him?

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