1,2,3 grades 6.8.14

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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together. SCRIPTURE PASSAGE:

The Holy Spirit God’s Power In My Life

Acts 3:1—4:31 BIBLE STORY SUMMARY: The Holy Spirit made Peter and John powerful witnesses for Jesus and gave them the power to heal the lame beggar. When Peter and John were arrested and thrown in jail, the Holy Spirit gave them courage to be obedient to Jesus. Peter, John, and the other believers continued to ask God for His power to be bold and courageous witnesses for Jesus. LESSON FOCUS: To understand that the Holy Spirit gives me power and courage to live for Jesus each day. To understand that my sin puts out the Holy Spirit’s power to work in my life. WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Holy Spirit cannot fill me with His power and courage when I allow sin in my life. LET’S TALK ABOUT WHAT WE LEARNED: When Peter and John were going into the temple to pray, whom did they see there? They saw a man who had been crippled from birth. Each day, this man was brought to this gate so he could beg for money from people coming to the temple. Did Peter and John give money to him? No. Instead of giving money, Peter healed the man in the name of Jesus. What was the response to the man being healed? The man who was healed entered the temple walking, leaping, and praising God! Many people wondered at this, and Peter spoke with power from the Holy Spirit, telling about Jesus and His power. Religious leaders became angry and had Peter and John put in jail. The men of the court told Peter and John to stop speaking about Jesus. How did Peter respond? He answered that obeying God is more important than obeying men. Where did Peter and John get their courage and boldness from? Where do we get power and courage to be witnesses for Jesus? From the Holy Spirit. Copyright 2008 Will you begin today asking God to give you His power and courage to turn away from sin and follow Jesus?

Berean Baptist Church

The Holy Spirit Gives Me Courage to Live for Jesus

Peter Speaks With Courage This Week’s Memory Verse: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me. In My Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going. Thomas said to Him, ”Lord, we don’t know where You are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:1-6

309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

June 8, 2014

Monday—Do You Need Courage?

Read Luke 22:55-62

    

For what kind of things do you need courage?  Standing up for someone who is being teased.  Choosing not to cheat on a test even when I can see someone else’s paper. Getting up to bat in softball or baseball. Telling someone else about Jesus. Meeting new people. Reading aloud in front of others. Defending Jesus if I get teased for being a Christian.

Do you remember how Peter acted when the Roman soldiers arrested Jesus? (Luke 22:55—62) Did Peter have courage that night?  Yes  No How can you tell?___________________________________ Do you think you are a person with courage?  Yes  In a few things  No, not at all What do you need more courage for?________________________ Jesus wants to change us from being afraid to being courageous. He does this by giving us His Holy Spirit. Do you remember the glass of water and the rocks from last week? Rocks put into the glass push out some of the water. In the same way, sin in our lives crowds out the work of God’s Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit cannot fill us with power and courage when we allow sin in our lives. Will you begin today, asking God to give you His power and courage to turn away from sin?

Read this week’s memory lines out loud at least two times.

Saturday—This Week’s Puzzle

This is the last verse in our Scripture memory passage. Can you say all of John 14:1 to 6? There is one mistake in each line of the verse below. When you find a mistake, draw a line through it and write the correct word or number above it.

Jesus answered, “I am a Way And the Pastor and the Life. Every one comes to the Father except through church.” John 34:6

Friday—We Must Obey God!

Read Acts 4:13-31

Tuesday—Praying For Ten Days


The men of the court were very upset that Peter and John were telling so many people about Jesus.

As Peter and John were going up to the temple to pray, they came upon a man at the gated called Beautiful.

What did they command Peter and John to stop doing? (v. 18)

What was the man’s problem?



How long had he been this way?

 A week How did Peter and John answer them? (Verses 19-20)

 We promise to obey you because we do not want to cause trouble.

 A few months  All of his life

 We can’t help speaking about what we have seen and heard.  We’re afraid that you will put us in prison again, so we will stop.  Obeying God is more important than obeying other people. What do you think you would have said if that kind of thing happened to you? “______________________________________________” After they were let go, Peter and John went back to the other believers and told them all that had happened. They all prayed together, asking God to keep helping them tell others about Jesus.

Acts 3:1 –10

or ohn f J d n er a d Pet e k s a it? an t was a ____ The m h _ W _ . g _ n i _ h ___ somet ____ ____

__ ___ ____ _ ____ _ __ _ ___ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ____ _ _ _ _ ____

What did Peter say to the man? (Verse 6) “_________________ or _______________ I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,

________________.” Peter knew that believing in Jesus is worth more than any amount of money! What happened when Peter took hold of the lame man’s hand? (verses 7-8)

______________________________________________Read Acts 4:31 What happened after they prayed? “The place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all

f ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ with the H ___ ___ ___ S ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ and spoke the word of God B ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ !

How do you think the man felt about being healed? What did other people think when they saw the man was healed? (verses 9-10)

 They knew he was the same man who had been lame for some many years.

 They were amazed and wondered how it could happen!

Can you say the whole memory section that’s on the front cover?

Will you pray and thank God that He is so powerful?

Wednesday—Why Does This Surprise You?

Read Acts 3:11—4:4

What if you were Peter and all the people came running over to you to find out how the lame man could walk? How do you think you would have acted?

Thursday—The Holy Spirit Gives Courage While Peter and John were talking, some of the religious leaders and a guard came to them.

Acts 4:1-13

Were they happy that Peter was preaching about Jesus?  Yes

 Embarrassed that a crowd was gathering around me.


 Kind of

 No

What did they do to Peter and John? (Verse 3)

 Afraid that I might get in trouble.  Tempted to talk about how special I was to be able to do this miracle.

Put them in ________________________

 Glad to tell the whole crowd about Jesus.  Other ________________________________________ What did Peter say to the crowd? (Acts 3:12)

_________________________ you? Why do you _____________________ at us as if by our own _________________ or godliness we have made this man ____________________________?” “Why does this

Peter told them that Jesus had healed the crippled man—the same Jesus whom they had crucified but whom God had raised from the dead! Peter told them they must turn away from sin and turn to God, so they could have this Treasure that was more precious than silver or gold. The Holy Spirit had filled Peter with courage. The day began with about 3,000 followers of Christ. At the end of the day there were 5,000 followers of Christ. So, how many more people believed after the lame man was healed and Peter spoke to the people? (Acts 4:4) 2

 20 3,000 +

 200

The next morning, when the men of the court asked how the man was healed, what did Peter do? (Verses 8-12) Mark each one that is true.

 He spoke boldly because he had courage from the Holy Spirit.  Said he was so afraid to be in jail.  He told them that even though they had killed Jesus, God had raised Him from the dead.

 He told them that the only way anyone could be saved is through Jesus. When the priests and Sadducees saw the courage of Peter and John, they were amazed! What did you notice about Peter and John? (verse 13) They were unschooled,

O ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ men.

They were different because “they had been with

J ___ ___ ___ ___.”

Peter and John were just ordinary fishermen from Galilee, but everyone could see that the Holy Spirit had given them power and courage!

 2000

________________ = 5,000

Can you say this week’s memory lines by heart?

Will you tell God “Thanks,” that He worked through ordinary people?

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