1,2,3 Grades 5.12.13

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Saul’s Kingship is Confirmed

Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together.


1 Samuel 11:1-15 BIBLE STORY SUMMARY:

After the second coronation, Saul went home to resume his normal daily duties, apparently waiting for direction from Samuel or the Lord of his role as king. Soon word came of the ruthless demands placed on the citizens of Jabesh Gilead by the king of Ammon who intended to maim them and make them his servants. His army was poised to strike. Saul was moved to the point of righteous anger and challenged all of the people of Israel to join him in fighting off the Ammonites. Saul and the people of God saw God’s great and mighty hand come to their rescue. They saw the Ammonite army scattered and the people of Jabesh Gilead saved. They acknowledged Saul as their king and brought sacrifices to the Lord in praise and thanks. LESSON FOCUS:

When Saul was confronted with the brutal intentions of the Ammonites he was stirred to the point of righteous anger and acted with God to unify and save God’s people. Upon challenging God’s people, and seeing the Lord’s victory, Samuel led the people in praise and thanksgiving to the Lord immediately afterwards. The whole episode not only unified the people of Israel, it also humbled Saul’s heart to the point that he was uncharacteristically forgiving of those who earlier scoffed at his call to be their king. WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD:

God uses difficult situations (what man desires for bad) in our life for His good purposes. God desires that we be unified in our love of Him and service to others for Him..

God Uses a Dramatic


In the face of difficulty we should look for God’s guidance and direction in our life, and then praise Him as we see Him work. BIBLE MEMORY VERSE:

Deliver me according to Your promise. May my lips overflow with praise, for You teach me Your decrees. Psalm 119:170-171

Situation to Unite the Tribes This Week’s Memory Verse: Deliver me according to Your promise. May my lips overflow with praise, for You teach me Your decrees.

Copyright 2009 Berean Baptist Church

Psalm 119:170-171

309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

May 12, 2013

d Rea

l mue a S 1 11:5 6& 2 : 10

Monday - Saul at Home

Saturday - Remember this Week’s Verse Look at our memory verse on the front cover. Then fill in the missing word in each line.

In our last lesson, Samuel anointed Saul as king of Israel. The people had the king they had asked for. Where would you want to live if you had been picked as king?  In a Mansion

 My Mom and Dad’s house

 The Palace

 Disney World

Look again at today’s verses, where did Saul got to live as the new king?  In a Mansion

 His Mom and Dad’s house

 The palace

 The city of Gibeah

What was he doing when he heard the bad news?

R __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ F__ __ __ T__ __ F __ __ __ __ __ (11:5)

Deliver __ __ according to __ __ __ __ promise. May my __ __ __ __ overflow With __ __ __ __ __ __ for you __ __ __ __ __ me Your __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Where he had been out plowing with his oxen. Do you think Saul was waiting for God to show him how to be king?  Yes

 Probably

 I’m not sure

 No

Psalm __ __ __ : 170-171


Your Mem ory Vers e

d Rea l mue 1 Sa 2-13 11:1

Friday - Time to Worship

Tuesday - Tragedy Strikes

1 Sa



Have mom or dad help you read today's verses and answer

This was Samuel’s first time to be the king of the people. How did he do? 1









(really bad)


 10 (really god)

Saul and the people decided they needed to have a

G___ ___ ___ ___ C___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (11:15) Do you like celebrations?  Yes

 Not really

the following questions with true or false. True


The people from Ammon were called Ammonites

_____ _____

The king from Ammon was called Nahash

_____ _____

The army from Ammon was being very nice

_____ _____

The Israelites from Jabesh Gilead thought it was a joke _____ _____

 No

What was the last celebration you went to? ___________________________________________________________ Saul knew why they were celebrating; he told the people The

Draw a picture of the really mean thing that Nahash wanted to do all of the Israelite dad’s

L___ ___ ___ H___ ___ R___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ I___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (11:13)

Have you ever heard of something so mean?

What did they bring God to celebrate?

F__ l __ o __ s __ i __

 Never

O__ f __ r __ n __ s

 I don’t think so

 Once or twice

How would you feel if you were a boy or girl in that town back then?

Do you ever bring an offering of worship to God? ___________________________________________________________


d Rea

l mue 1 Sa -6 11:4

Wednesday - Angry at What Angers God

When the people in Saul’s town of Gibeah heard the story the messengers of the other town, what did they do? ___ ___ ___ ___


1 Sa

muel 11:811

Saul challenged the other men of his country to help protect the people of Jabesh Gilead. How many agreed to help?  100 from every tribe

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (11:4)

 300,000 from Israel

Can you think of something that made you cry in the last week or two?  Yes

Thursday - God Brings Victory

 I Forget

What was it? __________________________________________ Saul was returning from the field with his oxen when he heard the news?

 30,000 from Judah  As many stars as are in the Sky Who acted as leader to separate them into 3 divisions?  Saul, their new king  Samuel their prophet  Hahash, the good king  Samuel’s Sons God gave them a great victory that day. How much were they scattered?





We know he decided to use this anger in a good way because verse 6 tell us that the

N ___ T___ ___ ___ of them W___ ___ ___ L___ ___ ___ T___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (11:11)

S ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ of the L___ ___ ___ ___ came upon him in P ___ ___ ___ ___ (11:6)

Wow! God is AWESOME!!!

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